I've been doing roller derby for a little under two months now. I did zero sports since childhood, and had barely any roller skating experience, so I entered at the lowest possible rookie rung and am slowly working through learning all the skills I need. It is so, so hard... but so so fun.

I can feel myself improving every practice, bit by bit, and I've made a few wonderful friends already. I'm also doing it with my girlfriend, so it's another thing we can share to get stronger together. Another thing that's great is finding mentors - multiple people have pointed out that I skate the same way this other member did when he first started out, so he's taken me under his wing. It feels so good to be able to look to him and know I'm walking in his footsteps, and I'll improve like he improved.

Do you have a physical sport or hobby you do alongside gaming? How'd you start? How long have you been doing it? What challenges did you initially have, and how have you overcome them? Did you have any mentors that made a difference?

6 years ago

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Do you have a hobby that gets you up and moving to work your body?

View Results
Yes, and I really enjoy it!
Yes, but I'm just doing it so I don't die :/
No, but I wish I could
No. I love to sit

just plain running for me. my wife lost a lot of weight doing it, and so one year the after-thanksgiving bloat made me decide to start.

6 years ago

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I love basketball, 2 to 3 times per week, fishing depends, sometimes 2 times in week sometimes I skip few weeks (walking around 4 kilomeeters to place where I ffish and then back again 4 km), and working out on daily basis, 3-4 home workout (dumbells only from equipment) and 6 days a week core 15 minute workouts (mainly focused on abs and obliques), I'm also on keto diet close to year, and before that I was already on keto for 1 year than I had some personal problems that forced me out of diet and out of everything pretty much for few months.

Can't afford gym at this moment but I'm also satisfied with my home workout.

I start working out because I wanted to get in my high school shape, to gain more confidence, but first I started with keto diet, found subreddit keto and read a lot of info from there, some info googling about it, then 3 months into diet I started with home workout.

I watch Athleanx (he is amazing, especially showing you how to do exercises on proper way or alternate ways to avoid injuries) on youtube and for L-sit up and hollow hold when I was starting out I watched Antranik youtube videos for how to do it and how to progress, I'm close to my weight goal, but then I will just change goal to gain some weight in muscle as much as possible without gaining a lot of fat, not gonna go for bulk/cut process, just slow gain with small calorie surplus, both keto diet and working out are now pretty much routine for me.

Hardest thing to do was to stop drinking Coca Cola, In my first year of keto diet I was drinking diet one and it was fine, I lost weight but still I wanted to quit drinking even diet one, took me 3 attempts, finally managed to do it by replacing it with green tea with cinnamon every day, I also stopped with coffie 2 months ago, I drink now only green tea, water and just on special occasion some alcohol (few times a year).

Looking into meditation too, nothing that takes a lot of time, so for now I will probably start with just alternate nostill breathing and focus on breathing meditation for short period of time ~15 min, this should help me increase my energy levels and lower stress..

6 years ago

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I have a bad knee, so I don't get as much physical activity as my doctor would prefer to see me do. Walking is about it. I used to walk the dog, but her back legs are arthritic, so she's slowing down, too. My doctor will tell you that I need to get out more, but it's hard to find the motivation. ☹

6 years ago

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If you like sea i would recomend you Windsurf ! Its a nice hobby. For me it has it all ! Relax,Adrenalin and as you getting better you feel rly rewarded. Some times you feel like flying in the sea :D. As you getting better you exercice more and learn to respect the weather. The cons are that its a sea sport so you must be close to the sea. Also you must go to learn your first steps to a coach/teacher and there you can see if you like it. The feeling when you start planing is one of the best ! If you want you can ask me any questions, i will be happy to answer.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I'm in the army now, so I walk so much that at the end of day my heels ache like them burning. No, I don't have some "active" hobby, don't want it and don't need it. I love to sit when I can.
But, to think again - I started to do pull-ups every day before sleep recently. It does not do any load on legs, so it's fine. Probably you can count it as "hobby".

6 years ago

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I do a lot of finger sport, i.e. typing. :)

6 years ago

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Not a hobby, but I do gymnastics at home (pushups, pull-ups etc) twice a week for an hour. I'm not enjoying it all that much, but that is the only thing that gives me a tiny bit of discipline, so I dare not stop it.

6 years ago

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That is the very model of discipline!

6 years ago

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