In response to the #MeToo campaign, I pledge to
Context where he demonstrates disrespect for two different women on SG, proving that this is nothing but a troll comment:
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"Poll topic: Things to do other than murder someone."
"There's no option for 'murder someone'."
"That's a valid point!"
Even if you're focusing solely on the 'other' rather than the 'no', the poll answers are a direct copy (albeit slightly paraphrased) of the article's points of discussion. 'Other' isn't really an option for 'which of these do you think is best for you'. As plenty of the options are very neutral (ie, 'Educate yourself' can be interpreted very broadly), even those who consider themselves flawless in such matters are still able to select a functional response. Of course, by virtue of interactions like these, I think "Stop being dismissive" becomes the de facto answer for such users.
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You know, in my opinion whole text is trying to show men as a root of problem, what is bit harming, since both women and men are doing such things towards others. Even when author is trying hiding it by writing that those tips are also for women (what is also obvious lie, since when it is possible text is saying about men only like "Say it to other men"), this text is aiming for better treating women, not all people. And because theoretically good action is used wrong it's still my opinion I pledge nothing in RESPONSE to the #MeToo (what doesn't mean, that I'm not trying to be better man for others reasons).
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Calm down there. For one thing, having an 'other' option is completely reasonable. Also, not everyone can be expected to blindly follow one of a list of suggestions. You might consider that many people already treat women with respect and therefore don't feel compelled to pledge towards something suggesting they were bad guys in the first place. If this guy was blatantly advocating against women's rights, I'd understand your outburst, but right now it just looks like you are overreacting to the point of harassment (violating SG rules too) because of an ambiguous reply.
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Context where he demonstrates disrespect for two different women on SG, proving that this is nothing but a troll comment:
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overreacting to the point of harassment
I dunno, DanZDK does have a point. You were awfully rude to single-celled organisms. I mean, think how much we owe to yeasts! Bread, beer.. unicellular organisms can be awesome!
...then again, amoebic dysentery is caused by unicellular parasites, and is characterized by bloody diarrhea. I can totally see how you ended up making the connection you did.
Still, the topic of "lower lifeforms' is really one which isn't ever a good inclusion for any discussion involving prejudices. That kind of thing just feeds into the theme.
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At least it's obvious that everyone complaining about my remarks towards that user are hypocrites, since not one of them has replied to or taken issue with this:
ETA:For the record I laughed at the cheek of the person, and just shook my head. Haters gon' hate.
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Context where he demonstrates disrespect for two different women on SG, proving that this is nothing but a troll comment:
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For a long time I've ignored the trolls and pondscum of these forums and still do often, but i'm also tired of how I've seen SG devolve over the past 3.5 years.
Broke a rule? Where? Report me if you think I did that.
I don't consider my replies "bullying" since most of the responses are to people in positions of authority based solely on gender. I am also a straight white dude, in case there was any confusion. A proudly bearded one, as it happens.
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Context where he demonstrates disrespect for two different women on SG, proving that this is nothing but a troll comment:
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Context where he demonstrates disrespect for two different women on SG, proving that this is nothing but a troll comment:
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Second one... please look at her response to it.
Also, it's obviously a joke. If someone says that they like big things, I might reference a dick. No matter the gender, no matter the context. I'm childish. So is he.
The first one though... he's a dick. Plain and simple.
But... what do those things have to do with his genuine statement here?
Do you want people to reference your response to him and then dismiss everything you say afterwards as well? Yeah, he did childish and dickish stuff. So did you. Kettles and pots.
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And you're just being a cockhead over someone's disagreement. Grow a pair and don't get so 'superior' when someone brings up a legitimate point.
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Context where he demonstrates disrespect for two different women on SG, proving that this is nothing but a troll comment:
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I don't caee; I am not here to defend link. His point still stands.
And it is worth noting the edit you made, as it changes the way people will view the responses.
