I love how they went from this:

And this:

To this:


I have no idea what the variability and gameplay will be like (though gameplay has never been the strong aspect of their games), but the grimdark atmosphere is completely ruined. The characters look like clowns. The Qunari have become weaklings. The weapons, like the elf's bow and the Qunari's axe/pick, look like something from a MOBA. The design overall is complete trash, as well as the music. There's no direction in CGI and everything screams "generic childish game". Kudos to them for managing to ruin the series this badly — you have to be truly talented (in an alternative way) to do that. And this is what I waited 10 years for? This is what they said they were very proud of, and all the testers and journalists were hyped about? Just shut down the studio and stop desecrating the corpses of beloved series.


Gameplay demonstration:

View attached image.
9 months ago*

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So, do you like the new direction?

View Results
Looks interesting enough
It's ok, I guess...
Waiting for the gameplay demonstration
I'm disappointed
Deleted from wishlist
Is this some MOBA spin-off for smartphones or something?
This is not Dragon Age!
Are you sure this is Dark Fantasy?
Is this what I waited 10 years for?
Is this what Duncan died for?
Solas was right!
No, no, no, no, no!
Tell me this is a joke, please!
I thought that Anthem and Andromeda were terrible, but this is a new bottom
Thanks, EA! I hate you
This looks like shit!
RIP Dragon Age, RIP BioWare

I dunno, wouldn't say that the designs are trash. Looks interesting enough. Yeah, it's not the DA it was, but it gave off the vibe of the DnD movie that came out a few years ago, I'd be willing to try it out if it's got good gameplay.
Looking at the ending of the trailer it's probably going to be some sort of Diabloid or Lost Ark type of game with the team which doesn't really interest me, but we will see

9 months ago*

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The style choice also wouldn't have been my first choice but I'll give them that the characters leave quite an impression, their faces should manage to be quite expressive.
The story could still manage to be quite dark and the gameplay isn't directly affected by art style anyway.
And it's okay that different characters and events set a different mood. So I'll remain open-minded about it.

9 months ago

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Agreed. Now everyone is bitching and screaming bloody murder the minute something looks different than it used to be.
Doesn't mean it's going to be bad.

9 months ago

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"their faces should manage to be quite expressive"
looking at their faces: that's, probably, a bad thing)

9 months ago

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The main thing I'll be interested in seeing is how the writing and story is handled with David Gaider gone.

The trailer itself I didn't really mind at all. Didn't wow me or upset me lol.

9 months ago

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I think it's just that today a lot of games are advertised in a very infantile way. Back then the DA:O trailers were edgy, and gave off that grimdark vibe. Nowdays its "gwim-dawk" with a subtle note of a fragrant pumpkin spice latte. Aside from marketing choices, which I guess work, since the industry keeps using them, I simply don't trust the studio to deliver an interesting game. Bioware isn't actually Bioware anymore, EA either fired or chased all the talent away. Grimdark is the state of the current quadruple A gaming industry, so they show cheery childish trailers to hide it.

9 months ago

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Tbh I never seen a single Dragon Age trailer, and it's a whiplash.
Marilyn Manson's This Is the New Shit playing in a trailer is top-notch cringe by today's standard, that has NOTHING to do with dark fantasy lol.

Times indeed change, it was just as much of a marketing ploy on trends as the "buddy-adventurer", not so serious vibe that seems to take over with DnD movie, the tongue in cheek Fallout, or Borderlands.. (and I'd risk that the MCU set a new, lower standard for presenting an adventure)

9 months ago

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Why dark fantasy game can't have rock music in its trailer? I love dark fantasy, I love rock, and this song fits the overall mood and action well enough.

9 months ago

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Angrily yelling "This is the New Shit" from an industrial rock singer is 100% edgy pandering about (then) current trends, trademark of its era.

Times change, the future is now, old man.

9 months ago

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I'm glad I never saw that first trailer. If that's all I knew about Dragon Age I wouldn't have put 300 hours into Origins, my favorite game ever; it would be sitting in my backlog or on the ignore list.

It looks like the intro cinematic to a 4th rate Diablo clone with a soundtrack they hoped would remind you of Quake while being cool enough for "the kids" of the time. The voiceover copy reduces the broadest strokes of the DA world into generic dick-swinging garbage, and I hope whoever wrote that ad was fired.

9 months ago

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being cool enough for "the kids"

20 years me who thought it was dope and 31 years me who still thinks it was cool: oh, ok, Marilyn Manson is for kids, got it

9 months ago

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53 year old me thinks you cry a lot about video games.

9 months ago

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If you don't like someone's opinion or taste — call them crybabies. Ok, got it.

9 months ago

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Pretty sure you came at my opinions and taste first. I was reacting to the old trailer with my opinions. Not to you. Then you brought in some sarcasm to defend Marilyn Manson of all things.

Having just watched the gameplay footage, though, I have to say that the demons looked about as scary as the underglow lights on a tricked out Nissan. I do not approve. This game is a step backwards, and I will be really disappointed if they don't add anything interesting to the world that was so skillfully built by the original writers.

9 months ago

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I'm not sure if it qualify as a "sarcasm". You stated that Marilyn Manson is for kids, which is really questionable statement. I haven't argued with your taste. You could simply say you don't like or hate it, and I wouldn't care

9 months ago

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That part where you said "ok, Marilyn Manson is for kids, got it" ?
That's sarcasm. You know, because you weren't really agreeing?

