Puppo or Kitten
Don't have my guitar right now to take a picture, so here's a doom metal classic from Sleep, one of the greatest stoner doom bands of all time. It's an hour long spiritual journey into the riff filled land. Heavily recommend to just sit down and soak it in. I don't smoke, but if you do it's encourage that you do it before listening.
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I have a lot of free time at the moment, so maybe tonight I will just lay down and drift away with it. Thank you for the suggestion!
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Sorry that I got here pretty late :s But for anyone else who has the same problem, just replace the XXXXX with the code:
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I'm such a sucker for Metalcore lol. I really like the recent Trivium, Matt's voice is definitely something out of this world. Suggest me some of your favs \m/
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Dunno if you're gonna like these but let's give it a try!
• Van Canto - Lost Forever / One To Ten
• Sabaton - Panzerkampf
• A7X - Hail To The King
• Ill Niño - I am Loco
• OOMPH! - Augen Auf
• Alestorm - Keelhauled / The Sunk'n Norwegian
• Elvenking - Through Wolf's Eyes
It is about 1% of the diversity of my playlists so don't hesitate for more :D
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Nice, great to see someone suggest A7X! Just saw them again in July with Metallica
I would have went with one of these, but nothing wrong with Hail.
Piece of Heaven (live)
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I saw the ad on Facebook the other day and just feelsBadMan :( small town Canada sigh... One day, one day
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Sabaton and Alestorm are amazing! So great that they can mix stories such cool things together! I mean Pirate and Metal, who woulda thought haha. Van Canto and acapella metal are crazy too! Definitely born in the right place, right time.
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Here's great Australian garage/psychodelic rock band for you and of course a kitten photo!
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Rattlesnake
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What an interesting song haha. Combining that with the photo, insta good day! You shower me with goodness x)
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This video was my first contact with King Gizzard and it made me skeptical, the song felt campy and repetitive. But it left me intrigued and I was coming over and over again, 'cause my weakness for campy and weird stuff and also to annoy my girlfriend :P And after a few weeks I fell in love with this band. Now I see they genius and creativity!
Check these songs (and videos!) if you want to:
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - People-Vultures
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - The River
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Slow Jam 1
Plus a free BONUS: Baby alien kitten!
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Sorry about the late edit, it should be up there now
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If you're not into gay metal you should check out Stoner and Doom metal, maybe also Sludge metal. Just look up saviours living in the void, or high on fire, baroness, saint vitus, whatnot, there are too many excellent underground metal bands out there.
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Yeah... I'm a sucker for Metalcore and my friend called that pussy metal lol. Let me queue these bands up! Doom metal seems to be the people's fav on Steamgift :^)
Edit: Okay, okay Saviours actually got my attention right away, this is great!
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Three of my favorite metal albums of all time:
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Pantera has always been the power I need to start up a long day of work! Such a good band!
Let me put all of these in queue since I have a day off today. Thanks for your suggestion!
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Demanufacture is not for me I don't think, but Fear Factory certainly hits all the right spots!
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Judas Priest, known like The Metal Gods
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I have always been avoiding old school metal because I (somehow) thought that they are not hard enough... Boi was I wrong when I listened to Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. I think they deserve all the praise that they got.
Rock on!
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Judas Priest and Iron Maiden are the old school that today sounds hard yet. Even Ronnie James Dio (RIP), who introduced the horn hand in the metal, sounded so hard in his last years
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Queensrÿche is super dope! I only listened to Eye of the Stranger and Breaking the Silence and I'm already in love. Old metal certainly has a lot of charm
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Hehe god bless for Mercury. Queen is my family favourite when it comes to night time camping and jamming.
Queen is love, Queen is life
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Really remind me of Linkin Park during the early 2000s, very cool tune! Thank you :^)
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Let me start by saying you should give a listen to Kylesa, Tool, Baroness, Sleep, Om, Electric Wizard. Proposed them since/because of Machine Head.