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Lemon, stop being a faggot and acting like a little bitch. Oh wait, sorry feminazis that insult was meant for Lemon, not you over sensitive women
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What if he already respects women? Does that make him a “lower lifeform”?
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fucking walnut
you absolute muppet
ahhh culture...
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VEEP has some amazing zingers:
"You know, you're about as annoying as a condom filled with fire ants."-Senator Roger Furlong to his long-suffering aide, Will (Season Two, Episode Two: "Signals")
"Right now you're about as toxic as a urinal cake in Chernobyl."
"Cause I've met some people. OK, real people. And I gotta tell you, a lot of 'em are fucking idiots."-Vice President Selina Meyer, talking about the US electorate (hey she's not wrong, how the fuck else did we end up with Dump?).
"Imagine something small has crawled up a dead cow's ass, and that small thing actually dies itself. If that dead thing then farted out a sack of eggs but each individual egg is a smaller, rotting dead thing…that's how toxic they are."-Jonah, on Selina's approval ratings (Season One, Episode Eight: "Tears")
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Quick question. How do you feel about Scrubs and Dr. Cox's insults? Those are way more gendered than what you brought out. Mainly because they're female names. If you haven't seen, then click :)
Also, this clicky
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I've never watched VEEP, and that is a severe oversight on my part if the dialogue is like that. adds to watch list
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Haha gotta love Veep. So sad that the next season will be the last. And also sad to hear about Julia Louis-Dreyfus' breast cancer. She's amazing.
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The classic insult of calling someone a blueberry. :3
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Well, "stop having children" clearly solves that problem.
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Mostly towards point 2 & 3, I completely disagree with the notion that you should treat anyone special because of their gender or race, or listen/promote/reward them any more because of it. It's taking one step forwards and two steps back. Judge them on their character, their work. As a person, not as a product of things they had no choice in.
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The only issue is that that still maintains a disparity, and also is absolutely impossible, since most cultures have these kind of disparities ingrained in them from jump.
In this men-women example, I hope we can all agree that, in most cultures, men have been valued more than women have. I've certainly been raised in a culture like that. Just saying 'let me judge them by their character' does nothing to counteract the years of cultural programming I've had - I've had to actively work to dismantle ideas of who is inherently more valuable, more trustworthy, more intelligent and capable, and I've had to do that by actively decentering men in my life and actively paying more attention to women, myself and my own feelings included.
Like... you do have to make yourself pay more attention to women as people to make up for the disparty, it's not just a 'ain't like that now' mentality. Malcom X said this about race that I found very concise and insightful when talking about equality like this (emphasis mine):
"If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound."
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^ this
I might add that another problem with jims' well-intentioned suggestion is that, if you systemically disadvantage a whole class of people for centuries, then switch to what looks on the surface like a "meritocracy," you will simply have a system in which people who have previously accumulated all of the advantages will flourish (because they have more wealth, better-funded schools, implicit bias works in their favor, etc.), and, moreover, the people who were systemically disadvantaged will be blamed for what now looks (at least to a superficial observer) like personal failures, and people will harden their attitudes towards them (e.g., with thoughts like 'they should have studied harder') while ignoring all of their own unearned advantages.
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You do NOT stop these really incredible and insightful threads and for that I salute you, my friend.
ETA: bell hooks is my favorite feminist writer and is someone I'd heartily recommend.
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Read and follow feminist writers.
I'm blocked on the twitters by Roxane, but I'll see what can be done about the others.
Signal-boost female voices.
Or, we could just judge articles based on the quality of them. You know, instead of actively discriminating based on gender and race.
Don't use gendered or misogynist insults.
And what about saying dick? All I got last time from you was a "fuck you" :(
Free kids from rigid gender roles.
psssssst... biological differences
Don't be dismissive or argumentative during conversations around types of oppression that you don't personally experience.
You seemed pretty dismissive about the oppression I face through the word 'dick'.
