SG is gonna live as long as Steam is gonna live, aka forever
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This has been asked throughout years again and again. The golden days of cheap and plentiful bundles has ended + steam changed their gifting policies. Hence the numbers of giveaways started dropping.
But more importantly I would ask you to look at yourself first. Why have you only given away 4 games and last one a year ago? Maybe answering that will also give you insight on why there are not so many active users who do many giveaways, The site cant just survive on several super generous users.
Even though doing bundle left overs, at least I (as many other) try to keep the site alive with that.
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Agree with this. The increase in bundle prices made it so you just don't buy every single thing that goes out anymore and people look for a specific game they are interested in instead of getting 5 or 6 games cheap, because now the price is simmilar.
Last year i gave all my leftover keys and since then i don't have a "key list" anymore, maybe if i get a bundle one of the games that i already have is for givaway.
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That's a very good point, although at the same time as you use the site, you increase your level and join more groups, so you also start seeing more and more GAs (assuming that you automatically hide GAs above your level).
But the data doesn't lie:
Over time, the giveaway numbers are going (very slowly) down.
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Too many autojoiners, multiaccounters, cheaters, exploiters and leechers.
Not so much "community", as it was in the past and this lower the will of people to gift much.
What did you want to talk with people that only use their thanks script, win automated and come only 1x/week along to claim their wins?
Shows it very well.
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Not so much "community" either if users keep building ivory towers, taking from all, giving to a few, openly shun most of the userbase and most of the communication ends at "leeches and bots".
It really makes SG the warm and pleasant place. Or into a land of indifference, because who wants to take part in this?
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Preach on, brother.
Imagine giving a gift to someone during the holidays and then calling him a "leech." It amazes me to this day that a community of supposed "gifters" even has a term like this, because IMHO no true gift-giver would ever use that term.
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Yeah, if some kid can't afford to buy steam games and joins steamgifts to get free shit without gifting, i couldn't care less if I "waste" my gift on them.
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Is it sad that there's so much negativity around here (concerning who gifts and who doesn't) that I thought you were being sarcastic at first? Sincerely, thank you for all the public giveaways. Those are the ones newcomers to the site see. You're likely inspiring others to make giveaways.
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The site was designed with purpose of people giving away their extra keys to random unknowns. But every feature added to the site was a tool designed to not give gift to certain people. Region restrictions, level restrictions, blacklist restrictions, group restrictions, invite only, etc. And now it's just weird...
I want to give away a key, but I hate seeing a guy who gave away completely free game twice, has 1000 wins and is playing only Dota 2 anyways. So I raise a level in order to give the key to a contributor. Dude lvl9 wins the game, I check his profile and all their giveaways are exclusive to some small group with few dozen members, yet he entered mine and every other public giveaway.
I'm not saying the current system is wrong nor would I have a solution, but... got me jaded. I don't create nearly as much giveaways as I used to.
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I'm not innocent either, last week I finished quite a few games I won 4-6 years ago. Some people just slow to get to the wins because let's be honest, we have games we paid money for, or got gifted from someone - all a valid reason to play something. I try not to care about ratios and win counts, but the dota-players vacuuming up giveaways make me a but sad. But then there are generous people, who at the same time won thousands of games, which is pretty absurd to comprehend. Some won more than my entire library. And I don't have much to complain with my 300++ wins...
There is no trustworthy way of finding consistently "good" winners, regardless of win number, levels, CV, ratios or anything. I think it's best trying not to overthink it.
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Just to be clear, I'm not here to judge if anyone plays their wins or not. I would be a hypocrite since I rarely do. I plan to, of course, but I have an infinite backlog - I'm a shopaholic - which is the exact reason why I'm on this site. So I don't believe a gift is an obligation to play.
The type of user I mentioned is a user who doesn't play even a mere percent of the wins. I guess it's bot/script farmers who then later attempt to sell those accounts, idk.
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There is no trustworthy way of finding consistently "good" winners, regardless of win number, levels, CV, ratios or anything. I think it's best trying not to overthink it.
And you're surprised people flee to closed groups?
Everytime i make a public GA i want to hurt myself looking at the entrants, even with a well cultivated blacklist and level restriction i get enough leechers with last GA 6 years ago to regret the GA instantly.
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No, I meant the opposite way. Groups don't solve a thing, unless you're willing to make serious stepbacks.
