I noticed it has problem with saving from multiple devices, it doesn't sync the saves, but overrides saves from last service you played and you were offline during gameplay on previous device and went online you get saves overriden :(
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BOTH games i only have installed on deck.
never going to fully trust my deck ever again....
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its not a those games.... its all my games ive played in the last 4 days
just checked after
updating midnight suns and a few things on steam deck
updating deck and reseting
updating midnight suns again
cant launch offline, reason my deck is offline is cause i cant play on my pc and steam deck at the same time and i was playing minigolf on steam
turning steam deck online
resenting deck, because it wont log onto steam unless i turn wifi on and follow that up with a reset
launching midnight suns online again
game crashed
launch game again find out every single game setting is fucked up and i need to fix
load game
last save data is from the 9th of this month
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perhaps you can check cloud save files and see the last written date on files:
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midnight suns Nov 9 @ 10:35am
i just updated the game and launched it online
when exiting it said it was updating cloud. i didnt make a new save for this one
kingdom hearts
Nov 13 @ 7:31am
Nov 13 @ 7:40am
Nov 7 @ 9:45pm
got my new today test save data but not my last played lost data
cross code
all my save data is from today
Nov 13 @ 7:29am
Nov 13 @ 7:29am
Nov 13 @ 7:29am
from making a bunch of saves to seee if it would delete them all a 3rd time....
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they dont sync when i close them cause im always offline
this was never a problem until now
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i could, but i want to make sure i fix this 1st and it doesnt fuck everything. when im finished playing the game and delete it off my deck i want my cloud up to date. almost finished cross code and would reinstall if i ever pick up the DLC for it.
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Yeah, I understand that. I would also be frustated with the situation, literally ruins one of the best features steam gave us. Hope they fix that by allowing different device saves so you can choose what save you want to use so that doesn't happen.
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made a bunch of new saves on cross code and kingdom hearts and will see what happens.
until i figure out what fuckery is afoot im done using my deck......
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Cloud saves have been a problem for me too but that was due to internet. The only thing I recommend is paying attention right after you exist a game that the syncing is working and the cloud save is up to date. If you still see this happening there's ways to recover your data and make the cloud save offline for that particular game to ensure they your take doesn't overlap with the local saves.
You can access your cloud save here: https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage
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i mostly play offline and only go online to upload screen shots/download new games
or every fucking time a game magicly decided you need to launch this online for 1 second to make sure you didnt steal the game. i cant.. im away from the internet...fuck
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also so i can play games on steam deck and pc at same time. play on deck well also playing sims 3 on pc
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im still on windows 7, had no problems. i feel like hardly anyone believes me when i say this tho so i have to share my group to be taken seriously.
sims 3 is still the best sims game.
remake it. fix load times. add new stuff.
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im still on windows 7, had no problems. i feel like hardly anyone believes me when i say this tho so i have to share my group to be taken seriously.
Oh I believe you. Nothing surprises me.
sims 3 is still the best sims game.
I agree. It's my personal favorite in the series. I sank so much time into that game. I loved The Sims 2, but the open world, the mods, and the DLC were much better suited to what I wanted. I really enjoyed my time with it. Aside from Seasons and Pets, which was your favorite DLC? I really liked the idea behind the Into the Future.
I'd love a remaster or something like that. On Windows 11 it doesn't seem to work at all for me. Maybe I need to work and see if I can fix it.
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I have the same issue .
But its never at home .
i start every game on the deck and look at the save file .
than when i go in vacation everytime steam Wants to update all save files into void .
Doesnt matter if im online or offline .[i have wifi on my vacation and mobile data tried both and tried offline mode too]
All saves are void
4Vacations .it happened 4 times .But one time i took my Pc with me and when i booted the PC it would update the save files back to the deck .
Roaming around in my country its fine [happens only outside my country fyi.
But kinda interesting that other experience stuff like this too .