As far as being cool enough for kids, you know that's a trend they chase from older to younger, right? Nothing wrong with younger people liking things older people didn't, but that song is of a particular style that's very easily identifiable with a time it came out, and I think the hacks who put that trailer together wanted something edgy to appeal to a younger demographic than themselves. Either that or it really was, as another user suggested, made by a 15 year old. We can decide it's inauthentic pandering or amateurishly tone-deaf, but either way, it's easily the worst of the 3 trailers in your original post. Not least of which because it misrepresents the actual tone and depth of the game. Which was my only real point. It misrepresents and undersells the worth of a masterpiece.

This new thing is just kind of disappointing.

9 months ago

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Dragon Age: Borderlands or Dragon Age: Marvel Avengers, you be the judge

9 months ago

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Lol, apparently we got the same-ish idea

9 months ago

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yep my vote on "Dragon Age: Borderland"

9 months ago

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Ironically, even though you claim, it looks "childish", those trailers seem to have an age verification. Meaning, I can't even watch them without a Google account :( .

9 months ago

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Are you talking about Dragon Age: The Veilguard trailer (the third one)? I'm pretty sure it was playing third-party sites and forums yesterday, so, it shouldn't be age-restricted.

9 months ago

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View attached image.
9 months ago

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Actually, they're all age restricted. I don't have a Google account, so there's that. :P

9 months ago

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I didn't knew that people without accounts even exist in the web) Don't you use YouTube at all?

9 months ago

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Sure, most of the stuff on YouTube is available just fine without an account. I sometimes watch some music and it's also handy when I need a hint for some game or a computer problem. Though, for the latter, I very much prefer information on a website with text and pictures. It's really crazy with some those videos: some dude introduces himself, his computer and his desktop. Then he finally launches the game, going through all game options and whatnot, only to come to the relevant part after half an hour or so, all the while never tiring to remind everyone to subscribe. When he could have written down: e.g. (hint for some random game) that chest is on the second floor, press lever at the right wall.

EDIT: I managed to watch all three trailers through the video proxy at duckduckgo. Now that I know what we're talking about, I tend to agree with you, it does look generic and childish, like some MOBA (League of Legends does have a trailer, that not just looks similar, but actually is better than this ... and it comes with a catchy soundtrack). Again, it's quite ironical that they would need an age verification for this.

9 months ago*

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Usually, I prefer games that can be completed without guides) There are a few exceptions like Souls games, but they all have Wikies which are really handy. Still, YouTube is the most illustrative and comprehensive source of information, especially for video games. Not as reliable and accurate as Wikipedia, but still. Having an account is necessary, at least to keep track of interesting channels with quality content.

9 months ago

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Interesting channels with quality content, huh? In my experience, such a thing does not exist. :) No, just kidding, most likely it does exist, it's just not relevant to me. I prefer to search for any guides or hints through an anonymous external search engine only when I need information on a specific problem, so there's really no need to keep track of anything. And, yet again: most videos, even the good ones, could be summarized in few sentences and (if necessary) a picture or a screenshot.

9 months ago

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not going to lie, it rather demotivated me

To elaborate a bit, I personally loved the 2 first dragon age (and the 2 is my favorite, even if many did not like it).

Even inquisition had its moments of grace.

But i'm kinda worried about this one, particularly when the development was chaotic (as it was for MEA )

View attached image.
9 months ago*

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Pssst, the second game is also my favorite, although the first one is close behind. ;)

9 months ago

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Further proof that you are a person of taste

9 months ago

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I'm not so sure about the cartoonish style, but I'll give the game the benefit of the doubt. Definitely waiting for the gameplay demonstration. Also, Andromeda was deeply flawed, but still a lot of fun.

Meanwhile, of course, my compatriots' main issue with the trailer is... that it features a black character (THE HORROR). Someday I'll learn to completely ignore the Russian gaming community, but I'm not quite there yet.

9 months ago

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as long as the old guys still want to go.

Oh is that why everyone is screaming woke, sorry, Sweet Baby Inc (it seems to be the new word for it)?
Hey 24 years into the 21st century... maybe they'll get used to it someday... or die. Whatever happens first...

Someday I'll learn to completely ignore the Russian gaming community, but I'm not quite there yet.

The number of bots employed just to amplify those voices makes them kinda hard to ignore. Even though it's artificial.

9 months ago

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Nah, I don't really care much about afro/asian elves or LGBT characters (at least if they are well written, like Zevran, and not just added to follow trends). But the characters in this trailer just extremely uninteresting, they lack any kind of personality, grimace and pose too much.

9 months ago

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Lets be honest here, outside of the first game Dragon Age has been a trash series. The good writers at Bioware are long gone. Their last good game was ME2. At this point I expect anything coming from Bioware to be a buggy incomplete piece of shit on release. I wish I was wrong but their track record in the last decade been nothing but disappointment.

9 months ago

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To each their own, but for me, the first one was an excellent game, dark and epic. The second one suffered a lot due to the tight development deadlines and copy-pasted locations, but in terms of the story (finally just a tale about a refugee family trying to survive, rather than yet another world-saving plot), dialogues, and characters, I really liked it. Inquisition was very weak in terms of the story and less dark, but again, it had cool characters, beautiful locations, and the whole idea of managing the Inquisition and giving orders felt fresh.

