My steam account is stolen. İ crate ticket , if any message come don't open
Bu siteye giriş yaptığım steam hesabım çalındı gelen mesajları açmayın .Ticket açtım ve sorulan her şeyi cevapladım.

6 years ago

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u opened only 1 link?

6 years ago

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hope you get your account back, because you get 1 game ban

6 years ago

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Yikes! I wonder if they will remove that game ban (looks like it is for CS:GO) due to the account not being in his control at the time.

6 years ago

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Yikes that game ban might be the worst part of it =(

6 years ago

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True. That red mark on a Profile is like the scarlet letter for a lot of people.

6 years ago

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So.. It tells everyone that you're confident and open-minded in your sexuality? That you're determined as a parent, trustworthy (in a sense) as a romantic partner, and that your children are assured a significant inheritance? That you have the strength to endure hardship, and ability to endure with dignity?

..okay, in fairness, it has been a long time since I read The Scarlet Letter, but other than the elements of "I can't maintain a romantic relationship and all my partners are shallow in nature and keep dying on me" and "the church/government wants to take away my child for nonsensical reasons", I'm pretty sure I recall it being a surprisingly affirmative story.

I guess it all depends on how you read it (and whether or not you're implying that the average Steam user is comparable to an ignorant, zealous, viciously petty, backwater Mid-1600s Massachusettsan), though. ~.^

6 years ago*

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i wonder how many accounts got stolen. this is insane

6 years ago

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Okay, we should hope for it to be under 9001 but, at the same time, let's admit it- a part of us wants it to be over 9000.

6 years ago

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hocam dikkatli ol herkesi uyar bana da gelmeye başladı bu linklerden

6 years ago

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Nasıl uyarayım hesaba giremiyorum oç nasıl bir program kullandıysa 10 saniye içinde telefon güvenliğini devre dışı bıraktı ve mail adresini değiştirdi .Arkadaşımdan geldi diye tıkladım linke mail geldi 10 saniyede telefonu gevre dışı bıraktınız. mail adresi değişti diye beni uyaran olmadı.şimdi 2 gündür discord , wattsup her yere yazıyorum hesabım çalındı diye steamde
Oç bide CSGO da hile yapmış hesaba ban yedirmiş onu açtıran kadar neler çekicem kim bilir tabi hesabı geri alabilirsem.

6 years ago

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artık hesabı geri alsan da ban'dan geri dönüş yok , bu insanların amacı ne anlayamıyorum

6 years ago

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I'm sorry to break it to you, but you now have a VAC ban. I'll stay positive and believe it was not you.

6 years ago

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To keep all relevant information in one place, I will close this discussion.

You can continue discussing the issue here

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MSKOTOR.