I like the idea as well. I don't think it would be that difficult to implement either.
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A generous and great idea, and a fantastic suggestion.
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when i get bored i spam groups with Bad Rats gibs... :3
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While I don't see any immediate utility for my own sake, I can see that being of great benefit to groups with specific giveaway-based entry requirements (in addition to its inherent benefit of facilitating guest gifting). ...unfortunately, I also see it being potentially exploitable in that regard, by duplicitous group officers who promise something in return for making the giveaway but don't deliver on that promise. Likewise, as Purpur noted, it may lead to trolling that certain groups may wish to avoid.
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Trolling a group seems like a good way to get on the black list of everyone in said group. This may police itself.
The other option is to make the group id displayable only to group members (might be trickier to implement) and to leave it up to the group if they want to share the group's ID
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(might be trickier to implement)
It shouldn't add any difficulty at all. SG already has access to our group data, there's no reason it shouldn't be an extremely simple check against seeing if a group is present in a user's list. Between that and your other point, it does seem like it would be pretty well-handled on its own (though I actually mostly was thinking in the same lines as Nudiustertian below, in that it'd potentially cause group management issues).
And strong enough anti-scamming protections might be enough to limit the first point?
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I can think of one objection, which is that it makes things more difficult for the curators of groups with special rules for what can be given away and to whom to check and enforce those rules. Anyone who's not a member could troll a group with restrictions on their giveaways by creating a GA for something suitably cheap (or free) that ignores the group rules in the process. These GAs effectively have to be ignored and treated as if they were public GAs for the purposes of the group, since sanctioning the creator by kicking them is no longer an option.
This is not so severe that I think it should block the feature, but if it does get implemented this is something to take into account as a group admin.
...edit: so basically what those other folks already said before I refreshed the page. 😛
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Is SG able to tell who the group owner/officers/moderators are? If so, it could allow someone of sufficient group rank to allow or disallow externally supplied GAs, with a default of allow. I think that would solve the problem of external trolling.
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46 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by doomofdoom
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8 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Myrsan
During the last few karaoke contest I had people request to make giveaways for the singers. I then had to invite them to the steam group i made to give out games to all the participants. This mean i have to trust the people who create giveaways in the group not to enter any of the other group giveaways so far this has not been a problem. And I do understand if it was a re-roll could be used to fix it. but a more useful solution (for me at least, as it would require less policing) would be to let people create group giveaway for groups they are not a member for by using the unique identifier.
This could be either the identifier from steam or the hash used for the group page on steamgifts. I am picturing a option labeled custom at the end of your group list,that has a text box below it labeled group ID
This would be useful to let people be able to make giveaways for any steamgroup they would like to, regardless of being a member.
I am not sure how easy this would be to implement, or if may people would use it, but it's an idea for a future site improvement.
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