What is the best way to increase your CV?
You are new? then how do you know it was called CV before!?
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http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games <= you can go here, check the game before push the button !^^
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It does. What do you think the search box on the top left of the page is for?
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Until Humble Rockstar Bundle. Many tears will be shed.
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Actually, could you clarify one thing for me? If I buy let's say "Darkest Dungeon," make a GA of it and have full 20$ added to my SG level, and couple weeks or months later that game would appear in some bundle, would it reduce my progress to the next SG level?
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Not if the giveaway started before that game went in a bundle.
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Actually, it would. Bundle list is retroactive, just like all price drops. So, for example, if you gave away 50 Batman: Arkham Knight Super Duper Ultra Editions, and later Humble Bundle would put it in a bundle, that $5000 value would drop to $750 in an instant. Same will go if the game's price reduces over time.
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It's retroactive only for giveaways created after the bundled date.
So let's say for example a game gets bundled August 1, but is only added to the bundle list on August 5
Giveaways created before August 1 will keep the full CV.
Giveaways created August 1 or later would have full CV temporary, and retroactively lose CV on August 5.
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How about: I noticed a level 8 person creating four high level giveaways for five copies for each of the games that got confirmed for the latest upcoming Be Mine seven hours ahead of the bundle's release. Will this guy get full CV for those?
I reported that btw
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Yep, leaked games from upcoming bundles are easy to exploit to get full CV (unless the list uses the leaked date rather than the bundle release date, I haven't check but I kinda doubt it).
I don't know if mods would do anything about it, since technically no rule has been broken.
Although you said seven hours ahead of the bundle release so...wouldn't that be the same day as the bundle release ? I think the Groupees bundles are released between 18-22h in Europe, so that's past 7am in the USA. If the giveaways were created the same day as the bundle release, they won't get full CV
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God...I never even thought about that. So easy to do, too. It's unbelievable how many ways people will find to do the WRONG thing.
That's why I hate people. Cats don't do that sh*t.
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there have been known cases where the leak-date was used as bundle date instead of the actual release-date.
either in the case of be-mine or even HiB, especially when HiB was still doing the "1-key-for-non-bta and 1-key-for-bta" thing (instead of individual keys), because those would pop up in the steam db as new entries a few days/hours before the bundle release.
I guess Shobo will handle this on a case-by-case decision and there's no real yes/no answer to this question.
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but if the price goes down on steam your lvl could cause the value is based on the current price that could change at any moment.
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Region locked games is best way
example: 007 give ur 50 points CV but RU version cost only 45 cents, evolve season pass 25 points/ 50 cents RU version, Prototype 2 50 points/ ~1 usd RU version
best way giveaway 5 copies each game, so 625 easy points(lvl 6), but i think lvl dont give ur anything ( that is reason why i dont do it)
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Higher levels allow you to join higher level giveaways.
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I am lvl 4 and see only 1-2 giveaway in month interesting game with lvl 4
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Free to join groups create giveaways only on start to increase amount of ppl. Private group common require donation every month, but i prefer buy games from store than get random gift from group. Invite take alot time to check forum or solve puzzle.
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Why don't you think your level vill increase?
Points (value) is the base for level
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my english not good, maybe ur missunderstand me
u get lvl 6 easy with this way but chance to win doesnt change, because ppl dont create hight lvl giveaways
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Buying region locked gifts and giving those away while you are not a resident of said location will probably get you banned and certainly gets you on a lot of blacklists.
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what? alot ppl have region locked games after wrong trade, and they cant giveaway it? are you serious? And u dont see region giveaways if u not from this region, so how u blacklist giveaway creators?
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It's hard to spot indeed but in my opinion it should be a banable offense. I noticed you created a lot of RU-CIS giveaways, nothing wrong with that if you are from those regions. If you are not from those regions you are cheating the system because it's a lot cheaper to level up as for a person who buys ROW gifts.
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Which still would reward people from cheaper regions with higher CV, giving them access to "higher" giveaways than person who gave same amount of money, but living in US/EU (or Australia, poor, poor Australia).
IMO SG should count region-locked GAs with regional-pricing.
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I didn't think about that, great idea! And indeed poor Australia and New Zealand.
