No offense but maybe divide the text with a few enter presses here and there might make it better to read.
Anyway i wish you good luck, unfortunately house prices just keep rising and rising and it will become unaffordable for many people to come, here we got a shortage of 300.000 houses but we can't build because of EU pollution rules. Also businesses are investing more and more in buying up houses which lead to scarceness and thus also increase of prices.
Think tiny houses are the way to go (or allow space to live in a trailer or camper or whatever) but that's not a thing yet here and probably not profitable for cities to get taxes out of it.
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I don't live in a super expensive area but pay wages are the issue and that's what makes it very difficult for everyone. They need to just make a change so people can live without worrying about tomorrow.
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Supposedly they are trying to start putting in the effort to change it, it may not happen but they said they are gonna work on it.
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Thank you, it's just too much all at once that's what makes it hard.
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Sorry for your losses, wish for the best moving forward.
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Sorry for the loss of your family members.
I looked into buying a house last year, and I was pretty amazed at all of the additional costs. I naively thought that I'd just pay the down payment and that would be that... but there are so many other expenses that I'm somewhat surprised anyone actually successfully buys a house (at least here in the US, not sure if it's the same everywhere).
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Yes, I only have a small amount put away, Down payment is gonna be $5000 plus $2000 for closing, $580 for appraisal, and then around $400 for a home inspection. Then I will also need a washer and dryer and stuff for in the house including food and furniture.
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That isn't too much usually depending on location.
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My condolences.
Sorry to hear about all that bad stuff happening to you.
Best of luck with finding a great house!
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So sorry to hear about your family, pal. Hope things get better for you, I understand you must be under a lot of stress having it all come at you at once, but remember you have to eat even if you don't have appetite, and rest when you need it. You can do it. Seems like the US has some lame (and expensive) house system, but maybe there is a workaround? Getting a house in a different area or maybe an apartment? Either way hope you can find something. Best of my wishes to you!
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apartments cost more than buying a house, my job is here and any affordable areas that would be cheaper than here are quite a drive. Thank you
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hey if you need to vent here is a great place :)
and osrry for everything thats happening i have phsycle problems but i cant imagine somthing that bad
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Yes, it's just hard trying to go through a life-altering process, and then death is thrown into that as well.
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So this week started off with me pursuing buying a house, my nerves are shot already from that. They expect so much money to be given with little regard to how much you have left when everything is settled. I'm having a hard time eating because my appetite is nonexistent, but this is something I truly need so that I can work towards rebuilding my life and gaining back my independence from what has happened to me over the last few years so all I can do is give my best effort.
On top of that, I just found out on Monday that my uncle in Florida was found dead by the police and they proceeded to call me and my brother( we live in North Carolina) and told us they found him back in the street and that he had cancer. They still didn't tell us what he died from or if it was cancer-related but I'm now curious what was the point of even calling if you are just going to leave us in the dark.
We found out yesterday that our other uncle in Ohio who is around 60 just died from Coronavirus and they also refused to go into any details and proceeded to not give us much information. Overall, this week has really taken a toll on me and I just needed to vent and be able to let it out. Life sure knows how to kick you hard when you least expect it. If you have any similar experiences you would like to share, I would gladly welcome them. Thank you for listening!
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