I'm working on a video project for which i need some voice recordings saying the following:

  1. "Wauw.. you got some wierd costumes, follow me i have some candy in here" - adult voice

  2. "Uuhh very scary, i think i still got some candy left, one moment" - adult voice

  3. "Trick or Treat" - Kids voice 9-12 years

Everyone who sends me a recording will gain acces to a private giveaway for Max Payne 3 + winner also gets the Rockstar Pass

Send me your contribution before friday at fjoha13@student.aau.dk

Hopefully some of you will help me :)

Thanks for your time Clicky

EDIT: It might turn into a commercial project, so i would claim the rights to use any sound submitted for that (but only for this video).

10 years ago*

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The sound has to be really good ?

10 years ago

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Not necessarily, anything should work.
But good sound quality would of course be preferable ;)

10 years ago

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if you are using these in a commercial product you might mention the rights you are claiming or not

10 years ago

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Yeah you are right, thanks! Edited the post so it mentions comercial rights.

10 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Fredsman.