How many hours of sleep do you get on average in 24 hours?
I legit can sleep the whole day if alarm doesn't wake me up.
BTW, I saw a research long time ago, that if you don't sleep full 7-8 hours most of the time, you can't compensate it by sleeping longer on some days. I.e. what counts for your body and brain is whole 7-8 hours chunks and you need to aim for that every day.
So gotta work on that healthy sleep schedule.
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Yeah, unfortunately I have heard similar things, plus other various detrimental health effects of not sleeping well, like increased risk of obesity, heart attack, dementia, reduced life expectancy also. I do worry about what my schedule does on my body from time to time, I often feel like I can keep dealing with it, but this weekend has just been particularly bad.
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Excessive worry about your lifestyle will also cause all of the above so it's better to just roll with it.
Sometimes things are not entirely under our control and making the best of it is the only reasonable thing to do.
I do hope you manage to improve your sleep patterns though because it only gets worse as it goes.
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I'm going about the same ~5 hours on a working day, and 8-10 hours on my days off, but there are also days where I sleep 3-4 hours, and interestingly enough, I usually feel less fatigued when I've slept for 3-4 hours compared to when I've had like 5-6 hours of sleep.
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I'm unemployed, and my studies timetable is really lenient (I study in the evenings, and this suits me perfectly); together with a nice combo of an antidepressant and an antipsychotic this usually leads to a healthy 9-hours-long sleep. Without meds it's about 4-5 hours of sleep per night for me, and I don't mean continuous sleep, of course. And let's not even talk about periods of actual insomnia back when I left my depression untreated, compared to it regular 4-5 hours of sleep were pure bliss.
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It sure sounds nice to be on a regular sleep schedule. I should be good about taking some meds actually. I was prescribed stuff to help me sleep, but I try not take meds, because I don't like the side effects, so the bottle of meds just sits there...
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Is it sleep time?
6 hours is a guide.
The reality is unstable, such as 3 hours or 14 hours.
Take a close look at the lighting lights at AM7-8.🌅🔦
Probably, solar power will be generated and human beings will start to move.⚡
PS I just received the impact of 30km / h, so I may not wake up when I sleep.⛄🚗ミ
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I can never quite tell if my sleep is good or not, but yesterday I went to bed before 10pm. As expected, doing so has me wake up in the middle of the night, but I was too tired at the time to keep going. I initially wanted to go around 7:30 already XD
On regular work week nights I go to bed between 11pm and midnight, and my alarms go off at 6 and 7 respectively. on weekends at 8, gotta sleep in a tiny bit at least right? Although I think a big factor as to why my sleep doesn't always equate to rest is a) I actually lack a proper, mattressed bed and b) laying wide awake with worry. But that's par for the course, right?
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It's par for the course, indeed, though I feel that you can probably at least help yourself to a better mattress. I find a slightly firmer mattress preferable for myself. If it's too expensive at the moment, at least you might want to get a mattress pad/topper to help yourself out. Having an appropriate sleep surface is always a good start. As for worries at night, I would say try to take time to decompress before bedtime, maybe that will help a bit. It doesn't work for everyone, but may help.
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I didn't even have a bed to sleep on from 2011 to 2020 (it was essentially a wooden plank with some foam on top), so having something resembling a mattress is already progress for me, haha. But yes, getting a proper bed/mattress is definitely on my list. Very high on the list. Right after finding a new place to live (a 'real' bed wouldn't even fit atm, and subsequently not the mattress either). But I'll spare that can of worms XD Oh and I definitely need a better pillow too. Rip my neck.
I can report that my overall pre-sleep anxiety has lessened, but I certainly remember well the times where I lay awake till 3am or longer. Especially on nights before important appointments and such. For what it's worth, my life started improving once I set myself a sleep schedule and stuck to it. In the beginning especially it was hard, and on some days I am very tempted to screw it all even now, but in retrospect I can tell what a difference it made that I made a conscious decision about it and kept at it. Bedtime rituals on the other hand don't seem to work for me. Or getting up rituals, haha. Everyone is different indeed.
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I am glad that things are looking up for you. I do decompress before going to bed at night and I try to read every night, that's been my routine for years now. Getting up rituals, lol, I don't think I will ever have one except for hitting snooze as long as possible before I am just about to be late for work, lol! Occasionally that slips into a few minutes late for work... 🤦♂️
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And here I am always arriving way too early haha. But that means I sometimes sneak off earlier so there's that! It's just, once I'm up, I just wanna leave before the roads get too busy, among other things. And then I wanna be home before all the parking spots are taken...
And I'm so paranoid about oversleeping/hitting snooze that I usually awake ahead of my alarm. Both of them XD
My problem with reading something at night... I probably won't stop. If it's a really good book I have to keep going. For similar reasons I try to hold back on watching good shows in the evenings XD I remember I had a new book on me during a 10 hour train trip, and instead of going to sleep over night, I finished the book. There was no sleeping until I concluded. (And yes I was hella tired after, still worth it though.)
