although I was born quite close to Germany I really had never heard about this german sports badge before..
looks great!
i love hiking and walking more than everything else, i'll have to undergo ankle surgery again next autumn so i'm not running anymore (and haven't been for years of course), but I keep on walking and here in northern italy there's plenty to walk, hike and so on!
oh and I don't even know a single word of German even if I know erfurt too well.. for other reasons =\ i'll never be able to enjoy Thuringia..
by the way I definitely think that you should go and get what you deserve! goals in life are fundamental in my opinion, and this is worth it! so don't give up!
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Well, I thought the same after having done my short military training there. Was all like "I will never return her" and nearly 15 years later I get back due to work.
Doesnt have to be the german one. I would imagine that most european countries have something similar. Also due the different grades from Bronze to Gold most people should be able to get something as long as they prepar. Although I admit I wasn't looking forward to coordination.
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I think there's value in anything that keeps you going when you don't feel like it. Whatever the field/venue/goal. So good luck with yours, and anyone else's. Stick with it and even if you don't make your goal right away, keep in mind that the journey is always more important than the destination.
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When you get older you will need to get your ass moving because things just don't go by itself anymore, especially if you sit a lot.
I don't feel it much if i would just jog normal (and i wouldn't last 10-15 minutes without walking in between) but we got this small "hill" in a park here and i climb that up and down, and i feel that definitely in my stomach.
This year i am really slacking, though been extreme weather (either 15c and rain and wind or 30+), then i keep telling myself oh i will do some pullups at home instead, which i usually "forget".
For some music can help.
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Yea, I mean I got 34 this year so I can still move pretty well most time. But in the last years I noticed that it is not 100 % easy game anymore with keeping the figure. Last November I got a really bad gastro-intestinal disease and thought "Yea, fuck it. It is enough." Cut down slightly on eating trash and the in March starting moving more.
Wasnt really fat before but didnt like it. Have lost about 6 kg I think and feel better now. And also got asked by work colleagues which made me wonder a bit O.o
But yea. You have to force yourself or nothing will happen. In summer I find it easier. Will have to see how long I can keep up. Would like to improve next year >.<
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running is quite a curious sport.
when you start you feel like shit because you can't run for longer than 2 minutes before needing a break. you breathe like crazy but it's still not enough oxygen coming in. after the first few days everything starts hurting quite badly especially when you are too fat. and you are sweating like a handsome pig even when you need 10 minutes per kilometer.
but you improve quite fast as long as you stick to the plan. and after a while you enjoy your runner's high instead of feeling like you just trashed yourself.
last year i got down to 30 minutes per 5 km and that was pretty good for me. then i needed a break for health reasons and now it's too fucking hot again to do any sports outside. biking is the only alternative right now but my poor old bike blew a tire on friday. meh!
in a way i can't wait for summer to pass. for me the fun really stops at 30°C+. like totally.
and yes, achievements matter. especially when it comes to sports and health.
after all you can't do sports for someone else and nobody can do it for you. that's why it's so difficult. and don't pester me with that fat acceptance bullshit. excuses and wimps everywhere.
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I often heard of runner's high. I have yet to experience it O.o Also some people said that at one point you can just keep running without feeling exhausted. Have to find that magical place too. I can run more or less 5 km although I have to walk a bit inbetween. Maybe if I go bit slower I can do it in step.
And yea. You feel the improvement at the beginning. Still feel the improvement. But it gets harder. Thats why I liked doing the sport badge since I could mix with some unusual disciplines you normally dont do.
I, personally, like 30 °C and can even do sports then. The company run was at 30 °C outdoor temperature. But it poses for sure a health risk for many people.
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I remember coming across my old swimming badges (achieved age 6-12) and I had stuff lying around like "able to swim 25m" all the way up to badges for 2500m.
Then I just stared at the things because I have not been doing more than three laps in a swimming pool for over ten years before I went into wild water rides and stuff.
Might explain why I'm getting fat - but yeah I need to get back in shape and if 8y old me could do that I need to step up my game again.
EDIT; The point I was trying to make: GOOD ON YOU! Let it be a testament to your dedication and ability!
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Congrats, I was involved in mandatory military service so men in my country has to keep some sort of fitness going. Now that I am not involved I took breaks too often though I did not gain much weight as I keep myself in check. That is not enough tbh. My parents are in the 70s because they had not have the habit of exercising when they are younger, I find it hard to motivate them to work out. I often visit Doctors with them and alot issues are built up from youth and the solution is Eat healthy, Sleep well and Exercise regularly.
I wonder if my country has similar cert for citizens, its great that you have achieve it and I give you my best wishes in keeping fit onwards.
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Military was probably the only time in life were I trained regularly more or less for about three months so. Well, I go to swimming often but it is a different kind of exhaustion. It is easier for me than running. Yea, forget it. My whole family has weight problems and I have trouble believing they are doing something against it earnestly. And it shows on health. So far I have managed to avoid those family genes.
Cant say for sure but I would assume that most western states have some kind of sport cert. I mean the idea is simple: For people to check up on their fitness level and having some kind of goal. But often it is just not advertised publicy. If I didnt go out of my way and look it up again I wouldnt know it still exists. Maybe it is different in school and sport related work/study. But most people over 30 probably dont have it in their mind.
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To be fair, for some exercises (especially those based on strength) you can get exhausted fairly fast and feel this for a while. We did in preparation some throwing exercises and felt the shoulder still after three days. And it is also pretty easy to mess something up and hurt yourself in the process :P
Also thanks for the bump. It seems if you don't spell it out for the people that they dont find the giveaways. Or they are terrified of the unicorn. Or it is because I have SPELLED it out so that no bot can find it
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"For health!"
As a result of doing so, someone broke his body.
I have also seen such people.
