Wait for the sale and grab quake collection, unreal tournament collection (deal pack) or KotOR 1 and 2. Maybe Fallout 3 and /or New Vegas. Try to grab their GOTY versions if you can. If you like Star Wars, grab the Jedi Knight collection. Painkiller is also not so bad. Serious Sam is nice too with a bud or two. Or grab Bulletstorm.
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I second Torchlight II. It's even better if you have friends to play with or if you're willing to get a few mods.
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Torchlight 2 has some issues that really bother me:
Difficulty: Normal is easy to the point where it's not fun to play. Veteran on the other hand is pretty tough. There's a rather significant jump between the difficulties.
Story: This can barely qualify as a story. Alchemist goes on a rampage, he is after guardians to take their power. You get to first guardian, he tells you Alchemist was already here and tells you to go to second guardian. You go to second guardian, he tells you Alchemist was already here and that you should head to third guardian and so on. A child could come up with something more interesting.
Skill system: I have mixed feelings about the skill tree, mostly because some skills seem to be lot better than others which ruins the variety of viable builds (to be fair a lot of RPGs have issues with this).
I gave the game several chances but I always ended up giving up because it simply wasn't fun enough. There was nothing in the game that would hook me. You have to spam potions too much on veteran difficulty and spend most of your money on buying more of them. Then you're left with no money to buy good items when they show up in show or to gamble. I assume this ceases to be an issue later on when you get good health steal gems for your weapons though.
I think fishing system was better in Torchlight and even better in Fate games where you could fish up gear (armor, weapons) which made fishing fun.
I might give the game yet another chance sooner or later though.
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Peopel say TL2 will get harder from 3rd? episode. I'm curious, because while I like the game (mods can make wonders to make it more varied, more classes, more loot, more risk, etc) I got bored of basically farting anything to pieces during the game. Enemies deal low damage, I kill everything in 1-4 hits except bosses (and champions need like 20 sec) while tanking everything. I kinda like it and I TRY to like it even more, but everything is just a blob of XP that dies way too fast :\
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I agree with most of the things you wrote. But on the other hand I think you expect too much from Torchlight 2, which prevents you from simply have fun for a hour or two. Which is probably due to the fact that you played the first game. And as I said I did not - so for me it was all new. Perhaps this is the reason:)
About the difficulty: Played my first game on casual - to get acquainted with the game and to achieve two of the gold achievements. And after that i am playing on hardcore elite and manage to handle. And usually I am not good at games.
The story is there to have some words in the game.
Yes skill system can be better but i think there some app for Windows that can help. You can change things on the fly, or something. I have not used it because I do not need and I'm on Linux too.
Yes, fishing is tedious no doubt about it.
Maybe you should try some of the mods, if you plan to play again.
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I am not saying it is not, I am just an old-school player who fell right into that generation where video game RPGs were already not loot-gathering dungeon crawler simulators and were not yet dumbed back down to be loot-gathering dungeon-crawler simulators. So, for me, "RPG" equals cRPG, and ARPG is a subset of the action games genre.
That doesn't mean I didn't love, for example, Fallout 3, which was nothing but Oblivion with guns: run around, kill shit, loot stuff, don't try to listen to the story, because it is so bad it causes brain damage. I just knew not to treat it as an RPG but as an open-world hoarding simulator. :D
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Yes, I know what you mean. Torchlight is perfect for the moments in which you want to relax and play something that does not require much thinking. An excellent way to escape from reality for me. I just start spotify and then run Torchlight. As I plan to do now :)
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bump no new fall out or new gta got the rest 2 accounts ..other is KILLLINGYOUSLOWLY
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dont have fallen on steam yet but fate killer was think baulders gate old skool but ended up with shadows of mor...watched that price fall from the start sleeping dogs never played but reviews r epic..great deal 7.50........n splinter cell chaos ther...love the og 1 wanted alot of 30$ horror games..and could afford the$20 doller ones but everyones said they suck? good looking out steam ga commun... :) all dayz
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The touchpad-control pf Ember kills me inside. I end of way too often just flickering a screen a little instead of moving there, because I click-drag for a splitsecond :D But I just finished the tutorial area, so storywise it can get a lot better (from the current okay-goodish)
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侠客风云传(Tale of Wuxia) http://store.steampowered.com/app/377530/ , Disgaea http://store.steampowered.com/app/405900/ , Rainbow six siege http://store.steampowered.com/app/359550/
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http://store.steampowered.com/app/251150, http://store.steampowered.com/app/251290, http://store.steampowered.com/app/23310/ or check my wishlist has a tone of stuff there:P
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he is right there really is to many to count but online FPS: i would go with csgo, insurgency, killing floor 2
sing player: bordlerands 1, borderlands 2 and the borderlands prequel Also if you have not played max payne 1 and 2
rpg: any final fantasy, mount and blade warband kind of an ARPG but its unique and a ton of gameplay time, KOTOR 1&2 Also not really an rpg but OVerlord is a really fun and unique game.
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