is somebody here who has not activated any FOR HONOR/WILDLANDS nvidia promo code on his system with these cards?

edit:looking for card owner for a friend who has AMD card and needs to activate self-supplied promo code. NOT beggin for anyone's code here,so beggar reporters-calm down,please.

8 years ago*

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Which codes are you referring to?
Cause there have been loads of promo codes bundled with the 10series

Also if you just look for free stuff just close the topic since begging is not tolerated

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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The new nvidia codes can't be sold, but must be activated with a relevant graphics card. So, he probably wants someone to activate it and uncover the steam key, so that he'll take it.

8 years ago

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YES. not uncovering steam key but redeeming the code on uplay account via API.

8 years ago

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not begging for promo code, please read the topic properly.

8 years ago

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Well the topic earlier had absolutely no mention of the things you added now .
it was just , Looking for someone who has a promo code for a 107/1080 :)

8 years ago

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I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but if you want to buy or trade for one of those codes, go to

8 years ago

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The new nvidia codes can't be sold, but must be activated with a relevant graphics card. So, he probably wants someone to activate it and uncover the steam key, so that he'll take it.

8 years ago

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now you are

8 years ago

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I have a 1060 (bought on December), I activated the code and chose Redout.
If you are looking for info about code redemption and such, I can help you, you don't have to look further. Anyway, this does not seem the case.

If you are "begging" for a code to activate yourself (as it seems), head on to the trades section, look for a trade that fits your case and close this thread. It can earn you a suspension.
Just to make you know, begging is not tolerated in the trades section either. You will hardly find a trade without something to trade in that has the same value as what you are looking for.

(Benefit of the doubt and such.)

8 years ago

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The new nvidia codes can't be sold, but must be activated with a relevant graphics card. So, he probably wants someone to activate it and uncover the steam key, so that he'll take it.

8 years ago

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I know, all three of us know. We are just giving the benefit of the doubt.
He probably will be reported soon, tho.

8 years ago

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He's probably not begging, so why would anyone report him? He just wants someone to activate his code and give him the steam key, that's all....or at least, that's what I understood.

8 years ago

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I don't know, if that's the case, we'll wait.
He could have explained in the first post. A thread like this just seems to be a "Can you give me your code so that I activate it" kind of request.

8 years ago

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Well, maybe he wants to trade for it then.......not necessarily beg for it? :P
Anyway, the only reason I'm defending him is because nvidia codes are tied to specific nvidia products, so MAYBE, if someone had already activated his nvidia code, nvidia wouldn't allow him to enter another one for the same product, but if he hasn't activated his nvidia code, then he could activate another person's nvidia code, like george's code for example.

8 years ago

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you are absolutely right.

8 years ago

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you understood right

8 years ago

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So I'm just gonna tell you to be careful.
Of course the person you're looking for may not give you the steam key. It's still a free game after all, even if it's impossible to sell or trade away.

One more thing, if I remember correctly: the process of redeeming a promotional Nvidia code is done using a tool, the Shield code redemption tool, that requires you to log in to your Steam account and they will activate the game on it.
Btw, they didn't seem to check the hardware while I was redeeming.

I suppose you are looking for a 1070/1080 possessor either because you tried and the process detected your card or because the redemption used to be different and it required the right hardware.
I'd say use your redemption code and log in with his steam account if you didn't try. There should be a way to redeem more than a code with the same GPU.

Also, apologies for what I assumed earlier. There was no way to know your intentions and I got suspicious.

8 years ago

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No steam key. redemption on uplay account directly. Tied to geforce account, 1 redemption per card serial

8 years ago

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just make sure you don't ask anyone to give you remote access to their pc.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I recently bought 1070 but didn't get for honor / (other game i forgot) code because I purchased my card from Amazon. If you think I can help you, add me on Steam

8 years ago

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I gave my friend For Honor from this promotion he has a AMD card but I had to have access to his Uplay account on my pc to add the title to his account so whoever you give the game to will have to trust you with their account details I'm not sure if there is any other way around this as you don't get a key in any part of the process.