9 months ago

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Now how about you post on a game trailer you actually like? If any...

9 months ago

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I literally posted two trailers that I like above...

9 months ago

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Just to dump on the third one though.
I know it's not cool to be positive anymore but seriously, isn't it a waste of life to spend time hating stuff when there's so much stuff to love?

9 months ago

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So, I should be positive about ruining one of my favourite video game series / fictional universes and turning it into THIS? I've played the first two games multiple times, I've completed the third one, I've bought and read books, comics, artbooks, encyclopedias etc. EA ruined and buried a lot of great series and developer studios already, and, no, I can't be happy about it. If it were the original IP — I wouldn't care at all, but it isn't, since they decided to parasite on the beloved franchise.

And about stuff to love — there aren't many AAA games to love since the 2010s. Something interesting, high-quality and original pop-up from time to time (like RDR2, The Last of Us II, Souls series, etc.), but most AAA games turned either into this low-effort uninventive childish something or generic open-world action games with outposts and Ubisoft-like activities. Fallout? Dead. The Elder Scrolls? After Fallout 4 / 76 and Starfield, I don't get my hopes high. Mass Effect? Dead. The Witcher? After the disastrous release of Cyberpunk 2077, I don't believe in CDPR too much. And now they ruined DA too. Yeah, there are a lot of great AA and indie games, but there are only a few RPGs among them excluding turn-based/tactic/isometric stuff.

9 months ago

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there aren't many AAA games to love since the 2010s

It's like saying "there isn't much trash to love". But yeah there are some good games, you say it yourself.
Franchises are what's dead and it's good riddance. Sequels are always cash grabs, no exception. Some were better than others like ME2 or Witcher back but now it's over.

I'm sure you have enjoyed some games since the 2010s and I'm sure there are some upcoming ones you are waiting for. Why not talk about that instead?

Face it: when you spend your precious time bitching about bad stuff, or stuff you find bad, you're actually participating in the hype and making them money. So don't. Hype what you enjoy instead.

9 months ago

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I think that AAA games went downhill mostly because people didn't object and continued to consume what they were given. Why talk about bad stuff, right?

Of course I've played some really good games since the 2010s, both old and new. And, yes, I'm talking about them too.

I doubt that it will help EA to gain any hype or money, quite the opposite. This trailer got 83,33% dislikes on YT and it tells a lot. The discussions on Steam and other forums are similar — there are almost no positive comments.

9 months ago

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Money and likes/dislikes are not the same thing.
I know that people who thumb down and create multiple account to thumb down, and have armies of bots to thumb down would really like to believe that they are making an impact but they're not.
Money is made in hype these days, not in product. Big media companies are using views and social media mentions to measure impact and putting that into their quarterly packages for investors and shareholders, who know nothing about games, movies or tv.
They are making money from how much people are talking about it, even if it's to bitch on social media.

I wish people would understand that the louder they are in their hatred of something, the more money they are making for studios everywhere.

9 months ago

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"I know that people who thumb down and create multiple account to thumb down, and have armies of bots to thumb down would really like to believe that they are making an impact"

That's like 0,0001% of total users, not to mention that YouTube have algorithms to prevent abuse of the like/dislike system. If a person is using multiple accounts only to like or dislike something but didn't actually watch the videos — their votes won't count. If the trailer of a game gets so many dislikes and negative comments — it really means that they pissed their audience. And, in many cases, when the game has such a first impression — it will not sell well. One of the latest examples is Suicide Squad and we all know how it ended.

"They are making money from how much people are talking about it, even if it's to bitch on social media"

No, they aren't. They may sell it to the investors once, but went the game doesn't sell well — the investors will start to ask questions, and it's up to them which conclusions they will make out of it.

9 months ago

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went the game doesn't sell well — the investors will start to ask questions, and it's up to them which conclusions they will make out of it.

Nah. Shareholders don't care if a game sells well. They don't follow youtubers or game reviews. All they care about is the quarterly reports they get. The rest is a bump in the road.

One of the latest examples is Suicide Squad and we all know how it ended.

By "We know how it ended" what do you mean? Because Warner Bros shares at the end of February were at 8.55 and last week they were at 8.35. They didn't crash and burn because of one game, no matter how much dislikes they got on the trailers. Sure they took a tumble but it didn't affect them in the long run and it won't.
Dude, when they announced they were shelving entire tv shows, rebranding HBO Max and taking movies off the theatrical release lineup, there was an uproar... and their share actually shot up. The market doesn't give a crud about you or me.

9 months ago

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"Nah. Shareholders don't care if a game sells well"
Nope, they do care exactly about sales since it's the main source of income for a game company.

"Warner Bros shares at the end of February were at 8.55 and last week they were at 8.35. They didn't crash and burn because of one game"
Of course, they didn't crash since it is a megacorporation that produces movies, animation series, TV shows, and video games (which is the lesser part of their business). Even if the whole game department collapses they will continue to function as if never happened. But it doesn't mean that they will keep ignoring the players if their gaming division will be losing money. No one will work at a loss for a long time - investors may not understand much about games, but they know how to count money very well.

They already stated numerous times that Suicide Squad completely failed to live up to their expectations, not to mention that this game was meant to make money for years, but it is already dead (only 147 people playing the Steam version right now).

