Do you agree
This BS is the reason communists are better than capitalists
YouTube Comments are weird, but yeah preodering was bad enough, this is just ...ugh.
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I like Jim Sterling's
Can one of the bonuses be a cloth for the amount of sick this video made me spill all over my fucking desk?
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But more importantly, why the robotic lady voice?
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Ok, I get it. It's a bit like those futuristic holographic monitors with CRT scanlines in Dead Space.
01000001 01101100 01110011 01101111 00101100 00100000 00100110 01101100 01110100 00111011 00110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00101110
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They couldn''t find anybody who wanted to be associated with this crap.
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Damn, TB is fast at snatching the jokes before everyone else...
Oh well, I got nothing to say here anymore, then. :-/
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Totalbiscuits's rant against it
Wow that is a shitty decision!
Honestly i've never seen a youtube video with that insane amount of dislikes against likes! I knew there would be people that hated this but I didn't think the backlash would be so big. I thought there would still be the stupid people who stick by every stupid decision square enix makes. But I guess they've even lost them people by doing this!
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And do you know what's the funniest about the whole situation? Some blabbering youtubers can rant, people can dislike, gamers can cry out loud, made topics like that, and swear on forums but at the end of the day, they will preorder it.
After problems with games (Batman, Watch_Dogs, some part of Assassins franchise) people was massively swearing an oaths to never preorder anything again, becuase they 'learned their lesson'. Meanwhile, on other parts of internet, EA was receiving daily dozes of hate (IMO unfairly in most cases), hearing how bad they are, they even won some idiotic contest for worst comapny. And then BOOM first infos about Battlefront hitted internet and people in few second changed their mind for 180 degrees OMG EA, I love you, please make a good game; You see EA is great after all :D :D; HYPE, where I can preorder?!?! - this are actually quotes from polish gaming site.
No wonder why no one treats gamers seriously.
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Vast majority of game purchases still happen in retail, where the buyer can't (and wouldn't) look after the game properly - plus there are lots of gamers who absolutely doesn't care about it, don't even know about the issues like this. Not exactly hype, but the amount of people who picked up fallout 3 only because 4 (FOUR) is coming is shocking - They don't even care about 1 and 2. They don't give a shit about the fantastic systems New Vegas created. They'll just compare it to the 3rd because 4 comes after 3, duuuh
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The same way the populations's majority do their shopping in one place - they simply don't care or don't even think about that it could be cheaper on other places. Like before I accidentally found humblebundle, beforehand I had no idea how could one have so many games because they cost and arm and a leg at full price.
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Okay, so I guess I'll get Deus Ex 4 around late 2017 when they unlock all this shit in the Augment/GOTY (they buy one even if the game sucks)/Ultimate/ExtraMega/WhateverFancyName edition.
Just please, please don't fuck this game up by turning it to another stupid little cover-based console shooter for the dumb little CoD kids…
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"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Augment your Pre-Order" - Nuff said.
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"Is it literally a competition now to be the worst company possible now?"
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That's just awful and kinda unfair towards people that either don't want to pre-order or missed the pre-order for whatever reasons.
Sad thing is, people that missed the pre-order chance and bought the game after that wont have those extra stuff but people that pirated the game will.
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I guess you missed the memo that this happens for years?
You didn't preorder Batman? Say goodbye to Harley Queen.
You didn't preorder CoD? Say goodbye to "some-old-map remake".
You didn't preoder BF? Say goodbye to whole mappack.
You didn't preorder Deus Ex Human Revolution? Say goodbye to map where character from DE1 appears.
It's simple. By jumping shark you're getting $5 DLC for free. Good thing is, with the current Steam-refund-policy it really is easy to pre-order, not start it in first hours, wait for internet and give it back if it turns out to be shit.
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Just clarifying an error (I agree with the screw-preorder-exclusives sentiment).
Re: Batman Arkham Knight -- The day of release (long before they decided to remove it from the store), they clarified that the Harley Quinn DLC is a preorder exclusive only for a limited time. Everyone with the Season Pass / Premium Edition will receive it.
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Aren't that all? You either preorder and get DLC for free, or you wait for release and have to pay to get it later.
Hmm, I guess I shouldn't say "say goodbye", as it's more like "say goodbye to wallet as you'll have to pay additional $5-15-whatever".
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Worst thing about it is the number of people that will actually pre-order because of it. I mean, there are people who pre-order everything for no apparent reason, and this is gonna encourage them even more!
Still, I have high hopes that it will be a good game. I liked Human Revolution.
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Who cares. They'll sell preorder bonuses as dlc later anyway (monies!). And in time it'll get really cheap. And if the game will be shitty, they'll blame piracy as always for poor sales.
I'm not preordering anything anymore, too many good series have gone to goo. Not even Fallout 4.
Oh, and by the "4 days early" they mean dealing with bugs and overloaded activation servers, I presume? I'm not bothering with new titles until first patch at least, since releasing not sufficiently tested games became an industry standard.
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This being a Square Enix game, it will probably be 75% off by next summer sale.