As far as #MeToo goes, that's great. I think it's a good thing that women are sharing their personal experiences of sexual assault. Not sure why men can't be included into that, but otherwise it sounds like a really good thing. Particularly regarding victims of sexual assault in Hollywood, Ben Shapiro has a good take.
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There are a number of differences that cause a large distinction between girls and boys (that impact behaviour, at least). To pick one example that I think is relevant to this discussion, girls who possess Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (essentially resulting in a higher production of testosterone, though not exclusively) "overwhelmingly conform to male-pattern development - less empathy, poor development of social and vocabulary skills, increased aggression, favor systemic pursuits over social ones, male toy preferences, etc. Even if restricted to feminine toys, they will still play with them in a masculine fashion (dolls fight each other, take toys apart to see how they’re made, etc)."—link for quote.
Again, this is merely one example among a plethora.
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Yes, I would assume that the hormone levels of babies would be fairly low. Though even if the disease is releasing testosterone at an earlier stage, it still shows that differences in those behaviours are biologically based.
I wonder if young girls with this disease are driven to masculine toys more than boys of the same age?
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Why are you making this a gender issue?
"That's not cool." Say it to other men who are saying disrespectful things to or about women.
This works too:
"That's not cool." Say it to other women who are saying disrespectful things to or about men.
Or better:
"That's not cool." Say it to other people who are saying disrespectful things to or about people.
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It's too easy to make a whole list explaining how all men are evil and then claiming it's all okay because you placed a discreet disclaimer saying otherwise in a corner. That doesn't make up for it, what 99.9% of people will retain is the misandrist propaganda.
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I'm a male and I can share a few stories of being discriminated because of my gender. I have been harassed sexually. I have been bossed by a female manager who believed all men are inferior. Lot of women tried to use their sexuality to manipulate me. I was in relationship in which woman believed I should satisfy her sexually anytime she wants to, no matter if I was in a mood for sex or not.
Article pretends to call for gender equality but in fact reinforces stereotype that women are always oppressed and not the oppressors. #MeToo
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I think you're confusing systematic oppression (which is a cultural or society-wide phenomenon, based on social structures) and sex- or gender-based discrimination (which can be individual, one-off, and go both ways). In every country that currently exists, men cannot be oppressed as men. They could be oppressed as black or as Muslim, but nowhere are men systematically oppressed as men.
Kit Harington was confused about the difference between these recently, too.
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Men can definitely be oppressed as men in certain areas. In a custody hearing, women always have a head start and you have to fight twice as hard to be heard just because you're a man. Heck, I had a social worker basically write in her report that "dad was doing a great job, but mom could, with enough help, be able to take care of the children, so they should be placed with their mother".
Yes, women are oppressed in many spheres of life and it's up to every one of us to step up and do our best to put an end to it. But it's disingenuous to pretend that they're the only ones feeling any form of oppression.
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Custody is a great example of how the patriarchy hurts men, too! But to the extent that women are granted custody (outside the vast number of custody arrangements that mutually agreed upon by both parties), it's precisely because judges presuppose that the proper place of a mother is in the lower status position at home as a caretaker, and that the proper place of a father is in the higher status position at work as a breadwinner. For that reason, I completely agree that we need to change the assumptions around childrearing--but cases like the one you mention are the result of the societal oppression of women, not a counterexample to it. If we as a culture didn't automatically assign women the role of homemaker, we might have a different system.
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As far as a systematic discrimination/oppresion goes, can you explain without admitting men are discriminated too, why in my country 81% of teachers are female and there are virtually no men working in kindergartens? Why a man has practically no chance working as a babysitter, especially with girls? Why it's ok for a female hospital nurse to put catheter in my urethra but it's absolutely not ok for a male one to do this to a female? Actually, I couldn't even ask for a male nurse when I was in hospital, because there wasn't even one. Why there are parity laws for women, but none for men? Why there are parity laws for office and governmental work, but no for mining or metallurgic industry? Is it not systematic? Is it not gender-based?
