I feel silly for asking this, but when any of you create giveaways, and put in the keys, do you worry that by the end of it that you've somehow put in a dead key or a wrong one by accident? ;D

I know /I/ was sweating when I recently did about 50 giveaways at once of all the unwanted games I got from bundles. (Yeeeah not gonna do that again).

And the worst thing is having to wait out the period like two, three days, all the while imagining future winners coming to you and going, "Hey! You ripped me off! Your key doesn't work, you rhino! Rip out money from your wallet and gimme that game!"

...My imagination can be a curse sometimes ;P

The funny thing is that a month later, I still get that same kind of anxiety. The longer the giveaway period, the more I fidget. Does it get easier as the years go by?

7 years ago

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Well that depends. Do you suffer from anxiety? If no then yes it probably does get easier. Still be a bit of worry but nothing major. If yes you do suffer from anxiety, then no. It usually never gets easier.

I have anxiety and every time I have ever made a giveaway I am always worrying that there will be something that goes wrong with it. No matter how many times nothing goes wrong you are just constantly worrying that something will happen. All you can do is do your best to keep checking and ake sure what you did was right, and if something happens then you just calmly try and follow the rules and steps to try and correct the issue

7 years ago

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I have some social anxiety, but I don't know if that counts? I also come from a culture and background where you're not supposed to be a 'burden' to other people, so perhaps that has something to do with it ;D

7 years ago

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Quote: "...come from a culture and background where you're not supposed to be a 'burden' to other people"

My guess: Japan? ;)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah, that's the only thought that has me not freak out in the waiting ;D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thank you! Told you it was a silly worry :)

7 years ago

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Nah, not really. It's especially anxious for you when the key is super-old, so you have no idea whether it will work!

7 years ago

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Yeah I've dropped about four of those super old keys in the Orphan Key thread, just cuz I wasn't sure.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Haha, nice try ;)

Although it's nice to know that I'm not the only oddball around ^^

7 years ago

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I understand, I get anxious and paranoid very easily too so I try to not keep too old keys and only generate new ones when I create a giveaway. We are all just humans though so making mistake is unvoidable, when/if it happens you just have to deal with it rationally.

7 years ago

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Oh yeah, paranoid is probably that exact feeling! Those 50 giveaways I made from bundles about, like, five years back did make me supremely anxious ;D

7 years ago

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Sometimes, yes. Solved it by inserting the key after it ended, so I knew where I copied it from.

7 years ago

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I had it when I created my first giveaway, the winner didn't mark the key as received and didn't log on SG since winning. After a few days I was like "Uh, did I mess anything up? Maybe the key isn't working and that person doesn't want to make it awkward. Did I just failed my first ever giveaway? What to do now? QQ". Turned out the person just afked and I got a reroll, still stresfull.

7 years ago

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Heehee, that is exactly the same situation I'm in now with one of my giveaways. But it's only been two days waiting for feedback. It feels longer though... O_o

7 years ago

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I worry about it each and every time.

On one of my first giveaways, the user won and didn't mark the game as received. Days passed, I sent emails to remind them, never heard back, nothing. Then finally, after 5-6 days, I saw it marked as received, so I guess all was good.

But so far it's all been positive, so I think we should just worry less and enjoy it more.

7 years ago

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I think it's one of those Buddhist tenets even. Something like "Worrying is pointless" ;D

7 years ago

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You're right. Worrying won't change anything, won't make anything better, so why worry?

Thought that's often easier said than done. ;)

7 years ago

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My brain goes on a loop sometimes, especially when it's negative things O_o

7 years ago

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I did at first, but I'm OCD enough to know better now.

7 years ago

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Lol I like doublecheck the keys before hitting Submit Giveaways too ;P

7 years ago

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One must embrace the OCD and let it flow through you!
Disorganization is the path to the dark side.

7 years ago

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Yes, Master

7 years ago

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i've never worried about it, and only once across 142 giveaways here and 45 trades at steamtrades i gave away the wrong key. it was a copy-paste error into my unused keys document which somehow had two copies of the same key, but i just went to the bundle page and got the correct unused key and sent that. the person receiving the key was still happy to get a free key.

7 years ago

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I have this all the time and I've done 999 giveaways :-( Fortunately all my keys always worked, except for one time where I forgot to remove keys I used in giveaways from my list and tried giving them away again.. stupid :-p

7 years ago

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I usually give away bundled games I have at least 2 keys for or just bought keys for unbundled ones, so I don't have to worry much. Had two or three issues when I started here and gave away older keys without replacement, but was able to buy them cheap again.

7 years ago

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I only had that worry at first here on SG, during about 400 level 0 <=> 3 public giveaways. Now I'm doing mostly SGTools (level 2) giveaways, WL giveaways and some group giveaways I really don't have that anymore. ^^

For example: I had 250 SGTools giveaways (level 2) ending last Sunday 1300 hours local time and now it's Wednesday 1515 hours local time and 246/250 giveaways are marked received and of the 4 others 2 gave me a message that they were on vacation. And a winner does have 7 days to mark received.

7 years ago

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Man, I really need to figure out how to make those SGTools giveaways. I get confused ;P

7 years ago

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You can always ask questions here were Knsys (SGTools dev) and/or others can help you and you can hit me up on Steam.