Close groups mean little when your options are people who won 3k+ games, or just 600, but they didn't even start
10% of it. Having good ratio doesn't mean a good winner, many high level users have the same trash play habits as bots, and I won't go through rounds of interviews to add 20 people to a group, to monitor them, to check their gameplay stats... enough people try that and fail, and rules either loosen up, or people just go half-crazy and obsessed about the pUrItY oF tHe SiTe
I stand by what I said - a singular stat is not enough to find good users. Elitism was, and still is, a disease of the site, because people let their acceptance bough by giveaways, so some can parade around, acting like their level means jackshit while just hoarding games, and pumping up stats in private groups. There are many "leeches " where it's not apparent, but usually takes a little number-wrangling to make the data surface. Why is it better if a level 10 collector gobbles up games not to be played in the decade, than a level 0/1 winning, and similarly likely not playing it?
Letting this go is so much easier. I do maintain that level 2 giveaways is helpful, as it's a step more than bare minimum, but I had fraction of the issues most of the complainers report. Maybe I'm just lucky ^^
As SG a zero-sum game, nobody can pump up their level by giving trash games, if those "leeches" wouldn't enter for them. You should be more thankful for their service ;)
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Having good ratio doesn't mean a good winner, many high level users have the same trash play habits as bots
I see we use different standards in considering someone a good winner
Why is it better if a level 10 collector gobbles up games not to be played in the decade, than a level 0/1 winning, and similarly likely not playing it?
The answer is easy, because level 10s filled or still filling the magic vending machine everyone takes snacks out for free, if we only had level zeroes on the site, the machine would be empty in no time
As SG a zero-sum game, nobody can pump up their level by giving trash games, if those "leeches" wouldn't enter for them. You should be more thankful for their service ;)
Sorry, but that makes no sense to me and i doubt that you meant it the way it makes sense to me.
I should be thankful for leechers entering trash GAs helping CV abusers to raise their level?
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I see we use different standards in considering someone a good winner
Evidently. I'm happier with somebody who plays the game I bough, than somebody who just sits on their wins, and think it's okay because they spend more money on the site than others.
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You're not wrong at the growth. It didn't grow as much as it did in the past. I try to promote the website when I make content on YouTube because nobody talks about it from what I saw online. Everybody who is a content creator and loves this website can very easily promote it because the reality is that I've grown to love this website.
On top of that, found some amazing people too.
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That's a big number of auto-joiners. What do you call an auto-joiner? Someone that just joins and never says a thing, or including someone that responds if they win? I will join something right away if it's on my wishlist and once I win, I'll thank them, make comments. I got a lot of people blacklisting me for thanking them for the giveaways, so I stayed quiet and just thanked when won.
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The bundles got much more expensive. Missing myself the 1€/ $ Bundle from Humble. Now is the start price 8€/$ ( or something like that) the middle price / Tier is now much higher too. Have bought the middle Tier usually for the 5-7€. All prices are now much higher, not only for the games. The money that the people earn doesn't rise so high at the same time. At the "old time" i have always bought the first tier on humble and usually got the middle one too. Now i am buying the humble tiers not any longer and buy only the games that i am interested in from other people / sites. So far i can see this many people are doing it in the same way. I live in EU where the situation is not so bad, but still everyone is looking more and more on the money they spend.
It's difficult to buy now games only to spend them on the giveaways.
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You mentioning the effect of inflation makes me wonder ifnthe activity on DG is tied to the broader economic cycle. Like, maybe if there is an economic boom, SG is going to grow much more active again!
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Probably it will happen, with a delay one day, but unfortunately have the bad feeling that it will not be soon
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This is certainly a factor for me - I'm having a much harder time justifying buying bundles or games for giveaways (and even just for myself). There is also the fact that a lot of people (myself included) joined SG during COVID lockdown, when we were stuck indoors and needed things to occupy us at home (and may have been getting extra money from the government in some countries). Now everything is open and competing for our attention and cash again, and it's all much more expensive.
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I don't visit this website as much because life outside, but steamgifts is always there and somehow that reassures me because it's one of the least confrontational places on the Internet, with people here from all over the world still interacting and talking to each other. It doesn't matter if we talk to each other to say nothing, as long as we talk to each other, it's already a good sign to talk to each other.
Oh why the answer to you, i mean i agree with you about the life harder outside, inflation, budgeting, and then i disgressed, about why it's an important place apart from the giveaways aspect that drew us here ! :D
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Is SteamGifts dying?
And that is the natural way things are playing out.
SG had its heyday(s) starting in 2015, when Bundlesites really took off. Many bundlesites = many bundles = many people owning several copies of a game AND many cheap games available on the market = many giveaways.
