Hope you can forgive me a short rant. So I'm sitting here, staring at my Steam library. I've got a bunch of games, and quite a few of them are installed... The ones I was able to download at my friend's house before he moved, and then the couple more I downloaded during a one-night stay at a hotel with high-speed wireless...

The two games I most want to play in my library though, Metro 2033 and Skyrim, aren't installed.

Why? You might ask. Because I live out in the sticks and the best internet option we have available here in a Verizon Wireless Hotspot... With a 5GB monthly bandwidth cap, which they charge me $10 per gigabyte I go over that cap. Considering I usually max out my cap each month, to download Skyrim would cost me $90 in data overages on top of the $30-ish I paid for the game...

Considering I can't move, and have no better option... Yep. I hate Verizon. They used to offer an unlimited service up here but, well, then they got greedy. It sucks.

Sorry, I had to rant and at the moment, this seemed like a good place. I doubted you folks would mind, especially as I have a few more givaways to start in the next week or two...

11 years ago*

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Thank god I live in the city with infinite 60 mbit internet

11 years ago

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I personally believe that when things are going well, people have a lot better quality of life outside of cities. The only real problem here is the lack of decent internet. They get DSL in town, and almost all the way out here. Almost. I wouldn't trade this for city living though, no matter how much I could download. XD

11 years ago

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As hardcore gamers I don't see a reason to care about the outside too much, when I spend most of my time in front of the PC anyway. Also, the city has way more sources for games, hardware etc.
Also, access to university is way quicker if you actually live near the university that is located in your city.

11 years ago

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My bandwidth is unlimited but my speed is 4 mbits -.-'

11 years ago

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Heck, that's about what my internet tops out at speed-wise. I'd kill for that.

11 years ago

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I feel with you...

11 years ago

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spend nights in hotel :D

11 years ago

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Considering the hotel with good internet charges $90 a night, and I'm on a low-to-no income budget... Yeah...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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I've had nothing but good service from them, especially the customer service. Much better than Sprint. My wife asked them a question one time and the lady says "I can't help you" and hung up on her. The only complaint I have from Verizon is the data cap. but then, I have charter so I don't need much from them. That and five of us on a 4 gig a month plan never even use half of that

11 years ago

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The only time I actually talked to their customer service when my 'net was down, they basically told me to piss off and were no help whatsoever. I was thankful it came back after a couple of hours, as I didn't want to deal with those obnoxious people again.

11 years ago

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I guess it's all about who you talk to. My parents had that problem years ago when they first had Verizon, but when they came back after like ten years service was much improved.

11 years ago

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Like I said, the only time I called them they were rude, didn't help, etc. Definitely not a good experience at all.

11 years ago

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Worse prices than I get, and I'm in New Zealand, where are least over priced internet and datacaps make sense.

11 years ago

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I thought New Zealand had the best internet in the world? Read some article about it a while back... Guess they were wrong? O.o

11 years ago

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We can get some fast stuff, but the biggest cap I can find is 150GB, and that is costing me about $200 a month. My biggest money sink after rent.

11 years ago

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Oh wow... That really sucks. Sorry to hear that.

11 years ago

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Hahaha! Where I am it's faster to communicate using smoke signals than via the internet :(

11 years ago

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Man, fuck Verizon.

11 years ago

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do you have a laptop? maybe go to a internet cafe (if you have one near you) or other free net place download it, then move the install to your pc.

11 years ago

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The only places with decent high-speed internet are McDonald's (max 150KBps/second) or that hotel I stayed at for a night that cost me $90 for a night... I've just about got them convinced to let me come in and just use their internet for a few bucks though. XD

11 years ago

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Come on now.

11 years ago

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What I feel towards Verizon can most accurately be described as hate. Complete and utter loathing. They provide a shoddy service and take advantage of people who have no better option.

11 years ago

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If you truly do "hate" them, you need to take a step back and gain some perspective. Not trying to be a dickbag, but don't sweat the small stuff and all that jazz. You don't "like" Verizon, and that's completely fine.