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I don't care about it and if you like Deus Ex franchise you also shouldn't.
I care about game, not about publisher marketing scheme. Still I won't be getting game on it's premiere, but the only reason for that is the fact that I don't yet own system to play it.
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it's the other way around. because you like the franchise, you should care. this shit is getting worse and worse. and our beloved franchises are adapted to these new sales models. if you say you don't care about bullshit like preorder dlc, microtransactions and whatever, because you like the game and want to just enjoy it, then you ignore a problem that will get worse and worse. to a point when you can't ignore it anymore.
don't get me wrong, i will most likely buy the game and have a lot of fun. and i will try to ignore all the bullshit around it as much as possible. but that doesn't mean we can't say on the internet what we think about stuff like that. and i am not even against preorders in general. there have been some good ones. but this "augment your preorders" stuff is a new level of bs and i cannot see anything good about it.
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Well, kinda yes and kinda no. I don't really take a part in this, let's say, battle mostly to two reasons.
1 I never preodred games
In my life I only preorder three games - Battlefield 4 on PS3 (till this day I rgeret spending full price on that game, knowing the fact that I actually don't care about MP), GTA V on PS3 (becaue so rare for me HYPE and fact that R* never failed me) and Hotline Miami 2 on PC (It was actually 'pre-purchase' - I was starving for this game from the end credits of Hotline Miami; I also was monitoring updates on game and it had discount; also it's from cool indie devs).
Honestly, I also (right now) don't have money to buy games on full price and even when I have I like to carefully pick my choices, which is possible AFTER premiere (non promotional gameplays and stuff). I think I can say that I myself, don't encourage big publishers to do stuff like that, becuase when i finally buy the game, marketing strategy is already ended or I just simply don't buy it, so they don't see my money.
2 Gamers can't be treated seriously and their (our) words have zero value
Every now an then, when something like that happend (weird marketing model; recent case with planned Hitman distribution; DLCs as parts of incomplete base game and not expansions; unfinished games being realsed to early) people rant and say random things on interent that in most case will have value of that nasty thing that sometimes attache to your soles. Why? Because they will quickly forget about their oaths and will participate in this model anyway. I have said more about this in my comment above I can only add one thing - on two polish gaming sites I actually saw users that under one arcitles was hating on some marketing strategies, but few days later, they were asking how they can preorder game because they want that another map.
tl;dr I don't care because I actually don't encourage publishers to do things like that with my money. I don't care because ranting and discussing how bad this strategies are is useless and won't change anything because gamers change they mind in blink of an eye and nothin we say on forums or comment sections can't be treated seriously. Thanks to ourselfs.
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(1) that means you're less affected by this than people who preorder. but that doesn't necessarily mean, you are not affected at all. when publishers change a game in order to sell more preorders, it is likely that everyone has to suffer from it, e.g. because they cut missions out to sell them as preorder bonus. same goes for othher things like microtransactions. you can say you won't buy any of those. but it is possible that the publisher will tell the developer to slightly adjust the game here and there in order to sell more ingame currency. it doesn't have to be like this, but it is definitely possible. so my point of view is, even if it has not effect, it cannot hurt to complain about those things. it can only help in the long run.
(2) you're absolutely right. most people on the internet just like to complain about everything and are not really serious about it. so many post stuff like "i will boycott publisher x from now on", and i bet they buy the next good game from that publisher without hesitation. so yeah, it's hard to take people serious on the internet. but that doesn't mean complaining about stuff we don't like is useless. an example: dead rising 3 was available for preorder, then got region locked for germany during the last 4 weeks of the preorder phase. we filled their forum with posts about this. we told them that this step is not required by german law, we quoted paragraphs - we just complained a lot about this. they first said they have a team of lawyers who told them to apply this lock. we didn't stop to tell them how wrong they are. and in the end (i believe a few days before release) we succeeded. they removed the lock, we were able to play our preordered game, and others were able to import a copy from other countries. so we customers have in fact some power. we can change things. it's not useless to complain about anti-consumer stuff like that.
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even if it has not effect, it cannot hurt to complain about those things. it can only help in the long run.
Well, of course you are right, I can't disagree with that.
About second paragraph - honestly I was aware of few exceptions but I didn't mention them on purpose. I did that because as far as I know, ranting doesn't help in situations that I was talking about. To be clear, I'm talking about pre-orders, DLCs, microtransactions all that cashgrab methods. I also don't think that ranting will change that Deus Ex pre-order strategy (I even think that they will eventually include all that stuff in something like GOTY or Directors Cut, not to mention that I'm more than sure that eventually next tiers will be unlocked) or new Hitman distribution method.
As for your example, I think this is different case. Look, at my examples, it's kinda clear that the main motivation for publishers is to get as much money as they can, and peoples rant would take that money from them. In Dead Rising 3 case it was other way around - with publishers decision they somehow come to terms with the fact that they won't make some ammount of money. Gamers show them that they actually can make that money (as they can realse game on German market) so they changed they mind. Please, don't think I'm so pessimist but I belive that if they wouldn't see a chance to make bigger money with that game they probablly wouldn't change anything. I also think that similiar case was when Valve introduced paid mods. After all that s**t storm they realize that in long run they can lose more that they will gain + now they can pose as gamers friendly company, gaining some points from their fanboys.