9 months ago

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But it doesn't mean that they will keep ignoring the players if their gaming division will be losing money

Of course they will. You said it yourself, they are a major company.
If a big company was successful making vanilla yoghurt but now they're not making as much money on vanilla yoghurt anymore because there is no making the vanilla yoghurt happy and some braindead exec says "hey you know what? Screw vanilla, let's make pop rocks yoghurt! The kids will love it!", and the pop rocks yoghurt is a massive costly public failure... they're not going to say "shit, let's go back to the vanilla people then, it's ok if we didn't make as much money":
They're going to say "you lknow what? the yoghurt market is dead, let's make soft drinks, it's easier"

Warner (especially now that they're Discovery's bitch) is not that interested in fiction anymore. It's expensive and it's a financial sinkhole. Suicide Squad was a bomb. They'll put less money into the next game and less into the one after that and then they'll just get out of gaming entirely or they'll make mobile phone games they can push onto "casual players" who are happy with everything and spend cash on micro transactions for cosmetics.

9 months ago

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Suicide squad was, according to Warner, a 200 million loss

It was the biggest flops of the year.

I very much doubt somebody made multiple accounts or boys to press a button. They also said that about suicide squad..That's just damage control. The truth with suicide squad iss that it burned. Of course it's not going to take the huge corporation down. But it's a disaster

9 months ago

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I'm not saying it was a hit. It was a major failure and they had to cop out to it publlcally.
I'm just saying it didn't move the needle for them on the financial market one way or another.

My point is just that people who think they are going to move the needle about big media with the force of their hatred are wasting their time and their life getting enraged for no reason. It won't make any difference.

The only difference this will make is that WB most likely will be getting out of the gaming business or spend less on the next games, or get out of the games market entirely. Somebody might lose their job over this... and I'm not even sure about that, but that's all the difference it will make.
On the other hand, Hogwarts Legacy was a huge success and I doubt they even know why one was a hit and the other a bomb.

I very much doubt somebody made multiple accounts or boys to press a button

Heh you should check out IMDB. The multi-accounters and bots are so obvious it's becoming comical. On the 10/10 and on the 1/10 sides equally.

And I totally agree, Suicide Squad was a disaster, as was Gotham Knights, and not just financially. They screwed up because they thought they were "too big to fail". Basically the same with all these big IP: they think they don't need to do anything and whatever happens, it can't be a bomb. Well, it can.
I just feel bad for the team who had to work their asses off on this because I am very sure there are people who spent weekends and nights on a game that was never going to sell.

9 months ago*

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"I'm just saying it didn't move the needle for them on the financial market one way or another."
But EA is a gaming company, If their games won't sell they will have to change (or they will lose their positions and make way for more customer-oriented companies, which is also a good thing)

"Heh you should check out IMDB. The multi-accounters and bots are so obvious it's becoming comical"
I don't know about IMDB, but YouTube has efficient algorithms to prevent likes/dislikes abuse. Moreover, their system is designed to motivate viewers not to dislike videos (the hidden dislikes counter is a prime example of this).

9 months ago

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But EA is a gaming company, If their games won't sel

Some sell. Some don't. With a new NFL, NBA and FIFA game every year, I'm sure they'll get by without having to call their parents for a loan. And again, they make money off the financial market. If you look at their share price, there is an unavoidable massive soar upward every time they announce a big game. When the game releases, the share barely moves so, once again, hype is where the real money is now. Game sales, just like movie box office, is just a blimp.

And believe me, I'm not saying that makes sense. We are living in Wonderlands now. Nothing makes sense. You have companies that literally make no product that are soaring on the Nasdaq just from hype and news releases. It's insane.

(the hidden dislikes counter is a prime example of this)

The dislike counter was hidden in the hopes it would stop multi account and bot manipulation but obviously it didn't work.
And again, it doesn't matter to anyone really. Only the people voting things down because they believe their "voice" is being heard.

9 months ago

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Of course:There's entire bot farms voting on some random youtube vidya trailer
All part of Xi's secret plot to defeat the US

9 months ago

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Who the hell cares about the US?

9 months ago

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More relevant question: who the hell cares about the latest EA flop trailer enough to employ "bots"?

9 months ago

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Pretty much the same people who are literally spending their lives bitching about games and movies online and downvoting everything everywhere.
Also I'd say people who'd rather people be fighting over pronouns like their lives depend on it than see how much they are getting screwed by their "elected"/unelected officials.

Anyway, if people really think they are changing the world by clicking a thumb down in cyberspace, they are truly wasting their time because obviously the big company do not care. Just look at games and movies. The world has moved on.

9 months ago

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the same people who are literally spending their lives bitching about games and movies online and downvoting everything everywhere.
So the bots turn out to be "people" after all.
obviously the big company do not care
They do care. They rely on sales(or profit). Flop after flop, eventually they'll learn.

9 months ago

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So the bots turn out to be "people" after all.

Wait... you thought I was talking about actual robots?

They do care. They rely on sales(or profit). Flop after flop, eventually they'll learn.

I'm not going to repeat everything again so just check my other comments if you are interested but no, they don't care about sales of any particular game, just the hype about the game. And profit and sales are two different things.
And by the way, the people getting laid off because Forspoken was a bomb, among other reasons, they're not the ones calling the shots, so I'm pretty sure that won't change a thing.