Individual discrimination is not separate from systematic one. They are tied together. Individual cases originate from cultural framework. Treating them as two parts of the same phenomenon is not confusion, it's wider perspective. I am demisexual. Not a big deal for a woman. But on several occasions women were offended by my lack of sexual reaction to them. I've even been bullied because of that. Because men are expected to react in certain way. It's individual for me, right? Except it is not, because it's an effect of what our culture teaches us, which is systematic.
But I'm drifting away from original post. Which is, to cite point 1 from it, not cool. Because it puts men on one side of the fence and women on the other. It's consistent with most of my discussions with declared feminists, usually ending with irrational angry responses on their part when they couldn't convince me discrimination goes only one way. It was clear some of them did not really want gender equality, but to turn historical tables around and make men a secondary social group. While it's mostly a subconscious motivation, some people actually said it loud when they got angry.
I believe in treating people as people, not as men and women. And I do. That is why I disagree with OP.
By the way, I think tying social oppression to a country instead of culture is wrong. While sometimes true, not all countries are monocultural and social structures often span across multiple countries.
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Those are all great examples of how the patriarchy hurts men, too! The nursing example is an especially good one, because it's a field that is dominated by women (something like 90%). But when it comes to hospitals, or medical care in general, we see gendered stereotypes all the time: when people walk into a hospital room, they assume the woman is a nurse and that the man is a doctor (ask any female doctor or male nurse). This is the direct result of automatically assigning the dominant, higher-status position to men as a default, and assigning the submissive, lower-status position to women as a default. Women are socialized to see themselves as soft, nurturing caregivers, and men are socialized to see themselves as tough, commanding warriors. The result is that both men and women feel pressure to conform to those harmful stereotypes, and so self-select (and are assigned by others) for the sorts of unbalanced distributions you refer to. Consequently, the skewed numbers in professions like nursing are in large part the result of people believing those misogynistic stereotypes and self-assigning those high- or low-status positions to themselves when they select a career track, as well as people who do the hiring relying on similar stereotypes as normal and appropriate.
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#1 only for guys that know what to do or you can die very fast in some areas... if you are weak and have no weapon it's better to scream for help if woman doesnt or asking nearbe people for support... and then pound the shit out of his head, no mercy... :)
To #9 i can just say, there are given roles from nature so people should know what stuff in gender roles are nonsense and wich shouldnt be touched... boys and girls are not the same... :)
#11 is a thing i always do...sometimes i change street site, take off my hood in dark areas etc...
In the end i just can say i treat women exact like men except with natures given role, not the cultural or religious role... :P
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With that picture right there you are the prime example of why none of those rules should be followed. You don't need special treatment compared to anyone. I respect everyone the same, men, women, doesn't matter gender or race. But if you ask for women to be praised and supported just because they are women that's just not right. I do agree that what happened to the women that started using that hashtag isn't right and those men should be punished more than a slap on the wrist but what you're asking and how you react... speechless.
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None of them should be followed? Did you even read them? You can't be sincere in saying that you respect everyone the same and disagree with every item on the list. #4, for example, calls for equality in how you introduce people--how do you see that as "special treatment"? If you want to disagree substantively with certain items, that could be a productive conversation, but wholesale dismissal just shows you either didn't read the list or don't believe in equality as you say (and I'm hoping it's the former).
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... why? Differing point of views and all you respond with is an overused picture, essentially flipping someone off? If you want people to actually read and respond to what you say, then don't act like a brat. Sorry, that's just a bit sexist, innit. Oh, sorry, it was for men. It's fine then.
Look, he gave you respect. Give him the same.
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good one. a bit to liberal for my taste, but good one.
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Voidy +1 from me.
When the hell world decided that it is wrong to be offended? If something is offending you be offended. As long as someone is not breaking law get offended... but don't try to be nazi about things and try changing world just because you don't like something.
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Don't know don't care, everyone have their own moral system that's why we have laws.