It's better to be safe/ask questions than make a mistake and I've made 3000+ SGTools giveaways to date but at some point in time I made my very first SGTools giveaway and I had a lot of help from other SG\SGTools users. ;-)

7 years ago

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Yeah actually. I have a notepad w/ 50+ keys that I wanna give away. No clue which ones I've given out to actual friends or not -_-

7 years ago

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Whoa, I sympathise! ;D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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To be honest, I get so afraid of giving someone a bad key. I really don't do well when people yell at me or get mad. When I first made an account on here, I thought it would be really fun to make giveaways. When I finally started, I would get so anxious that when things finally went well and the keys were successfully received, I'd finally relax so much that I'd almost fall asleep right where I was sitting. As someone who has always had really bad anxiety though, I cant really tell you if it's normal or not to feel that way. For me, this is totally normal and so far hasn't gotten any better. I do keep really good track of my keys though so I know I should feel confident but still... I am always on the edge of my seat after a GA of mine ends as I just keep refreshing the page waiting for them to put it as received.

7 years ago

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Oh, poor hon. I don't get as bad anxiety as yours but I know exactly what you mean. You actually describe the edge-of-the-seat thing well! But I think I am gonna take some people's advice to just.. let go and let things play out.

Otherwise I'd go insane and be one of those people dressed like an ostrich in a tiki bar ;)

7 years ago

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To be honest, I stopped doing giveaways for a long while, at first it was because I didn't have all that much to give away and later it turned to... me getting way too anxious to do it all together just because I was so worried about messing up. After responding to this discussion, it occurred to me that... all that's stopping me from doing this is just me being obnoxiously scared even though nothing bad has happened before. After making a lot of GA's the past week, it's gotten a lot easier to the point that I barely even think about it. I kinda want to say thank you... even though you didn't really do anything specific... this thread somehow inspired me to push myself through my anxiety and I got through it and everything went just fine :D Umm yeah... hopefully it will get easier for you over time as well, I wish you the best of luck

7 years ago

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Wow, thanks for the inspiring words! That is awesome to hear. Yeah I still get kinda anxious, but I 'made' myself a safety net by tricking my mind into thinking I have the money to get another key is the first one is a bad one ;)

7 years ago

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I'm always worried even though I haven't made a mistake yet. I cross check the key/game for each GA but am never confident until it's marked received ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess that tells a lot about me

7 years ago

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Is it weird that I am slightly comforted that at least I'm not alone? ;D

And YES, to see that Marked Received. Phew!

7 years ago

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That happens to me too, trading or on a GA, thinking if the key isn't gonna work.

7 years ago

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I feel the same way. I have a system where I put all my keys in a spreadsheet and change the color of the cell as I go. Green means it's available to give away. Orange means it's been posted on SG. Black means the key has been marked as received. It takes some stress off of me but I still worry that I'm going to mess up.

7 years ago

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You are way more super organised than me ;D But that's a neat system and perhaps others will follow your example. Thanks for sharing :)

7 years ago

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Everytime. I've got 150 giveaways ending next week too, so wish me luck. Keyboard's gonna be covered in sweat.

7 years ago

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Oh dear. Remember the tissues! ;D

7 years ago

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The worst time was the once I copied a key and accidentally left it in my clipboard then keyboard smashed in a chat and pasted the key with Ctrl V...then it was eaten by a bot...at this point I know all my keys are valid but I copy random sentences or blank space into my clipboard after making every GA.

7 years ago

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This is something that scares the crap out of me, especially because it happened to me twice. I don't know how or why, but two of the keys I sent out once had an issue. I went to both recipients and did my best to rectify the situation with both of them, but the other person just stopped responding. It still haunts me to this day. :(

7 years ago

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Patpats I think you just described one of my worst scenarios... one of them being that I would have to pay money for, like, a 100P game when I got it cheap in a bundle... O_o

7 years ago

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Both were fairly inexpensive titles, so replacing them wouldn't have killed me. With one of them, after I apologized, I offered a spare key for a different game I had lying around and I was able to get the giveaway deleted so that all had a happy ending. With the other, like I said, he just stopped responding. I feel bad about it.

7 years ago

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  1. You dont rip someone off by not giving what you promised to give.
  2. Rhinos are cool and badasses.
7 years ago

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  1. Some people are weird that way!
  2. I couldn't think of any other mean word at the time, I was sleepy ;)
7 years ago

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I had a few cases that made me worried. When I just started here, I made a few ga's of games bought on g2a. One of the keys turned out to be revoked. Very worried, but the winner behaved normally and the seller after an open dispute sent a working key, and we solved problem (Since that i do not buy on g2a anymore). A couple of times I've mussed up the keys to the games from 2-3 same bundles (key for another game, or key i actually activated) when I created a lot of ga's at once (but I solved the problems quickly and winners were nice). Now I try to be more attentive. But sometimes I still get anxiety :-)

7 years ago

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Oh? I was thinking of buying from G2A a few years ago. Is it really that bad?

Glad you resolved it all at least :)

7 years ago

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I don't think it's bad. I think it was just my badluck :)

7 years ago

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No. When/if I get extra keys, I put them in notepad and delete what gets used in order.

7 years ago

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I actually follow that kind of system. I don't delete it tho, I just put a !!! at the end of the game's name for keys I've submitted and save the doc immediately after.

7 years ago

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No, but I got anxious if I don't activate it right now. In fact, I won "hyper light drifter" recently (hehe) and I activated it so fast I neded to recheck if the game was correct before marking as received, wondering I didn't make a mistake.

7 years ago

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Heehee. Nice to see you again ;) Are you actually afraid someone else would like activate your key before you do?? That's a different kind of anxiety I hadn't thought of!

7 years ago

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No, it's like an anxiety of not wanting to keep the giveaway creator waiting. Creator gives away, let's not keep that person waiting :(

7 years ago

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That's nice of you. My winners usually keep me waiting for a week. P

7 years ago

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I've been lucky so far. Three days at the most. Feels like forever though ;D

7 years ago

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