With apologies to ADHD sufferers for the terrifying wall-of-text
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i feel betrayed...No homevideos starring Monica and Bill "i did not have sexual intercourse with that woman" Clinton....
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Well perhaps, but given the poll that doesn't seem to be the preferred choice of the masses...
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CV encourages giving away games, so I don't think it's a good idea to completely remove it..
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I think you didn't get the point of the people who complain about the CV value of bundles, they don't care to contribute (at least 99%), they want to participate in more giveaways (with CV value restriction). While people requires you give games to win, people will still try to exploit the system.
I think people that still spamming those threads complaining about CV should be suspended. Best way to solve the problems with CV.
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Yup, but I you will never remove the complainers and exploiters from a site like this. I have the feeling that removing CV altogether would simply cause many CV gifters to switch their giveaways to a group/private format, and remove a popular option from the giveaway creation screen.
My thinking is that while some people will insist on non-bundle contributions for their giveaways, there may be many who, while they want to designate a contribution level, are not too fussed about whether games given are bundled or not.
The idea of having two CV figures gives people a bit more choice of criteria for their giveaways, and offers at least a small nod of acknowledgement to disgruntled bundlers who are apoplectic that the three $1 bundles they bought have not given them the $300 of contributions they were expecting...
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The idea sounds nice in theory but I can't help but think that some AAA games and user groups would have the non-bundled amount requirement and the bundle only users would then continue to bitch and moan like it is now. I agree something needs to be done though.
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Well, I think that's a given, but this would be the case even if CV is removed altogether. The main advantage of the idea is that it gives an extra choice for gifters, and an incentive for those only able/willing to give away bundle games, without disincentivising the gifting of more valuable titles, as would happen if CV was dropped altogether, or bundle designation removed entirely.
Also, these groups will not suddenly open up the floodgates to all and sundry if they have previously been running a strict CV based admission policy. Rightly or wrongly, they will take one look at a gifter's track record and make a decision based on exactly the same criteria as in the past, whether or not a visible CV stat exists.
I have a feeling that bundlers and non-gifters eagerly expecting to be granted access to each and every AAA giveaway previously off-limits to them as soon as the Great Wall of CV comes down will be in for a very bitter and prolonged disappointment.
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so to sum up .. You are suggesting 2 CVs. One like it currently is, and one that includes ALL giveaways.
I like it. Gives us Group Admins another good stat to play with when recruiting, and Giveaway - Gurus a way to judge their contrib giveaways.
Plus may eliminate all these threads.
Only downfall, I dont know if two values would be too confusing for new users .. But I like your suggestion AWC
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Well, I suggested this in the poll thread (page 9), but nobody has replied to my post, so I guess its better this way :)
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Apologies - I didn't read it - but please be assured that my people will be in touch with your people, and we will do everything possible to reach a settlement agreeable to all parties.
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I don't like the idea of splitting distribution of gifts based on a new value. Better to have a simple system (1 CV value)
This just makes everything complicated
If you're talking about flexibility, I would like to see Blacklists applied on public GA's rather than this
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Clinton did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky or CV
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Honestly the main gist I'm getting from the whole bundled list complaining is the following things:
There isn't any set standard and it seems arbitrary. Indie Gala pay what you want bundle sales that are similar to Humble Weekly sales aren't added. Amazon sales sure aren't added either. As it stands now, it is very confusing and difficult to understand even though people claim it isn't. The system itself is simple enough in theory, but in practice became a complex mess.
Once a game is bundled, as it stands now it isn't removed ever. There are games that were in bundles one time back in 2010 or 2011 on the list, and if you happen to want one of those games, well you sure aren't going to have much chance to win it. Once the bundle is over bundled list status then becomes a deterrent from giving the games. I like giving games and will go buy stuff on Steam and Amazon to give at times, but if I'm doing that, I'm going to look for one that will also give me a CV gain as well. From what I see, that's not uncommon to consider because it's a rare person who gives just for the sake of giving. As it stands now if the bundled list stays the way it is, soon the only way to get $30.01 is going to be by giving DLC and Fortix and maybe a couple of other games and things that are beyond what most can afford.
The thing is, your suggestion really doesn't solve those two issues. If anything, it makes things more complex by adding a second stat and you know very well most giveaways will be made with a non-bundle CV stat except for the people who tend to just set it at $0.01 to ensure a winner has given something, even if it's just some cheap DLC, a bundle leftover or even a copy of Fortix. The people who use $30.01 will just set a $0.01 non-bundle amount.
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Although the point you make about unbundling games is a good one, I think the solution would go some way towards addressing point 2, since there will be at least SOME value in giving away bundle games beyond the $30 mark without contributing any non-bundled games. Time limiting for 2/3 years as you suggest is a smart solution though, perhaps with the ability for Support to intervene if users are deemed to be abusing the system by stockpiling old bundles and flooding for CV once the games are unbundled again?
In terms of people using a $0.01 non-bundled stat, I disagree that all will do so, and those who do will do it for a reason. Why shouldn't gifters be allowed to choose the criteria for their giveaways? Does everyone have an inalienable right to enter every giveaway on the site (group, private, CV), regardless of the creator's wishes?
