The Borderlands "Take Over Your Life Bundle" hit a new low of $18.36 on Steam, which isn't that cheap when you consider most of the games have been in Humble Bundles before. However, the Pre-Sequel was the only game in the bundle I didn't have, so I was able to complete the bundle for only $2.16.

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7 years ago

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How long will the deal last?

7 years ago

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I'm not sure. I just got a price alert from IsThereAnyDeal because of the new low price. Maybe it's part of the Lunar New Year Sale, which ends on the 19th?

7 years ago

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I've been wanting the pre-sequel for a while now. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have everything in the bundle so it's also 2 dollars for me.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I was also able to get this deal for $2.16 + tax for Borderlands Presequel, since I already have the other games from the bundle. I was hoping to eventually get this game in a complete edition with all the dlc, but at this price I may as well do it now. I will just wait for a sale on the season pass. One more game to add to my backlog.

It is a good thing I didn't buy the Humble Endless RPG Lands Bundle by humble bundle 3 months ago or the Humble Game on Bundle 8 months ago, where they were offering this game in tier 3. This is a much better deal.

7 years ago*

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My backlog is so damn long at this point…but I can't resist a good deal like this.

7 years ago

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I have more than a thousand game backlog. Not sure when I will get the chance to play this game.

7 years ago

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Games are for buying, not for playing :>


7 years ago

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Haha. I used to think like that. But I have come to my senses lately and have decided to only buy games that I will play in the near future.

7 years ago

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So how many games have you bought this week? I wasn't planning on buying any, but because of such good deals I ended up getting this game and Far Cry 2(GOG). I am also eyeing a few more which I shouldn't really be buying, since they will most probably just end up in my backlog.

7 years ago*

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That's it so far. Nothing else has really caught my attention.

7 years ago

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Ok. Aside from steam, you might want to check the flash deals at GOG and Fanatical. Some of their games are being offered at historical lows.

7 years ago

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Man, you are like Santa! Snooping in with the goodies! I'm getting this before it goes! Thanks. Here's a blue heart for you

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Damn... I own everything but pre-sequel and it's $3.24 for me :/

7 years ago

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Hey man. Didn't you get this game in previous humble bundles a few months ago? I though you were pretty active on bundlesplits.

7 years ago

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no, I didn't :(

7 years ago

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Okay. Maybe you were like me. I didn't want the bundles, because I already had most of them and couldn't find a copy of just borderlands presequel from tier 3 at that time. Being patient eventually payed off in the end. This is a pretty good deal.

7 years ago

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its funny that if you get this and buy the season pass it would cost less than the SP package
would there be a GOTY?

7 years ago

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It never won any awards, so not likely.

7 years ago

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They need to?
I thought any game can just repack all the DLC and call it GOTY

7 years ago

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This is pretty decent, but for borderlands 2 and the pre=sequel, this doesn't include the season pass... but still non the less it is a steal. I can get both B2 + Pre-Sequel for 3.06, which I may end up doing. I already own B1 GOTY and Tales.

edit: I recently traded for borderlands GOTY and was planning on trading for the rest, since I missed the humble bundles where the borderlands games were on sale for cheap, so I figure this would be my way to get the borderlands games I missed, even if they are not the GOTY I can always buy them later or whatnot... but I think in the various humble bundles I do not think B2 and/or BPreSeq had their DLC offered when they were on humble bundle.

7 years ago*

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Yeah, it sucks none of the DLC for B2 or PS is included. If nothing else, it'd be nice if Steam let you complete the bundles for the GOTY and season pass packages for those games instead of having to buy the whole packages. Maybe one day…

7 years ago

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Yeah but anyways I did buy it since I guess you couldn't go wrong to get both games for $3 when one is $5 and the other is like $10-11 so I saved like 10+ and was able to get the borderlands games I missed from humble and I think this way was cheaper since I think pre sequel was on tier 3 for humble and B2 was on tier 2 I think?

I guess for me the only borderlands game I have got from humble was tales when I bought the telltale bundle.

7 years ago

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it'd be nice if Steam let you complete the bundles for the GOTY and season pass packages for those games

That's entirely up to the publishers/developers, not Steam.
(Spoilers: Gearbox, CD Projekt Red, Paradox etc all prefer only giving good discounts to new customers rather than enabling any form of cost-effective collection completion)

7 years ago

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Man, that sucks a little bit.
I have Borderlands but none of the DLC.
And I've got Borderlands 2 GOTY.

7 years ago

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That happened to me a long ago, when this bundle deal first appeared.

I then managed to buy Borderlands 1 GOTY here first:

Then I bought the Pre-sequel for really cheap on the bundle.

7 years ago

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Thanks! $2.16 is the best price I've seen.

7 years ago

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Too bad tales it's not discoutned, so I need to pay more. I don't know if I'll pay it.

7 years ago

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I actually didn't have Tales on my account either, and I almost bought the bundle for $6.66. Then I remembered I still had a Tales key from Humble Bundle that I was planning on giving away, so I just activated it and then bought the bundle for $2.16.

7 years ago

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If you have spare wallet/money:
buy Tales, buy collection, refund Tales

7 years ago

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Already own all these, but the package would have been a better deal if it had the season pass for BL2. It's just the base game, not the GoTY edition, from what I see.

7 years ago

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Correct. Sadly, there's no GOTY bundle that you can complete for just the DLC. You have to buy the whole GOTY package (including the base game) or buy everything separately.

7 years ago

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$3.78USD for me to get The Pre-Sequel...if it's still there in about 9 hours when my pay goes in the bank, I'll grab it. Cheers!

7 years ago

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