But since you've mentioned it i guess you are right it is legal but immoral for you to advocate that woman should be treated better than man but pretending you want equality only. And it is immoral but legal for you to try to make everyone change their views just because you are special snowflake that got "offended"
Go preach your nonsense to someone who cares.
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In order to be a decent person, you should do what actually is best.
The question isn't whether you should do X because someone says X is the right thing to do; the question is whether you should do because X is in fact the right thing to do. What I think (or what anyone else thinks) simply isn't relevant, and your ad hominem attack is a red herring.
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Thank you. You essentially summed up my points (that all spanned over 10k characters...).
Not to mention... most of these never had anything to do with #metoo (all except 2 of them. One of those two also barely had anything to do with the hashtag as well.)
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Really? Take for example #7. You really think this isn't good advise that would reduce sex offense if more men read and adopt it? The response of "Stay out of other people's bedrooms" basically translates to "Let boys do whatever they want and don't teach them right from wrong". A recipe that has lead to much misery in this world.
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Hmm, I can see how it could be taken as that, yeah.
My point for #7 was essentially this:
I'm a virgin, so take that as you will. Usually sex just happens. If you ask for consent in the heat of getting it on, it can turn you off easily, because you now associate fear and worry into an act that should be fun and exciting. It's no longer a "I wanna stick my cucumber in your blender and then have you drink the juices like a middle aged woman watching a Bachelor finale", but instead it's a "you sure that you won't call this rape and sue me as if I was a hot McDonalds' coffee?"
Sure, expressed consent is important if the partner has clearly stated it before, but otherwise, people tend to pull away and make those gestures.
The average human being reads human body language. If the other half isn't having fun or liking it, then it makes them feel uncomfortable. For most, it's a huge turn-off. Even if it's consentual and it just turns out that your Big Al is actually more like a Napoleon in a modern era, then the woman's indifference is also most likely a turn-off. Same goes with women to men.
Those that take pleasure in a woman/man that resists are those that are either into that roleplay, in which case they still know the etiquette and usually ease them into the idea first (unless they've met up to just have that type of sex) or they're into rape... which means that they won't be dissuaded by anything said here and that they won't read the body language and they won't care regardless. With a rapist, it won't just be a "Oy, I ain't into your George Foreman Grill as much as you think I am, I wanna leave now." while the rapist just says "Well, that's rude of you! I just wanted to have a hardy rape. I guess you should go then! I was going to share you my kangaroo steak and all.". (Yes, I made a similar, probably more awkward joke in the original post too).
The point is that normal people already know this and those that don't, don't care regardless and they're the real issue. Words don't work for them then. They need professional help.
The #7 is definitely an extreme point... that's for both of them in my eyes. One says "Ask them every time and make sure. Take a break and just ask them!" while the other says "The door's closed, that means it's time for some nookie with my cookie. Wait, that's not my cookie. Eh, screw it!"
I must confess, I didn't really read through all of them, but those that I did, I agreed with :D
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I think you missed an important part from point #7. Quote:
Yes can be verbal -- or it can be an enthusiastic action, like ripping off an item of clothing -- together.
In no way is the writer saying that the man needs to get a verbal "Yes" before proceeding. What she is saying is that if the woman "hesitates, stops reciprocating, avoids eye contact, becomes quiet, tense or frozen, or otherwise slows the tempo of any sexual encounter" it does not constitute consent and should make the man stop. I can tell you that these signs clearly show lack of consent, because consensual sex typically has none of them and has one factor that removes any doubt - enthusiasm.
You wrote:
The average human being reads human body language. If the other half isn't having fun or liking it, then it makes them feel uncomfortable. For most, it's a huge turn-off. ... Those that take pleasure in a woman/man that resists are those that are either into that roleplay, in which case they still know the etiquette and usually ease them into the idea first (unless they've met up to just have that type of sex) or they're into rape... which means that they won't be dissuaded by anything said here and that they won't read the body language and they won't care regardless
This is a an over-simplistic way of looking at things. People need to be taught right from wrong and how to behave in new and challenging scenarios. If they get no education about the subject and just let their testosterone lead them, the result would too frequently be sexual assault.
