I've done the original counter strike off a USB stick and that worked.
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Yeah! I REMEMBER DOING THAT TOO! =D Especially when going to my friend's house, good memories! =D
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There is a bit of a difference between a USB stick (flash drive) and a USB drive (portable, usb cable plugs in).
Compare the differences between a USB Stick and a USB Drive to an SSD and a platter-based hard drive.
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I know, I have one but I haven't tried to game on it.
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Depends on the game really. Some will work, some won't. More demanding games will typically not run as well from an external harddrive or Flash drive though.
Edit: Though, I suppose I should clarify a bit. If you're just gonna keep it connected to the same computer it should work with any game. What I mentioned previously is mostly only referring to if you plan on taking a harddrive with you for different computers. I just kind of assumed that while typing my original response.
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I heard somebody got BF3 to work, but the loading screens were longer. I also heard about lag.
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WoW plays from a USB 2.0 drive just fine. Longer load times when zoning in, but once loaded you won't see distant terrain popping in or getting slowdowns from textures loading from the USB drive.
Diablo 3, however, does stutter a little. Lowering texture quality seemed to make the issue disappear.
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SATA II is outdated lol, of course USB 3.0 offers better speeds.
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Sata II supports up to 300MB/s, a typical hard drive wont eat that bandwidth up.
Secondly, an external hard drive can be 5400RPM or 7200RPM, neither of which will require 300MB+ of bandwidth.
Secondly and a half. Just what interface do you think the HDD uses inside the encloser? Do you think its just a straight USB 3.0 connection hooked directly to the drive and plugged into the computer? Its typically a sata connection to USB interface.
USB is an external interface while SATA is an internal interface. Both have their uses and pros and cons including their own overheads.
Ive tested loading times on my dedicated game drive which I pulled from an external enclosure. SataII vs SataIII is no difference in loading up a game.
Ive loaded games from the drive while it was an external drive connected to USB2.0 and had problems.
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Of course you can. You could on USB 2.0 too.
Storage speed only really dictates loading times, as data is moved from storage to RAM. Unless data is being streamed of course, but I can't think of any PC games that really do that besides Rage.
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For the most part, most games can run fine from an external drive/USB stick. Games with large files that are needed to load such as BF3 might experience loading stutter. I say might, because it depends on the internal specs of the drive, fragmentation and the workload of the rest of the PC's interfaces as in do you have a lot of other USB devices using resources?
Overall, give it a shot. Small games like Terraria can easily be run off of a usb stick via USB 2.0 or sometimes even 1.0 though I havnt seen any 1.0 interfaces in the wild for sometime.
MMO or MP games have a much higher chance of seeing this load stutter since you have to stream more data from the drive then you would normally have to. This is from my experience though so its best to test it out yourself.
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Yes, however because of read/write rates I would recommend a large capacity flash drive in lieu of a mechanical external hard drive.
Something like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233326
For example, which has a speed of 220 MB/s read and 130 MB/s write, which is 2 to 3 times the speed you're likely to see with a USB 3.0 external HDD.
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You can play most games from a USB 2.0 drive. The majority of mine are on one 1TB portable drive. Toshiba Canvio, from four years ago.
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Western Digital My Passport, is it possible? CS:GO? BF3? BFBC2? Terraria (LOL probably)? Any downsides, upsides?
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