So Basically i am wondering whether to get Deus Ex Human Revolutiton or to wait for CS:GO and other things to go onsale. If i should get it which should i get? Augmented Edition? the normal one? or Complete pack?

12 years ago*

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BUY IT. It's one of the best RPGs of the last years.

It has only ONE major flaw: the Boss battles aren't really in the style of the original Deus Ex. But the DLC kinda solves that.

The original Deus Ex is also easily one of the best games ever created. But Invisible War sucks pretty hard.

I'd go for the complete pack. It does include Invisible War, but you pretty much pay it 4 cents, with the pack price. Even if it's not that good, it's still worth that much.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Koookies.