Yes. They're okay. Especially when in a garbage pail and seasoned with coffee grinds from this morning. :3
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It looks more like a cake, but yes, that's a pizza. I wouldn't mind tasting it.
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you're free to put what you want on a pizza, but the result in not automatically a pizza
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If you put topping X on a pizza, isn't it then just a pizza with topping X?
But I would ponder more if something was a pizza or not based on the "dough",
I have made pizzas with tortillas, tomatoes, potatoes, and/or cauliflower as the base/dough.
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If there is ham on it as well, then pineapple is perfectly fine.
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I don't even know why this became a meme in the first place, a bacon/ham pizza with a bit of pineapple and lots of cheese tastes pretty good. Maybe not for everyone, but somehow this became a stupid internet thing that all the sheep just jumped on board with.
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i'm a northern italian and here we don't have really a pizza culture, although it's stereotypical of us.. i sincerely don't really care if one puts pineapple on pizza or whatever else, it's probably more a southern italian thing, i've eaten pizzas with every kind of food and never felt bad ahahah
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I was in Genoa once and ordered a vegetarian pizza to go. Since (nothern?) Italy does not know how to put more than 1 ingredient, they were confused. I did not know which vegetables they had available (and was speaking English). So, I just explained to put whatever vegetable on that they had in the kitchen on the pizza. I took the pizza home and opened the box. There, on my pizza, was a huge cut of broccoli, a huge slice of carrot, a huge slice of squash. They had no concept of cutting them up and spreading it around.
I dug right in. It was fine. Vegetarian pizza.
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yeah definitely, the whole liguria, like genoa imperia, savona and so on, has always been independent under genoa and they have a cuisine and a culture more related to southern france, pizza isn't definitely something i'd expect in genoa XD glad that it went well, it's a great region although it's extremely far to reach from here, like, 6 hours drive or more from where I live near austria XD
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Ooo! I loved my trip up to Bolzano. I rented a car and just drove north and stayed the night in San Leonardo, I think. I thought it was the coolest little cottage-hotel I have stayed in my life (4star). And, I have stayed in a few 5star hotels in California--meh. What is the difference between a massage at a 5star hotel-resort or from a travelling laborer in SE Asia? Not much except an occasional question at the end.
Anyway, the next day we were meeting friends in Genoa, which took a long train ride. From Milan, I ended up on a train North towards Geneva because I was a moron. I remember the black and white marble that they are proud of in Genoa.
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I'm extremely happy to hear about your experience here! :) Yeah definitely we're all different here, but personally it's been like more than 10 years that I don't go farthest south than Florence, it's just like another nation to us, like Rome, Naples, Sicily.. awesome places, I visited them and I loved them, their culture (often extremely preserved due to the fact that we've been under Nazi control for 3 years and so our cities have all been heavily bombed), their food.. but to me pizza for instance is something like hamburgers or ramen, something that really doesn't belong to my culture.. Yeah between Ligury and Tuscany there are lots of marble caves and they're used in statues all over the world :) And I'm very near to Bozen, it's more Austria than Italy up there but still it's all awesome :)) And there aren't even transport problems since the Po valley is so enormous that from North-Eastern Italy I use to see concerts and festivals in Milan and Turin in less than 2 hours since I was a kid :P
Below the Appennines it's like going over the Alps and into Austria or Switzerland to me instead ahah although I love Italian culture and history as a whole, but not as a political entity. Like the German speaking world between Switzerland Austria Germany and all the small states in between.. :P
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I started my trip in Torino, visiting a friend who was working there, getting my bearings straight in Italy. I thought Torino was great because it displayed what real (northern) Italian life was like, without being confused with all the tourist display and diversion. I never did drop south of Florence.
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That's what everyone did until 1900, Cavour and the like of them never got south of Florence and still managed to "unite politically" Italy xD
Turin has a big problem - I lived some 6 months there, I had a girlfriend from the city proper - its inhabitants are more than 60% or from Southern Italy or from poor countries (gypsies, africans, indians and so on), mainly due to the fact that it's always been the home of FIAT which, after WW2, asked for tons of workers and they of course all came from the South. That's the "industrial triangle" of Milan, Genoa and Turin - the North-East is definitely better and well, the areas of Tyrol and Trentino in general are the best ones although I was born below and I love my region way more (we've got Ferrari, Bolognese food, Maserati, Ducati, the Po river, the sea, the Appennines, everything XD).
Though, we have always had a system of small industries (and if you come to see famous brands you'll find yourself in very small towns!) so we never had many immigrants and we also have never gave many immigrants to the States or other countries, we've always been quite rich (just pure luck of course that I was born here xD), but regions like Piedmont contributed a lot to American migration (just look at the pope whose family migrated from near Turin to Argentina due to poverty).
I'd never recommend Turin to anyone, Milan can be beautiful, there are lots of festivals, concerts, shopping centres, luxury avenues and so on (although it's overpopulated, polluted and impossible to live in), but Turin definitely, due to FIAT and other industries from 1950 onwards, is the worst town we have xD
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Pizza under your pineapple is what is not okay. Pizza sucks. Healthy food >>>> pizza
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Played it recently. Yes, vehicle sections are too long, I remembered them shorter.
