isn't the idea to give someone else some joy with a giveaway, not yourself? ^^
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no, you're absolutely right. we all do this for our own enjoyment as well. i do i partially because i like seeing all those numbers rise (CV...). it's like a game. ^^
but i have to say, when we talk about CV, everybody says how he hates CV and how it should be about gifting and all that. we have countless threads about this. those are full of people who proudly present themselves as absolutely selfless. as independant of lower desires like CV. they give for the sake of giving. if you say you give away games for CV - you most likely get backlisted. so in those threads nobody likes to see selfishness of any kind. completely different in threads like this one, though. suddenly it's not about selfless gifting anymore. suddenly there is this eye-for-an-eye mentality. you can get my gifts only, if i can get yours. giving - sure, but only if i can potentially expect something for it. seems to me as if the same basic moral questions are answered differently here, depending on what the specific topic is.
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And thats why i think its better to have maximum enjoyment for all sides rather than just a happy winner.
that statement is of course true. i just think enjoyment is not something that is fixed. it is depending on your mindset. it is something you can change yourself. i would encourage people to not always see everything so negative. if someone blacklists me, that can have a number of reasons, as we already established. people blacklist for everything, and it doesn't always mean the guy doesn't like me. it could simply mean i already won something from him and he wants to give others a chance. or he thinks i won enough for now, and people with fewer wins should get better chances. those are just two simple examples where i am absolutely fine with the blacklist. no hard feelings. so i guess my point is that i would encourage people that instead of assuming the most negative reason for a blacklist entry, they could just assume a more positive reason. and if you get that mindset going, that also increases your own enjoyment. :)
The eye-for-eye mentality you are spekaing of is rather a i-want-to-restrain-others-automatically-if-they-restrain-me mentality. It's hyprocrisy to enter other peoples giveaways while in the same time not thinking of them worthy enough to enter yours.
if we accept the fact, that there are numerous reasons for a blacklist entry (like stated above), i would say it's not automatically hypocritical to enter those giveaways. it would depend on the specific reason. if someone tells me he hates my guts and then enters my giveaways - yeah, maybe i would be pissed then. but if someone blacklists me because he thinks i won more than enough and others should get a better chance, then in my opinion he should feel free to enter my giveaways, and i wouldn't be mad if he won something.
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yeah. i can really understand that people always think the worst when they see they got blacklisted. but as soon as you accept that there are other possible reasons for the blacklist, you automatically get less angry over blacklist entries.
(have to go now, unfortunately, so i can't continue the discussion for now :) )
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we all do this for our own enjoyment ...
as well Period.
I don't suppose there are many among us that give away stuff because it makes them cringe p
Mmm, I think users are pretty consistent in both kind of threads (at least those I pay attention to, that is)
Ofc there is a good deal of ppl opposing any form of cv, bl and groups from moral high horse but real motives are a tad different (aka this gta should be mine..). But that's rather "politics" not moral double-standards
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Well they already activated their games so cant do :D
Thing is i dont really care that they have me blacklisted , im an asshole and can be pretty rude towards people @ times ... but thats just me.
But its kinda stupid when they give me the middle finger , and then go and enter/win my stuff anyway >.<
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It was discussing many times and it wouldn't work. I blacklist you and two days later you create a giveaway for a game I want. I unblacklist you, enter a giveaway and blacklist you back. Unless unblacklist wouldn't be automatic as well :P But there are probably more flaws I don't remember right now :P
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I dont really mind the concept of blacklists , i just found it kinda stupid that 8 out of the 50 winners had me blacklisted D:
Like i dont even check that kinda stuf usually , i just wanted to congratulate all the winners ... and that happened :c
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How did you find out?
For my part, I'm behaving and I'm always nice to people. So if I get blacklisted I just blacklist the person back since they can't have a legit reason for doing that. And those salty people don't deserve attention or are worth my time (no arguing and discussing it with either them or myself).
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Sometimes I ask myself why people blacklist users like you.
I can understand myself, as I'm being a typical jerk from time to time, leeching giveaways, having barely any acceptable ratio, and several other reasons (including somebody who blacklisted me for getting a suspension and suspecting that it was me who reported him - I still can't understand it).