Let's face it, the people who are actually in power just never learn from their mistakes, real or imagined. It's true of politicians and it's true of company execs everywhere.

Now if you don't mind, I have actual gameplay to go back to. Thanks for the exchange of opinions.

9 months ago

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Your own argument varies so much it's even hard to articulate a response
Let's leave it at that

9 months ago

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I just think it's because you're misunderstanding or maybe just used to a certain kind of argument so you're not sure how to articulate a response but it's fine with me.
I was just saying 2 days back that it was a lot of waste of time to vent negativity into cyberspace and now that I have spent two days answering people who had a problem with that, I'm just ready to move on to positive things.

I'm perfectly fine with leaving it at that, as I was saying, I have actual gaming to do which is how I prefer spending my time instead of hating on games I'll never play.

9 months ago

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"EA ruined and buried a lot of great series" Nope. I mean, I agree with you. But in the case of Bioware, it's all a self-inflicted wound. Andromeda was a Bioware idea. Then Bioware chose to make Anthem, and EA was apparently was hand-off. They only pushed for flying, because they saw it as very interesting, which was also the best part of the game.

The old Bioware, which has a lot of games that I LOVED, is dead.

9 months ago

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Andromeda isn't even a bad game. It's just not up to par with the trilogy.

9 months ago

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Well, if you think that this is how a good game look like I don't know what to add

9 months ago

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There's nothing for you to add for sure. Andromeda was a solid 7 out of 10. Fun enough campaign, improved combat, cool locations, etc...

Good times were had.

9 months ago

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I got in on Andromeda few years after release with very low expectations, and ended up having a lot of fun with it. I was a vanguard (combat + biotic), and I put lightning rounds on my energy weapons, so I hopped around like some Sith using the Force, and shooting lightning at everyone.

There's definitely issues with the game, but as long as you don't take the game too seriously and don't expect the emotional highs from the original trilogy, you can still have a great time with it. I even got 100% on it, and I wouldn't have minded if they made a story DLC for it with perhaps another explorable planet.

9 months ago

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An expansion with the Quarian Ark would have been cool.

9 months ago

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Well, current BioWare brought it on themselves, true. But as I see it, it's EA that has spooked most of the old developers, and a substantial portion of the blame lies on them.

9 months ago

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Hating that things change in the VG industry is kinda silly because things everywhere change all the time, but hating someone else's opinion of it is just laughable. I was having a bad day until I read through this thread and saw your comment dump and now I can't stop laughing, so thanks for that.

9 months ago

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Not sure what you're rambling about because I have you on ignore but I'm sure it's awesome. Have a nice life.

9 months ago

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Sure, you too. And thanks for bringing a smile to my face today, even if it was apparently unintentional.

9 months ago

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I'm not a fan of the style, I'll admit, but that's not my main concern. I could work with that if the gameplay is good. What worries me more is the "vibe" they're going for in this trailer and if it will carry into the writing.

9 months ago

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In fact I'm in line with that. The art syle is not the most important, as long as the game is well written.

This is not really the feeling I had from the trailer, but maybe I'm wrong.

9 months ago

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I think it is a spin-off...
Edit: I was wrong. Now I am flabbergasted.

9 months ago*

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I think this is a problem with the new generation of game producers be it, directors, writers or developers. The people making the games now probably grew up watching cocomelon, babyshark and frozen or something so their art and style and writing tends to be ... well lackluster and weird, making sure there's all that inclusivity and all that gender acceptability and no one can be offended eventually leaves the games soul less because you can't offend anyone, except of course, the old generation of gamers which doesn't matter anymore. This is aimed at what they think the new generation of gamers will like, not at how good the content could be and how they'd like it were it the same as before, because we can't offend anyone and since they're the new generation and haven't played the old ones, they don't know any better. So of course, I feel disconnected from many of these new games, be it art style, or of course seeing a game like this turn into a cute fluffy game made to be this positive story of how we should all be friends and no more fighting in video games instead from now on we do the oompa loompa dance.

I expect the next big COD/BF/CS FPS to be with water guns, the next big mmo to just be a grey screen where everyone just chats, and there's no exploring or something we just text, a text adventure of talking to others online lmao. Worse and worse every time. But these companies have to hire this staff as per laws of inclusivity and this staff gets to vote in these decisions. Even if the customers say they don't like this, they can't change anything because of inclusivity. Thankfully we at least have all the good games from the past. I think today it's better to look backwards in time at what you haven't played yet, rather than look forward to new games. Or of course look for indie games as you can filter for those who are not plagued by these problems especially since they're not huge teams so many wont need to go this direction.

9 months ago

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because you can't offend anyone, except of course, the old generation of gamers which doesn't matter anymore

At this point, the more they bitch about something the more they are getting trolled because social media bitching is money.

But ofc you're right, they also aim at a newer generations. They could care less about us and anyone who loved the old games.

I don't know of any company that have their workers vote on projects lol and I know quite a few people who work in companies. They're not democracy, believe it.

9 months ago

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It's cause of DEI laws introduced in 2021. Companies have to hire and represent certain demographics even though that doesn't represent the % of each group. This includes hiring in management, leadership positions etc. So now you have leaders that aren't qualified for these positions over other certain individuals, but got the role to fill in a quota required by law.

