Do you think, that that the takeover will be positive or negative for GitHub's future?
I think it'll be a positive move.
Microsoft can implement certain controls on scripter activities that tend to ultimately produce all sorts of detrimental codes, the last steam chat intrusion comes to mind.
IMHO, scripters that are above board, ie, codes for the betterment of humanity, shouldn't have anything to fear.
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This one was only a rumor as yo can read. Now it is already kinda official bc the authorites has given green light. Imo this was worth a new post.
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It's a positive move. Microsoft has been leaning towards open source for a while right now and recently released over 30k patents making them available completely for free. It's clear that they have a plan for open source softwares and probably even a branch of a new OS while shifting their business plan towards cloud services.
But of course people are gonna vote negative because "hurr durr Microsoft is cansur".
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Companies have to obey the laws and regulations wherever they do business. All multinational companies have to go through this sort of thing all over the world when these giant acquisitions or mergers happen. In some cases, they opt to avoid it by buying a smaller national subsidiary instead. So say Microsoft could buy GitHub US and let GitHub global be bought by someone else or operated by previous owners, and they wouldn't have to go through these hoops.
But they want the whole thing and the EU has very strict anti-trust/anti-monopoly laws so they have to get the approval to be able to do business as a merged entity here.
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Why did the US steal 10 billions from a European bank just because they dared do business with Cuba?
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You can only judge a person or company by its actions. So take a look at for instance all the open source projects Microsoft already develops on GitHub. Or their decision to become part of the OIN which means their entire patent portfolio is now open for use in Linux related systems.
I hated Microsoft for a long time on general principle. They did some really bad things in the past... but that was a long time ago and they had a different business and a different global market to compete on. These days they are the top contributors to the open source community on GitHub, and in a time where GitHub was at risk of having to close down because they couldn't secure their income Microsoft stepped in and outright bought it to save a platform they themselves are a strong proponent and user of.
So I think it will be absolutely neutral. Some changes will happen that the community will not like - just like they did before Microsoft bought it. Some changes will happen that the community will like. Mostly a whole lot of nothing worth noticing will happen. It's time for people to realize that the things they learned about companies and people 20 years ago are not necessarily true today.
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GitHub was too centralized. That's what happens next. It's not as if we didn't have GitLab and Bitbucket, but no, everyone just HAS to swarm GitHub.... (funny thing, Vivaldi's spellchecker knows GitHub but not the other 2)
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My point exactly. It's like, the Facebook of developers. Pathetic.
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Well, isn't that a good thing though? Even amongst non-developers, it's somewhat known as "The place people put codes to". It's like how someone knows Facebook even if they don't use it, as "Somewhere you search people you know and add them", kind of thing. It makes things easier to explain, in my opinion, when something becomes general knowledge, even if that thing, or in this case the platform isn't the best there is!
I personally use both GitHub and GitLab, since GitHub is only paid for private repositories, which I expect to change after Microsoft buys it, I HAD to resort to also using GitLab to version control my private projects. But then, after using GitLab for that, I actually came to like GitLab more than GitHub. It has a fluid design, better UX in my case, and does better managing a repository online. It's arguably better version of GitHub, but since GitHub is the platform-to-have as a developer, by a hidden norm due to it's popularity, most of the low-to-mid hiring agencies will expect a GitHub link in your CV.
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Microsoft is already the largest financial backer and have the most corporate-side open source code over there. I don't think they'll go on any sort of a which hunt, and start burning down the village, seems like they've realized open source code works to their advantage too.
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theres no positives from monopolies and centralization.
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I dislike Microsoft so I was going to vote "negative", but then I remembered I barely even use Github so what the fuck do I know. Just to say, many votes might be biased by people who, like me, spend 4 hours trying to fix a broken W10 update which made my PC get stuck in a restart loop. :'D
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I think github was losing massive amounts of money, so github's future should be brighter as Microsoft has shown a willingness to lose the massive amounts of money that they actually have.
What that future means to the users, who knows? I never used the "Social" aspects of github, just used it as another hosted git repository for work. I never really touched any of the web-based github stuff, I only use git commandline. So from that aspect all I care about is uptime and speed...
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And like I said in the last SG thread regarding this matter, so far only good thing has came out of it.
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most of us already use Microsoft OS^^
so a bit strange to be concerned because they now own the server/site were we publish code source publicly ?!?
It's not a profitable service as far as I know.
what are they going to do ? close the free account ?
even if you are a github subscribers, other similar solutions are available.
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As reported by The verge, the EU has given green light for Microsoft to buy GitHub for 7.5 Billion $.
here you can read the full article.
Some fear, that the take over of the plattform that already counts over 30 Mil. Users, will make the monopol of Microsoft in that branch even bigger.
Also a lot of us use GitHub. What do you think?
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