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These thread are a bad idea.
It's my unpopular opinion.
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I don't care for the story in games, ever.
To elaborate
I don't HATE HATE stories, but I do hate it when they stop me from playing the game, or slow down pacing to a bore just to explain things I have no interest in. It's fine if it's as an optional background (RTS games) or extremely interactive. (kotor)
I LOVE games like Rocket League, and ANY open world sandbox where you can just start and do things.
I hate boring narrative tutorials just to make an introduction of the character, the enemy and the location.
Example: Remember Me.
(also after 15 years of gaming I know Spacebar is jump, you don't need to tell me)
I hate movement restriction just to hear some character cry about how the next boss ate their favorite teddybear.
Example: DMC.
I hate unskippable cutscenes.
When I want a story, I bingewatch a five season tv show, and i watch a loooooot of them.
I just don't wanna be part of them in some half-game half-movie hybrid.
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You made the first generalization, ignoring that one of the most popular games of all time has practically no story, SMB 3.
Games seem to be moving back from the high paid writers once again. there seems to be more open world games where story only exists in the intro and later when you reach the final objective.
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Heh, true that! :D Why people like mindless playing?
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Ehm, play the masterpiece called Bully: Scholarship Edition too. :3 The problem is that most gamers don't like thinking. They just wanna jump around and trickshot others and such. xD
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Might wanna give the story a shot then since it's becoming a problem that you ignore it. I find it hard to understand someone that plays RPG s but doesn't care about story. That's the most story focused genre. Personally I couldn't dedicate that kind of time if I didn't care about the story/quests, but you do you.
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Maybe a better way to phrase my unpopular opinion would be “(mainstream) game narratives are usually bad”, I really don’t want to sound pretentious, but I will - I have a degree in literature, spend a lot of time reading and the storywriting in games is a huge bore to me, based on cliches and very familiar tropes. When I don’t find the game universe immersive enough, I simply lose focus. I have been trying to fix this a little by consciously paying attention, so lately I’ve been doing a bit better, but this doesn’t change my opinion.
I can think of a few exceptions, especially when it comes to Telltale games, but the fact is that I find even some of my favorite games’ stories to be silly... I pick my games very carefully for this reason.
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I'm pretty much right there with you, though I do try to enjoy the story if it decides to show its face. What really gets on my nerves is when the game-play is sacrificed for the sake of the narrative. A good example is in Undertale:
The game prioritizes sparing enemies, and one of the NPCs tells you that if you act a certain way or get an enemy's HP low enough, it will surrender and you can spare it. Well, during the game's first boss fight, your usual actions to get the opponent to stop fighting don't work, so I thought that I had to get the enemy's HP low. However, it turns out that once the boss's HP got to the halfway point, the next attack automatically kills it, ruining your chance to access the post-game content without starting a new game. I spoke to my brother about this unintuitive design choice, and he told me that Toriel, the boss, apparently kills herself at this point because she's so sad that you are willing to attack her so you can leave the ruins. Keep in mind the game never makes any of this apparent; you have to read into the game's story to come to that conclusion.
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The gameplay even shown that there's other option, her attacks start to avoid you, making impossible to lose in the game. And from that, you have only two options - either kill, or don't attack and see what happens. Also, the game doesn't save after the fight! You can just escape the game and load back the save, and re-play the fight. You will get reminded later that "they know what have you done", but from the story-aspect, it's a no-kill (I know this, I did this :D )
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her attacks start to avoid you
only if you're low on health at the start of the turn, and the game gives you plenty of healing items before that point.
or don't attack and see what happens.
The thing about that option is that in literally every other circumstance, doing "nothing" only forfeits your turn (even against Papyrus, you have to use Act options first), which is why that being the solution to this battle is unintuitive. The game establishes its own rules, then promptly breaks its own rules without indication and expects the player to figure it out; I hate when games do that. Plus, this is on top of breaking the unwritten "fixed attack damage with only minor variation" rule that most RPGs have, and it's done in a way that is misleading the player as opposed to providing the player with a new experience. There's a difference between clever subversion of player expectations and bad game design, and this falls into the latter category.
I also disagree that the player is "shown" the other option, as you have to go to the Mercy tab to select the necessary option, "Spare" (which is white, and you're told to select it when it becomes yellow), as opposed to going to the Act tab like you do with literally every other battle in the game (except with Undyne, which is only slightly less unintuitive). If the game had put "spare" as an option in the Act tab, or if it had let the boss's health go down in fixed intervals like a normal RPG (clearly indicating that the lowering health tactic wouldn't work), then maybe that part could've been easier to figure out without a walkthrough, but instead, it's hidden away behind unintuitive design decisions and misleading hints.
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FPS games are about the only genre that, generally, do age well.
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Interesting, I've never felt that way about a good shooter. Wolfenstien 3D, for example, while not even slightly up to date in the visual or maybe even in the gameplay department, still has a crisp, classic feel to it. Kind of like playing Pac-Man or Dig-Dug again. First-person shooting mechanics in games haven't changed much over the years (outside of the ability to look up and down,) while most other genres have gone through intense rebuilding. That helps keep the genre timeless.