Many of these people are now just regular employees, but what do you think happens when they make a game which upsets their ideals? They go an say, we'll he looks too manly, or that woman is too sexualized, there's too much gore, should be more friendly and happy. Of course since they don't have the best qualifications compared to others but had to have been picked due to a quota needing to be filled by law, you can best experience this with games coming out with less chapters, less complex areas, less content in general, more void to fill space, and weird content. This includes writers, editors, 3d modelers, etc. Look at New Tales from the Borderlands as an example. This problem might be affecting US companies more than the ones located in other parts of the world, not sure. If you want another example, Blizzard WoW went ahead for instance and removed some paintings to cut down on sexual conent. "source" you can see them here. This is just one instance and the article points out some more ridiculous changes, but I mean what? I think the point is these aren't abnormal things to have in a video game. Someone's gonna come next and say remove that too cause that also offends me.

9 months ago

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So your opinion is that it's unavoidable that anyone who is not a white straight man is necessarily unqualified for the job they're getting...?
May I ask if you have ever worked in a corporate setting? Because I have and I went to business school so I know a lot of others who are still working in corporate environments and I can tell you that most of these "quota" positions are filled by hiring "diversity consultants" in HR. And that the people are the top remain the same they have always been.
So rest assured, they're still the ones calling the shots, badly.

The reason they are putting "diversity" into everything is just that it makes people talk, especially negatively, and that's hype. They don't care one way or another about diversity.

9 months ago

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"So your opinion is that it's unavoidable that anyone who is not a white straight man is necessarily unqualified for the job they're getting...?"

This isn't what I said, I simply stated that even if there is a more qualified white straight man, he would lose the position vs a DEI quota that needs to be filled. So if the other individual is less qualified and gets the job, it makes no sense, but they get it because "diversity, equity and inclusion" is a law and not because of some skill that person has and it's been showing in recent games. Skill should be what gets you the job, and you shouldn't be discriminated because of the other parts. It's hard to say this without sounding like I'm against something or someone but I'm really not, my point is simple, if 15 whatever people can make the best game, I want those 15 people to do it. But if those 15 people got in the position easy despite lacking the skill, then I don't want them working on the project. I don't care about their preferences. I just want good games.

As for working in a corporate setting, the answer is yes and I could ask if you worked in such a setting since 2021? If you can legitimately tell me you haven't noticed any changes since that year, you would not be from the US at least. Again I'm not sure how this is in other parts of the world, but in the US this has been a bit more than just noticeable. As for the leaders still being white primarily that's probably true because they own these businesses, however the idea is that even if they own these businesses, now they are forced to give leadership roles to people underqualified for these positions and many things suffer because of the lack of knowledge these people have and put into the work, alongside them trying to add their personal touch to everything. So sure, the leader at the top is still white, for a few more years, but eventually when the ceo's get replaced and quit and someone gets high enough, they'll have to hire a dei because there's no inclusivity in leadership. Lets see if I'm wrong, how long do you think it would take? 1 year? 50? As for them calling the shots badly, idk about that. If I gave you a bad team and called the shots, but the team couldn't execute, would it matter? I mean they called the shots all these years right, sure there's been market crashes, etc. but you had a great economy at times, and now we're basically going towards the worst one of all times unless we're gonna stay in this economic downtrend loop somehow for the next 500 years or something through some magic, and who's working on these problems? Less white people than ever, so we can't blame white people for this one, but people would love to, so lets hope everyone takes the blame this time and the DEI thing especially.

As for your last sentence idk if you mean just the games industry or the whole system as a whole, but I think they'd prefer people don't talk but rather become complacent. However I think they somehow started this trend with pride back in 2019 or so, and it went on from there. I think it's a good thing to be accepting of who people are, but a bad thing to force companies to employ people just because x company should hire x person because they are this type of person and each company should have at least x # of these people employed in each type of rank. That to me is bad.

9 months ago*

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It tries to go VERY different than the previous games, and it's easy to understand from where the complains are coming from.

But everything considered, I really liked the trailer, I'm curious how the game will turn out. There'll be plenty of time to forget about it, if it's not up for my liking.

9 months ago

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I've been a fan of the series since finding DA:O's GOTY edition in a $5 bin shortly before II's release. Really scratched that CRPG itch in ways its follow-up really didn't, felt like choices had real impacts. I was surprised to find myself really enjoying Inquisition, despite how different it was mechanically, But I honestly still don't have much hope for Veilguard.

An artstyle doesn't make or break a game, and neither does a poorly-cut trailer, although Harding's VA really phoning it in is certainly a point of concern. The writing and design will be the biggest issues to be wary about - Bioware's turnover and staffing issues only got worse in the years after Anthem, and I'm not sure that there are many series vets left. Dragon Age has always put the 'dark' in dark fantasy, with a couple characters left to act as comic relief or brighten the mood. If the tone switches over to 'bright, cheery apocalypse' too heavily it's going to be a slap in the face to longtime players, and with a name like Veilguard I think it's going to have a harder time drawing in new players (or older ones who might still have PTSD from the annoying-ass Fade segment in Origins) compared to a D&D-ass name like Dreadwolf - and this trailer really makes it feel like they want to pull in casual D&D players, a market segment I wouldn't even have suggested the existence of a decade ago.