If you indeed meant hard rock / metal as a genre, then it's back to the classics with Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin IV, Rainbow's first three albums, Cream,
Dio and Judas Priest from the top of of my head. I'd also recommend listening to some Rush and some Jethro Tull since they have parts that can only be
considered metal, even tho they are prog rock. Again, go for Sabbath's Master of Reality. Best album ever. :)
You could also try some Melvins as well as SunnO))) if you're feeling adventurous :P
P.S. Almost forgot, thanks for the giveaway :)
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So much goodness in one comment, it will take me a long time to listen to all of them :p But I will get to everything eventually! Bookmarked this to comeback hehe
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I'm a big fan of their earlier works, with Images and Words and Metropolis Pt. 2 being my favorite albums ever. They hit and missed in the past 15 years, but the last album is the only one I haven't bought (yet)... The Astonishing is actually a disappointment for me, especially after their "reboot" with the Dream Theater album in 2013, which was fantastic!
Anyway, nice to see someone else appreciating DT here! :D
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The build up, the singing, and that kick ass solo. I'm actually blown away! More please!
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Let me then suggest you to listen to the whole Images and Words album, and then A Change of Seasons (a 23 minutes song that was originally supposed to go with Images and Words but then was released separately), and then to Metropolis Part 2 (which expands on the song you already listened to, and it's organized in acts like a theatrical tragedy). If you can, follow the lyrics as well, some parts of these albums are so magic for me I can't even start to describe them. Enjoy!
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I will check out Opeth some more since a lot of my friends recommended them to me. However, this song is really not my cup of (metal?) tea tho. Thank you for your suggestion!
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Total eclipse of the pug kind
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I agree with you wholeheartedly! Their diversity in music is why I love them so much. Even though they are very considered mainstream, I still can't get enough ;_; Where is the next album!!!!!????
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On a serious note, I dunno, the Brütal Legend soundtrack?
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Lol Common Denominator tho. As for Brutal Legend, I haven't played the game yet. But from the soundtrack so far, it makes me want to grab a copy right away haha.
Would you recommend the game?
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The action-adventure parts are as good as most in the genre, but then it jumps into RTS battles at set points in the story. It really is a strange mashup of a game. I didn't enjoy the RTS battles. There were at least a couple that I had to attempt a dozen or so times. The soundtrack is great, even for someone who isn't a metal enthusiast, the mechanics are interesting, and it's funny. Overall, I'd recommend it, with strong reservations about the RTS sections.
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Burp. Good luck.
Stay on the right side of the road, when turning at an intersection look at the median and don't go in the wrong lane & look out for old ladies in front of your car after you've checked the left side, right side and back mirror before flooring the pedal (RIP).
Don't make the same mistakes as I did.
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Yes yes and yes. I started listening to Iron Maiden like a week ago and now I listen to them everyday. Born in the right generation!
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With a lot of terrible things happened around the world lately, I create this thread to make me (and hopefully you) feel lighter with some wholesomeness from the community.
There are 3 things that I absolutely can't live without: my dog, my guitar, and my iPod (yes, the classic clunky one). I recently got into Hard Rock/Metal and would love some songs suggestion to satisfy this appetite! My favourite bands at the moment include Machine Head and As I Lay Dying, so posting them would be cheating :p But I'm open up to any tunes really!
For the people who have (a) pets, please flaunt them! I would love to see your dearies, the ones that put a smile on you after long hard days. Down below is my pup Apollo, he is a black lab that eats literally everything (like his own poo, yikes...)
I'm also planning on buying a guitar if my job application got accepted. Hence, if you want, you can spoil me with your guitar pics too :p
Okay okay enough of me wanting things from you, here is a tiny gift from me to say thanks!
It is Batman Arkham: Origins. I put a lvl1 and jigidi (15 pieces) in there just to prevent bots.
P/s: I'm not very active on the forum so I won't be able to reply to every comment, but know that I appreciate you, ok :^) ? Great day!
Edit: For anyone that don't know what to do with the code, it belongs here:
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