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Would like it to be 7, but I'd say around 5 and half is more realistic. Working on making it 6 and a half and hopefully by the end of the year being able to sleep 7 and more hours again.
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I sleep okay, but uh, entirely nocturnally. Sleep procrastination plus unemployment is a hell of a thing. Any time I don't have a schedule to keep, I quickly gravitate back towards those blissful witching hours. Trying to break out of it by setting a million loud alarms just puts me into a cycle of mashing the snooze button until its dark again. Willpower is for the... uh... wilful.
I mean its not very 'nourishing' sleep to get it in random chunks of 10-40 minutes at a time, depending on if its snooze button or manual reset, but it does wonders for how vivid my dreams are :P
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I tend to be more awake at night too, but my regular work hours are during the day. So I have a tendency to snooze a lot too. Most of the time it's finally falling asleep maybe 3-4 hours before my alarm and then snoozing it a couple of times before my wife forces me out of bed because otherwise I would be late for work. Short naps are also very dream-inducing for me too.
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Usually try to get at least 7-8 hours. But usually it turns out to be less then 6.. Tonight I slept for 5 at most
Having bunch of stuff to do really takes a toll. Adding to that I like te read a book before going to sleep, play a game now and then and theres no time at all in the end.. Add some stress and not being able to fall asleep for an hour or two...
January is a bit frantic, hoping things calm a bit in February when all the deadlines will be gone.
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kinda. i'm still trying to fix my sleep. hope you rested well for the weekend though!
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Oh, hi friend! I am off duty in another hour. The only reason I am up right now is because I got intermittent naps of about 30-45 minutes and have been resting on the couch since last night, with my phone buzzing on and off. Pretty soon I will be able to turn off my phone sounds and crash for a few hours straight.
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i'm sorry to hear that. i know how annoying it can be to be waken up by phone calls. hopefully they will allow you to go off duty earlier. you really need the rest!
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I have always been a bad sleeper. And I mean since I was like 5. Life long anxiety issues will do that, I'm told.
Of course, night shifts on a semi-regular basis (until 2020, the enforced unpaid vacation year) didn't help the matter but I try to sleep when I feel sleepy and get as much as my brain will allow. Then I wake and play or read or interact with others, and go for more sleep when the schedule allows.
My doctor tells me it's not ideal but hey I've been trying for years to adhere to a "normal" sleep schedule and the only thing that happens is a lot of time wasted in bed waiting for sleep to happen. I sleep more if I get in bed when sleep calls.
May I ask what you do for a living that has you on those terrible night weekend shifts?
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Well I usually go to sleep between 1 or 2 am, to wake up at 7.30 so, I don't get much sleep.
Mostly it's because of my work and that I try to avoid doing my homework as much as possible to play, because I have very stressful days and when I come back home I don't want to work(so I have to do it after or all at once), or if I do I don't want to sleep because I didn't play. So, maybe it's a problem about games, I don't really know.
I do my best to sleep early but it's very rare that I sleep before midnight.
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I like to read, and end up falling asleep around 3 AM most nights, wake up alarm is around 7:15, so I can get dressed and get to work on time. I know what you mean about stressful days, hope you get a better balance. Heh, like I am one to talk...
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If you have often sleeping troubles, you should seek medical assistance. It can be many different things, from stress in a limited time, to permanent medical condition.
For my part I was always very, very, very tired every morning and at some moments in day (mostly after lunch), and I was waking up numerous times in a night (take a pee, have a glass of water, etc). Finally I got my sleep monitored one night (at home, with a medical device from a sleep specialist): it appeared that I was suffering sleep apnea. Since that I'm sleeping with a air pressure device and my troubles are gone.
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I appreciate the advice and I am glad that you got your sleep apnea treated. My dad has it too and he uses the CPAP to sleep and he sleeps a lot better too. I mostly deal with insomnia and I have a prescription to help with it, but I try to not use it because I am often still drowsy waking up and it makes my work day a bit extra difficult. I am going to see about maybe changing the dose...
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Thanks, CPAP is indeed a life changer for people like your dad and me. And in my experience, it was quite easy to adapt to it, as soon as I found the correct mask type for my face / sleeping habits.
My wife (we're not married, but who cares) is a bit like you: it's difficult for her to find sleep, and when she does she usually wakes up after 2 or 3 hours. Pills don't work so well, she complains about the same thing you're experiencing : if she takes them, she sleeps but the day after is "in the mist". She's quite an anxious person, I noticed she's sleeping way better when she is not under stress. As captain Obvious would say: it is advised to have an happy life ;-)
Maybe in your case different dose or pill could help, yes. Fingers crossed for you !