Also, I don't count 8-Bit as a genre, its more of an art style or a time frame (same for 16-bit). I find that good platformers from the 8-Bit era do tend to age well, while RPG's and stratagy/simulation games don't.
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Quake 3 and UT99 aged okay IMHO
As for HL2, I think I did play it not much time after release (maybe a year or 2) and I already didn't like it at the time. Just didn't like the atmosphere and all.
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I know, I know, I tend to exaggerate a lot. But I don't like the whole "style" of anime, so I'm pretty sure I can't possibly like any anime.
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As someone who occasionally watches anime, +1. For the most part it's all cringy shit.
A few exceptions are fucking masterpieces though
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True - anime usually is extremely anchored to some very specific themes and tropes though. The proof is that there are far more people who just hate anime in general compared to people who hate every movies, music, songs, books, etc.
Unless you go searching through the trash piles, you'll rarely find something you like.
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I've known people that actually hate books or movies, but they don't go around telling others because of the possible backlash. When something is considered an established form of art things change, can't wait for games to reach that point so people stop puting it in the "time wasters" category and start seeing them as a legit form of expresion (in the mainstream I mean).
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Anime is made by Japanese and is mainly for Japanese.
When the scripts are translated the literature part of the scripts has changed, puns, jokes, everything.
Culture is one of the biggest reason why people don't like anime. I live in SEA, there are people who does and doesn't like anime.
People who loves Japanese culture are more likely to like anmie.
When you don't like something, there's always some reasons, legit or not, they are your own opinion.
I don't like American cartoons. I have so many reasons but I'm not gonna talk about it in here.
Edit: I don't want to spam or type it again, so
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For me, they are mostly crap and they're getting worse. but, it's the same as any other entertainment out there, if you don't know where to look, chances are, you'll get crap. it's not very different in movies, or picking a book, if you randomly pick a title without looking up its rating first, don't expect too much.
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Anime is mainly for Japanese.
It isn't crap for most of the people who makes anime as their career. There's a big market of anime stuff, CDs, songs, etc in jJapan. It changes many people's lives.
If you don't like it, OK it's fine. But you cannot just say it's crap because the fact that you don't like it or you think it's bad.
Think twice before you say something that may cause troubles. Your comment offended some of the anime lovers.
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I know I have a good taste, and the anime is shit. I don't care about feelings of animu kids at all. I don't care if they are offended. The world is not a kindergarten, they must know that there are different opinions, otherwise they are doomed to stay immature forever, locked in their ego bubbles. I don't befriend anime lovers on Steam, I don't talk to people with anime on userpics.
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Yeah, you are talking to one right now, at this moment. Your behavior doesn't deserve any respect.
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There is no such thing as "good taste". There's only "taste", and everyone has their own. If you think yours is better than others for any silly reason then you're just straight-out narcissistic. Also, you can't really break people down into categories like that. Just because there are many people like those you despise and some of them like anime, it doesn't mean that "it's shit". There are perfectly normal people who like anime as well. Also, you're contradicting yourself, because you first said "I know I have a good taste, and the anime is shit", and then "they must know that there are different opinions, otherwise they are doomed to stay immature forever, locked in their ego bubbles". If you still don't see what I mean, then maybe I was just wasting my time, but I'll say it one final time: If you judge people based solely on their interest, then you're just a nasty person.
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Bullshit. There is a good taste. It is trained, like muscles, every artist, designer, musician etc knows that. You need to cosume huge amounts of cultural products to develop a good taste, and you need to know classics. It's a hard work, because often you need to consume and analyze something you don't like. The lie that every point of view and every taste has the same weight is the false result of postmodernist philosophy. No, there are stupid points of view, and there are sophisticated, they can't be compared. Anime is a primitive, infantile form of mass culture.
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Anime is not one thing. Saying "anime" is like saying "movie". You just don't see that, because you're blinded by the fact that there are many bad and infantile ones, but that's also true for normal movies and series. And from the way you're saying all this, I assume you either didn't see anything anime-related, or saw something really bad and formed your opinion based solely on that. You said you had a "good taste" (which I still don't think exists, but so be it), if that's true, according to you, you need to "consume huge amounts of cultural products and analyze something you don't like". So I dare you to analyze the anime called "Death Note" (or at least some episodes of it). If you still think that every single anime is primitive and infantile after doing that, then fine, but I'm 99% sure you would not think so.
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I personally haven't seen that one. But I know it's pretty different from the one I said, and I'm pretty sure there exists a movie you don't like. Imagine you were thinking the same about movies, and watched that one movie you don't like as the first one. Would you think about them as you think about anime right now? Anyway, I can't and don't even want to force you to do anything you don't want to. It's up to you if you take my advice and try "Death Note", but it'll be your loss if you don't. It mind change your mind about everything. However, judging from your condescending answer, I'm not even sure if you will read this...