Ultimately for all my negative assumptions, it'd be silly to pass judgement before even seeing the gameplay, although I don't expect they've had the time to look at BG3 and think they could go back towards the series' RPG roots. But even the gameplay reveal's not going to show off a large swath of the writing - we'll probably see a bit of party banter and some quest outlines, but that's about it in the short-term.

9 months ago

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The art is not what people are complaining about tbh.
I don't think the point of the art was anything but... spending less money on the art and making the game with ready made models and all that.
People don't seem to understand that the economy of gaming is not the same as it was when the first Dragon Age games were made.
Now they need to cut budgets like crazy to be able to maximize their margin on the price tag which really can't get much higher if they want anyone to keep buying games while not on sale.

You guys want beautiful art in video games? Get ready to pay 120 bucks for a game.

9 months ago

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Bioware lost the benefit of the doubt long ago. Now it's just another studio that was destroyed by DEI initiatives and loss of real talent.

9 months ago

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lol oh those acronyms never fail to crack me up

9 months ago

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DEI. The new Boogeyman, keeping...some people up at night.

9 months ago

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lol I honestly had to look it up. I don't do social media so I don't know the altright lingo.
Remind me, Taco... isn't that from the same people who were laughing at "LGBTQ" because that was "alphabet soup"?
(I'm getting so many blacklists since yesterday, might as well go broke)

9 months ago

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Definitely the same core group and people who are willfully offended by everything.

9 months ago

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people who are willfully offended by everything

Wait, I know this one. It's "snowflakes" right? ;)

9 months ago

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Snowflakian is how I like to describe it.

9 months ago

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Don't forget this origin trailer. Blood. Brutal. Marilyn Manson song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mRcrlgN7Dk4

To fortnite lite

And I loved origins so much.

9 months ago

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We've come a long way :(

9 months ago

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Old Bioware id dead. Current Bioware is like an empty shell, and this is largely due to EA's policy of making games that sell as much as possible while taking as little risk as possible. For them this means removing everything that makes the game a little original or different, and then forcing the implementation of mechanisms from games that are known to bring in a lot of money. This is not compatible with creating a game where scenario, graphics and gameplay are made by artists who are free to provide their vision of things.

And we haven't even seen the economic model of the game (season pass? in-game micro-transactions? lots of overpriced dlcs?). With EA overseeing all of this, you can expect the worst.

Also, trailers without any gameplay are worthless.

9 months ago*

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Poll option:
[x] Time will tell. I can still throw a tantrum when it's released and actually bad.

Also Andromeda wasn't that bad.

9 months ago

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Well, maybe it wasn't. But I've looked at face animations, bugs, character models, more bugs, cutscenes, dialogues, even more bugs... and dropped it at the beginning and never touched it again.


9 months ago

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U sure about that ? Dunkey wasn't impressed but they probably patched it now.

9 months ago

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Who the hell is Dunkey? lol and why should we care what they think?

9 months ago

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Not sure, too old for that.

9 months ago

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you should check out some of his vids, he plays older games too, albeit I'm an older gamer too, so he doesn't go as old as the DOS age I think.

9 months ago

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I see. It was more about that I'm not following anyone on social media or influencers on Youtube etc. Only checking Youtube for new music and sometimes parts of game walkthroughs when I can't progress on my own.

9 months ago

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Hah not sure if it's a joke, but probably the funniest game reviewer out there, also isn't afraid to call anyone out and point out how they're full of poo so I can genuinely say I enjoy his content. As for critiquing games you can tell he puts the hours into them, as he has the skill in many games, so it's not like that one ign critic who couldn't even double jump in doom and was unhappy with the game or something but was being paid to review games. I'd trust dunkey's reviews over any other person on earth, as he shows the good the bad and the funny.

9 months ago

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I really didn't know him. I don't really do youtubers. They're just guys who have an opinion like I have an opinion.
I prefer making my own opinion. Critics in general are pointless to me but good to know he's got people interested in his content. It's hard work to keep a youtube channel alive so it's better if there are people who do care.

so it's not like that one ign critic who couldn't even double jump in doom

Heh I have seen IGN reviews but really just for fun because they tend to be very bad if you actually look at the gameplay.

9 months ago

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Honestly, among all the people whose opinions I somewhat trust — be it friends, folks from gaming forums and the groups, colleagues, bloggers, YouTubers, etc. — not a single person who played Andromeda at the launch said it was a good game.

9 months ago

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The poll says "terrible" though without mentioning at the launch. My "not that bad" refers to that. Now you can say why write a novel as a poll option, fair point, but also fair to reply like I did.
I played it in March 2019. It wasn't as great as the previous MEs, but as a standalone title it was okay. Reviews are at 75%, which isn't great, but also not terrible.

9 months ago

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It was an awful game at release indeed, your save could get locked mid game and you'd have to restart the entire game if it corrupted it. It was a popular issue. People were pissed at that time. xD These issues have been patched now though.

9 months ago

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Andromeda wasn't that bad. But for a game after mass effect, it was underwhelming. And I played it all.

9 months ago

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That tends to be the problem with brilliant games (or movies or even tv shows)... they're hard to follow.
Even when something is not too bad, coming after true genius, it feels underwhelming

9 months ago

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I will wait before judging the game. I'm a huge fan of DA:O and liked DAII well enough, but Inquisition already had the "AAA treatment" and I simply couldn't enjoy it. I have no idea what kind of game it will be. I don't care about realism and stuff like that so the art is kinda okay.
And I actually like the idea of a band of misfits type of adventure. Being "the chosen one" can get old. I sure as heck didn't care about my role in the fate of the universe or whatever during Inquisition.

