Yeah, depression is a bitch. But you can try to medicate it, or do things that make you feel good even when you're depressed. Nice games and happy music helps.
Depression is not really "hard" though, you just feel shitty about it but it's not something you have to actually do... so yeah, my "do only easy things" doesn't apply here.
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You're right on the first part, but that's treatment, not a cure. And no, depression becomes a big part of your life. And giving up to depression becomes the same as giving up on life. It means doing nothing at all. Or even suicide. Depression certainly is hard and what you "do" is living through it and surviving it. :/
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Deco*27's Yume Yume or Once Upon a Me (Hatsune Miku songs)
Otherwise, I pretty much just go take a nap. I do get depressed rather easily myself, but more often then not will just walk away, try to find something else to do... Anything else to do. A lot of it is down to boredem, having too much time to think, especially when health issues kick in.
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I think about something nice that happend recently. And for the music I listen to "Place called home" or "This is love" by PJ Harvey. Reading some good books also helps. I recomend Terry Pratchetts and Douglas Adams book to chear you up.
Oh and one more thing: If you want to talk to someone find yourself someone who can you trust and who whill actualy listen and not pretend to.
I hope you will get better.
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I take time to go in the forest, all morning or all afternoon and take photos and stuff . It's scientifically proven that green , nature etc is benifique for mood and reduces stress, and sound atmosphere is relaxing ( after that, when I come home I eat 3 tons of chocolate : D)
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I remember that "tomorrow is another day" and no matter how bad things are "I can always start again to make things better". "There are still some things and people I care about" and finally "nothing really matters". When it doesn't come to real life I tend to have a real tenacity and just say "I know I can find a way to do this" and "If I persevere I will do it, as I have done many times before".
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I know what you mean. Being by yourself with your thoughts can really do some damage. Most nights I just watch a movie or show until I fall asleep. Not healthy, but beats the alternative for me.
And thank you for the offer, you're very kind. :D
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occupy your mind.
create something.
if you are into music, make music.
if you are into art draw something.
if you are into carpentry build a table.
if you are into literature try to write a story.
if you are into science or history think about something complicated like quantum mechanics, philosophy or how biological systems work and read something about it.
talking to friends and/or family about it helps too but only if they are compassionate people.
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I just crawl into a dark hole and wait it out. Problem is it is almost a daily thing for me, so I'm basically a cave dweller.
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I have agoraphobia anxiety and whenever I get panic attacks when I'm at home I literally just sit in this chair in my room. A very ordinary chair but it's where I sit to go on my computer and just generally do anything and it seems to have become my completely stress free place. If I'm out though and can't get home then I kinda black out which isn't exactly fun.
If you like music like that first link, I would recommend the Youtube channel ChilloutCat. The name says it all
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I listen to some of this
Reminds me that i'm a worthless human being that will live a miserable life and will die alone by my own hand. Killer beat thought.
They do have uplifting songs. More than generic "feel good beats" too, they're obviously written by someone who's been in the gutter for some time, but still has hope in himself and in his fellow humans, like "People", "Rejoice" or "Personal Space invader".
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I play games mostly. Not that it helps much- I just end up spending too much time on them and getting stressed right back since I could have spend that time dealing with whatever was depressing me in the first place. But if you're not under a time constraint destroying hundreds of enemies in a fun game does wonders on the mood (I'd suggest Painkiller, Serious Sam or Crimsonland off the top of my head as games that made me feel temporarily better and can be played in short-ish intervals). Or, y'know, do something else you like in a game if that sounds too violent. XD
(Although I should mention that I tend to be depressed most of the time too, so don't take my advice to face value. It might not be the best.)
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If you can meditate and achieve a state of mental quietness, i'd recommend it. Meditation saved my life and took me out of an ever-consuming darkness. Reading and exercise are very important too, especially running; I run four miles three times a week and the change is dramatic. One second i'm disheveled and lethargic following a long day at work or yet another monotonous school day, but afterwards I feel as i am alive and refreshed, my mind energized and witty (even if I was disastrously tired beforehand), my body feeling empowered and sometimes even horny ;DDD Jaja my point is... the ailments of the mind are often our creations; depression, anxiety and the like, and just as we created them, they can be destroyed... or at least momentarily lessened in effect. Taking care of the body, mind and soul should be the very first steps we take when alone. Listen to your heart and trust that emotions, like the dark, come and go, they take hold and pass.
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If you've got long term goals or something you want to accomplish then I'd say it's pretty good advice to follow those. If you're like me and you really don't have any real goals then that's really not an option. Sometimes I can get myself motivated to achieve short term goals which can keep me going, but without any long term goal backing it up that motivation is usually fairly short lived. Other than that, I just follow the path of least resistance for the most part and occasionally wallow in a dark pit of despair (I spend enough time there that I put in some furniture so it's not quite as depressing).
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Simply listening to music always manages to cheer me on. Unless I've got a headache. One song I really like is Number One. But, there truly are a lot of great songs. Really depends on what you like :3
Maybe even 24hoursofhappy, just watching the video can sometimes make me smile :)
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Give up and try to find something to distract myself, which is usually youtube.
Like today I took a "sickday" and slept all day because my suicidal thoughts got really bad.
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Is there a certain thought that helps? Maybe something someone once said to you? Or a quote? Maybe a song? Or do you meditate?
Person with severe depression here. Figured your answers may be able to help me or others like me when we really need it. :)
Personally I take two minutes to listen to some cheerful, peaceful songs that help clear my mind, stop thinking and forget. Right now it's this, this and especially this.
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