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I won't change my opinion, because there is a history behind it. I'm an open minded person and I don't judge until I study the subject, I had no opinion on anime 25 years ago when I watched all cartoons, anime too, and 10 years ago when I tried to watch "anime for grown ups", and some day the opinion emerged. I won't watch no anime ever, don't try to recommend my something as you like to do, my contacts with this culture lead only to disgust. French and Russian (+ old Disney) cartoons are the best. That's why you can't produce them in industrial quantities.
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One thing I want to add is that involving in making anime is a terrible decision for one's career in Japan. I hear several news about the unpaid money and hard overwork at the workplace of anime. Even working at hamburger shop is much better for one's condition. And only a handful of anime artists can survive until they can feed themselves by what they love.
It's generally because supply is exceeding demands. There're too many artists who want their work on air, and those who'd love to supply their labor at the lowest income. I always have a complex feeling when I think of people behind screens.
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So we should respect them.
Osamu Tezuka is one of them.
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There's a difference between cruelty and hate, a kid is inherently cruel untill they understands the consecuences of their actions. Never seen a kid killing insects for the pleasure of it? They're not fully aware that little creatures can also feel pain, their empathy is not fully developed.
Althought I disagree with the evil part, it's kinda rare for someone to be evil intentionally.
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Aiden Pierce's baseball cap was also "iconic" in the Watch_Dogs Collector's Edition. I rest my case. Also, it wasn't ever effective other than in Ravenholm, where the area was designed to be done purely with the Gravity Gun. In any other level, it's quite useless because there's nothing to interact with, plus the enemies are shooting at you while you're trying to find bricks to chuck at them.
The Gravity Gun became so "cool" to everyone because it was a physics based toy that came in a time when real ragdoll physics weren't really a thing. Had they introduced it today, it would've never been this popular.
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First of all it's hilarious that they did that, that's on me, had no idea. That being said whether you like it or not that weapon IS actually iconic, everybody knows what it is and what it looks like. It could pop up in the Ready Player One movie and people would be like "oh damn, it's the gravity gun". The same wouldn't happen for a baseball cap from a game most people disliked and felt disappointed by.
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I think the Gravity Gun's too specific to be iconic. For example: Mario is iconic. A goomba isn't. It's well known in the gaming community, but it isn't iconic. Or take Hitman. Hitman is very well known (not iconic), but his signature pistols and garrote wire are just known to the fans of the franchise.
Gravity gun takes the same role. Most gamers know what a grav gun is. But to be iconic, you'd have to be known to everyone. That's what makes it an icon. People know of The Beatles without being fans of their music or even purposefully listening to one of their songs.
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Very well, although I don't think it needs to be recognizable outside of gaming communities. I can assure you my parents have no clue who Mario is and by your words he's iconic. I'm sure there are iconic cars for example that we have no idea exist.
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Mods suck! I detest mods because they're destroying the "purity" of a game and make it look like another game.
I also hate anime. All the anime characters look the same to me, with the same facial expressions and moves. And most anime girls tend to have huge boobs (which is ok for me, but I'm just trying to show the similarities), kitty ears, tails, and other shit.
Eagerly waiting for the blacklists. :3
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No one is installing mods by force. Inability to modify means less control over your software, and games are not pure, they're not a godsend.
Not that I want to get into a debate, there's no debate, you don't like them and that's fine, I'm just saying they're optional. 😁
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When I said they're destroying its "purity", I meant that they change its original construction, like it's not the same thing anymore. It's like you're not playing the game you originally bought anymore, more like a product of a modder, like you're playing Garry's Mod or something. Yeah, I know, not all mods change a lot of things. :P Indeed they're optional, hence why I'm not installing them. xD
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I dislike the whole idea of their existence. While mods that fix a game don't sound bad, mods that alter anything in a game sound silly to me. Why would you want something altered? That's how the game is. If you don't like it, then don't buy it and go play something else.
If I'd use mods, then I wouldn't be able to say that I hate them, because you'd ask why I use them then. :P I just dislike some people that, even if a game hasn't been released yet, rush to ask if they'll be able to add mods. Ffs, wait and see if you like the game - why do you need to add mods to something, even if it may be perfect?
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It doesn't matter why you would want something modified, though there are plenty of reasons depending on the individual, some people just do.
This can be a very dense subject and there's plenty to say about it... it mostly comes down to player experience and the fact that everyone experiences things differently.
You can't stop people from playing blindfolded, or with one hand only, or while taking breaks every 5 seconds. That also alters the core experience.
Their hardware configuration also alters the experience, so does the software they are running.
And most of all, the experience they are having with the game is deeply affected by their lives. People can have radically different experiences with the exact same product in the exact same circumstances only because they are... different people.
So they might want to play a different game than the base game offers, but similar enough to play a modification of the game instead of another game completely.
And drawing the line between other games, mods or choices in games is a pretty fuzzy subject too.
You could argue that if you heavily modify a game it becomes another game. But what if you lightly modify it? Let's say, only disable the GUI in a shooter that displays health and ammo. Does that completely alter the game? Is it the same game?
What if someone plays Fallout, but instead of using mods, he completely ignores or skips dialogue with every possible NPC? Or he kills every quest giver, shop keeper or whatever NPC he encounters.
Is that the way the developers intended the game to be played? Would that be the right way to play it?
