I want to buy Torchlight 2, but our price is too much for me (10€).

Please, somebody tell me the truth. T2 has any region restrictions?

12 years ago*

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a post from the steam trades forum


how much cheaper could it be tho :P

12 years ago

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Thanks, mate!

12 years ago

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No, I think it's region free.
You can check it by yourself by using this link store.steampowered.com/?cc=ru. Then go to the Torchlight 2 store page, if the game have region locked, you would see a warning message in orange box (XCOM & Hitman is an example), otherwise, I don't think it will have any hidden restriction
EDIT: Sorry megagiga34 and OP, I deleted the old comment to make a longer one. I didn't see your guys's replies after I deleted it

12 years ago

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No. Torchlight 2 purchased in RU store is region locked.

12 years ago

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But I don't see any warning in the store page, unlike other games. Is it Runic Games's fault? They should give people a warning at least, like 2K did with their games

12 years ago

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Not every game receives a warning box, unfortunately. Torchlight 2 happens to be one of such games.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up :)

12 years ago

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It... is? :O

It appears that I can purchase it from the Russian store though, what is this Q_Q

12 years ago

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You might get yourself into trouble if trying to buy the game through Russia store, it's against the ToS. You should only use it for price checking.

12 years ago

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I didn't buy it. I only checked if I could, and it seems possible. Even as a gift, wupwup.

12 years ago

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You won't be able to go through the checkout process, most likely :) Steam will respond with "An unexpected error occurred while processing your transaction" or something like that ^_^

12 years ago

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My tl2 is from Rússia and im in Portugal. No restrictions at all. Buy at Will ;-)

12 years ago

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It's dirt cheap now, one day it might get 75% off, but why would you wait?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by phenomhun.