I liked that puzzle! It was really interesting hunt!
I'm still curious about all other secrets of the Underground... I found some (or just a parts of some), but I'm sure I missed a lot
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I found three letters I think, and was too lazy to check the whole Underground again for missing ones. Would love to know the solutions though
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291 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by sfkng
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17,447 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by drbeckett
So I saw on the main thread that a lot of people got stuck or couldn't get past this. I thought I would post the answer now.
The official name of the puzzle is "The Piccadilly Secret Stash".
As you traversed the London Underground, I'm sure a lot of you noticed stations that lead to an ITH page asking for a password.
The hint for these always said the following:
"Find the station where this all begins. You don't need to search the whole London Underground... Just one line."
It was meant to make you pay attention to 2 things: 1) On which line is the station you Found this link at? 2) Who would have control of this line?
Another big hint was the fact that I (the operator of the Piccadilly Line) was the First listed on the solvers and therefore was probably the creator, therefore, it's probably a puzzle on the Piccadilly Line.
If you searched along Piccadilly you would eventually get to Ruislip Manor where hidden in the spoiler tags was the following:
"A stranger bumps into you and quickly walks away. As you stare after him, you belatedly realize he had slipped a note into your palm. It reads, "t6XimuGm. Looking through the Wikied Goggles will give you knowledge that you seek.""
The assortment of letters and numbers is obviously a ITH code. "Wikied Goggles" wasn't too clever but rather just a way of pointing out that Wikipedia and Google would be helpful for these puzzles.
The answers to the questions are "Boston" and "Manor". Meaning you should head to the station called Boston Manor on the Piccadilly Line for the next. You are also given a 6 digit number.
At Boston Manor you follow the provided link and insert the password you acquired at Ruislip Manor. Leading to a new puzzle: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/bRwExcP9
The answer is Hammersmith because searching "Lyric Theater UK" in Google will lead you to the Lyric Hammersmith. The fact that "Lyric Theater London" would lead to the other "Lyric Theater" was meant to trip you up and think a moment.
Take your password Directly to Hammersmith.
Hammersmith's was pretty easy. Just insert the address into Google Map and zoom in. The closest station to that address is Piccadilly Circus.
Take your password to Piccadilly Circus.
This one some people actually figured out or they just went with process of elimination (5 stations ask for passwords. 4 have already been visited). The answer was Southgate. You were to google the poem eXcerpt and find out that it's from "Song of Fairies Robbing an Orchard" by Leigh Hunt. Looking up this author on Wikipedia would tell you that he was born in Southgate.
Take your password to Southgate and you were given the link to the GA.
What was the prize? Chaos Reborn with a Level 1 restriction.
I know you're probably wondering Now, where's that consolation you said was here? Well, this IS in the Puzzle section after all. It's pretty easy though... No level restriction on this GA.
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