Sure, the developers might have thought of someone doing that, but it's by far what they would expect people to do. So what, though?
What if someone isn't happy with the way vanilla Skyrim plays? Should he give up on the game instead of add a few mods that might make the game amazing for that person?
The reason you don't understand someone else's motivation to mod their game is that it doesn't resonate with your tastes, which is perfectly normal and fine, it's fine not to understand different people.
But if someone is playing Skyrim with Thomas the Tank Engine instead of dragons and anime girls instead of people that souldn't bother you in the least, because it's not a competition of who is enjoying the "developer intended experience" the most, because ultimately NO ONE will have the exact same experience with the game regardless, not even if they watch a walkthrough played by the developer, so why not let people play it the way they want to play? They paid for the software after all. :)
Choice will never be a bad thing in games, because it's just that, choice, not an obligation, only a possibility. And the more possibilities we have, the better. This way more people will be able to enjoy the same (more or less) product, and nothing's bad when people are happy, right? :)
TLDR: I get people that do other things bother you, but should they really?
This has been Quex with another useless wall of text. Thank you. 😅
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Look, I perfectly understand what you're saying and I'm pretty sure you perfectly understand what I'm saying too. I just don't like anything different implemented in the game than the things created by the devs. That's my opinion, of course. It's not like I'll punish people by throwing them tar and feathers for liking mods. :P But especially the people that are asking for mods in a game that hasn't even been released yet, make me kinda angry. Just wait and see if you like the game - why want to alter a game that you haven't even played yet?
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That sounds incorrect. I mean I want to play them the way they're meant to be played, not in an altered form. :/
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There's not really a "way they're meant to be played". Each player has a different experience when playing a game and none are the same, even though some might be similar.
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to use mods, but the "purity" you're looking for is only a theorical abstraction and ceases to exist as soon as it enters the realm of practice.
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As I said, when saying purity, I mean the original form of a game. How each player plays the game, is something different, but they all have to use the same resources. Using a different resource and altering the game, makes it different compared to the original, that's all I'm saying. :3
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The "original form" stops existing as soon as you hit "new game". You'll run into bugs, glitches, balancing issues, personal preferences about which character to play as, which weapon to use etc. No one, whether they use mods or not, can claim to play the game in its "original form". People who use mods simply have a wider array of experiences.
What you do when you don't use mods is that you simply don't bother with that extra array of playstyles (and as I said earlier, there's nothing inherently wrong with that) - same as when you decide not to use a glitch, or an overpowered weapon - but it doesn't mean you don't alter the "original content", it just means you alter it in a way that's more similar to other people who play the same way do.
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Each player having a different experience is not excluding the "way they're meant to be played". Let's take an example: No More Room in Hell is a multiplayer survival game with the idea of co-operating and conversing ammo (if you even have a gun) and mostly melee zombies or run away. Then people complained that they suck to much at the game so they made mods with unlimited ammo and guns. This is clearly not the way the game was meant to be played and balanced to. The developers themselves said they don't like this and people should stop using them.
It is also an example where even while I do not use mods myself I am effected by them as I could often not tell which server did have the mod in work until I joined and had to leave again. Also it did reduce the amount of servers I could actually join.
Point is, if developers create a game they have in most cases very well an idea of how said game is meant to played within a range of possibilites. So someone can play a game in stealth or in mass slaughtering or in a combination. But they can not fly around on jetpack driven horses shooting lasers out of their asses. As this was most likely not the intended way to play.
I have a lot of respect for content mods which add new maps or locations and quests. I have less respect for silly stuff. And I have no respect for "mods" which are only named that way because people want to cheat without feeling bad or because they want to have an easier experience.
Yea, a lot of this is actually not addressed to your post alone. But I thought I will just say it all in one reply.
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Let's take chess for example. At first it looks like the rules are pretty simple, but when people play it competitively, they add extra sets of rules about which moves, playstyles, turn lengths etc. are allowed. Do these extra rules make their game not chess anymore? No, it's still chess but with tournament rules. If I play with someone and we both decide that the King should move like the Queen, does the game stop being chess? No, it's still chess but with an OP piece instead of the King.
Basically what I'm saying is that the "original idea" of chess is just that - an idea - and that the "way it's meant to be played" is just a set of rules, playstyles etc, that people can choose to conform to or not. Nobody plays the "original idea" of chess.
It's more of a philosophical issue about the "purity" of games than a practical issue about balancing, cheating etc. I actually agree with most of what you wrote (except the part about jetpack horses, it's pretty amazing and every dev should strive for this).
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I'm talking about these
In non-competitive environments, people are more lenient with these, and I've played many chess matches when I was allowed to retract a move or even follow through after we noticed an illegal move. Therefore they're "extra rules".
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detest mods because they're destroying the "purity" of a game and make it look like another game
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You see though? That's utter bullshit! :P Why people that love mods, can't just play Garry's Mod and nothing else? :3
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Sorry I fucked up the formatting on my comment, then edited temporarily, then had to go out for something, then I forgot what I was gonna comment. Well then, I'll just go with this;
You lack creativity and you suck if you don't like mods. Also your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
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Why, thank you, yer scallywag! :D By the way, I told him multiple times to change his cologne, but he doesn't even listen.