But you? Did people lose their minds and they've started blacklisting nicest users just to tell them "fuck you"? Personally I stopped caring about blacklists long time ago - I have almost 4-digit number of whitelists and those are people I care about, not some barely 3-digit number of people that did otherwise - but they at least have a reason I can understand, I'm acting like a dick sometimes :3. I can't understand people blacklisting you or several other nice users I've seen in the discussions though.
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Nah, that was konrads6 :3.
I don't want to brag about my WLs/BLs, as I know pretty damn well that I'm not the best user here, and I don't even want to be seen as one, but I do have a lot of people that are enjoying my person/my projects and want to show their grattitude. I appreciate all those WLs, and I'm always happy to win a game from user that WLed me, but I still believe there are many better WL candidates, I'm rather a BL candidate :3.
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Most of my BLs were earned long before ASF was created - WL graph nicely shows that. There are some haters that openly blacklisted me for ASF alone, but amount of WLs that ASF earned me is also appropriate and nicely shown on the graph, even though I never asked for those WLs, and I don't really feel nice with that amount when I see many "lesser SG heroes" that did much more than me to this community, yet they're not as recognized as I'd want them to.
Still, it brings me happiness to see that people do not consider me as a total jerk here, even if I act like one sometimes :3.
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May I point out that all games you've given away (beside Plantera & Cities in Motion 2) are generally considered card farming fodder? Not trying to insult you or anything just curious why you would give away such games yourself if you hate bad games with cards so much that you found it reason enough to blacklist Archi over it because you feel his invention is just adding to the problem?
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Ok, that makes sense. Farming GA slots is indeed a valid reason.
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Final Fantasy would have probably been a better example because Tomb Raider (1) for me falls somewhere between those 2 categories. It's a game for nostalgia collector who would like to own the game on Steam as well because they played it when they were young but most of those aren't very likely to actually play the game again.
But when I wrote my comment I just briefly looked over your profile. That's why I only mentioned Plantera at first and then added Cities in Motion 2.
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if you want slots for event, you can create ticket for one, they cann it for you, and you can stay true to your beliefs
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it is not premium. you want to make event, you ask support, they grant slots. thats ease :)
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how are trading cards in general causing harm to steam? the are quite the contrary actually. it's very beneficial to both steam & the developer to have cards due to the fees on sales of them in the marketplace. all asf is doing is allowing both steam and the developer to gain extra funds that they otherwise would not of if the owner would of never actually played the game.
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I think he's referring to the fact that a lot of bad games like Digital Homicide games that wouldn't survive on their own merits are quite profitable due to Badge collectors.
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before i even discovered idle software i discovered you could just change the steam_appid.txt inside ~70% of games to a diff appid and run that game and minimize and its the same thing as farming cards.. steam thinks you're running whatever game the steam_appid.txt says. people will find a way even without software existing for it. i think of it as a "convenience software" personally. just like i don't blame texas instruments for making calculators which in turn is causing kids to be too lazy to do math on paper or in their heads.
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it does affect things, and i see what you mean on it having a bad impact in some cases. but imo the most general cases it is completely beneficial and in no way harming anything. those that utilize the softwares that does this type of things are making money, valve is making money, and the developer is making money. i see no actual harm in most general cases, and if there were then steam would of stepped in and done something about it. (like they do on occasion / eventually [with stopping the devs])
to be clear i really don't care who is on your bl tho. ive even had him there myself at one point in time, but due to this particular soft development he isn't any longer.
edit: actually everyones been removed from my BL, but he was removed before that wipe even.
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depends who you ask.. to some he's a god who should be un-banned & to others he was worst kind of leech & shitposter there could possibly be and are glad he's gone. the wl/bl pic should give you a good idea of how liked/unliked he really was though
i personally wasn't forum active at the time he was, so i don't have a personal opinion either way, but from what i gather i wouldn't of liked 'em.
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There are people who blacklist winners of their ga's, but I'm sure you know that.
Some people bl people for not saying thanks if you won a ga.
And then there are the random people who bl because they dont like your country, your avatar, the fact you like cats, who knows.
So it cant be legit? According to you. Everyone has his/her own rules, as stupid as some may be.
Being nice only gets you on a lot of whitelists.
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If no one answered you already , i manually went trough the profiles of all winners .
Basically had them all open in new tabs and wanted to post them congrats msgs for every single one of them for winning my cakeday GA ...