The bundle craze is over.
Way less bundlesites = way less bundles = way less giveaways due to reasons stated above.
And that is okay.
Will SG vanish?
No, I am pretty sure it will stay around for the time being. But smaller and with less giveaways.
SG will really die when the corporations disable buying of products licenses and everyone needs her/his own subscription to access games content without any way of transfering said content.
Until this happens, my prediction is SG will stay alive on its death bed.
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Blacklisting for snowflake reasons, puzzles on other website, point system not rewarding like before, bundle are more expensive and with shittier games, issue with gifting via steam by region.....
But we might still be able to win game on the website even if sent to the frontline during WW3.
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I got 2 BL just for this comment, so you can guess....
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How do you know how many people BL you?
I like to learn lol
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You can view your stats here:
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I didn't know SG at the time of its "glory" .
Still, I find the community nice (mostly) and there are people here that I like to read. And this is probably the best reason (winning games comes clearly after) why i stayed.
I may not offfer unbundled games , but I think I'm doing my part to keep the site running a bit.
If someone like me who hasn't been here very long still wants to stay, there must be others.
So I feel we have some time before thinking about oblivion.
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SG will be around until the end of Steam, probably. However, we are well passed the golden age of 1$ great bundles, plus Steam restricted the gifting process. Having a huge backlog accompanies not buying as many bundles as before (for me it's almost none in the last years), they're not good anyway, winners not playing their great wins even after years, so many bots and autojoiners, region jumpers (some of my region restricted giveaways created for Turkey, ended up going to the people who don't even know Turkish), Steam being turning into asset-flip garbage site inflamed the black market and the people who are trying to cheat the system here, there are a lot of reasons like these.
I much prefer donating to my favorite open-source projects rather than gifting games to people who probably won't even play them.
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Let me see... taking into account that you live in an Asian timezone and that there has always been times of the day that this website seemed dead, there is a chance that you are visiting steamgifts on a nearly dead time (when it's too late at night in Western countries, where I suppose most users are from).
Also, I may be wrong, but I don't think most Steam users' local currency is USD, EUR or GBP. I don't know about other people's reality, but I live in a country where USD worths 5 times the local currency, excluding the taxes for international transactions. USD value used to be 2 or 3 times the local currency around 10 years ago, but I didn't know this site or have an international credit card at that time. After that time, even with dollar value getting higher, Steam got into a lot of countries, like here, where it had local prices adapted to the reality of each country. For example, instead of turning a US$10 game to $50 in my local currency, the game used to cost just around $35 in the local currency, which was fair. Because of that, though, region restriction was imposed, so people couldn't freely give a game to a person from a country from a different price zone anymore. Where I live, especifically, government is good at taxing anything, so they found a way to tax Steam prices as well, keeping through the years the taxes high and the wages low. Anyway, paying anything in US dollar or euro is a no-no for most users who live in poor countries, since it's prohibitive for someone who still has other stuff to afford with their (monthly) wage. So despite the effort of some people here to try to make other users feel bad for not spending over 1000 dollars/year to make giveaways or for making region-restricted giveaways, buying a bundle was still more expensive than buying directly from Steam in your local currency.
Also, after some years, publishers have found out the power of PC community, so their greed made them want to milk that for-many-years-ignored market, making their releases incredibly expensive and sometimes even doubling the price of some of their old games that used to have fair prices on Steam ☆coughscrewyousegacough☆. In countries like here, prices of those publishers' games started to be real convertions of the US dollar price instead of fair localized prices. So a US$10 game started to really cost over $50 in my local currency, for example, and, of course, a US$ 60 release costed $300 here (with was around 1/3 of the minimum monthly wage) ☆coughscrewyousquareenixcough☆. Around that same time, Steam abolished their gift system, which forced people who used to make their giveaways purchased directly from Steam to look for other ways to make their giveaways. At that time, bundle stores started to convert their prices to other countries currencies as well, so some games from bundles were also region-restricted. I suppose that it was the first time that certain users finally found out what region restriction was, since it existed long before, but had no effect on them. So region-restricted giveaways became more common, alongside some ashamed apologies, which is kinda funny/ironic/ridiculous, since the mere act of giving something away should make you free of any need for apologies. Well, it's just the result of the culture created here.