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While I don't mind someone doing the occasional restricted giveaway, I've done some myself, making only those as a way to increase their CV (given that they aren't from such a region) is a sure-fire way to end up in my blacklist when i notice them.
People can end up with a restricted gift for various reasons, but buying those on purpose for the sole purpose of gaming CV does not sit well with me.
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i had 2 gifts in my inventory that got a region lock after purchase. i was happy to be able to give them away.
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You probably mean after trading, I never heard of a game getting a region lock after you purchased it from the Steam store.
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sure, i mean after purchasing them through a trader. does that change the problem in any way? i bought those games, and i couldn't do anything with them but give them away. banning in such cases would be stupid. some people might abuse the system, and there might be a good way to prevent that. but preventing any region locked giveaways, if you're not in that region, is most certainly not the right way.
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In my opinion that's the risk of trading, I still think SG should do something about this especially if I see people who advertise that way of leveling up in the forum.
Another solution would be what PsyKo mentioned a few posts above.
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why should we add any risk to trading? it's not like trading is a shady, illegal thing. it's legal, it's implemented by valve, it's just a good thing in general. yes, there have been major changes to trading lately. but it's still theoretically possible that i buy a game from a trader and it gets a region lock while in my inventory. i want to be able to give that game away regardless.
PsyKo's suggestion would make sense in a way, yes. it would prevent abuse. but it would also mean that if you live in a poor country and you don't have that much money, you need to spend way more, relatively spoken, than others. not sure how i feel about that.
i guess another solution could be to define, what exactly counts as abuse (maybe something like >3 region specific giveaways for foreign regions in a month). and just take action if a user abuses the system - whatever that action might be (suspension, no CV for those giveaways, or something like that).
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And you don't wonder why Steam has those games region locked? They don't want you to trade with people from other regions cause of the major price differences, if you still do that then you have the chance that games bought from those regions get region locked that's why there is still a risk in trading.
I don't think SG has to hold in account that you might have a region restricted game trough trading while Steam discourages you to trade with other regions.
Your example of being able to give 3 region restricted games per month does not make sense to me, it should be locked for those outside that region and if you really want to giveaway a region locked game make a support ticket to explain the situation and support can judge if they'll let you give it away. They also have insight on how many restricted games you gave away then.
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And you don't wonder why Steam has those games region locked? They don't want you to trade with people from other regions cause of the major price differences, if you still do that then you have the chance that games bought from those regions get region locked that's why there is still a risk in trading.
they implemented the trading feature themselves and accepted this for years. we got used to it. and again - it's perfectly legal to buy stuff from other countries. people do that all the time. valve does it. i can drive to holland and buy cheap coffee there. and my coffee machine will not reject the coffee with an error message. valve should not even be able to prevent that in my opinion. and aside from trading, if a friend buys a game for me, i store it in my inventory, and later it gets region locked - is that not a horrible thing to happen?
whatever, that's not quite the topic here. ^^ maybe i am overthinking it. maybe it is the best solution to allow region restricted giveaways only, if you belong to that region. but i still dislike the idea of having region locked games for whatever reason (e.g. because valve suddenly decides to change the game again) and not being able to give them away. since that won't happen that often anymore, it might be ok to contact support for this (even if it may be a mistake to create even more work for the support members ^^).
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check region stores:
G2A igromania
1c prototupe 2 for ~1 usd here -->>>http://www.1c-interes.ru/catalog/all6963/16200456/
and local stors like DNS, Ashan etc
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Before making a giftaway, you can search the game in this site.
And this is the real contribution value.
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Yeah, it can take a bit of time. i bought the borderlands humble bundle after it had already been out for a bit and gave away Borderlands 2 and got full CV for a little while, almost put me up a level temporarily lol.
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The best would be to create 5 copies giveaway of Pillars of Eternity
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People can only enter private giveaway if you give them the link, like some private giveaway links posted on discussion thread.
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Private giveaways do not show up on the main page, you have to provide the link. Many people prefer to make their giveaway like that and put the link in forum threads or behind puzzles. They ensure that only people who are at least somewhat active in the community will join. Those giveaways usually have a smaller number of participants so you have better odds of winning them too.
Trains are definitely great.
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I got to level 4 with three non bundle games (20 + 20 + 50) that were on sale and some bundle games to make up for the 10 points remaining.
