For a long time I've known that steam support take a long time to respond and generally just c/p an unrelated response.
Many times I've fallen helpless to their incapability to do the slightest thing.

Recently however, I had the simplest issue, I even found a possible solution by searching around. Regardless I decided to contact them for their input and possibly assistance in the matter.

Enough backstory, here's the support ticket.

1 Message by you on Mon, 6th Jan 2014 1:28 am
During the winter sale I traded for an Age of Empires Legacy Bundle, we both put our items in the trade window and traded regularly. However recently I noticed that the legacy bundle is not tradable right now, I've got enough games on backlog that I do not activate them until I'm ready to play. Anyway, from past experience I know that when a game is not tradable it's usually a sign of fraud, any suggestions on how I should proceed?

Thank you


2 Message by Support Tech Ronald on Mon, 13th Jan 2014 4:54 pm

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

We apologize for the delay.

Steam Support cannot add or modify any items/gifts in the Steam Economy and cannot return items/gifts that have been deleted, crafted or traded.

Need I say more?

TL;DR - if you need help, look anywhere but steam support.

11 years ago*

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on the contrary, my friend, they were more than supportive whenever i needed them

11 years ago

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I've never had any problems whatsoever with Steam Support. I found them extremely helpful when i queried them.

11 years ago

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Last time that smart support told me, that market bots are allowed, because they don't make any harm to Steam

11 years ago

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Maybe they meant "Trading Bots", not those "buy cheap TF2 keys" bots.

If Valve really things Market-Bots don't make any harm to Steam, I guess they allowed us to DDoS them 24/7, seeing how bots do that anyway, with few miliseconds of breaks when buying stuff.

11 years ago

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When I contacted them they resolved my issues with just the first email. I'm happy with their support. Only wish it was a bit faster though.

11 years ago

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+1. Nice but not fast.

11 years ago

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EA support is fast and nice, steam should do a 24/24 hour support via chat and not payed :p

11 years ago

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If the payment for the gift had been reversed from stolen credit being used it will be removed from your inventory and I have had that happen, in that case they will reverse the trade. Your case is most likely the person changed account information after trading with you, cuz he felt unsafe or out of spite towards you. Steam support basically told you everything they can do, and you shouldnt go to support for opinion on if you should activate it or not as they cant release personal details if the account that purchased it was under investigation or not. If you want a notification of the games removal you should activate it.

11 years ago

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+1 For steam support being unhelpful. I had an issue making a purchase through the Steam client during one of the weekend deals and they came back to me after the deal was over and just said something like "Please try making the purchase again from a browser and come back if you have issues". Well firstly, I certainly wasn't going to make the same purchase at full price, and I wasn't going to just buy something cheaper just to test whether it worked or not.

I know now that purchasing through the Steam client is probably broken, because I tried a few months later and got the same error, but it was the first purchase I was going to make on Steam and I really didn't think to try in a browser. It would be nice to at least acknowledge that something is broken. :/

11 years ago

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Meh never had an issue with steam support. They take forever to respond to your requests but the 2 times I have to use them, they refunded my items because the guy I traded with was using a scammed credit card and they refunded me my money for Rage because it was a piece of shit and refused to run at more then 1 FPS(If that, more like 1 frame per 6 seconds)

11 years ago

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I have a Counter Strike copy in another account which I didn't remember email and password. So I've sent a photo of the ticket purchase and instantly the account was associated with my actual one. So, no problem with them :D

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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56 support requests?? thats why support always is clogged up -.-

11 years ago

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lol what did you do in steam for writing them 55times or you just congrats them with all holidays

11 years ago

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Last time I sent a ticket they didn't even bother reading the full 4 lines of text.

11 years ago

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they never do... they usually read first sentence pick up few nouns and based on them choose the reply template :)

11 years ago

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They have one of THE best supports,always helped me when I asked them.Should've checked the bundle before trading

11 years ago

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I have only heard complaints about them being slow as hell. Luckily I have never needed to use them.

11 years ago

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Hate the steam support and its the worst but nothing I can do about it.

11 years ago

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It is funny how people that have not had a problem can't understand how anyone else could have one. I see this happen with games. Some people seem to believe that if it works fine for them, then anyone having an issue is at fault.

11 years ago

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I think that they can help when you ask something like "how can I find Steam's store?". If you have some serious problems, you will know that they are an example of "I hate my cooking work, but I must do my cooking job".

11 years ago

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There's a bug in steam recently where games are listed as not tradable even though they are

11 years ago

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its true

11 years ago

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Warning TL;DR ahead: It's so weird, I've contacted them many times, most recently about cs:go crashing, and I have never waited more than a weekend for a response. I had a four day conversation trouble-shooting my cs:go, I waited overnight for a response to my ticket and then had at least 5 back and forth messages with the same staff member, every day until we resolved the issue. (4 days) in the end he waited longer for my responses than I did his. (b/c I assumed they might be slow getting back to me). It's strange though because I know someone who was having an identical problem and they still haven't gotten back to him after a week. They are certainly not consistent, but they have always been good to me.

11 years ago

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It's completely your fault. Gifts that can't be traded (or have a delay period before becoming tradable), say so clearly on the gift.

11 years ago

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You might want to read OP's post again ;)

He traded for the game (so it must have been tradeable at some point) and now he noticed that it's no longer tradeable.

11 years ago

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Yes, I'm well aware of that :P

11 years ago

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Steam support failed me 100% of the time, even EA support was way better

11 years ago

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same here... EA support is worst on that outsourced chat thing, but otherwise it's suprisingly efficient... but Steam support really pisses me off... they never solved any of my issues and I always gave up after few templated replies from them...

11 years ago

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Sad as it is, but it is true.

11 years ago

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AHAHAhhahaaa he see not tradeble item and quick run to ask support, with telling all the story..... man dont cry, call mama!
And if seriusly, nothing happen at all, once i buy a gift from steam wallet for myself and put it into inventory, and after two week i see its not tradeable for a month, but next day it again becomes tradeable

11 years ago

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well its bad that its not tradable now i guess its expected support wont help on this.

As far as Steam Support for me is concerned they have helped me alot with my problems, they have banned almost all of the users i have reported, and even i have used them to check serial keys that i got on spare if they are valid or which game they are without activating it.

11 years ago

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True, so far I only needed Steam Support once in the 9 years I've been using it. It did take them 8 days to reply (then again, it was between xmas and newyear + there were sales) but they solved my issue in their first reply.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by bajandem.