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WTF? Zero new blacklists? I'm out of here then. Gonna go sleep. Goodnight.
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All that hate about mods is totally nosense, I find them very interesting as they offer more options/content that were lacking on the game and plus it makes you play more.
That does alot of sense on games like gta v, or racing games with 0 licenced stuff or limited tracks/maps to walk around.
Not to mention minor details stuff that should be in the game already, but somehow it's not there.
If you enjoy it, but its still bad, download a bunch of mods to fix it and enjoy it.
Simple as that.
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I honestly wanted to say that these are an exception, but I didn't, mostly because I haven't needed to use one. :P
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The only game I've heavily modded is Sonic Generations and there's a couple mods that just fix minor issues that the devs overlooked, like how there's one cutscene that doesn't play on the PC version because they forgot to "turn it on".
I also consider that any widescreen mod for old games barely affects the original vision of a game but unlike you I don't mind screwing with said vision after I've experienced the game in its original game once, so anything goes for second playthroughs.
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Steam is a terrible platform which not only goes against consumers, but does only the bare minimum to generate the maximum amount of profit and Valve has become the very definition of greed.
The original Half-Life is terrible and Half-Life 2 is mediocre at best. System Shock & System Shock 2 are much worse though, just god awful games. The original Halo single player is bland as fuck, and has some of the most repetitive level design I've ever seen.
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Steam is a terrible platform which not only goes against consumers, but does only the bare minimum to generate the maximum amount of profit and Valve has become the very definition of greed.
And why do you think that this is the unpopular opinion?
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It is a very unpopular opinion... The average consumer uses Steam regularly and they don't know what Valve really does and they wouldn't understand the issue behind their choices. We all agree because we're actually engaged in this topic on a regular basis. The majority of the consumer base isn't.
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Maybe that's true. But since PC gamers tend to use steam regularly, they've probably noticed the huge number of changes that Valve has implemented to steam, which were mostly a negative experience to the average steam user. Steam used to be awesome. Now I'm not even waiting eagerly for sales - I don't care about them.
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If I didn't keep an eye on the news, then I wouldn't know of Steam Direct, I wouldn't know the way it works and I wouldn't have even thought of why it's bad or why it isn't in my best interests. I wouldn't know why having a skin market would be bad because I'd just buy the skins and move on. Most consumers engage in gaming because they want entertainment. We just like gaming so much that we also engage in that sphere while not actually playing games.
But yeah, Steam's gone downhill. :(
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The original Half-Life is terrible
"Seinfeld is Unfunny"
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Games are such a waste of time.
especially half life 2 though
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I'm dead inside. I play games to hide the fact that I don't have dreams anymore. jk
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I can't stand RPG. I don't like skill trees, character customization, I don't like leveling up, I loathe grinding. I like my games to be designed, and designed well.
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It looks like I won't last more than 5 minutes, but I will install it out of curiosity. :)
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RPGs and grind don't go hand-in-hand. Though, let me throw in a counter argument then from your own library.
What about PES 2018? It's a massive grind, there's character customization, levelling and skill trees. Also, it lacks any real design features. It ticks all the boxes of a mediocre football game.
How about PES 2017? Obviously the same thing.
PES 2015? Same.
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™? It's got skill trees. Also, the design encourages grinding, plus it's simplistic and repetitive.
State of Decay? A grind of scouting, scavenging and repeating it to get more stuff.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 myClub? The definition of grind, character customization, levelling up players, grinding and so on.
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You mentioned PES quite a lot, so I'll start from that. I do love it, but I only play cups and tournaments with real clubs or national teams. So no grinding, no levelling, no customization, nothing of that. This year, I took a look at myClub and I think I won't ever touch it again.
About the rest, including games you haven't mentioned like Nier: Automata and Tomb Raider (the current series), I just... deal with it. I would have enjoyed Mordor and Tomb Raider much more without the skill trees and the general RPG-ness, but they are great games (at least IMO) and I don't want to miss all the great games. State of Decay? I probably never played the way it's meant to be played, and that's a recurrent problem for me.
The way I see it, the problem is that RPG-ness creeped into other game types and it spoils them for me. I am at peace with never playing The Witcher, Final Fantasy and so on. But when my God-Of-War-like game gets RPG-y, when AssCreed gets RPG-y, when even my beloved football game gets RPG-y, that's not cool anymore.
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I think Christopher Nolan is the most overrated film director at present time. I mean, sure, this guy shoots high quality popcorn movies, but is it really enough to be constantly called "the greatest living director" or something like that?
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I admit, I kinda enjoyed the first two movies. I've never said they were pure trash, just not exactly masterpieces.
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Yeah, but that's just a single trilogy. Dunkirk was almost total trash (the only good thing being that the video quality was pretty okay.), Inception was fine, but it was mostly just a mess of ideas that didn't gel too well together.
Also, let's be fair here, Batman Begins was an above average grim action movie, The Dark Knight was a masterpiece and The Dark Knight Rises was a mediocre action flick that was carried by its source material.
