Not too good with titles and descriptions today.

Giveaways end on the 18th.
Space Farmers, Chime & Strata to be won. All lvl 3+

Redid the puzzle to have a decent timer
Old one:

Clue on how to solve in the comments.

9 years ago*

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Generic Potato Poll

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Generic bump. :P

9 years ago

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A couple of people noticed that the hints are revealed after the puzzle ends.

Hints appear after the countdown + 1 minute, and you have to reload the page so they can appear

9 years ago

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Except the countdown is currently at 149 hours; just over six days from now. Which is about the same time the giveaways are scheduled to end. Perhaps even a bit after, depending on the exact time on the 18th that the giveaways are scheduled to end.

9 years ago

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Ohm so it seems I need to sleep :D Thanks!

9 years ago

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Bump because you were kind enough to list the games up for grabs, but I have no idea where to even begin with this puzzle. I'm baffled that some genius has managed to solve it already.

9 years ago

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She was the only one who solved it. Probably testing.

9 years ago

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Oops, you are correct. I didn't remember to check the leaderboard name against the giveaway creator. Well, this is slightly embarrassing...

9 years ago

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A natural mistake... ;)

9 years ago

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Since you're obviously registered on ITH - you can edit the questions on your puzzle to include the hints, so there won't be any need to post them here.

Also, like HBNayr - I got no clue where to begin.

Edit: Or even better - make new puzzle with the same questions/answers and the hints timer you actually meant :)

9 years ago*

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Updated now. Timer 12 hours.

9 years ago

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I'll need to sleep on it...

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9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Hmm. Is the puzzle really that hard for people. :s
And there was me thinking it's going to be easy. Oh well. :|

9 years ago

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I've tried it with hints yesterday - still don't know what those numbers are.

9 years ago

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Maybe over-thinking it. I'm not bright enough to make a difficult puzzle.

9 years ago

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Overthinking it is an understatement...
Bump for solved!

9 years ago

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ehi!!!! where is Itumaak mate???? :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Hum, I don't understand why people create puzzle which can't be solved w/o hints and set the insane timer on them :v
I think that 1-2 hours is more than enough. I'll come back tomorrow and try to solve it :x

9 years ago

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Is there any particular reason why you think a puzzle should be a pushover?

9 years ago

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My opinion is based on functionality. If I visit puzzle section it means I have some free time an I want exercise my brain... then I check some nice puzzle and i'm sad because it is unsolvablel. So I'm dissapointed and I think it's normal behavior.

If timer is set on 1-2 hours I can leave puzzle in tab and wait, but if its soo long like 12h i'll probably go sleep and need to find puzzle next day. Steamgifts doesn't help me (it would be cool if we had 'observe topic funcionality' QQ). So sometimes i missed some puzzles because i can't find them few days later :/
Maybe i'm stupid, but few days ago I tried to find solution for a puzzle which i didn't make and I faild to find it. In most cases I remember OP avatar and puzzle content :D So its had to find sth via steamgifts searcher for me.

Sorry for long explanation but part of my job is interface design, so I sometimes think about small things which ruin user experience ;D
Also I need to ask you is there a reson for set timer on such a large number of hours? If puzzle can solved without hints then this is very reasonable.

P.S I hope that I won't offended you. My first comment was just opinion, no bad feelings against you or sth :P

9 years ago

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I don't think 12 hours is a long time. :s

People might want to have an attempt at the puzzle without hints. If the hints are just thrown in their face then you might say their experience is ruined. Gamers are always complaining about "hand holding".
People do like to "sleep on it" or get the hint when they return home from work/school.

Immediate gratification is not something necessary with a puzzle that will have no effect negative or positive on a persons life. I'm not running a fast food joint after all. If it was meant to be easy I just post a link direct to the giveaways. ;)

As for the not being able to find it. Well blame the lurkers. 31 people voting, 32 people tried to work out the answers. 7 people posted something in the thread. :(
If only they said something maybe I'd be more inclined to throw some hints.
Although it wouldn't surprise me if the majority of people are just looking for low entry freebies rather than some puzzles......

9 years ago

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I love puzzles and I see some people here who solve them even if they doesn't have level to enter or had a game. Puzzling is a life style not only low entries giveaway.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that almost nobody check puzzles before going to school/work :D

Anyway I got your point that it can be easy. Less hints = more satisfaction after solving. My only complaint is that whole puzzle seems to be unsolvablel w/o them. Am I wrong? :D

9 years ago

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Oh yes there are people like that. Don't get me wrong. And they're some of the nicest people on the site.
Its just after a while you notice a pattern and it does seem like the vast majority have no intention of posting even a bump unless it benefits them in some way and that really sucks, heck some are willing to post a "thanks" in the giveaways but even if they're asked to bump the thread, nope can't do that. They're also more likely to bump if they've "solved" it but not until they have.

It would be hard to check to see who visits SG forums in the morning but even if they check in the evening they'd still sleep on it. Some do use the internet like how people used newspapers 20 years back now so I don't see how its unreasonable to believe a few people check SG first thing in the morning.

Its not unsolvable MjrPITA got it and I didn't send him any secret hints.
Besides I spent like 10 minutes setting it up as part of another thread haha. I chose each one on purpose for their similarities. Pinpoint them and you'll be good to go.

There are some people on here with skill to make truly difficult puzzles but I am not one of them. Look at any of my other "puzzles". They're all easy really.

9 years ago

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Riddle about Pirates was actually easy but this one :x Hum I dont have idea how to do with numbers w/o waiting ^^

Good thing is that I have history of your post to me so I don't lose this topic :D I believe that mostly people don't write comments because they language skill is low. My english skill is really bad and I don't like to communicate in this language. Sometimes people missunderstand me and are mad :D Also I'm a bit shy person QQ

9 years ago

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Oh yeah the pirates one was really easy and just plain silly.

People on this site don't seem to be the type to go all grammar police on you though. Misunderstandings happen even with native languages on the internet. There's a lot of social queues to be missed when you're not talking face to face.

9 years ago

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Come on people, this isn't hard at all (with the hints at least - "don't overthink it" being the biggest one).

9 years ago

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I disagree

9 years ago

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I waited for the hints but still have no idea. There are so many things that one can do with numbers...

9 years ago

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I am too stupid to not overthink it (:

9 years ago

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Thinking about a clue I could say. Maybe I'll have one tomorrow, or the day after but yes don't overthink it.

9 years ago

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Bump for solved

9 years ago

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If this doesn't help, you're doomed!


I think it would be fascinating to meet people from other periods of time.
For example, Catherine the Great must have been an interesting person to have known.
Just take a look at how much character one of her tables has. (NSFW?)

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9 years ago*

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Bump for solved!

9 years ago

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Bump for solved, thanks for the puzzle. Sadly, I'm not level 3 (yet) :).

9 years ago

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hmmm yeah. Sorry. I think level 2 is better for ouzzles. Don't know what I was thinking, distracted by recent events maybe. haha

I'll do more puzzles though, I prefer them to just flat out making giveaways. They'll be easier too. _;

9 years ago

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Bump for solved!

9 years ago

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Bump for solved~~!

9 years ago

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Less that ten entries per giveaway. buahahahah

9 years ago

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Ah yes bump for solved too!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Akantha.