Your first point about the arbitrary nature of bundle designation is spot on, but it's difficult to see how it could be done differently. Removing bundle designation will cause a huge drop in the quality of games being given away, and far more animosity than exists now towards those giving bundle games. CV focused gifters will see better value for their money in buying a wad of bundles than in buying one or two non-bundle games, and will give away accordingly. It will always be somewhat subjective, but if decisions are well communicated and their rationale sound, everyone will know where they stand, and grumbling should be reduced.
Removing CV is likely to cause a proliferation of groups (many based on some sort of CV calculation) and push many decent games out of the public section altogether. Those that remain will have large numbers of entrants and very small odds of winning.
It's very hard to design a carrot-and-stick model which will not have negative results. Removing CV altogether is one option, but this will probably disincentivise a lot of users who are currently chasing the CV carrot from further giving. While in some ways this is a good thing, and goes back to the purer roots of the site, maybe the Steamgifts user-base as a whole needs a carrot of one form or another in order to keep the cart moving?
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It seems to me you've missed the point of contributor value. It's not meant to be an e-peen bragging stat so adding another is pointless.
It's meant to be a way to allow people to limit their giveaways only to people that have given a certain amount in turn already, so for instance keep the zero giveaway leeches out. It's an entirely optional way to give something back to the people without whom this site wouldn't exist, the people that have contributed giveaways, and the contributor value locks ensure that it only goes to such people.
For instance let's say I wanted to give away an new top-dollar AAA game, but I want to give it specifically to the people who have already contributed a great deal to the site as a sort of "thank you" reward for keeping providing the site with it's lifeblood (giveaways), so I set a CV lock of $500.00 on the giveaway. That ensures that my giveaway now goes only to the people I actually deem worthy of receiving it.
The CV is a way of determining not only amount of games given but also how generous the people were, IE whether they've gone above and beyond and given away top-dollar premium games as well. Basically those who gave based on the merits of the games, rather than how little "being generous" will hurt their pocket.
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It seems you've missed the point of my post. Apologies if I've misunderstood you, but I'm wondering whether you read the part of my wall-of-text where I suggested contrib value (as presently calculated) will be retained, or perhaps even replaced by a non-bundle contribution figure, both of which give the option of the sort of giveaways you mention to be created?
The secondary stat allows people who aren't bothered about bundle/non-bundle status to create giveaways based on a figure which isn't adjusted to take into account a bundle cap, since this appears to be something important to many people. Retaining (or replacing, as suggested) the primary one continues to incentivise the gifting of more valuable games, while attempting to give at least a little incentive for those who prefer to give bundled items.
Also, there is no mention of virtual genitalia anywhere in my post, or any suggestion that this is part of my proposal.
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So you're naive enough to believe that everyone who has given away bundle games exclusively did so only out of the goodness of their heart and not purely or at least largely as a cheap and insincere way to boost their contribution value as much as possible so that they can open up a greater number of giveaways again and bring their leeching ability back into line more with what it used to be before contribution values existed?
And as for the rest of what you say:
You don't realize the current system allows for that sort of inclusion of the insincere/bundle givers whilst locking away full leeches like myself already? Just put a contribution lock of $0.01 on the giveaway........
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Very similar to my idea on page 2 of cg's poll. I even suggested allowing there to be a bundle only CV option. So either Normal only, Bundle only or combined. Easiest way since databases for bundle and normal contributions exist. Purists get their giveaways, bundlers get theirs and then there's the combination option.
MOST important thing is define what is a bundle game and stick to it. Fixing what games are and aren't on it would take a bit of work but the night we did the input on the original bundle list we knocked it out fast (people in chat that night know who they are). Once defined and set the main other thing is if games stay on that list forever or for a set time. Thing is, unless an exception is made on the list from the start for very short pricing oops Bethesda Elder Scrolls 3-5 (yeah Skyrim), Borderlands 2, Sleeping Dogs, etc could all very well end up on the bundle list.
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What about limiting the number of times that someone can gift a certain title (in total or within a certain time frame)? It's a little more database overhead but it would make it less appealing to use cheap bundles (from any source) to inflate your CV.
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109 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Kingsajz
Given the poll results so far, it seems that people are generally in favour of a contributions system, but not entirely happy with the current mechanics of it.
Just a thought, but perhaps adding an extra stat for "total contributions" which did not restrict bundle games would go some way to appeasing those who don't like it that their bundle gifts are capped.
That way, giveaway creators could choose their entry conditions, depending on whether the issue is a big deal for them or not. Bundle gifters would also have the joyous feeling of seeing at least one of their CV statistics rising every time they give a game away, and it would be one less "groundhog day" question clogging up the forum.
The second CV stat could either be the figure as it is now, or perhaps a "non-bundle contributions" statistic, which would make things clearer for people to understand.
While no system is ideal, and there will always be some debate over what constitutes a "bundle", maybe the above system would have the following benefits:
I'm sure I have missed some glaring loophole, but other than the old chestnut about the perceived "fairness" of bundle game designation, in my mind at least, it seems like a workable idea.
Flame away - I can take it! My body is ready...
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