He's pretty good overall, but he is just another name for the pretentious movie experts to talk about. He's the stupid man's intellectual with his filmmaking. It's more artsy and deep than the average movie but it's not actually hard to understand like actually complicated and beautiful art movies.
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Dunkirk was mostly about realism. The storyline was almost non-existent and uninteresting. People liked it because it was realistic, because it looked real, not filled with special effects. For me, Inception was awesome. I really loved the storyline!
About the Batman trilogy, I loved all of them. I usually like every Batman film, but these were masterpieces for me (but I didn't like the films with Ben Affleck as Batman, even though I tend to like every film with Batman). Batman Begins was awesome and The Scarecrow is my favorite villain EVER! I really can't find anything bad in this trilogy.
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Except Dunkirk was one of the most unrealistic war movies made in the last decade. Dunkirk was completely different from what was presented. The buildings were pristine. There were more than 10 planes. There were more than 5 ships. There were more than a couple hundred men. The bombs always threw up sand and that was them just saying "Yeah, he dead now because bang happened near him or something. He disappeared into thin air.". Also, civilian ships never played a huge role unlike what was told in the movie. And so on and so forth. That's what greed does to you. He made sure the movie would be PG-13 and he also saved on the budget by just including the barebones experience. Not to mention how barren the sets were. Just a clean beach with a hundred people. Everything was extremely clean for some reason.
But yeah, I can't speak too much on Batman or Inception (not in depth) because I haven't seen them in a while now.
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I'm not saying that the events looked exactly like the real events. xD I'm saying they looked realistic, but in a much smaller scale obviously. :P The movie looked like actual war (although they were mostly running away). There weren't guys that were jumping from plane to plane or had super armors and such. xD I didn't like it, but I appreciate the fact that it looked like real war.
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Did it look like real war? I mean, if you genuinely want a realistic depiction of war, then probably the easiest example would be the D-Day battle in Saving Private Ryan. Also, Hacksaw Ridge did a decent job with the battle at Hacksaw.
This was the most cookiecutter way of portraying war. Everything was clean, there was no destruction, blood didn't exist and everything just "poofed" and we were supposed to assume that there was massive damage. War's visceral and Dunkirk was as visceral as Minecraft's combat :D
It's fine that you enjoyed it of course. But if you want good war movies, then you have so many amazing war movies ahead to discover. :D
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Because they were retreating at that moment. It wasn't supposed to be a bloodbath, just soldiers trying to survive.
And I told you I didn't like the movie, just appreciated it looked realistic. And I've seen many war movies, don't worry. xD
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Well I only watched Following, Memento and Insomnia before I fell out of the loop, and I thought they were rather good. Well, Following was "just ok", Memento was pretty great, and Insomnia was based on an already great Norwegian movie of the same title, so here Nolan can only be credited for not making it worse.
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They are rather good, I'm not arguing with that. Neither more nor less. And yes, I loved Memento as much as the next guy, but it way too many years ago.
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I think I'm going to bow out of this topic before I even begin. I just KNOW I'd get myself into trouble here over this kind of subject matter.
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The right wing is a disease, especially the far-right wing. Can their supporters even be healed though?
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While I tend to troll and exaggerate a lot, I'm really honest about my previous comment. I can't understand why people want to divide themselves into castes. But then again, mostly rich and powerful people tend to like this segregation, so I kinda understand why it's so popular. -_- But, especially the far-right supporters, are a damn disease - I can't even believe that a person can be that evil by nature! Why are we using spoilers though? :B
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For future use:
because Black Eyed Peas is even worse than anime
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Nothing is worse than anime. o.O I'm not their fan, but this song is cool.
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Look, the article makes sense, but in Greece, mostly uneducated people tend to support the far-right wing, which explains a lot. :P
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Biased article.
I could write the same about liberals and with polls like that:
PPP (D) surveyed 1,083 registered voters by automated telephone and over the internet March 24-26, 2016.
I could create any conclusion I would like to.
Just replace "liberals" with any other group I would like to make look stupid. And change made up "fact" that they believe in. It's part of campaign rhetoric. And people on both sides believe in made up things.
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yes, the article is biased, but the psychology underneath isn't.
Conservatives are more likely to trust authority and prefer stability
Progressives are more likely to question authority and seek improvement
There's been lots of research into it, and the brains of "conservatives" and "progressives" are actually wired differently note: it's not like a complete difference such as red vs blue, but a sliding scale like between white and black everyone is a shade of gray, with some being lighter and and some being darker
Neither side is per se wrong, just that their "idea" of truth is different - conservatives are more likely to believe an authority figure and their inner intuition, whereas progressives are more likely to believe experts in the field and their inner logic
note: I'm specifically avoiding the use of the word "liberal", which is very often used incorrectly, and is used by right-leaning people as an insult of people they disagree with
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Society needs both anyway :) Truth and right solution is usually somewhere between. Also different situations need different thinking. Authorities should be questioned but the same goes for experts and science. Some years ago smoking was recommended by doctors as cure for diseases of respiratory system.
