I love how they went from this:

And this:

To this:


I have no idea what the variability and gameplay will be like (though gameplay has never been the strong aspect of their games), but the grimdark atmosphere is completely ruined. The characters look like clowns. The Qunari have become weaklings. The weapons, like the elf's bow and the Qunari's axe/pick, look like something from a MOBA. The design overall is complete trash, as well as the music. There's no direction in CGI and everything screams "generic childish game". Kudos to them for managing to ruin the series this badly — you have to be truly talented (in an alternative way) to do that. And this is what I waited 10 years for? This is what they said they were very proud of, and all the testers and journalists were hyped about? Just shut down the studio and stop desecrating the corpses of beloved series.


Gameplay demonstration:

View attached image.
2 months ago*

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So, do you like the new direction?

View Results
Looks interesting enough
It's ok, I guess...
Waiting for the gameplay demonstration
I'm disappointed
Deleted from wishlist
Is this some MOBA spin-off for smartphones or something?
This is not Dragon Age!
Are you sure this is Dark Fantasy?
Is this what I waited 10 years for?
Is this what Duncan died for?
Solas was right!
No, no, no, no, no!
Tell me this is a joke, please!
I thought that Anthem and Andromeda were terrible, but this is a new bottom
Thanks, EA! I hate you
This looks like shit!
RIP Dragon Age, RIP BioWare

Big problem that publisher is scared to create new IP and just slap "old" IP and make "new" game
For me cinematic give more MOBA/Loot-slasher/hero genre more than wRPG game

Of course I wait year (or more) before I cheek game

2 months ago

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Yep. If it was a new IP I wouldn't care, but instead they decided to parasite on the well established franchise.

2 months ago

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Not a good trailer but then I never played a BioWare game for the graphics.

Edit: nvm just saw the gameplay showcase. I could use a hug right about now.

2 months ago*

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Wow this post actually reminded me that today there is the gameplay showcase, I had no idea it was this close

2 months ago

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I didn't like the trailer, but then I went and watched the DA:O trailer and didn't like it either tbh. The old one looks like a 15-year old's idea of a mature, serious story, the new one looks like Marvel. Both are just painfully products of their time

2 months ago

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Well said. I was watching Luality's reaction to the new trailer and then she showed the old DAO trailer after that. Plenty of trailers and box art (even way back 20-30 years ago) was just pure hype, and didn't reflect anything in the game. Just pure CGI

2 months ago

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I really don't see any problem, all of those trailers look really cool but they're just that; trailers. Hopefully the gameplay is good.

2 months ago

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Judging by the trailer alone:
Dragon Age: The Failguard
Mobile Edition

Now we can only wait and see if the setting, Dialogue and gameplay is still the good old Dragon Age from back then or if it's time to close the Studio.
Saw the gameplay reveal.
Still sceptical.

2 months ago*

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Gameplay demonstration:

City design looks good, everything else is pretty shitty. Monster design, character design, animations and effects straight from some MOBA, etc.

2 months ago

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Combat looks very promising, can't judge the depth of the system though. Some really great-looking levels. Superb voice acting.
The character design style really is a bad choice for Dragon Age but I guess it's nothing that I won't manage to get used to if the gameplay is rewarding enough.

2 months ago

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From what I gather, they changed it to an ARPG, where an action-orientated fighting style takes precedent and there is no more need to pause the game or for any tactics because the fights willl be very easy. Mass over class.
I have a problem with that, since I don't think games nowadays need to be dumbed down to appeal to kids/teens. Kids/teens also enjoy a challenge, as long as it is doable. But since we're living in times where everyone gets a participation trophy to not feel worse than anybody else, I am not surprised.

Everything else is a little too colourful for my taste, but I can live with this and all other things I've seen. After the trailer, I was afraid they would turn it into a MOBA kind of game, which they have not.

2 months ago

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It's literally games made for teens. Teens back then were edgy weirdos and now teens are bubbly weirdos. Teens are weirdos. You've grown up, why are you baffled kids' media isn't for you.

2 months ago

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Maybe because it isn't a new IP for a new generation? I don't care about new IPs. If I don't like the game — I simply ignore it. But I can't ignore when something I like is getting ruined.

2 months ago

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It's always been for teens though. Dragon Age 1, 2 and 3 are all teen dramas. Not that they suck because of it, but you statistically were only in the target demo for only 1 of those three games. You can be a 14-16 year old for only so long

2 months ago

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This is not the Dragon Age we used to grow up with and that's because more than a decade ago, the generation of people thought and behaved differently. This used to try to appeal to a more edgy and dark generation back then. Nowadays you have a different EA and different generation of people this is trying to target.

You have many AAA games striving to appeal to the type of people that mainly don't play games or have ever heard about Dragon Age in the first place. Sweet Baby Inc probably had a say on what goes with this game too. Pretty sad... but I'll still play it. I'm a fan of the franchise.

Let's just not judge it by it's cover and art direction and more of what it offers in the story and possibly gameplay.

2 months ago

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the recent cinematic didn't do much for me but after seeing gameplay, i think veilguard looks good.

2 months ago

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New player here. I've haven't played any DA yet and was driven to the series after Epic dropped Inquisition for free.
I'd say the cartoonish style of this trailer isn't too much appealing to me, even less if compared with older trailers. Even so, it's just a trailer... for the moment.
While we wait for a full reveal, may I ask you veterans of the series which game should I absolutely play among the first three? Time to play is always scarce and I feel I'll be with that DA for a loooong time.

2 months ago

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Do you want a gritty RPG experience for adults, with the possibility to pause the game, engage the overhead camera for difficult fights and think tactically? Play the first game. It is one of the best RPG experiences there is.

2 months ago

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Yes I want!
I've seen the DAV gameplay: it looks like a generic action game. Tactical difficult battles sound really better.

2 months ago

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Most people love the first one. It hasn't aged well visually, but it has a grim atmosphere, interesting and well-written characters, and a lot of dialogues and choices that matter. It's pretty epic too. Some DLCs are pretty cool, and some are pretty lame, but still, it is worth picking up the ultimate edition. I didn't really like the Awakening standalone expansion though, but it's still playable.

The second one was hated much more. It has a really bad demo and intro that give a false impression. It suffers from rushed development, copy-pasted locations, backtracking, etc. The dialogue system was simplified, though it was pretty good, and the protagonist was finally voiced. It had questionable redesigns, but I mostly liked the changes. The combat system became more action-like. Also, the game wasn't as epic as the first one, but that's a good thing in my opinion: instead of another generic plot about saving the world, we got the story about a refugee simply trying to survive and climb up the social ladder. I loved the story, I loved the new cast of characters, I loved the dialogues – it's a good game in my opinion, despite being different from the first one. Oh, and it has better graphics, so it doesn't look that bad. Also, the Mark of the Assassin DLC is pretty cool.

Overall, I recommend playing both games. They are quite different, but I liked them more than Inquisition (it has its moments, but the story is really weak and the choices are far-fetched).

2 months ago

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You've been extremely clear! Thanks to both of you, Origins will be the one!

2 months ago

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