I have already created a support ticket which was also forwarded but after 4 Weeks still no reply from cg.I'm not an impatient person and i know he (cg) is a very busy man (Steamgift Webside or Real Life) but I guess it's not too much to ask for a simple yes or no answer.

Question of questions:Are there , apart from a support ticket , more options to contact cg ? Already tried to add him on steam but he ignored or blocked my request :(

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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'Tyler889 was left cold and lonely, unanswered, he decided to go outside and just have a nice walk, it was a cold day, birds were chirping, but the faces of the people he past by, had a gloomy look, Tyler889 felt bad, he felt negative energy come across the outside world, hoping for some happiness, he decided to come home, on his way home, he came across a dog, the dog was eager and friendly, Tyler889 began to rub the dogs soft fur, and thought about how much canine's and humans differ... the dog followed him home, and when Tyler889 came home, he decided to give the dog a piece of meat, and left the dog, partially satisfied. he returned to his humble computer, a place where he felt safe, and decided to try something new on the internet..
So he went to find a new fetish.'

9 years ago

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Thank you for story time :)

9 years ago

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I got a bird fetish.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Intelligent people know when to take a hint. Just saying.

9 years ago

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Too bad there is no one intelligent running this site either. If there was, many things would be done quite differently. Starting with a better staff that actually has the ability to do stuff, and more efficiently at that. But it is clear from the past 3 years that that will never happen.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Funny that every support ticket I have ever put in only takes a few days to get a response. And support has always resolved any issues I've had, so it is likely that some people are either asking stupid questions or asking for something that cant be easily resolved. Either way support are doing the best they can with the little spare time that they have offer.
Asking for answers from the founder of the site and then creating a post about being ignored is pretty stupid.

9 years ago

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It depends on the type of support ticket created. Things like re-rolls are no problem and are handled fairly quickly. User reports however...... will be sitting in a queue for several months, if they ever even get processed at all (entirely possible). Which makes them (and the site rules they involve) pretty much useless.

9 years ago

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Fair enough, I get what you're saying about user reports. I can imagine that some user reports may become unresolved for certain reasons if the situation is more complicated.
I don't want to get into a debate with you over it but I must say that not all user reports take months to resolve. I created a ticket 4 months ago and less than 3 hours later it was resolved, that involved a former group member entering a giveaway I created when they already owned the game in their library, twice. Although they didn't suspend that member, maybe he got a warning.

9 years ago

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And I thought the 10 days that have passed since I made a user report were too much...

9 years ago

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This guy ALWAYS complains but never offers a solution. He feels he is entitled to the full attention of a free service run by volunteers.

9 years ago

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Personal reasons relating to the Steamgift Webside respectively User Accounts.

9 years ago

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Nothing that can be dealt with by regular support members ?

9 years ago

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No,this is the next problem.They have not the "power" (option) to implement my request.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No,only cg can help here :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You're too curious, Buddy ! I know,he is the only person who can implement my request.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ok,if that's the usual way is to solve problems here on SG then it's time to say GOOD BYE,SG.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Glad to leave this site if you (who insults other people without any reason !) a part of this community !

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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He's actually correct when he says the ticket can only be solved by cg.

Not sure why OP didn't just state that support already told him only cg would take care of it instead of dragging this out though...

9 years ago*

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Agree with you m8.
Glad to see this smartass leaving this community

9 years ago

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why do you think that someone is going to implement anything?

9 years ago

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I feel like there used to be an email posted somewhere on the site, maybe that was on the original Steamgifts, because i don't see it anymore, and I'm guessing there is a reason for that :p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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One does not simply contact cg.
I know I should probably close this at this point but it's not like it's taking up anybodys time.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Guess I'll have to eat more kiwis and oranges then as apparently I don't have enough vitamin C :D

9 years ago

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How do you know that user report i still valid?

9 years ago

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Because it's for not activating a game from one of my GAs and unless somebody happened to come across that person and checked his wins I doubt anybody else reported him as well. Also I checked the ticket and the profile of the person in question every now and then and never saw him suspended.

9 years ago

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spelling mistake,sorry.Something else constructive to contribute?

9 years ago

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Only that no answer is an answer as well. ;)

9 years ago

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Did you try performing the ritual?

9 years ago

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With the oracle?

9 years ago

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I was hoping it was the one with the virgins.

9 years ago

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Ritual ? Sounds interesting.Tell me more,please.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No, don't even bother adding him or any other support team member. (Almost) every SG support member has a big "Do not contact me about SG problems." sign on their profile, so You just need to wait. If it's really urgent, then bump Your ticket.

9 years ago

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There's no bumping tickets anymore in SG2. ;)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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How? On "Add game to list" and "Other" I only see Edit ticket and Close ticket as well...

