the intended message is now lost since the other thread was closed :P
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Dont forget games like Zero Gear are literally so lame that they arent given out period till its free if you check list that shows how many were given each day you see giveaways made only during the time its free.
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its legit if they can proof they paid for the game
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Because obviously all those who create the giveaway are after the CV . . .
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Either way, it's kind of a d**k move at best. Especially if they are giving away multiple exploited or free games. It's like a Bakery giving away 1000 cupcakes, then some jerk going and taking all the trays and setting up a table in front of the bakery with a sign saying "Giving away free cupcakes!".
Or think of it this way, it's like re-gifting on this site. It's against the rules, because what is given away, is for you alone. These free keys and exploits are similar. Devs give free games as promotion all the time, if jerks take them all then redistribute (profit or otherwise), then the dev is robbed of the one thing they wanted. Promotion.
All the above said, you shouldn't make it a negative value. That will impact innocent contributors. What I WOULD be okay with is that any Exploit/Bundle/Free flagged game, give no point boost to the community at large. It inflates points earning, and decreases the value of every honest gifters contributions.
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Limited promotion is one thing, but this one didn't have a limit on it.
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"It inflates points earning, and decreases the value of every honest gifters contributions."
Only the first half of that sentence is true.
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Your welcome to your opinion. But if people have so many points that they are basically throwing them away on entries for games they don't even like, in my opinion it kind of devalues the contributions of gifters. Since there are so many that enter your giveaway, that don't even care, and will probably never play the game if they win it.
If you had an extra muffin and were like "Eh, I don't want to throw it away. Here sir, would you like this muffin?" How appreciated would you feel, or more inclined to give a fee muffin away in the future if they respond with "Awesome, yeah I'll take it (takes one bite then chucks it out)" versus "Oh wow! Thank you so much. I was totally hungry and in the mood for a muffin. Thank you so much. (eat's entire muffin)"?
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Today's free game (Warlock: Master of the Arcane) shouldn't have been giving CV anyway. It was in a couple of bundles before now (as I suspect the rest of the Humble Bundle games will be).
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nope,what if someone give a game,then it gets FREE 2 years later? as far as i know,cv could get lowered back?
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The only situation I'm aware of when CV value drops, is if the Game in question has a price drop within Steam store itself. I believe that is the database that is used to determine points value changes retroactively.
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I don't really understand what the fuss is all about with CV. I just come here to give away some unwanted/duplicate games and not boast on how much money I've spent to make the giveaways.
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Some of those people are genuinely trying to give other people a chance to get the game. Even if they aren't the bundle game cap is there for a reason and taking away peoples cv when they have done nothing malicious seems a bit harsh.
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But typiaclly people who want to give the game for free would post on forums on how to get it so everyone can get it while they choose just to give it in a giveaway for 1 person.
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True true but who ever said the denizens of the internet have critical thinking skills :P
Edit: My main point however was that it doesn't seem fair to punish people for what is essentially a victimless crime.
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I think that is a bad analogy for this situation. Money has an obvious value in society. People don't attribute free things with much value because they are just that: free. Also the people who give the free game away don't really gain much compared to money counterfeiters.
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46 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Calibr3
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135 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by Mikurden
As we know, as soon as a game is given away we get floods and floods of people trying to exploit it for CV.
One possible solution is that any giveaways that start after the game is given free but before it is added to the block list give negative CV based on the game value.
It will not take long for these cheats to get the message and stop the BS
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