Sigh, why are you encouraging begging? Do you really think that people who ignore the rules are those who want or reserve your gifts most?
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It's just not allowed to ask for games here, so creator of the previous thread got suspended for breaking the rules of the site. They should clearly read the rules first but also it would be nice to see more experienced users helping noobs instead of mocking them :) Yes, I know they are for 2 years here and they should read the rules by now but a person who always read terms and conditions of every website you sign up for please raise your wing. I am aware that after a while it might be an unpleasant rutine to see forums spammed with threads like this previous one though.
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Ask for games is not allow. Persecution and inappropriate behavior is not allowed too.
I saw some mad situations due last days and it looks very siily and rude.
Example 1: GA wich created for blacklist all useres who entered in it.
Example 2: above.
I don't want to continue to develop this theme cause it is dangerous but people goes more angry and silly month-after-month due last 2 years. It scares and concerns me because it leads to barbarism in the absolute. Sanity, kindness, politeness began to leave this world.
P.S.: yeah-yeah it's sounds like mad prophet
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wasn't there a potential threat with Steam regarding the username? Like, ppl shouldn't let their Steam's username in tho open so any one could exploit a flaw or something like that? I mean because of the printscreen.
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I don't get that
You can just click on the user and see his steam account.
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Steam login name and profile name can and should be different from each other. With the public name you can't do much besides impersonating, with the login name you already have 50% of what you need to access an account for users without Steam guard. Yes, you still need the password but as it was hinted above there was an issue some time ago where you could reset the passwort with just the login name. By now it's fixed of course.
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ah, ok got it
can remember that I forgot my username and couldn't log in on my phone while traveling (during sales last year) and wanted to know my name from a friend. But as they are not the same, that didn't worked. Like then, I mixed them up.
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Don't encourage begging on the forums.
We get enough of it already, and there's a good reason it's against the rules.
No one wants 1000 threads/day where people are asking for free games.
They have 1000's of opportunities to win free games without begging.
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And they'll get suspended for making said post, what's the problem? It's new year and a time for celebrations, let the OP bestow some festive cheer upon the beggar in question, without descending to the same level of meanness that made another distinct user with a giveaways-for-low level users, leave. If other beggars get encouraged by this thread (as if the blacklists they get are not discouragement enough) then they'll similarly get temporary (and permanent) bans on first/repeat offences.
Though for any other time of the year, I'd agree with you but I feel from OP's language that he just wants to make someone's new year pleasant.
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I prefer a system where people follow the rules and don't (directly or indirectly) encourage others to break them.
Yes, they eventually get suspended, but what happens when there are more of them because they see people responding to their begging? Like I said, there's a reason it's against the rules, and it's to keep it from being a daily occurrence. Support have better things to do than deal with 100 begging threads/day.
EDIT: just for the record, I supported fully that other event -- but he wasn't encouraging anyone to break any rules, nor was he breaking any himself.
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Yes. Happy new year is worst time for abusing anybody (users LOVE aduse beggers). Main goal of this site is donation, so level-farmers should be quite. Look, most of them giveawayed tonns of cheapest games or bundles like humble bundle full (not part!) or clickteam fusion like.
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Must have this in library to add +75% chance got the game after create "I need XXXXXX key" thread
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I think more ppl like "I need Gunmetal Arcadia key" guy will create similar thread
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I hear what you are saying i think but the language barrier may be making your point come across poorly.
Whilst I agree people over the last 6 months especially have needlessly and relentlessly attacked things(SGTools, Level 1's, events, dev keys) begging isn't one of the things that needs defending.
Banning begging and keeping a harsh line on it keeps the status quo and stops the forum degenerating into a total clusterfuck of people just begging for games.
If your idea is to just make the forums better, thats a decent sentiment I can agree with, if its to promote begging, I'm not a fan.
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yeah, I'm not very good on english >.>
Thx for answer. I made all it cause I see too much groth mad due last 2 years.
Where are else 2 reasons: 1) it's Happy New Year today and 2) I agree with u and I don't massively begging games but I can't stare when people start abusing beggers. If somebody have money and desire to make gift than it is their right but money don't give right to abusing beggers. Especially while Happy Near year.
My english is better where I hope
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Your English is much better than my attempt at your language would be so don't worry. I just think a lot of people will miss your point!
I think you may have selected poorly in promoting your "lets be nice" sentiments through a person begging, but I appreciate your efforts non-the-less.
I think a major issue people have with begging is its not necessarily being done by someone who can't afford it.
Anyways! Have a Happy New Year and keep trying to make the world a nicer place. Peace out!
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Beware of the resident SG trolls and the SGTools - , Levels - , Events -, Dev keys - , Bundle games -, Reffs - , Jealousy and envy - dickhead and trollop police Ally and don't turn your back at them or they'll stick another knife in your back! :X
Happy New Year Ally! ^^
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I don't think they realise they only ever reply to each other and when someone DOES finally reply its to tell them to shut up. Including support, who they are still ignoring, its not bullying ot harrassment though! Oh lord no! Even though its just us and its every thread.
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You've got that right Ally! ^^
But F' them anyway because in the end they just will have crows and rats visiting them! :X
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Check it without toons of words)
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I don't care if the other guy gets suspended or not. The problem is that he should understand how pathetic it is to beg for games. There are a lot of homeless people, outside in the cold streets, that are begging for some food to survive and they deserve all the love they can get. <3 And, on the other side, there are some people, having a home, food, family, internet, etc., that end up begging for games - FOR GAMES! Am I the only one that thinks that begging for free games is pathetic as duck? Thing is, he should have been given a second chance to understand how wrong he is. His stance is offending the real life beggars, the ones that deserve to get something for free, because all they want is some food and water. :(
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I figured, I just couldn't believe you created such a pointless topic.
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You think you are a kind soul by gifting a random beggar a game? Youre are just embarrassing... shame on you.
Gift beggars all the game you like..but don*t tell us.. and endorse people to break rules.
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Hi all, it's response to discussion.
Well, I saw some mad between steamgift users.
Happy New Year! I wish you all kindness!
Gift for banned user below (first picture)
P.S.: I think I'll take usual bann for this discussion
This user (furupoweru) contact me and thanks me by 2 games %)
I'm little surprised and.... it's kindness power may be?) Anyway it could teach haters (and all lols who blacklisted me) kindness and politeness could do the same bigger response.
Proof (second picture):
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