That this is Titan Quest Gold (DE) "German language only available in Germany. German low violence version only available with German language. "

The isn't any info about that on giveaway

Why would I even like to have a DE version 0o.

What shoud I do ? I didn't accept the gift yet.

12 years ago*

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ONLY available in Germany. That means only people in Germany have access to the game in german. Every other player will get all languages except german. I could be wrong though.

12 years ago

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hmmm good question... dont accept it or accept it and dont touch it... but i could swear you get the uncut version... if not write steam support they should delete it from your library... now you guys understand why we germans hate this racism from steam... and also hate german politics...

12 years ago

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Germans get the cut version of games because they are pussies.
Go out and protest.
Hitler wouldn't play cut version of L4D!

12 years ago

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This is racism.

12 years ago

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"now you guys understand why we germans hate this racism from steam"

12 years ago

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tell the gifter to ask for re-roll, and add a description next time..

12 years ago

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accept it and send a ticket to steam support. they'll change it to your region.

12 years ago

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that can work too...

12 years ago

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Do this.

12 years ago

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That what I heard but when it comes to steam support I don't expect much from them, and it would be waste to accept the gift, since accepting mean that I need to activate it.

12 years ago

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Yes, Steam support will tell you to activate it before they change it to your region. If you don't really want it and won't play it, you shouldn't have entered the giveaway to begin with =/

12 years ago

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I want it, I really liked Diablo II and Sacred, a lot of people recomended it to me and I will play it, it's just the DE version :D

12 years ago

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It's a little difficult to tell that it's the (de) version when the contributor doesn't put it in the description. I guessed what it was when I saw his recommendation: "Sehr cooles Game! Relativ ausgewogen und schöne 4 gegen 4 Aktion! Weiter so!" but not many people would look that deep into it. It'd be interesting if cg could implement regional tags into giveaways though.

12 years ago

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Steam support might take time to answer, but they're awesome.

12 years ago

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It's only put there as a notice. If you go to the Steam store it says that for the other version as well. Nothing to worry about.

12 years ago

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Yes, it say that, so that MEAN the gift tagged as (DE) have ONLY german language.

12 years ago

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Well try the code. It clearly states that if its german only, it will only be available in Germany. Sounds like it could be the german version. If it is, you won't be able to redeem it. If it isn't, you'll get the game.
So, try it out, and go from there.

12 years ago

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It's not region locked, it's just language locked.

12 years ago

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why not using Google instead?
There is a patch for it

12 years ago

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THQ put out a fix. Post #6 will help you here: German Patch

12 years ago

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I'm actually in a bit of same situation. The game being FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage, which I only noticed being the German version after I started the game for the first time. The game has probably the most ridiculous censoring ever as the drivers are replaced by crash test dummys, when they fly out of the car. The game is only in German and has the language changing option greyed out.

I contacted Steam Support about the issue and the only thing they offered was removing the game from library and returning it to my inventory. If I were to do that, I'd give the game back to the giveaway creator for rerolling.

12 years ago

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Why does nobody want to learn German nowadays?
Also: Ask Steam support to change it into your version.

12 years ago

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Yes, this is the option, but as I said earlier if support won't do anything I wil be stuck with german verion.

12 years ago

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don't think it's the language, but the Censoring is outta control and I truly feel bad for gamers and developer's alike from that region.!

12 years ago

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I'd accept the gift and thank the giver, and say that you're going to try get Steam support to fix the region for you (so that he doesn't panic if you don't activate it immediately - you have a week to do so but it's often suspicious if one accepts a gift and doesn't activate right away). Then leave the game in your inventory and contact Steam support immediately. Ask them nicely if they can change the region for you. I imagine they'll say that they can and ask you to activate it first (but keep in in your inventory until they ask you to activate it in case they refuse to help, so that you have the option of giving it back to the contributor and asking for a reroll as a last resort).

12 years ago

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Accept the gift and activate it.

It is only against the rules to give away games that can only be activated in certain regions (Polish RO, SEA Dota 2, etc.).

The giveaway breaks the rules in no way. You can contact steam support after activating the gift to get it switched to your region. They will NOT change the gift if it's sitting in your inventory.

12 years ago

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Oh, if this is the case, it seems I don't really have a choice, thanks.

Thanks to all of you for comments, I will close the thread now.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by RankoR.