Well, have you?
I got a pentakill in League of Legends and then dived under the enemy tower cause I knew that at that point in the game I could take it down on my own-- except I didn't notice I was pretty much about to die (one hit from the tower was all it took) ^_^
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I'm bad at multiplayer games in general.
I've done something stupid, then something awesome to redeem it?
One time I was playing CS:GO, which I really suck at. I died most of the time, but during one match, after planting the bomb, everyone on the team died, leaving me to defend the bomb against one other player. We were both circling around a container thing, and for some reason, I managed to kill the last player of the enemy team with my pistol without dying.
Felt nice to be congratulated by my team for my skills, although really, it was just crazy luck. First and last time I was ever decent at a multiplayer game.
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There was a shitload of pressure because I knew I was gonna screw up. I don't know how I managed to succeed, it's not like the other player was bad either. I think it's just the adrenaline that kicked in. :P
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Nah, just the P2000 I think. Maybe the P250 though.
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I've done something stupid, followed by something even worse, does that count? I have absolutely no game sense sometimes.
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Been playing Counter-Strike since forever, I've had countless games where I could kill the rest of the opposing team in great fashion, only to whiff every shot on the last guy and fail miserably.
Or have games where I suck most of the game and then have a round or two where I "pwn" the other team.
The latter happens more often these days, since I'm often sucking with my old-man reflexes :D
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Way way way back in the day, I was playing cs1.6 at the WCG 2002 in Seoul Korea. The previous player had changed all of the key binds on the stage computer and when I went through to check settings I skipped over the use key. First round as CT on D2, the T's rushed A, I did a quick rotate from B through tunnels and up on catwalk, got 4 pistol kills and went to defuse.... nope - E was no longer +use. I would have won the round easily, but fumbled with the console pull down and typing the bind so ended up losing the round. We did ultimately win the match but it was a pretty rough start!
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https://play.esea.net/users/95259 - if you followed the cal-i scene then you probably have heard my name before ;)
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Nah, sorry :)
Since I'm from Europe, I mostly knew the top European teams and their players and the occasional NA/Asian teams etc that I'd see in bigger tournaments.
Maybe I saw you in a frag movie, maybe I didn't, it's hard to even remember my teammates from so far back tbh :D
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Ah well, I did put out my own cs video a long long time ago - but in the frag or die video I'm on the receiving end of a headshot by da_bears on d2 catwalk. He runs out and hs's 3 of us (me, trancefx[rdw] and destrukt[rdw]). Every once in a long blue moon I'll grab a pug with some of the other old us cal-i guys, one you would probably recognize is meth0d from NoA / GX.
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Ah yes, good old frag or die. I still watch that movie from time to time if I'm feeling nostalgic haha.
You should put your movie on youtube, I wanna check it out!
I put my crappy movie on there too, years after I made it.
I never played on very high level, only high enough to occasionally get my ass beat by the top finnish teams.
..And I can't namedrop people like you can, but I at least knife Lurppis in my movie! :D
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Black Ops 2 Zombies.
I turned the power energy on tranzit mode and everyone died because i didnt know what would happen if i pressed it again. We where +30 levels on it.
Everyone raged at me :(
Fucked up multiple times at Rust too... a lot. Oh, and minecraft too, and CS:GO too, and and...
GTA 5 too, i fucked up the last heist and we all lost because I died, so we didnt get the 1Million $.
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I have some stories to tell: Once I was playing CS GO, so I bought a nice AWP and went to my spot. I killed 2 terrorists before they threw a smoke grenade. Then I shot twice at the smoke and killed a 3rd terrorist. I was so excited that I started to type a chat message... and got shot in the head.
And this one happened today: Someone invaded me in Dark Souls, and after saying hello to each other, the duel started. Both of us received a lot of damage, we only needed to land 1 more hit to kill the other. So I switched to a talisman to use a spell, only to realize that I ran out of charges... The other guy took the chance and killed me with a simple R1 slash. I felt like an idiot after that.
Edit: Awch, that play of the game :p It was pretty good until the part when you fall of the cliff :/
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Likely had lots of these in Dota 2. It's not at all uncommon there for little mistakes or bad luck to turn an amazing plan you had into a disaster. You can be sure my teams nearly always remember the mistakes and never the good bits. :|
Since you used Overwatch as an example, I've jumped off a cliff by accident at least a few times in Team Fortress 2. Whether it was after something awesome or not is up to your imagination. XD
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I am probably the most inconsistent player in the world. I can either be a rallying point for my team, snagging the point and being amazing, or just sort of dead weight and trip and die in the spawn room. Does anyone else have this experience?
Example given.
It's a joke among the group I play with that I die in every POTG in Overwatch. Even the ones I get.
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