Also Dragon Age was never specially dark...? There are somber places and dark themes but it's a medieval fantasy RPG with a very classic heroic theme. Sure, DA:O was kinda smudgy and used dark colors but it was the style at the time.

9 months ago

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Do you think waiting to see some actual gameplay before making end of world proclamations might be advantageous?

9 months ago

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Why do I need gameplay to judge art direction? The art direction was enough to delete from my wishlist and bury it. The gameplay was never their strong side, especially in the Dragon Age series, and I doubt that it would be so great to turn a blind eye to everything else.

9 months ago

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I don't like the cartoonish style. I (usually) avoid cartoonish games, tv, and comics (though there are a few exceptions). I greatly prefer "realistic" looking characters, and the first trailer looked wonderful in that regard. I also much prefer the voices of the first trailer to those of the third.

I really liked DA:O's Real-time-with-pause mechanics.
The newest trailer looks like it is inspired by a mobile game. Then again, knowing it has become the trend even in AAA games, it will probably (sadly) have microtransactions.

9 months ago

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Cinematic trailers don't show in game graphics or gameplay, so this says nothing about the game itself. I'm sure you can find plenty to complain about when there's a gameplay trailer or when the game actually comes out, this is a dumb thing to get mad over

9 months ago

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Some thoughts
-Games are a mix of telling a story and presenting a challenge. This trailer doesn't seem to even try doing neither of those.
-The choice/change of direction is clear and intentional. The change in logo to a purple(!) is the most obvious.
-Everyone who worked on their early games have left. The wiki page of this project tries to shed some light into the mess regarding staff/leadership/development
-The real concern with this trailer was to showcase the very diverse background of each character. I'm sorry, but that's not what makes me interested in a game.
-It's the typical game that'll flop and they'll be asking why no one buys the 25 DLCs

9 months ago

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The real concern with this trailer was to showcase the very diverse background of each character. I'm sorry, but that's not what makes me interested in a game.

Not really a fan of elves or dwarves?

9 months ago

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You know exactly what I'm talking about, and the game industry is stuck in this 'cultural war' being waged in the US
Most people want to play a game/watch a series to break from reality, not to receive another dose of the politically correct 'woke' that permeates the media
And of course, the crusaders will always show up here to point out that's not even a thing, right?

9 months ago

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If most people wanted no inclusivity, that would be how it is.

People opposed to inclusivity always think they're the majority though.

9 months ago

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That's beyond the point. That is not what sells games.
They're focusing on the wrong elements that made previous Dragon Age games.
The poll above/comments should tell you the vast majority didn't get too excited about the "inclusivity" selling points.
People want a game, not a lecture

9 months ago

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The vast majority of under 200 people?

In reality, there seem to be many reasons why the vast majority of less than half of the under 200 people didn't like the character trailer. Mostly not due to inclusivity according to the actual comments.

And...no lecture was in evidence in that trailer. Maybe you're making things up, eh?

9 months ago*

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At some point there were 35k likes/200k dislikes in the video. Then they hide dislikes. That's a "majority"
But you still fail to realize the core of the argument: "diversity" is not a selling point. It never was.
Gameplay, graphics, plot are selling points. They are focusing on the wrong elements.
And of course, a paladin of diversity appears.
Another game that'll flop. But eventually they'll learn.

9 months ago

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If you can point out where it's anything other than a random cast of fun characters, let me know.

And definitely let me know where you heard lecturing in the clip.

It's almost as if....you just want to be triggered by random inoffensive things, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

9 months ago

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"Dragon Age". "random cast of fun characters".

You, again, demonstrate inability of even comprehending the argument being presented
But, of course, our justice paladin has to chip in and defend the new woke flop.

9 months ago

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Still haven't pointed out this alleged lecturing or any specific issues at all. It's almost as if it never happened and it was just a trailer. Le gasp!!!

9 months ago

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Still has not comprehended the argument being made in that exact phrase.
Textbook Dunning-Krueger case.

9 months ago

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Still refusing to provide examples of this allegedly terrible agenda in the trailer. Simply textbook. Let us know when and if your inability to do so changes.

9 months ago

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There's both inability to comprehend what is written and to understand the point conveyed
Due to time constraints and the forum-format limitations, I cannot pick up where the educational system has lacked

Good luck on your crusade

9 months ago

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Sad little cop out there. Now all of a sudden you don't have time, lol.

No worries though. I know you can't define what is so bad about the trailer nor when the alleged lecturing incident took place. Have a great one!

9 months ago

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I am not a fan of the graphics and none of the characters look interesting/appealing/promising. The trailer makes it look like some multiplayer game. It also feels aimed at the younger audience.
I think I will just go and play the first two games again... they never disappoint.

Edit: After watching the gameplay it's even worse than I imagined. :/

9 months ago*

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If I didn't know it is supposed to be a Dragon Age game, I would have thought it's a trailer for a smartphone game. A "Raid: Shadow Legends" clone or something similar.

Though I think it's worth waiting for the full gameplay reveal, before writing it off.

9 months ago*

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