I really ought to stay out of a lot of these threads on this site, because there always seems to be that one guy who fails to see logic that really starts to tick me off and I always end up staying too long to try and make him see... So I'll make another of these, a random, silly, usually anime-full thread with some random GA. Although, I don't know if I have a game to give away ATM, I order a really hilariously dumb-looking game on Tremor Games that should be here tonight called "Undead vs. Plants", so if you're interested, check again later NOW! I also have a key for Paranautical Activity that I'm not sure if it's been used, so here: ##DHW-QQ8?G-?5PW?
Hint: ##=My favorite number (two repeated digits, the single one is 6 less than 15) ?=My favorite letter (15 - V ;)

Anyways, to the point. FFXV comes out next month seems it'll be November... :'(, and I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't pre-ordered it yet, though, since I don't have muney... But I've played through the Platinum Demo on Xbox a few times and watched a couple of the anime episodes and it looks like it'll be awesome.

I don't really care where this thread goes, I wouldn't mind more cute anime gifs, of course, but I'm also curious about others' opinions on FFXV, as I haven't played many FF games and the only one I own is VII... So I'm no veteran...

8 years ago*

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Are you looking forward to FFXV?

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Not Really
Only if I can feed Carbuncle potatoes.

Same here, but i'll wait 10 years for the PC port.

Edit: Also I recommend you to play them all, even the first ones. I played FF, FFII, FFIII and I enjoyed them a lot, you just need to get used to 2D graphics and old mechanics. One little trick I make is: if I want to play and old ass 2-D game, I evade playing any modern 3-D game for some time and play a modern 2-D game instead. This way I get used to the graphics and I have no problem whatsoever.

Before doing this I used to jump from a modern AAA game to an old one and didn't work at all.

8 years ago*

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Yep, I will probably do the same thing. ^_^

8 years ago

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I do want to, but I've been seeing so many other games that look awesome and tend to buy those a lot more often... I'll probably get around to it eventually, since I don't mind playing older games or anything.

8 years ago

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Play them all, they are awesome!!! (If possible , the original version :) ) . Feel free to quit your job if you need time :D

8 years ago

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hehehe that almost happened to me with Stardew Valley

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Well X was the best. SO..... Anywho, I am still kinda with ya for the most part. I really enjoyed 12 and thought it was a great game still very customizable and it had action gauges and if you wanted to go to each character you could but I believe they were called gambits and you could set them up to act according to certain situations or events.
Sorry bout the tangent there. Point is FFXIII and the 2 sequels are awful just main stream garbage walk down hallway blah story and you win. I tried the 15 demo and thought "what the actual fuck am I playing?" Demo confirmed my all time favorite series is all but dead. Glad they still rake in cash off the remakes because I am pretty sure that's the only thing they may release that I will enjoy.
Turn based RPG with story and characters we like and challenges and secrets and hard to acquire weapons/items. Not a quick time movie where I hit A now then Y. Not some platforming shit.
I hate the direction of the series its so awful.

8 years ago

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Too bad you don't want to give them a chance, they want to try something different and get dubbed trash by some of their old fans... :/

8 years ago

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I gave them a chance. I do not care for them. Some people seem to, so I am glad they can make some money off of it. Like the remake of 7 I mean just update the graphics but NOOOOO

8 years ago

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But 15 isn't actually out yet, that's all I mean. To say the series is dead after playing the newest game's demo seems a bit overboard, even if you hated XIII. I don't know, though, that's just my opinion. :/

8 years ago

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The thing is though if you plan on putting out a demo then it better be something that really sells the game. The XV demo didn't do that. It was boring and didn't really show much. The demo was pretty much walk from here to here then fight one boss that wasn't that exciting.

I'm with upandout on FF has lost it's touch on what it was. The games are nowhere what they use to be. They were epic story telling games with lots of adventure and discovery. Just look at XIII where it took 20hrs to get to the open world part and pretty much finally picked up. At least that's what I've heard. I gave up on the game right when I got there.

8 years ago

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To me 15 looks quite interesting but it's true that it isn't a jrpg anymore so if you expect one you would feel let down.
I see it more as a kingdom heart like game.
If you wish for an interesting jrpg game check out Battle Chasers: Nightwar.
It's strange how a jrpg is becoming an action like game while the devs of an action game is making a jrpg.
At least squareenix isn't doing like the No Man's Sky devs did, selling us a jrpg and delivering something else, we know what the game will be before it comes out.

8 years ago

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I figure there's a lot of people that feel like this. I haven't experienced many of those games, so I don't really know, but I bet they have a lot more freedom in an action rpg. I feel like you can only do so much with a turn-based rpg... Idk, though, maybe I'm only so excited for it because I didn't grow up playing the originals or something.

EDIT: There is a wait mode for combat that is almost like a turn-based mode.

8 years ago*

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I hate to be the Debbie downer here but apparently http://www.gamnesia.com/news/report-final-fantasy-xv-has-been-delayed-to-november-29th is a thing =( Still hoping it's just a rumour

8 years ago

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That would suck, but I'm going to stick with believing it'll be Sept. 29 until the Xbox store page says differently... Though if it is delayed, at least I'll probably have money to pre-order it.

8 years ago

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I'm definitely looking forward to the PC port, hoping they won't put out a 60GB mess like FF XIII.

8 years ago

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Got Paranautical Activity, wonder why it wasn't already redeemed.

8 years ago

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It was too much work for ninjas, and the others already had it, maybe? Hope you enjoy it, it's a pretty fun game. :)

8 years ago

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I'm looking forward to FFXXVII :P

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8 years ago

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Oh yeah, that's some awesome promotional art, wonder what it's release date will be.

8 years ago

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Before the Apocalypse

8 years ago

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Hmm, it'll probably lose a good portion of it's fanbase afterwards, but hopefully it'll still have a good life.

8 years ago

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Updated with Undead vs. Zombies! Enjoy? ;)

Also, seems like the rumors of the delay will end up true... :( We'll see for sure tomorrow, though.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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New video.
Btw, spoilers inside.

8 years ago*

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Never played a Final Fantasy game before, but FFXV looks amazing. I'll definitely pick it up at some point.

8 years ago

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I'm ashamed to say that my only experience with Final Fanasy was a little bit of KH and the Platinum Demo. IiviI It looks very neat tho, so I'll propably pick it up after my exams next year.

8 years ago

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Yeah, KH introduced me to several FF characters long before I even knew what FF actually was, lol...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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kinda not ...

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8 years ago

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Whoa... They look so different in this ad... AND THERE'S A 5TH? Lol ;)

8 years ago

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I'll play it someday but I thought the demo was garbage. It didn't sell me at all.

8 years ago

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I am looking forward but I don't have a PS4 and don't intend to buy one.
I will be waiting for the PC version which will hopefully come asap. :D

8 years ago

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