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You also missed the "-- together" part. What I'm reading from that is that even if one rips the other's clothes (which from what I've heard from people I know is one of the more ridiculous TV tropes that, while obvious, is impractical, sometimes painful and just plain expensive, isn't enough for him. It's important that they still say "Yes, I want to have sexual intercourse (or sex, whatever)."
"If they get no education about the subject and just let their testosterone lead them, the result would too frequently be sexual assault." - They do. Media, education, word of mouth. For me, I've heard all of this through these channels and not only once, but so many times that it's become one of those "so obvious" morale points. It's like the "Don't lie about your accomplishments or they'll catch up with you" morale point. Most everyone knows these things.
At that point, he's addressing less than a percentile of the population and most of those people are actual rapists, molesters or whatever else kind of scum of the earth.
Maybe it is different for you. But from what I know, these things are heavily discouraged in most western cultures (as far as I'm aware of). To my knowledge, we don't live in a rape culture, because these things aren't just discouraged, it's way worse than that. Wanting to torture and kill child molesters and rapists isn't an uncommon stance. Things like that is why the death penalty is still a popular choice in places like America.
I just doubt that even a noticable percentile of the population is still into women that resist and don't want them. Those that do, I'm guessing are actually mentally challenged, not the average person.
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You should get suspended for spreading this bullshit...
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I fear that she is serious...
At first it was kinda funny but now it see that is is individual with seriously warped and distorted view of what's around.
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Everyone should just report this verbal diarrhea explosion.
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I'd say no to that. I don't agree with... frankly disgusting exploitation of a genuinely positive hashtag movement, but I believe that people should have the right to speak their minds. It's just sad that OP doesn't agree with it and sometimes either ignores or just posts pictures of middle fingers to people.
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Can these bitches stop with this bullshit already? Enough is enough. Shut the fuck up, you cunt.
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"Cunt" really isn't a gendered slur. In Britain and it's former colonies (like Australia and New Zealand) it's frequently used between blokes and is often used positively ("he's a good cunt" for example). I know it's use in the States is not so common, but it's a word that's use changes culture to culture. It's ironic that you are trying to lay down the law on discrimination when the words you are saying are definitively wrong actually have different places in different cultures and social groups around the world.
Teaching people to be better human beings will lead to a lot of the things you desire. You don't need to project your own beliefs onto a population and - especially - declare how every parent should raise their child. That is insanity.
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It's simply ignorant to say 'c-nt' isn't deried from female anatomy--its origin is straightforward and blindingly obvious: it refers to the female sex organ, and it's still used that way. It would be one thing if the anatomical use were archaic, but it's still very much current.
It's true that the degree of offensiveness, like many words, varies from culture to culture, much like the word 'bloody'. But that's a completely different point.
The basic point is rather that you shouldn't insult someone by comparing them to a class of persons (or parts of person) in such a way that that it can only be an insult if you presuppose that that class of persons is of lesser status. That's why it's offensive to call someone a 'fa---t': you're comparing someone to a gay person, and therefore presupposing that people who are gay are of a lesser status (which is false and demeaning).
Same goes for 'c-nt', regardless of whether it's offensiveness is greater or lesser in different contexts. You can't change the origin of the word or make it refer to a different part of the body, so you can't unsex it.
Also, obviously we very much can generalize principles about how every parent should raise their children: no parent should verbally or physically abuse their children; no parent should deny their children life-saving medical care as punishment; no parent should sexually molest their children; etc etc etc. To say otherwise is the only insanity, friend.