11 years ago

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I'm a full-time, round-the-clock, live-in caregiver for my Grandparents now. It wasn't always like this though.
Almost a year ago, I gave up a decent paying job with an upcoming promotion, an awesome apartment with amazingly fast internet, and a potential relationship to be here, taking care of my Grandparents in their time of need.
Aside from the stresses of taking care of them, I personally suffer from severe anxiety, severe depression, and a few health problems like chronic fatigue caused by a disease I contracted when I was a kid.
Now, add all that up then consider that my favorite way to wind down at the end of the day, what relaxes me the most out of anything, is an hour or two of either playing games (especially online with friends) or watching my favorite youtube channels.
Now consider that I can't watch videos on youtube anymore. I can't play games online anymore. I can't even download the games I want to play offline, by myself anymore. I can't do virtually anything I want to do online anymore because of Verizon's greed.

Now that you know what my situation is really like, can you understand why I do, honestly hate Verizon?

And before it's said, I am in therapy for my personal issues. My therapist's advice? "You have too much stress in your life. Spend more time doing things that relax you, things you enjoy."


11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Can't watch youtube videos on this connection. They eat up too much data.

11 years ago

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Ah. Well, it's a humorous attempt to show how would honest advertisement of ISP look like.

We're your local high-speed cable internet provider. Are you looking for a fast, reliable internet connection? A large selection of your favorite hd channels? With 24/7 access, the best customer service, technicians - all in a fair price? [suspense] Fuck you. You'll take what we give. and so on, quite comical and sad at the same time.

11 years ago

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Datacaps are evil...

Even my slowish mobile internet don't have cap, or atleast I don't know of it...

So free market works there?

11 years ago

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I feel bad for folks with bandwidth caps. I don't have great internet either, but at least my ISP isn't going full dictator mode on me and limiting the usage of the product I'm paying for.

11 years ago

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Yeah, using Verizon's wireless hotspot with it's limits honestly makes me feel like I live in a little third-world country or something. Honestly, who limits this stuff so ridiculously in this day and age? Such draconian practices feel years behind modern technology...

Greedy corporations though... They're why we can't have nice things. XD

11 years ago

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Better than Comcast.

11 years ago

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Comcast was a lot more reliable, and a heck of a lot less limiting when I had them a few years back...

11 years ago

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Comcast doesn't have any data caps but they aren't reliable at all.

11 years ago

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Comcast doesn't have any data caps but they aren't reliable at all.

11 years ago

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Comcast doesn't have any data caps but they aren't reliable at all.

11 years ago

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Comcast doesn't have any data caps but they aren't reliable at all.

11 years ago

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  1. Rob a bank
  2. go over bandwidth cap
  3. ???
  4. -Profit
11 years ago

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This s*cks bud :/

11 years ago

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Yes, yes it does.

11 years ago

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Do you have a nearby friend that already has those games installed... ask him to do a backup and then copy it to install it directly on your computer.

5GB limit is ridiculous for a home-internet service.. Minimum I've seen around here is 30 Gb a month and that's with the basic ones.

11 years ago

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Nope, no friends nearby with Skyrim. Heck, I only have one friend within reasonable driving distance...

And yeah, 5GB is ridiculous. I could upgrade to 10GB if I felt like paying that much, but I can't afford it.

11 years ago

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Get a flash drive, go to a friends house who uses steam and has skyrim. Copy/paste to thumb drive.. take it to your pc, copy/paste into steam folder.

11 years ago

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I only have a couple of friends, and the only one close enough to visit doesn't have Skyrim.

11 years ago

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Damn that sucks.
Maybe if he/she has unlimited bandwidth you can use their pc to log into your account then d/l the game to your friends pc, the do the thumb drive route. Sounds like a pain in the ass ya, but atleast its an option.

11 years ago

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Datacaps should be ilegal. That shit is evil.

11 years ago

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I'm actually leaning towards agreeing with you on this one. I'm not usually for over-regulating business, but there should be some sort of law preventing this sort of thing.

