Personally i would see if there is a cheaper complete version on pc somewhere. A little while back the GOTY was on sale for i believe 5 euro's. I already had the game but bought the edition for all the dlc. The dlc is pretty good. Not great but especially trespasser is great. (especially if you chose solas as your partner) Who i ship him/her with is difficult. Usually end up with either the inquisitor alone (and so more focussed on the task instead of romance) or josephine or Iron Bull. Just because they are easy to romance and my poor inquisitor will at least have someone xD
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At the beginning I had no clue you could romance characters until I started noticing those 'Romance' dialogue options.
By that point I was too interested in being a flirt I forgot I could make my Inquisitor live as a single lady/man.
I'm curious, did the characters try flirting with you or was there only the basic dialogue options?
The Iron Bull relationship is funny either way, just with the homosexual option and how it plays it is 5x funnier in my opinion. :')
As for Josephines relationship, I find it cute. She is always acting modest but when she gets some time away to relax from her duties she is a true virtual example of the metaphorical phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover.".
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Well, I had the most fun in my life when i got a chance to punch Solas in the face, but to each their own ;)
I second that Trespasser is good, and you'll probably like it especially. Each DLC, from memory... might last a little over... 5 or 6 hours? If you play on the hardest difficulty it might drag it out a bit. That's about maybe 18-ish or so hours of fresh content for you, I think? If you're really into the game, though, you'll probably burn through it quickly. So I'd say get it closer to the next release (which I didn't know was a thing, thanks!)
Side note: I honestly couldn't care for the characters the way I could in Origins. And just the story overall didn't stick with me as much. So... I guess I'd ship 'em with anyone that is not Sera.
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Even though I am 'in love' with Solas I do admit I've watched the punching scene with Solas far too many times. :') His reaction just makes it better.
I did burn through the game with only 115 hours of game time, nearly completing all the side quests as well as the main story. So I should probably wait.
I have heard that a lot of people prefer the storyline in Origins over Inquisition. I haven't played any other DA game myself but I will definitely need to, so many more characters I want to meet! Althought I feel like Inqusition is being used as a foundation for DA4, especially since Solas came out of no where to assist with the war.
Sera is definitely... a unique character. She would probably be my last person to romance in a playthrough.
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I was absolutely livid that I couldn't romance Vivienne. I romanced Josephine and really enjoyed doing so (I played a qunari warrior, so the end of Josephine's plotline where you pick her up in front of everyone and kiss her and she kicks her leg out was ADORABLE) but... my heart... my heart was for Vivienne.
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I'll take a look a, thanks for the help! (I've never heard of it before?!)
I was going to romance Cullen first because bald elves didn't seem as attractive as a man with some lovely blonde hair and face scars. But then Solas spoke poetic words and I started to swoon. The feelings only got much stronger due to his storyline. (But I am going to romance Cullen on my new playthrough.)
I've been using pinterest a lot lately and I've seen so much of Nipuni's work on there I practically have it all in one folder. Her work makes me dream those behaviours she draws of the couple were shown in the game. sigh
The "Bad Boy" Solas with hair is much better than his egghead, I will admit. However, most people think he looks too young with his hair since he is depicted as wise, poetic, and.. old, so BioWare probably thought the older he looked the better it would match his appearance.
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Solas, Sera, The Iron Bull, Dorian, Cassandra, Josephine, Cullen, and then Blackwall. If you romanced Solas, I would definitely recommend playing Tresspasser sooner or later! Really looking forward to Dragon Age 4 as well. While you wait, you can read the World of Thedas Volume 2-it's pretty interesting!
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The Dragon Age games have been on my wishlist for awhile. There's even a built-in way to hide spoilers if it was that necessary.
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I enjoyed the first one a lot but never bothered playing the other ones.
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I have completed the main story line, got my heart ripped out of my chest by Solas and now have nothing to do except replay it for trophies (which gets boring after a while). So I'm wondering, with Dragon Age 4 coming out later this year or the next, would the $45 PS4 DLC Bundle be worth buying or should I purchase it closer to the next games release date? (By worth buying I mean; will it take up some time to play or will it only be an hour of playtime?)
Also who do you ship with your inquisitor?
I ship Lavellan and Solas (obviously). Although I have a DW Rogue Elf.
Thanks for any advice!
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