Through the last years, a lot of countries, sooner or later, for diverse reasons, experienced inflation, something known as "normal" (i.e., terrible, but yet common) for people from some countries and experienced just once a decade in other countries. So some users experienced for the first time how is not having an AAA game costing less than 10 dollars/euros/pounds four times a year. Bundled games became even more common than after the end of gifts, but now they started to feel expensive for them as well. Even so, you can notice the same games are always being given away more often than it used to happen when gifts were still around.
After that, Epic Games Store entered the market. Even having some exclusive games, some better prices and weekly giveaways of good games that everyone gets, but nobody plays on their launcher, they couldn't scrape the Steam dominance over the market. Then, Steam, after realizing that we, Steam users, were suckers loyal enough, they found an excuse to change the price table to every country, increasing the prices while being sure Steam users would still want to play everything on Steam. After that, at least where I live, some games on sale look like they are full price, and insanely overpriced when they are really full price ($360 for a 1-year-old game? That must be some kind of joke). That's why many people here where I live started to play more on consoles, since it's less costful here (but many people insist on claiming that playing on PC is cheaper without questioning themselves that it may not be true for other places).
Though after all those years, some people here still don't know how real life is outside their bubble. I realized that after having a conversation with an user who didn't know that wages were paid monthly, not weekly, in some countries like here. Also, I know an indie developer from here who know some indie developers from abroad. Before being a developer, as a gamer, he had always asked himself why indie developers didn't optimize their games for weaker PCs to reach more people, just like he tries to do nowadays. After he met indie developers from other countries and could ask by himself, he found that it didn't worry them at all, since a reasonably decent PC for gamers is cheap, in their vision, what's not true here where we live.
All of that plus the fact that some users being noisy about users that don't follow their self-imposed rules generated mutual blacklists (which didn't use to be mutual on the system, some years ago), what made people see less giveaways and start to have the increasing sensation, which may be true or false, that steamgifts is dying, while always blaming others for that. Personally, I wish I could be blacklisted more than once per person just to taste the real size of the wound I can cause to these fragile egos inflated by void arrogance (which I affectionately call 'self-sucking e-penises' ❤︎). Yeah, I'm freakin' sick.〜
There are also other reasons for your sensation that steamgifts is dying that other users may have already mentioned, but I won't cite on since they have been too repetitively mentioned through the years since before I started to use these forums.
For real, since I have seen this kind of stuff a lot of times before everywhere, I can tell you that the sensation and the complaining that a community is not as good as it used to be and may be close to end because of that always happen all the time. I'm not saying it's true or false, I'm just saying that people tend to always repeat that about a community at some point. It happened, it's happening right now and it will still happen in thousands of places of real life or internet. So just relax. Or don't relax, whatever.
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With all the doom and gloom from some users, it's nice
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Imho pretty much the opposite of what some people complain about is actually the true reason for SG's stagnation.
The biggest growth didn't happen back then because everything was better and the bundles were super cheap. No, the appeal of giveaways simply is way lower than it used to be.
Today you have tons of F2P options, Epic stuffing one game down everyone's throat every week, Game Pass is a thing, and bundles are more expensive but have constantly fed everyone's library. And of course there are grey sites selling games for cents sometimes.
Back then it was something special to have 100 games, today it's pretty much common to have access to thousands. So yes, people just don't need to rely on SG for more options to play games.
But god forbid that some people accept that gaming was never more affordable or better accessible for the masses out there than it is today. Nah, the evil greedy industry is behind SG's downfall!!!111
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I'll keep this as short as possible -
For my part, there's entirely too much bitching, pissing, and moaning about the most ridiculous shit around here, and not enough gifting. It's like high school all over again, watching users shoehorn one another into some bullshit category in order to assert some perceived form of superiority over them. Patting one's own back with one hand while slapping your neighbor with the other has become the norm.
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For my part, there's entirely too much bitching, pissing, and moaning about the most ridiculous shit around here
Isn't that what you were doing though?
Not trying to be offensive. Just remarking that we all bitch about something or other. It's human nature.
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It was an observation and explanation about my own lack of activity. Continual negativity and an unwelcoming atmosphere drives people away. (case in point - calling a user a leech two days after registration).
we all bitch about something
I said "too much" and "ridiculous shit." That doesn't invalidate all complaints. But that's all some people do, to the point they could copy/paste their replies to some threads. I'm sure you've seen it.
It's human nature.
That may be, but what gets past our brain and out our mouths is choice.
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If you see what I said as holier-than-thou, perhaps the problem is with you. I meant every word I said, though.
