There are people with over 500 games, and they have a "top" game with tons of hours played, usually TF2 or another Valve game, then a few with over 10 hours, then like 10 or 20 with less than 3 hours, and the rest is left unplayed. Why do they want so many games if they aren't gonna spend a reasonable amount of time playing them?

Edit: I don't mean just having lots of unplayed games, that happens to me too. I mean people who seem to solely play their star game, be it TF2, CS:GO or whatever, and play almost nothing else other than that one game.

9 years ago*

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Too many games I would want to play, too little time due to real life and sleeping to play them all...

9 years ago

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In my opinion and how it works with me, I have a favourite game. I go and complete a game, say recently this was Saints Row 4. I racked up 20 hours or so on Saints Row 4. However, I don't feel compelled to go back and restart the story from the beginning, I will probably go back and get some achievements one day but I'm satisfied with what I got from the game, I enjoyed it, it was a nice change of pace.

Now, compare Saints Row 4 playtime to say my Binding of Isaac playtime which is 50 hours. I enjoyed both games an equal amount, Saints Row 4 just doesn't take as long to finish as say Binding of Isaac.

Now compare that with my favourite games, which are all Simulations/Strategy games. I have around 1,000 hours of Football Manager 2012. Did I ever "complete" Football Manager? No. Strategy games by the nature of the beast will take longer to "finish" and some people/mods make these games have neigh on infinite replayability(depending on taste of course).

Translate that to say other peoples favourite gaming genre, eg shooters like TF2 and you will probably arrive at your answer as to why people put so many hours into them.

That's not to mention the fact that I have a few games which I have got every achievement on, I've seen every ending and collected every collectable but I've only racked up say 5 hours.

TL;DR - Some games are longer than others.

9 years ago

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the time played isn't always accurate, some in my library I have played yet it shows no time played.
which can be caused by a number of reasons... playing offline being one of them.

9 years ago

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I used to make tons of money, almost 6k a month, I don't now, presently unemployed, woo for free time at least, and I bought tons of games I thought looked cool, sometimes too close together and forgot about them. I try to eventually get back to them.... but there are actually alot I still need to get to.

9 years ago

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My computer doesn't run them to the degree I wish they would. So they are on the back burner until I have a rig that can run these games how i'd like them to.


9 years ago

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I only have one games like that, Arkham Origins, game doesn't even look good compared to other games I've played, but it runs like crap even with minimal settings.

9 years ago

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I see

9 years ago

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Internal Dialogue

"Oh, look! There's that game I wanted!"

""Meh... You don't have the time to play it."

"But I might have the time to play it, later. And it's so shiny...!"

"Shiny, schmeiny. You have plenty of games to play, already, and you haven't even gotten to those, yet. You don't need this one, right now."

"But what if I want to play it later? Summer vacation is coming up and I'd love to own this for when I can find the time to play."

"If that's the case, you can wait for a year or two until the price comes down and then buy it for cheap."

""Hey, look! Someone's giving it away FOR FREE! What can be cheaper than that?"

"Get your greedy mouse pointer away from that entry button! All those other people also want the game, only they will actually play it."

"I'm sure I'd get to it, eventually.... You wouldn't let me have Super-Rocket-Toad-Blaster 3, either."

"Right, and look how you've managed to continue living on despite being oh-so-deprived."

"Oh, look! I can now buy Super-Rocket-Toad-Blaster 3 as part of a bundle for just 31 cents!"

"Awww, screw it. Where's my wallet?"

9 years ago

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Better to have,
and not need,
than to need,
and not have

9 years ago

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I've got 130+ games and I've played every single one of them for around 5 - 10+ hours each (some a whole lot more) unless they've been part of a bundle and I didn't like the sound of them, but that's only 3 or 4 games.

9 years ago

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drumroll BECAUSE WE CAN!!!

I try to play some of them though. I mean eventually all of them. I really play the shit out of Battlepaths and Get Off My Lawn and those aren't CS:GO, Dota 2 or TF2. Guess it's all down to people doing what the hell they want, ain't it?

9 years ago

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Because we can can can can can?