8 years ago

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relative question to all:

10xx series laptop comes in today. where do i get a promo code to redeem on it? (not begging/asking anyone for one, just wanna know where all they come from)
i know i've seen/gotten 1-2x of them from nvidia newsletter, but unsure where to get a fresh, more current one.

8 years ago

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When I bought my video card, I had to contact my retailer and they send me a code via email.

8 years ago

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ahh okay, so hopefully one just comes with it then. ^^
thanks. xD

8 years ago

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Well at my retailer (I ordered it online) it said, includes rise of the tomb raider. Don't know if you saw anything like that at yours?

8 years ago

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mine came with a free asus nexus gamepad instead.. but it's technically still valid hardware for the current wildlands promo (10xx series laptop, even though its only 1060 6gb)

8 years ago

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Are you sure? I'm pretty sure it's only the 1070 and 1080's

8 years ago

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yeah, bottom one in photo ;)
and this is the laptop i ordered.
edit: its a $1400 laptop, they decided to include 1060 for laptop models. ^^

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Ah okay nice!

8 years ago

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yes 1070 and 1080 only

8 years ago

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tfw I got a shitty Faeria starter pack activation code with my 1060 :(

8 years ago

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Hahaha, seriously? xD xD xD That would actually persuade me to never get their products again. xD

8 years ago

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I bought it from Overclockers, so it's probably them, not NVidia themselves. They also included a small bag of candies, they always do that for some reason, some haribo gummy bears... the Faeria codes were pretty underwhelming though, since the game is free to play as well... Had higher hopes the next time, I ordered 4x 1060s for company PCs and they just sent alone 1 Faeria code for each :( pretty sad

8 years ago

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I got a 1070! Contact me if you need help.

8 years ago

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can the game be played on amd cards after redeeming on gf 1070?

8 years ago

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is somebody else willing to help? Thanks in advance

8 years ago

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So, how and why did your "friend" get an NVidia code that can't be used on the hardware "they" have?

Honestly, dude, this whole endeavor is shady as hell, and you should close this thread.

8 years ago

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why?nothing shady on my end

8 years ago*

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You are asking for remote access to someone's pc. That itself is shady. You want to install software onto someone else's pc. That is shady.

Plus, if your "friend" is clever enough to have gotten hold of an NVidia-tied game code while "they" only own AMD hardware... Well, then, that "friend" should be clever enoug by half to figure out how to redeem the code "himself."

You should close this topic and tell your "friend" to stop embarrassing you.

8 years ago

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Nothing shady. If I had one (a GTX 1080 or 1070), I'd let use him my hardware via Teamviewer to redeem his code. Where's the problem? I don't see any at all.

8 years ago

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Here are the steps he would need to take.

Remotely take control of your pc.
Log you out and him in to your NVidia software
Log you out and him into Uplay

That is totally unsecure, unsafe. No one should do that with a stranger they meet over the internet. And to ask to do it is shady.

Or naive and ignorant. I'll grant you, maybe it's naive and ignorant instead.

8 years ago

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Please explain. I can't follow. Where is it unsecure? As long as you watch and can disconnect? I'd always choose teamviewer and not MS remote desktop. But I cannot understand where the danger comes from which you are describing...

8 years ago

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what software? Remote access is not necessary, video with no control is enough.

8 years ago

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With this you could enter your Uplay account information. Otherwise, you'd have to trust the other person not to steal your uplay acc, I think ...

8 years ago

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of course I have his uplay login details. They cannot be stolen

8 years ago

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I don't understand. How do u want to do it with video only but no control?

8 years ago

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With help of trusted person.

8 years ago

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that's not that hard to understand:

  • his friend bought a promokey from someone else (maybe via steamtrades, maybe via g2a or maybe a friend of a friend of a friend)
  • now he want to activate the game and for this he need someone with a 1070/80.
    He/the friend has to give account and passwort to the person that will help and this person will activate the promocode.

The person that will help has the "option" to steal but not the person with the code.
It's not the fault of the topiccreater but of nvidia.

Tip to george: change uplay password before this to something simple like 12E4567B! and change it back after all went fine. And use the "helper" well. Would help but I'm a "red one"

8 years ago

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you understood absolutely right. We are just forced to bypass new nvidia restrictions. Nothing illegal.
The password has alrady been randomized.

8 years ago

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