9 years ago

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Hmph. I had to add this on my profile just now too

9 years ago

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@Diceman85:My Answer was referring to "Mr SomeoneTookMyUsernam"

just saw your picture.Only 10 months ? Wow :-)

9 years ago

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on this forum we don't use @ format to answer ;) Click "Reply" link below comment you want to answer to - this way person you're answering to will get a notification :>

9 years ago

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^^ Yea, as I said I probably should close it at this point but I wanna find out how long I can make it last :D

9 years ago

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prepare to be patient :>
Atm I'm waiting over 2 months, last time took me almost 5 months :D:

9 years ago

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Hehe. I've been waiting over a year now :D

9 years ago

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There's a massive backlog of tickets, so they either get resolved very quickly or sit idle for about a year. My ticket is only 4 months old, so I have another 8 to go!

9 years ago

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May I then just ask why not recruit more staff ? The current situation is annoying and it is worse rather than better

9 years ago

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Its tricky to find reliable people willing to work for free.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That's only part of it. There are numerous poor decisions that have been made here over the years that do not help. Like staff members not having the power to handle more tasks and those tasks not being delegated properly. For the longest time (until SG v2) we were told repeatedly that only cg could handle user reports. Last I heard there was only 1 person assigned to these. Also when I asked before, my understanding of what I was told was that the staff did not have the ability to do something as simple as see all reports involving a single user at the same time, which as you can imagine would make things grossly inefficient in many cases. These things are just examples of poor design and decision-making and cannot be attributed to anything else.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago*

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Yes people make mistakes, but it has been 3 years. How long does it take to get your act together before you give up having any faith in the system? For me that was a long time ago. Nothing against the guys just trying to do their part, but the problem starts with the decision making at the top.

9 years ago*

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To be fair, I think cg does his work on this site for free, and all of the excess revenue goes into making giveaways.

9 years ago

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Just wanted to clarify some things. On SGv1, the "Report User" functionality on profiles was broken. Anyone who used this button had their tickets go into a black hole that only cg could look at. Why it took until SGv2 to fix? Only the admin can answer that one.

Right now, moderators and above can see User Reports, so I believe there are 3 people actively working on them.

9 years ago

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Jatan's one of the few mods/support people who don't have a huge sign about not contacting him about sg issues. Quick, everyone mob him!!

9 years ago

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Oh no he changed it D:

9 years ago

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Are you happy now? That's why you don't ever win.

9 years ago

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All good things come to an end. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've always figured it was via Thunderdome, which is why so few people get added to Support.

9 years ago

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I've been pointing this out for probably 2 years now. My advice to you is to not waste to lose too much of your time worrying about it. This site is run poorly from that aspect and nothing I have ever seen over the past 2+ years suggests that it will ever change.

9 years ago

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Why was SG then so successful ? Because of the "friendly" people here in the forum ? That would be pretty stupid.The service around "SG" should always come first.

9 years ago

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The community, the users themselves, and their giveaways are mostly what has made it as successful as it has been as far as I am concerned. The support is and always has been sub-par, and we have merely learned to live with that as a "it is what it is" kind of thing.

9 years ago

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Kind of like Steam, eh?

9 years ago

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Except they have paid support, yet they still manage to be absolutely terrible.

9 years ago

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everybody has a "private deals" (tickets) with cg

9 years ago

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I don't ask for any special treatment but he should pay more attention to "his" community ! When he can no longer perform these tasks alone he should distribute some tasks to his team (staff).

9 years ago

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the best option - use support force.
my argument: i had see that some support has 666 or 999 tiket unread,
but, cg - has 999999999 unread.

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure he knows that. I'm also pretty sure he knows all the things the site has been criticized about in this and other topics. I'm pretty sure he knows how he wants to run his own site.

I agree some things were poorly though at implementation. But I'm not the one to demand or criticize. I'm not paying anyone involved with the site, they don't work for me, they don't own me anything.

We all have our life outside. Sometimes it takes much more time than you previously anticipated, and in such cases all your ideas, all the fixes you wanted to implement have to be set apart. The situation becomes more difficult when you don't charge for the service, when you are doing it for free out of your will and free time. And things become even more complicated when you get these frequent punches of ungrateful users who think they can do a better job than you, that think they know everything is needed to run. That drains your will and enthusiasms. And when free time is lacking, what else will keep you going?

9 years ago

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cg is kill

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've always been curious, does he actually reply to people who send him mail? :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Are you asking for the admin himself to answer you? It's like asking gaben to solve your issue, it will probably never happen...I know he handles some requests but you need to wait. Besides, I am pretty sure the mods are doing the best they can and they are doing it for free...

9 years ago

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Post a thread in all caps questioning his manhood. cg is known the be extremely sensitive about the child-like size of his penis. He will respond immediately ... maybe with a ban, but he will respond.

Or, since it's a simple yes or no question, toss it out to the community and I'm sure you'll get the right answer. In addition to knowledgeable members, we have some great mods who are active in the forums.

EDIT: See, it works.

9 years ago*

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yup. it works.

9 years ago

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The ticket should be resolved. I don't usually accept Steam friend requests unless they pop up and I miraculously recognize the name. The best way to contact me would be through tickets, and I try to work through the queue the moderators have forwarded when I have a free moment. It is a long queue, so there's likely to be a delay for any tickets sent my way, but I'm hoping to find some time to catch up in the near future.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by cg.