11 years ago

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It's not only that but also the datacap you get is stupidly unreasonable, for fuck's sake. 5GB is nothing when it comes to daily internet usage. Today I think I might have used like 30 gigs or so. Only today (Well it's true that I'm leeching internet now and I need to get reserves of a bunch of things to cover my needs)

Moreover my mobile data cap is 1 GB which I can understand as it adhieres more to the average use (Also I don't get to pay more if I go over it, it just gets slower) but as I've said, 5GB on a home connection is beyond what's reasonable.

May I ask the speed and price tag?

11 years ago

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Right now, I'm paying $50 a month for about 1MBps download speed with a 5GB cap. For every gig I go over the cap, they charge an additional $10.

11 years ago

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Isn't that quite a lot? I don't have an internet connection ATM but I think I paid like 30€ for 30MBps (which of I get like 10MBps or so)

Do you live in a rural area or somewhere isolated?

11 years ago

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I do live in a rural area, yeah. It's kind of strange though, as DSL stops about a half-mile up the road from my house.

And yeah, it's quite expensive. When you consider that Skyrim alone would use up my entire monthly cap and cost me $40 on top of that in data overages to download, it's pretty damned ridiculous.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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A youtube video? Not on this internet connection. :(

11 years ago

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He's making fun of you for hating Verizon.

11 years ago

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Try going to a cafe, library or McDonald's, spending a few hours there and abusing the free wifi to get the downloads. . . . assuming they have free wifi in your area that is.

11 years ago

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The only places with decent internet is McDonald's and the hotel I stayed at for a night a while back. It literally takes a couple of hours to even download one gigabyte at McDonald's though, as the net seems to move slower than it claims to be. I've almost got the people at the hotel convinced to let me use their internet for a few bucks though.

11 years ago

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Hang on, so Verizon Wireless Hotspot is the best option available in your area? What are the other options, then?

11 years ago

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Either satellite (same caps/slower speed) or oldschool dial-up (which we had until about a year ago).

For the record, you can't even log into Steam on dial-up anymore. It just doesn't work. Believe me, I tried quite a bit until we upgraded.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I figured you would have a satellite option. But a 5 GB cap on satellite seems even more ludicrous than this. o_O. Most I've seen had about a 15-25 GB cap.

And I believe you about not being able to log into Steam on dialup. I tried it on a GPRS connection once, and that didn't really work at all.

I don't suppose any other cellular companies have coverage in your area?

11 years ago

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I don't believe any other cell companies get decent coverage here, no.

Anyway, about satellite, with the prices they charge for larger caps, I might as well just pay the overages. I haven't found anything cheap enough to justify switching, especially with initial setup costs.

11 years ago

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Didn't Verizon grandfather in unlimited data plans if you were with them prior to them eliminating that option or were you not with them a few years back?

11 years ago

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I heard that they did, at first, but have discontinued the grandfathered unlimited plans now.

Myself, I signed up shortly after they did away with them.

11 years ago

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I never have used or tried Verizon. Although the Cable Fiber At&t is blazing fast in my town. At&t is rich of my town because the whole School District I go to uses it.

11 years ago

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I had AT&T's U-Verse before I moved back here about a year ago. I could have several downloads going on Steam and still stream 1080p video with no buffering. I miss that...

11 years ago

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Yeah, with Uverse my internet hasn't gone down in 3 months. At%t DSL is the worst.

11 years ago

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Yea that sucks...5GB a month I think I'd switch to TV and consoles.

11 years ago

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I've got a TV and quite a few consoles I picked up over the years. My problem is that these days, I'm pretty low-income. The only way I'm getting any newer games is usually through bundles and amazing sales, and they're all Steam, Desura, or GOG.com games usually.

11 years ago

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Living in a small mountain village in the middle of Europe, get uncapped high speed internet and HD TV. Gotta love it.

11 years ago

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You're lucky as all heck.

11 years ago

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Same here :)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TheRealBeauregard.