I'm looking for games that I can play for 15 minutes, during study breaks. They have to be turn based and preferably newer so I can run them windowed and min/maximize them at will. Also have to be RPG or at least a tactical game (not something like Civilization). Think along the lines of Avernum and other Spiderweb Software games or Eschalon series.
One rule though: Nothing Japanese, Korean or whatever. Can't stand those jrpgs or whatever they're called.

11 years ago*

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Well, I just got The Banner Saga, I haven't played it yet, but it looks like something you would like.

11 years ago

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Dungeon Dashers, but the content is very limited right now. Nevertheless the gameplay is smooth and fun. X-com:EU is great but once I start.. let's say 15 minutes won't do :p

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Chairnick.