Then i found out 1/5th of them had me blacklisted :c
Not anymore , but it still got me pretty triggered D:
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There is always someone who will think you are too good or not bad enough.
Some people ban Gandi and Dalai Lama.
Some people resell won keys.
Some people kill other people.
Users that are extensively using SG banlists generally have rather narrow field of elements to base their grounds.
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I'm pretty sure most of them didn't even realize that they have you blacklisted - there is no indicator of that unless you check a profile yourself. And how many times you check profile of people you won a giveaway from? At least I do not, unless I have a specific reason, such as whitelisting a guy for winning a really nice giveaway I wanted to win in a while.
Focus on good things instead of bad things, you look like somebody who would need a bit of friendship on the internet. Maybe 2hus would do :3.
There is at least one confirmed example of somebody who was dragged out of depression thanks to chat!
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There is an userscript for everything, but you'd be shocked how small part of the entire community actually use them, and even smaller the one you refer to specifically. I know that almost anything can be fixed with magic of javascript, but people don't care about even most important things, why would they care about not joining a giveaway from somebody they blacklisted? I probably wouldn't care myself, so it's a good thing I do not use BL at all.
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I dont really check profiles either , but i finally managed to fix MY Bl so i atleast know who is there .
To be fair i dont really mind 1-2 ppl who had me blacklisted to win ... but 8 was a bit of a shock to handle D:
At least few of them turned into a nice ppl , thanked me for the GA and even ended in a mutual agreement to remove me from their BLs . ... which i appreciate a lot since i probably earned that spot anyway D:
As for chat if im not to bussy with work and it works fine on a phone i will check it out later tonight :P
Didnt know 2hou chat was the suicide hotline D:
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Yes, it is Sa6peto no denying that... ;_;
This happened to me about a halve a dozen times already and it's a very low thing to do. :X
I thought about taking the not received in these cases but these things are totally not worth it.
I use the SG Game Tags script so I never enter giveaways from users I have on my modest blacklist.
Also when I check my winners I now always check if they blacklisted me and if so they will get their game eventually and I return the favor and I also have a clear warning about this in my SGTools trains.
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now i don't mind one winner on the occasion doing that.. but that damn many would put me over the top.. that is just too damn many at once to keep a cool head..
kudos for keeping it cool even while triggered and sorry there are greedy people you got to put up with here.
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Yeah like , there is no point to rage or anything about it ... even tho i was close to erupting with some not cool words towards them D:
Its their decision to do so , and i'm pretty sure that i may have earned that spots 1 way or another .
Its just as you said ... 8 at once was a bit of a shock :P
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Just consider it a departing gift before you never have to deal with them again :D
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Why do you even care? Were you interested in entering their giveaways? Did they even have any? If not, just ignore the blacklists.
You gave something away out of kindness. That's all that matters, not that some random user blacklisted you just because you exist.
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It sucks :/ but maybe they didnt blacklist u during the giveaway, but earlier on :/
Comment has been collapsed. I saw a post about some cake day, i enter to wish this user a happy cake is a lie day and saw that he said something like he is blacklisting users that posted something nsfw, so i asked to the great ANAL if this user had BL him, and he told me that yeah, but this user still enter on analDluffy's gibs.... such hypocrecy
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I mean ... i dont D:
I take the whole BL thing as trying to cut any connection to a certain user , so i avoid entering giveaways from ppl i put there :|
Tough thats common way of thinking :c
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I don't think blacklisting normally means cutting any connection with the user, it's more of a wish to punish that user. Taking something from that user would then feel like a better punishment. Kind of like if someone dislikes a game company's practices so they might not buy their games but might pirate them, in effect 'punishing' them in two ways.
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So it was my cakeday recently , and i wanted to do a super special congrats to every single winner of the Giveaway i made ...
Untill i found out that 8 of the 50 winners from it have me all blacklisted .
So yeah , isnt that kinda ridiculous ?
I may be kinda salty right now ... but srsly ?
Like 1 or 2 ... okay. 8 got me triggered just a little bit .
Also since that topic didnt turn in a bad way ...yet... if you are in my blacklist ... and wana get out , do it the SG way ... post on some of my old giveaways and i will remove you when i get to work :PNo way that going to work lol , you cannot see my giveaways if you are in my bl....
Just post here using the spoiler tag and I will moslikely remove you .
If it's a mutual one e en better :)
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