9 years ago

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I stopped playing WoW and LoL for a while to try to actually play some games. I don't quite have 11,976 games or anything just over 100 on Steam and another 100 between physical/Origin/Gamestop/360.
-Some games were promo's and I got for free
-Others are bundles where say the recent Darksiders bundle. $9 for the 2 games is a deal enough getting another 4-6 games will just be put very low on my to-play list
-Other times they throw 20 different Tomb Raider games or Warhammer 40k games.. In my library.
-A few games I play on Wineskin when I feel like playing a windows only game on my Mac and I have a problem with Steam and Wineskin that Steam ALWAYS needs to be offline so they don't show up as played...Iv recently been getting into the in-home streaming instead from my PC which I use my own router thats not connected to the internet because getting ethernet from the router we normally use a little more that's offline...
-I have a game or 2 that reset played time on it
-I recently played through Portal and Portal 2 and the challenge mode in portal didn't feel like a challenge just tedious... Portal 2 I may play around with mods and co-op a little but I feel like there are other games I want to turn my attention to for a bit as well so they only have a few hours on each as single player was kinda short....It was still very fun.

9 years ago

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they just like collecting games ;) "why on the world are ppls collecting old/new coins when they don't wanna use/sell them??"

9 years ago

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Isaac Rebirth is just that good

9 years ago

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Heh, just look at my profile, I got over 130 hours too.

9 years ago

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I think my times aren't too bad but I've been busy with school or else I would be playing the Star Wars games I got! :)

9 years ago

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I buy a lot of games just in case I become a famous youtuber and find some time to play them :P

9 years ago

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Working on playing them, but usually I'm too tired to play something new, so I end up playing a few ARAMs in LoL. Still I have 19 completed game (no achievements or not 100%) and 39 perfect games - and I'm working on them :)

9 years ago

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they gotta do what they gotta do..
why should we care?

9 years ago

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When there is a great deal, i sometimes buy games to keep aside like squirrels... for times when there are not good deals. To have something interesting to play with because love videogames.

9 years ago

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Well most of my games are off of steam. Only about 5% are on steam. I just buy games I like and eventually play them, but I buy them faster than I can play them unfortunately.

9 years ago

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Some people, myself included, just tend to buy games faster than we can play them...I'll slow down one day and catch up...aside from that though, a lot of people are addicted to just buying games because they're cheap...

9 years ago

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Too many potatoes to eat at once. If you get new potato every day you'll choke with them and then you'll back to potato you ate yesterday because you remember that it was great and choke-free. Also that potato is the one you know that don't require from you to think and focus too much on it.

9 years ago

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Because, because....I will play them....but just later.....yeah later....someday....later.....yeah.

9 years ago

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Simple answer: Look at girls who have tons of clothes and say "I have nothing to wear." The same applies to us. Sometimes, we get bored of certain games faster than others, or we just don't feel like playing them at the moment, etc.

Hell, I took like a year break from Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim and only recently started playing again. As for other games in my library, I just grew tired and bored of them. When I bought them, they seemed nice, but as time passed, I realized they were more like impulse purchases.

9 years ago

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I'll buy the games off of steam sales and bundles, but they go straight to my backlog man.

I wish I had all the time in the world to play all my games, but I don't have a lot of time to play them after I come home from work. I still like to have them though, and I know I'll eventually get to them, I just like to take my time.

Also I share my account with my gf, and she plays a lot of the games I don't, so there's that.

9 years ago

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Some of us are grown-ass people with full time jobs/family etc. We have the money but we don't have the time so we just amass a huge pile of games in hopes of playing them later on. It's more of a collector's hobby. Maybe I'll finish them all after I have retired, or just pass my account on to my kids to play them.

Personally I have finished around 45-50 games out of the 726 games I own. Also I finished most of them long before I had a Steam account and I just re-bought them.

9 years ago

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Well...What can you buy with 1$ ?! Not many things...
You can have few game that will give many hours of fun for only 1 $ if you're buying bundle games
So why not...?

Btw,its doesnt matters if you never played those game because it's only 1$ and part of this money goes to charity so ,its all good. ;)

9 years ago

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download speed is abysmal

9 years ago

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