If you see me bitching about ridiculous shit, calling another user a "leech", exhibiting racism or hate-speech, or patting my own back for anything, feel free to point it out (and I know you will!), so that I may self-correct. As for the final thing, "not enough gifting", I'll definitely work on that when I have time.
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That's what it's missing. Actual and pure recognition by NAME. In many other places the high gifters are known by the masses and they tend to chat a lot. Here, the majority of the high gifters never speaks (and it's usually because after some point they turn to groups and "blind lottery trading" mechanics to reach that level - some and exploitation of the system, but it's crap anyway so I don't "blame" them for trying).
You do bitch about ridiculous shit. Some view it this way while others no. I don't have to like or dislike you to tell you that.
I won't go on a hunt to prove anything but you aren't a saint.. So yeah, don't pat yourself on the back.
If there is actually 1 thing I like about you is that you make public ga's.
Negativity won't stop due to the ranks. Very few really don't care so it wouldn't matter anyway. It has many newbies but it has many "bots" too. Personally, as long as they don't annoy me by being rude and slow turtle and claim their gift, I don't even care. At the end of the day, the bot has a master and that master will be happy. Do I find it fair that some get double-triple-etc chances from that? No. But I wouldn't throw all in 1 bag just because a good portion does it.
Which is why the moderation should be better and the site should had been built better.
Groups, worse bundles, economic reasons and so on also don't help. But for me, nothing outweighs recognition as in its heart and essense it covers all the rest.
Specifically for the argument (generally speaking, I'm not saying you said it, you didn't) "I want my game played and not "wasted"": then pick 5-10 people you know and distribute it there.
Developer keys ga's should have a box to make (for the current system that I find bad anyway) the CV 0 but allowed a corner to present it and talk about it.
No game should be 0CV but rather a bare minimum as to not make it "useless" -due to human nature- for a ga.
I probably forgot something but it wasn't my intention to comment anyway.. While you have Joker for a pic, I believe Two-Face would suit better sue to how you speak and "preach".. I commented to not just ask why did you even link me here. So..
Why is your comment to me linked here?
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You claim I bitch about "ridiculous shit", then went on about a laundry list of things I couldn't give two shits about. I read it all, and still really don't care about most of it. Are some of them valid to me? Sure. Are they worth five minutes of my time? Meh. Are they worth getting bent about? Hell no.
If you feel offended by my very general comment, that's on you. I answered the OP's question on a personal level, and meant exactly what I said. I may have bitched about ridiculous shit in the past, but fact is I rarely comment on anything in the forums anymore. I usually have better things to do. I've probably commented more this week (replied to people, really) than I have in the past six months.
And then there's "blah blah blah, Tzaar you suck, back-pat a saint, blah, blah, blah" and then -
I commented to not just ask why did you even link me here
Why is your comment to me linked here?
I didn't "link you" anywhere. Check again. It wasn't even about you. Duville claimed multiple posts, so I linked the only place I've posted recently outside of one bundle thread.
I believe that covers it all. And please note how none of this comment is "personal."
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You are past your 5 minutes.
I'm not offended but I was curious since it was a comment as a reply to me.
Most of the rest are stuff about the thread in which YOU commented on.
Your life doesn't matter. Same with your post count and personality. Only what you type matters in here. And by your responses, you really don't worth another reply. And it is personal btw. As a user, you offered nothing to the discussion as you "don't do what you preach" and then go on and preach some more.
Meanwhile, I do have a few good pointers for the discussion that you totally skipped just to try to make others think all are after you. Nobody is. But your comments are contradictory.
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No, I didn't. What gave you this impression?
I'm many things, forgetful isn't one of them. But.. Why are you spamming with random comments?
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If we go by the number of users who are winning hundreds or thousands of games and never giving away anything back, the site is alive and kicking...
Of course if we go by the number of giveaways and gifters, yeah there's a clear decline... I wonder why...
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41 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Jinkujaku
225 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by OrbitalBliss
14 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by reigifts
172 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ManakaGekka
42 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by grimfandango8888
264 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ThePaladin
3 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Akylen
56 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by CheMan39
117 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by reigifts
520 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by Ratz0
85 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by samwise84
18 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Sakakino
55 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by Cjcomplex
10,100 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by Ellemby
Is it just me or does it feel like this website's userbase stagnated, or even getting lower as time goes by.
Even though Steam on itself has grown exponentially over the past decade this website doesn't seem to gain much traction in comparison.
Was just wondering if this site is starting to get obsolete because I usually just see people dumping their unused HB games and not much else.
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