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It was Tomb Raider, Chaos On Deponia and Alien: Isolation.
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You missed an option in the poll because "Buy games on STEAM sales to get full value instead of 15% for a Indie/bundle game." is in a way bad advice. Reason is, even if you buy a game that has been in a bundle from steam, its still only going to get the 15% instead of the full amount because the game itself is on the bundle list and it doesn't matter where you got it from.
So really it should be
"Buy games that are on deep sale (75% to 94% off) from any site that sells games but make sure those games are not on the bundle list first."
Reason why I say only up 94% is because anything from 95% and up gets put on the bundle list even if its from steam site itself.
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Then you should consider buying Indiegala bundles when they are on Happy Hour, games end up costing really cheap.
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Thy, I got it now. The group you linked to buying "gift" during Happy Hours and split the cost.
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Yeah, people are splitting the cost and getting their bundle cheap. But if you buy the "gift" for yourself you can end up with multiple copies of a bundle for cheap and have a lot of giveaway material.
Games on 80+% sale on Steam that have never been bundled are generally your best option for relatively quick and cheap CV increase. That's the way I usually go, I try to find games with good sales that haven't been bundled. (Plus the occasional "this game is so good I have to share it with the world".) It brings variety to the site without costing me an arm and a leg.
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You can also look around DailyIndieGame, they often give you two bundles for beating the average price, which at most cases is a whopping one cent higher than the bundle price. If it's not a greenlight bundle, you can get up to 4-7 CV dollars (adjusted to 15%) for a real dollar there.
But the best one is IndieGala, if you can get happy hour on a bundle you bought when it started. It gives you four or five bundles in total for the price of two.
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Just don't start buying region restricted gifts for another region as that you live in as en7erpr1se suggested.
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Bundles can be a bit spotty in this regard, it all depends on the bundle. The "best" bundles for CV make for a relatively cheap way to increase your CV, but most are not as cost effective as buying games on major (non 95% off as that makes it count as being bundled) sales.
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I think the best way is just to give away your extras, or maybe purchase an extra bundle to giveaway if its especially nice. It may not give you a lot of CV in one shot, but you'll make a lot of people happy and that little bit of CV adds up over time.
If you're looking for quick bumps in CV, though, doing giveaways for heavily discounted by not yet bundled games is the best bet. Personally, I try and balance out both. It used to matter during SG V1 and I've just kind of stuck with the habit.
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You have to calculate your true CV, a bundle game is only worth 15%. You can check your true CV here
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Won gifts should be activated to the Steam account used during registration, and they should not be regifted, traded, or sold.
you could get another limbo copy and activate it on your account.
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don't buy bundled game, use steam store page with http://www.enhancedsteam.com/
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This whole thread is making me nauseous...sorry. Looking for all kinds of clever ways to give as little as possible to get as much as possible. Hope that works out for y'all in life.
I outta here.
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I understand what you mean, but that was not my intention with the topic. I have now created 11 giveaways and only won 1. I want to create giveaways but a I believe there are to many fakes on level 0 and I want to be able to join fun trains on level 3 and higher. I have already created 2 trains (1 invite and 1 group) and more to come. I really hope you understand that I'm not looking for exploits. It's time consuming with all level 0 fake GA, my intention is a fast increase of CV to level 3 or 4 and then like Sisyphus17 suggest above, some kind of balance.
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It wasn't even the necessarily the original post that got me-- although it does come off as asking for hints/tricks, even if that wasn't your intention.. It was some of the tricks and exploits, and the overall sentiment of trying to get away with doing as little as possible to get as much as possible.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with buying a game on sale and get full CV value for it (of course)...I never pay full price for games...but I don't like VPN exploits (Nuveem), using pre-bundle hints, and some of the other stuff you see.
But people are free to do what they wish.
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Best way is to do LOTS of Level 7 GTA5 Giveaways! ;D totally not selfish
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I find that level 8 giveaways for anything on my wishlist is a much better idea. :P
I'll see myself out now. No need to throw them tomatoes at me.
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I'm new here on Steamgifts and I want to increase my level to at least 3 or maybe 4. Question is what is the best way to do it. So fare I have made 3 gifts and won 1.
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