That's why democracy is best possible system. Despite it's fucking terrible xD
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The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left
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Oh, I'm not even an American and I don't trust politicians anyway. x)
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Most indies suck indeed. I'd also add that just because someone worked on a game alone for 20 years doesn't mean that it can't be criticized.
I like COD because it's a dumb action flick each time. Playing a Hollywood blockbuster is a fun way to spend time, I'd say. The multiplayer's boring though.
Fan service on any medium is great, but as with everything, it should be dealt out in small quantities.
Portal 1 and 2 aren't good tbh. Even the developers have said that the games never had much depth. They struggled to make levels because the formula they had wasn't good enough to make into a long game. If they had done something with the concept, then maybe they'd been great, but what we got was just a boring mess.
GoT & BB are definitely overrated. People see that one thing that they do well and they forget everything else that is boring about it. A good show should manage to do that, but they never did. People always complained that GoT was slow at first and now it's too bombastic and quick. But they just willfully ignore it and laud the game as the second coming of Christ.
Superhero movies are in a formula, I agree. I'd also add that The Avengers was one of the worst Marvel Movies in the MCU. Seeing overpowered characters beat up nameless enemies that were best described as "aliens" isn't fun. Civil War was what The Avengers should've been.
Lootboxes are awful, I agree. They shouldn't be supported in any format.
All music, no matter the genre can sound amazing and it can sound terrible. It's just that it's hard to find those songs most of the time. If you'd take the time to find that music, then you'd find it. Same as with whatever genre you like.
I tend to say that any "side" is retarded. The left is as awful as the right. The fact that you actually do seem to identify with a side is just as idiotic as supporting lootboxes. That type of mindset isn't just ruining games though, it's ruining the entire world.
Yes, hypocrisy is inevitable, but it should be discouraged. Changing minds isn't the same as hypocrisy though most of the time.
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Sacrificing Chloe is better ending of Life is Strange.
Obviously! Why would I sacrifice a whole town for the life of one girl (although she was Max's best friend) who was supposed to die anyway in the beginning? I would never choose one person over a whole town!
Also Game of Thrones is overrated.
I don't watch it. Didn't find it interesting enough to watch it.
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Like, how exactly? xD Why? She was lovely, but you can't choose 1 person over many. I didn't even think about it - I just clicked the right choice.
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YESSSSSS!! I didn't even think twice to be honest. Then I saw people were all discussing the other option and how it had seemed such an easy choice for them to choose, and I really didn't get it. I thought more people would think like me.
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Here's an interesting discussion on the movie over on reddit if you want to check it out.
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First time I watched it (about two years ago) I did so because I saw an analisis on it's animation and the attention to detail when it comes to lighting, I found it to be a visual masterpiece, story is kinda weird but entertaining and the transformation scene is honestly terrifying.
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Call of Duty gets better every year, with every new title.
It's not my opinion, but I'm pretty sure it's not a popular one either
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Haha... good one. But I'd say more unpopular than popular, definitely.
But, and that is the funny thing, not entirely wrong.
One could make the case that each new iteration of CoD made good design choices and integrated good ideas, allowing for a slow but steady progress over the years xD
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Yeah maybe not the best for me, but certainly still a good game, I loved the setting and the fact they made the fighting harder so you couldn't just take on the whole armed force of a country without breaking a sweat. It also looked damn fine once it had been patched up.
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Windows is a bad system for gaming, people are just stuck in the endless loop of "I play on windows because all games are there + we publish for windows because all gamers are there"; also it's all Gaben's fault because he ported Doom to Windows and now he's forever haunted by the sins of his youth.
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that's not an unpopular opinion, it's an actual fact.
Windows is a fucking horrible system for everything, except that everything runs on windows, so everyone buys windows and because everyone buys windows, every developer makes sure their shit runs on windows, which is shit
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I switched from AmigaOS to Linux ca 18 years ago and I'm quite happy. ;-) Lack of some of the popular games is not a huge problem, when I have ca 2500 Linux games on steam alone. But it can be a problem for social people who feel left out because they can't play the same games as their friends, so they fall back to Windows gaming eventually even if they like OSX or Linux and use it for work etc. I hoped Valve would rush SteamOS and Steam Machines a bit harder but then VR became their new toy and they forgot about Linux - only temporarily I hope.
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The Strokes' first album is merely okay, nothing amazing.
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I think this opinion is easily shared by a majority of people <20yo, and probably lots of adults too. Nowadays every kid has a smartphone, some have a shared computer/console at home, and very few have their own computer/laptop, so of course they would put mobile games over anything else, just because they know them best and are best accustomed to touch controls.
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Maybe they would say that mobile games is good gaming and they can call themselves "gamers", but they would trade it for a console at any time(with a good amount of games, they are used to jump through a thousand games because it's "free").
I'm ok saying that it can be considered gaming, but it is far from being the best. And any kid would trade their mobile gaming for gtav(or whatever thing is hype/cool thing nowadays for them).
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Hey guys,
I consider Half-Life 2 to be a very bad game. It is uninspired, doesn't offer enough variety and is generally more of a hassle rather than an enjoyment due to its vehicle sections.
What's your unpopular opinion?
All the best
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