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always turn my internet back on when in the same place
reason steam doesnt have a store reviewable page for the products they sell anymore.
bugs the hell out of me
really hard and takes ages to find steam deck help on the forums. most of the time its assholes saying get gud
they did for a few tings, took them all down cause how bad the products were being reviewed
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Hmm, I had a similar issue with Slay the Spire where I was playing it on my deck, continued the save on my main PC, then went back to my deck and the save wasn't synced. I just quit the game and let it cloud sync and it fixed it for me. I'll have to also test playing in offline mode for a while and seeing if switching back online sends my save data back to the last previous save sync, I'd cry lmao ;_;
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This sounds frustrating as can be. Have you thoroughly troubleshooted where you can isolate the issue? Eg checking settings within those games, within Steam and the OS on the Deck, online and offline saves or play, other games, games played on both the Deck and regular computer, etc. If there are games where this doesnât happen for you, figuring out what is different about that game can help a lot.
Are you seeing that this happens when you have an update pending mid game? Dave the Diver would be glitchy for me on the Deck when there was an update, the Steam button wouldnât work and the game would be laggy or freeze to the point of needing to do a hard reset of the system. At this point if I turn on the Deck and I see the little yellow update icon, I get to a save point as quickly as I can and then exit and run the update.
To the extent you havenât already, Iâd try the above variable and any others you can find or think of one at a time to hopefully isolate the issue. Iâd also maybe explore the system at the OS level (minimizing Big Picture) and see if the save files are stored locally somewhere and for whatever reason arenât being recognized but are actually there.
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almost always play offline, only times i dont it was a mistake and i forgot to turn it off or its 1 one game i have on deck that needs internet to play
its every single game i was playing over the last 4 days
midnight suns
kingdom hearts 1
went online and they all had updates
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Maybe it was the pending game updates that caused the issues? That wouldnât really make sense to me, but if itâs a consistent factor among the games at issueâŚ
I hope you can get it resolved and enjoy using the Deck like you should be able to. If anything else comes to mind thatâs worth trying, Iâll follow up
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the games didnt have any actual updates
almost every day if you turn your steam deck on the internet its has BS micro shader updates for 10+ games
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are you talking about steam deck? cause i cant find anything on the deck about it
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Huh, interesting. Since Steam Deck is basically Big Picture mode, I assumed the option would be in the same place. However I just checked Big Picture and that option doesn't exist there.
Hmm, when you connect it in desktop mode, does Steam still run in Big Picture mode or can you switch to normal UI? If so, you can find that option this way I think.
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went into big pic mode on desktop and its just the same
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I was gonna write couple of days ago on your Win7 group. I just wasnt able to open Steam after a long time without touching anything. I could see only the Steam Web Client Helper using the CPU (This on Windows 8.1). But I remembered I can't post due to 2AF disabled.
Turns out I had to set compatibility mode to Windows 7 on Steam exe (some Reddit thread from September helped). This was after I tried the usual delete everything except steamapps and the steam.exe for a new install but that didnt work in the first place.
Everything using cloud service was out of date the first time It worked again with steam.exe on compatibility mode.
I know you're on Windows 7. I don't have a clue If you need to force compatibility mode for Win7 on your Steam.exe so your Steam Deck works fine. Sometimes It's the weirdest sh*t that works but don't want to mess things even more.
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the games im playing on steam deck, i only have on steam deck so they shouldn't be getting cloud data from any other place
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If I understand it the problem only happens after an offline session. Offline save files are always overwritten with the ones stored in the cloud.
Same was with Spyro Trilogy, the game devs made the game to always download the save file from the cloud when available.
You can disable Cloud save for either certain games or all of them if needed.
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playing cross code well online for about 4/5 hours
go offline about an hour in
come back online the next day
tiny game update and it deletes all my new saves i had
thought it was a crosscode problem
played some kingdom hearts as well
same thing but i didn't realize until later
BOTH games i only have installed on deck
playing offline again
did most of the same crosscode game play again and made 4 saves
played kingdom hearts for about 15 minutes
trying to play cross code and magically im missing file executable
go online
tiny update for some games
fucking my saves for both games again......
ive come to hate my steam deck sooo fucking much...... problem after problem.....
also add it NEVER at any point asked me about my cloud data. before if i had data on pc and deck it would ask what i wanted to choose from
and my software version is stable
dug around and my saves from playing midnight sun are gone as well. it deleted all save data from games i had made over the last 4 days
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