I loved Gone Home. I'm a pansexual woman and had no idea going into the game what it was about. By the end I had such mixed emotions, I cried more than once. So much of it just hit home, it felt real. And that shit happens to people, you know? That's what made it so heartbreaking and at the end, bittersweet.
It felt like Myst going around and looking at the environment for clues and hidden secrets without an imminent threat of danger. "Walking Simulators" aren't new by any means.
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i liked it 2. Actually went into it completely blind thinking it was some sort of spooky game.
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Homosexuality is a taboo subject?
The game sucks because it's short even if you take your time and it shamelessly plays the lesbian card because they know people would make a big deal about it. When it isn't. Homosexuality is not a big deal, and that plot twist is all the game has going for it. It's tedious even by the standards of walking simulators and it uses one's sexual preference to draw attention. I don't hate it because it touches the subject, I hate it because it does so with the subtlety of a brick to the head and blatantly uses it as a selling point. The devs are the ones making homosexuality sound like a big deal, not the players.
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With all due respect, I disagree that the game would use the theme as a selling point, especially since its not like the game would uncover immediately as to what is about. Heck, nowhere in the game description does it mentions any LGBT stuff, you may be confusing it with those gag /bashing tags people gave to the game when the steam tags were introduced and everyone jumped on the occasion to live out their inner 8 years old edgy kid sides.
Also I dont think the game lacked sublety. Granted its not a shakespeare material by any means but stil..
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Well, I enjoyed it. But in all honesty, I would've preferred it the game went a horror route. Like the weird secret rooms and stuff. Just uncovering a mystery or something. Pulling the lesbian twist was just a wasted opportunity for the game. Although it got way more sales and attention thanks to the forced in plot point.
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I love it, the theme and the art style intrigues me.
I like walking sims in general.
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you know what they say, when the lousy minority outyells everyone else, which was certainly the case with this game in my humble opinion.
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I've never heard that this game received more hate than praise in general.
I don't have an opinion on this game, since I haven't played it.
But, every game has an amount of people, who hate the most absurd stuff about it and Gone Home is just not an exception here. Though to me this game doesn't look as if it has received more hate than other games.
You personally might feel that the negativity towards this game was higher than for other games, since you do seem to really like Gone Home, but don't ignore that there are enough people who praise the game just like you do.
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I enjoyed the game, and explored everything there was, but the game is rather short, the stories are quite predictable and it feels kind of empty besides reading a bunch. It's definitely not worth the 20$ they're asking. It's a nice enough game, but it's not a fantastic game either and seems to be too hyped by some people. It may be more interesting to people who can relate to not being accepted for their sexuality, but as a straight person the theme didn't really resonate with me. My best advise is to get the game for 5$ or less and not expect too much about this game, and definitely don't read into the hype some people seem to create for it.
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8 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by EveryShadeOfLife
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908 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by Keepitup
Because like whenever someone brings up the game or you search about it, it feels like the amount of people who got insanely butthurt over a game that gasp dares to touch a taboo subject, especially if that game is somewhat close to that whole SJW/Gamergate nonsence, said game is going to get witchunted by the internet in general
I mean yes, I get that some people felt that 20 dollar or so isnt worth for a "wakjing simulator" but I think many have missed the important part it has: storytelling. Obviously you can speedrun through it if you really want..but then you wouldnt understand what the game is about, because the idea isnt to rush, its to explore: to uncover the story pieces by pieces. Personally it took me around 4 our so to beat the game and I found it to be pretty interesting, although admittedly I may have had some "prejudice" toward said title, that disappeared at the end of the journey.
Then again its probably just the fact that the overall audience (respect for the exceptions obviously) isnt ready for games that ultimately try and drift away from the everyday pewpew shooters and tries to actually have a message to say, to make us think (the best examble of that would be the scandal arouns That Dragon Cancer, and how they were literally witch hunting the dev, accusing him of trying to make money off a death story).
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