I think it is a good deed to do the exercise that can be done within the scope of proper guidance.
However, after the age of 35, the effects of the movement will not appear immediately.
Once you get muscled and strengthen your bones while you are young, it seems that you will be able to get the benefits of exercise even after a decline.
Well, young people.
Under 35 years old.
If you have little experience in exercise among people reading this, you should start with walking ...
ε=ε=┌( ;´゚ェ゚)┘ -=≡∑((( っ'Θ')っ
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Yay, by your definition I'm still young ^^ At least until next year and I will get 35. But yea, if you generate some solid basis in your youth you can get back to it easier later as if you ignore the existence of sport the first 30 years of life. Luckily, I did regular swimming so I have a light basis.
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One of the great things about having achieved something is that you can remind yourself, when having a bad day or feeling defeated, that you are indeed capable. You have managed, through hard work and perseverance, to accomplish something substantial that many people cannot.
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There have been many times in my life where someone has "talked down to me" or tried to belittle me, and there have been other times when I have faced a challenge that made me doubt my ability. During such times, it has been very helpful to remind myself of what I have already achieved.
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Sadly that actually is a legit certificate. I was a teenager and me and my friends decided to start a metal band and that was the best I could come up with for guitar lessons. It was a folk guitar class that was mostly about hugging. But I did learn five chords which put me two chords ahead of most competition in the battle of the bands competition.
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I've won the "Biber der Informatik " twice in School with all points and was best of Austria both times (obviously)
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Maybe better known is the „Känguru der Mathematik“, which is a interesting math test for pupils, where they need to solve different math problems. The Biber is pretty much the same, but for Computer Science and it is mostly a logic test. I don’t know why they were called after animals though.
It exists in German too, and the funny part was, that the winner in Germany would have gotten huge prices, but the Austrian organizers couldn’t find sponsors so all I got was a certificate
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for me achievements are like 40% of the reason why i play a game and like 80% why i replay a game for the second or third time ,achievements are like scores , you get them to prove you're good at that game and almost give you that feel like you didnt waste your time lol
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My teacher didnt allow me to do a (Sportsabzeichen) while i was young (probably to lazy to do it now)
But i was several years place 1 in den Bundesjugendspielen [annual sport event for children and youths at German schools]
In my 8th class i had full points in a Math vera (only 2 person had full points across all 8th classes in Schleswig-Holstein) .
btw i didnt used a calculator and teacher got mad <.<
buuut i got lazy :c
PS :I wont talk about my english VERA
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Your teacher could prohibit taking the sports badge? That is kinda strange. But it does sound impressive on what you reached. Hm, actually if the data of the Jugendspiele is kept onliny I "might" be able to find you O.o
What did you use all that potential for?
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Na toll, jetzt hast du mich angefixt und ich habe mich auf der Sportabzeichen Webseite registriert...
Ab Montag habe ich Urlaub und werde noch mehr trainieren als bisher!
UND dann sehe ich auch noch, dass der Vorsitzende hier vor Ort mein Ehemaliger Vorgesetzter bei meinem Grundwehrdienst war.
Also Glückwunsch zu deinen Leistungen!
Ich bin zwar schon 49, aber ich gucke mal, was ich noch aus mir rausholen kann :-)
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Allein dafür hat sich der Post doch schon gelohnt :P Und wenn du eh schon im Training bist, solltest du auch gute Chancen haben etwas zu reißen. Außerdem werden die Anforderungen nach hinten geringer ^^ Beim Sportabzeichentag in Erfurt waren auch über 50-jährige dabei.
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dont know how I could keep track of things I have achieved, but I suppose pics and memories are good enough
Last week I finished a little trip that included 10 km hike through the sea to an island where we slept in tents, drank booze, had time of our lives and a 10 km hike back to the car in the morning. And with everything in traveling backpacks (I had 50 liter one and pretty heavy)
I would love to attend some kind of marathon and manage at least 5 km that I know I can. Getting a medal for that (even thou every one gets one) is an awesome bonus
That sports badge sounds awesome
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Which part of the trip was the achievement? The drinking booze? :P Nah, hiking with backpacks alone can be very demanding. In military we had the Leistungsmarsch which was 30 km in 5 hours and 10 kg in your backpack. I think I have never been more exhausted in my life than after that.
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Not boasting about drinking of course :D dont get me wrong. More like living in the moment and enjoying the trip. And the achievement part was meant more for some difficult stuff you achieve. For example - last year was first time I hiked mountains - we went to Tatra mountains in Poland, Zakopane (with a little detour in Slovakia). My first longest drive with a car (more then 2k km), first time reaching summits of a mountain, first time hiking 100 km on foot over several days. Wish I had some kind of real life achievements alongside memories :D I just feel glad I can enjoy a beer or something with my friends on such adventures
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So in preparation for my coming midlife-crisis in a few years I decided to be a tad more active this year. So I started with some easy regional hiking and did then take part in a 5 km company run. I immediately noticed that I still dont like running -_- Stamina training is just not my forte .... Despite this I remembered that I, for a long time, wanted to try obtaining the german sports badge. And as I was training anyway, the moment to do it seemed right. Asked a colleague if he will accompany me and so we trained a total of two months in preparation.
Is getting the badge pointless? Yes, absolutely depending on your position. But the same as achievements in games it has a value for me, since i worked hard for it and as a result managed to deliver. I probably could print some kind of paper myself but same as with game achievements: If you dont actually have done what is asked for obtaining it, you are only cheating yourself.
On the images attached you will find recent training values, as well as the actual values for the sports badge and the certificate. Not that you understand much without knowing german. I did erase personal data like name and adress although you can still see that I "live" close to Erfurt. Not that is has much use to you. Also you see my totally sexy silhouette on image one.
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