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Making words forbidden is always more dangerous in my experience. When people say you mustn't say the "N word", the "F word" or the "C word" it gives the word special power. Not to mention it's ridiculousness, when someone says the "F word" everyone in their mind is still thinking "Faggot". The word has still been communicated, and all you have done in the process is to identify this word as having some kind of special power because you couldn't use it. When society does this is makes these words all the more potent when used by those with malicious intent. And I wonder if you would feel as strong on the words "dick" or "bollocks". Surely someone who truly believes what you are saying would also believe in equality and feel that words like this are also inappropriate and should be banned from conversation? Because they are no different in essence, only different gender. And then you're wondering into dangerous ground, as where do you draw the line.
And that is very poor deflection I'm afraid. You were lecturing how children should be raised. Molesting and abuse should be obvious to any worthwhile human being that it has nothing to do with "raising a child". You were proposing something very different, the teachings of a child. Not abuse. Not the actions of subhumans. Teachings. And if you don't realise how ridiculous it is to declare that all children should be taught in such a way then perhaps your passion for the topic at hand is blinding you, as that is an extremely troubling idea.
Basically, whenever you say "everyone should be like this" you're going to make a fool of yourself.
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Well 'cunt' is a hugely popular word here and it's one of my own favourite words, but it's primary use is clearly still as a description of female genitalia.
Even I'm the first to admit it probably would be better to phase out it's use in the way it is often used to reference women as it probably does suggest (intentionally or otherwise) that their only noteworthy attribute is one of their holes.
When used to reference men it is arguably typically still used to rate men against a specific quality of female genitalia - 'what a useless cunt', 'what an amazing cunt', etc. And whether used with positive or negative intent that is again something that we maybe should be moving past as we learn to appreciate all female genitalia as equally worthy in their own special ways.
When used between blokes in the manner of 'oi cunt' or 'that cunt over there' I think I'd describe its use as simply ubiquitous rather than positive. Probably no actual offensive intent but we should really be thinking about our potty mouths when it gets to that stage.
I was going to finish this with an example of a context in which use of the word might still be acceptable - but then I realised said example might be considered homophobic.
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Didn't we have enough of these threads already? If not, do you think you're convincing anyone? Enough with this, please.
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wat is happening to the internets?
just grab her by the peanut already.
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Many of these points are very important and well written, but I don't think it's right to just quote the whole text verbatim and only link to the original article at the bottom of the post. It would be better to quote a few paragraphs and then include a link to that article. Alternatively, adapt this article to a more concise and easier-to-digest post that's more suitable for this website (while still giving credit to the original writer of course).
In any case, have a bump.
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I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
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Must be one dumb tramp stamp who cobbled up this bullshit ... using the topic to bandwagon some degenerate far lefty-loonie agenda.
Hollywood is always been known for being a cesspool of degenerates but at least the whole Harvey Schweinstein story led to some good ... a purge of some fuckers here and there, and just recently the game related cesspool NeoGaf being on fire as well. Good times ... but no need to bluntly promote this vapid bullcrap though, nobody gives a shit about it. Average civil men know what boundaries to cross and which not to.
What society needs is decent ethics being taught and not this cumulative degeneration of values.
Consider dumping this kind of crap in some lgbtqxyz subbreddit next time ...
pics related:
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That costume is pretty cool in the first picture. Just a shame it's being used to pedal propaganda and political agenda to young children. Also, nice to see that it's not just me that rolls eyes every time a new letter or symbol gets added to that awful acronym for homosexuals and transgender people.
Video unrelated:
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I disagree, only because the rules of consent seem to be a moving goalpost. We as a society can't agree on what it is, I personally don't think that two people getting drunk and having sex is considered rape, but I assure you that some women do.
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Luckily I don't need to be the judge of those case by case dilemmas ... nor is "fake rape culture" a popular thing in my region. That said, there should be serious repercussion for alleging a fabricated crime. From what i know in such made up instances is if you're accused you've already lost - time/face/image whatnot ... and maybe even the court ruling that depending on your country and judge might be one nightmare to deal with as known with the rather infamous US justice system.
Definitely one vile byproduct of the latest and most degenerate wave of femnazis ...
diluting the seriousness of actual rape instances and ruining peoples lives.
for reference:
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