In general, yes. You showed me that we have some power but sadly I think we only have it, when it can help companies in making more money.
I hope everything is clear, I have very nasty headache and I had a little hard time writing this stuff. I hope didn't make to many mistakes :P
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i am also doubtful we can every change an already running preorder campaign with a few forum posts. just won't happen. but maybe we can have other effects with it. like for instance show the other customers how bad this kind of business practise is. and maybe even convince a few people to not preorder the game. while i am not completely against preordering (there are cases where preordering actually can make sense to a certain degree), aggressive preorder strategies like with deus ex are just bad for us all. and if ranting will keep only a few people from preordering, it was worth it, if you ask me.
i have another example. elite dangerous was released on steam, after heavily implying that this won't every happen. when we asked for steam keys for our version of the game (bought on frontier website), the first reaction was a simple "no". we then filled the forum with thousands of posts about this and got our steam keys in the end. they didn't really make money with this decision. it was only about the people who already bought the game anyway. one could argue that they wanted to have more players in the steam stats in order to generate more sales over time. but i think that's a long shot. no, i guess the reason they changed their minds was simply that we flooded the forum so much and this was even mentioned on a few news sites. it was bad publicity. but bad publicity can only happen if people complain as loud as they can. :)
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I have to disagree. Why couldn't they just release ALL that content for free after the game's release? And a trailer like this one is like a "Yeah, trust me, just give me your money: everything will be OK, the game will be perfect". Plus more rewards unlocked when more people preorders the game? Now THAT's bullshit. What is their model, Dota 2?
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Well, let's go a step forward - why they can't just include all that stuff in base game? If you ask me, I belive this is how it should be - it's logical and fair for customers to deliver a full product.
And as for your question, trhe answer is easy - money. No matter how good game you will make, there is always something that can go wrong, that could affect trading income. When people pre-order game, they don't really have to care about it because they got money for something that isn't even ready. Yet still they have to somehow convince people to made that preorders so they simply just throw some 'bonus' stuff.
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i agree with you, but just because i'm NOT gonna preorder.
all the shifty stuff they are trying to pull won't even affect me in this case. the real problem is a lot of people will preorder (because it always happens), so in the end they will "win" and repeat this thing again and again just because they can. -_-
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For me, the biggest problem is not the fact that some people will pre-order it simply because they want that content. I'm more 'angry' because of people who swear to fight with things like that, and post comments how they will never participate in things like that, yet eventually they do ;/
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I don't like the marketing scheme. (Though it's still better than the zillion-versions-of-each-game crap that sometimes is pulled. At least I can count this :P)
What I care much more about is what they actual game itself is going to be like. As long as that's good I couldn't care less about the marketing shenanigans. I won't preorder anyway since I never do, despite loving the Deus Ex franchise.
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I guess, "I never asked for this."
Games got preorder bonuses. Thats normal. Like, every game has it... but considering by preordering u can get only HALF of these bonuses and that even considering u have to hit a certain MILESTONE is fucking retarded. And what is the ultimate reward, if we get all your milestones (which i sincerely doubt after that video) ? 4 DAYS EARLY RELEASE...
I can't think of a single AAA release during recent years that was 100% BUGLESS at day one release. Most problems are fixed by day one patch. So basically u are getting buggy release 4 days early and u have to wait ENTIRE 4 days to get them fixed. Nice. Very innovative.
I guess i can expect similar thing on the new Hitman, right? Shame on u, Square Enix.
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Do not blame Eidos. They are not the publishers. Just the devs. If you missed the news, Eidos belongs to Square Enix since 2009 and Square is the one that is publishing the game and decides the marketing strategy (which is poor, as we got used to see it in the last 6 years.
Well, guess is back to waiting for the unavoidable super mega special edition, as Square did that before with Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution and the previous Deus Ex....
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Games have preorder bonuses because people fall for it. Its psychology.
Its putting a freshly made food stand in a mall or at a supermarket knowing that the smell will make people hungry and think with their stomache.
Its the eyecandy in the storefronts and the "deals" at the heads of the aisles. Its relying on impulse responses for seeing "a deal" or "something free".
Ever notice how the expensive products are placed at eye height in stores while the cheaper brands are generally lower down?
Except for toys and candy that is, which is placed at eye height for kids. All of that also is psychology.
And they do it because it WORKS.
Even if you won't get the game on launch, its getting them essentially free marketing - and most people that are so big in saying that they refuse to preorder will still get it regardless because they want to play the game.
If you want this kinda stuff to stop. Then lots of people need to stop supporting not just the pre-orders. But these games and these developers entirely. Only if they notice that the behaviour results in a loss in sales will they resort to looking into other sales tactics.
But we both know that that isn't gonna happen.
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Basically: the more pre-orders the more bonuses, and most important the top tier prize is the people who preordered play the game 4 days early
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