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You can still sleep 8 hours, even 10 and not sleep "well". I had such an event of 2 nights of 2 hours sleep a few weeks ago and felt better then most nights after 8 or more hours of sleep, i am at home due lockdown so i got the "luxury". But it sucks and i wish i could sleep "normal" and be a "normal" person that can just wake up at 7:00 and go to bed at a normal time, like a "normal" person.
I thought about sleep apnea like the poster above, but i am skinny, so chances would be slim, but maybe still possible, i dunno.
But i always been a night person rather then a morning one, just over the years it got worse, corona isn't helping.
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agreed, just like Saint mentioned above, sleeping without treatment for sleep apnea is definitely a good example. I can follow a pretty good normal schedule, but whenever I am set to work through the night or on the weekends, it completely messes me up. And I easily fall into night mode when I am awake all night but have really hard time switching back to day mode.
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Your awake times are a bit too long (the 80 hr end), but then again I guess your health probably pushes you into these strange cycles. Hope you get enough rest though. For me the day/night cycle is a constant battle, like my body wants to operate on Mars or something.
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I thought it's included in the 6-8, because that's the range I consider adequate sleep for me to be able to function at full capacity the next day. Though I see what you mean, my 4-6 and 6-8 poll choices would make it difficult for people who sleep exactly 6 hours to pick also. My bad.
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I generally sleep around 6 to 8 hours which is fine. My problem is when I sleep which consistently got worse during this pandemic period. These days I usually go to bed at 5:00 - 6:00 A.M. and wake up at 1:00 - 2:00 P.M. which is a pretty messed up sleeping schedule which I am not proud of.
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Choosed 6-8 hours as the first commenter, but am kinda in the same situatuion. When I am working, I sleep from 0-6 hours (before my first morning shift I usually cant sleep at all, dont have this problem with consecutive days and night shifts). On my days off I sleep around 10-12 hours, but I am fairly sure that long term sleep-deficit is a big factor at that.
Before I started working full time and had relative freedome at university, I slept around 8-10 hours. So I suspect my sleep-necessity might be a bit higher than the average 8 hours.
I take adjusting to night shifts more easily tbh, I am more of a night person. I have to convince myself to go to bed before midnight. And I have to kick myself out of bed at 4:30 AM to get to work.
Thats the worst part. Waking up that early. I swear if only that would be avoidable, I would feel much, MUCH better about it.
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I am also a creative mind so that could factor into it too. At the dead of night, when everyone esle is asleep its easier to focus on making art (drawing to be specific). Also night have a special... atmosphere to it, if this is the right word. I feel like my creative energies flow easier.
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I work Monday through Friday, have to get up at 5:00 AM and sleep 5 to 5.5 hours on those nights. On weekends I sleep about 10 hours a night. Before sleeping I read for about 30min on week nights, no reading before sleep during the weekend. I easily fall asleep and have no trouble waking up and starting my days right away. Might not be the healthiest schedule from what I read, but it works for me... and has for years.
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usually i sleep pretty well. problem is: when i get up i often feel like run over by a truck for 1 or 2 hours. after that i'm fine and i can go till 4 am, 5 am or even the whole night without feeling tired or yawning even once. but at some point it's like flipping a switch and i need to get into bed in a hurry because i feel totally wrecked.
and yes, there is some medical stuff that is being worked on and needs to be worked on the future. so we'll see how that goes.
during the christmas holidays i binge-worked at home for almost two weeks to get things under control, tasks done, my messes cleaned up and such things. i didn't want to drag that shit into the new year so for two weeks i was getting as much done as possible and i needed 10 hours of sleep each night to truly feel refreshed and ready for the next day. worked for me just fine and i got it all done but obviously this isn't sustainable or compatible with modern day life.
studies show that 7 to 9 hours per night is the optimal amout of sleep for a healthy adult. let's just meet in the middle and say 8 hours. obviously this also depends on other factors like age, gender and personal preference.
also it's important to create the right environment for good sleep. make your room as dark as possible (use sleep mask if needed), as quiet as possible (use ear plugs if needed), don't have a messy bedroom (seeing all that work that needs to be done creates stress) and don't use your bed for eating, watching tv, playing with your phone and so on. there are some really good videos on youtube on how to improve your sleep quality and everybody should take a look at at least one of them.
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This weekend's been so terrible for me when it comes to sleep. I slept about 2 hours Friday night and then again 2 hours Saturday night due to work-related duties. I am ready to fall over, but am not quite off duty yet. Fortunately tomorrow is a holiday here in the US, and when I am off my work duties at 8 AM, I will have all day to sleep and try to recover from this miserable weekend. I hope the other folks around here have had a better weekend and better sleep patterns in general. I don't wish it on anyone.
Jigidi: Small (42 pieces) for a level 2 chance at Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition. Ends Jan 23, 2021 at around noon, Eastern Time.
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