Just wondering

9 years ago

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i think, about 70% - males

9 years ago

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Why the hell does it/should it matter? People have different hobbies, and we all have the right to enjoy whatever hobby we choose....doesn't matter what sex, gender, religion, etc we are.

9 years ago

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-Error 404 girl not found-

9 years ago

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All I know, whether adventurer or adventuress, deep inside we are all little princesses.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't know any girl who plays something more than just Candy Crush or Just Dance.

9 years ago

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If they take into account Candy Crush and Farmville, they should consider taking into account and this frog.

9 years ago

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We are all gamers at the end of the road right? is it matters if you are a girl or a boy? ._.

9 years ago

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considering games are the commoners/peasants and cultural scoundrels most favored past time activity
and since males are worse commoners/peasants/scoundrels (usually), and i know more male ones
than female ones (esp. in das boundaries of mein Land) i'd say males BOOM !!!11eleven - science

9 years ago*

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Gender shouldn't matter.

9 years ago

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In Poland? Women gamers? They are minority! xD

9 years ago

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Studies show that 83% of people make up 75% of all statistics to fit 100% of their statements.

9 years ago

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Surprising statistics...

9 years ago

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We must define our terms first. Who is a gamer? Is it just a person who plays videogames? Or is it a member of a game (sub)culture with it's own system of values, slang, celebrities, important historical events, etc?

I lean towards second. My mom, sister and niece play games on mobile devices regularly, but I don't consider them gamers.

9 years ago

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have more KappaPride ^^

9 years ago

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Don't know, I'm a proud lone gamer u.u

ps: probably male gamers are way more common in my country, and most of them know quite only FIFA.

9 years ago

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As always, you can't tell if there are more male or female gamers unless you actually define gamers. There are several ways to do so, including:

  • consider "gamer" anyone who ever touched a game, even just a facebook game or a trivia game. This is what usually people who do these researches do. That's why they come up with ludicrous percentages, while our personal experience dictates that World of Warcraft/Call of Duty (insert any MMO/FPS title) is mostly a sausage fest.
  • consider "gamer" anyone who defines himself a gamer. That would be probably a fair method, unless people would define themselves gamers because it's "cool" (10 years ago it was actually the opposite).
  • consider gamer anyone who plays "serious business" titles on "serious" hardware. That again opens a can of worms, as a console owner would consider a PS4/XB1 the ultimate gamer machine, a PC purist will consider a next-gen console as a toddler's toy.
  • stop doing pointless researches. I mean, you don't do statistics on fishermen by packing those who work on a ship for a living and those who go fishing once a year on vacation in the same group, and say "hey, even if you think otherwise, 50% of fishermen are qualified lawyers".
9 years ago

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"That's why they come up with ludicrous percentages, while our personal experience dictates that World of Warcraft/Call of Duty (insert any MMO/FPS title) is mostly a sausage fest."
You can't extrapolate online gaming on entire gaming. What about people like me, who play mostly (or only) singleplayer?
The opposite of "any MMO/FPS title" is not necessarily "facebook game or a trivia game" :P Theoretically those "ludicrous percentages" could be still right if most of female gamers played only singleplayer games.

9 years ago

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Hmmm... I didn't consider single player games here. Ok, you have a point... >.<

But we concur that most common/famous online games have an overwhelmingly male population!

9 years ago

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Yes, it's probably true (although I had friends who have hidden their gender while playing online, so there is possibility that actual number of female gamers in multiplayer games is bit higher... I even had one friend who was not believed when she told party members that she's a woman). I do not play anything multiplayer, so I'll just believe you in that matter.
Anyways, if we want general statistics, singleplayer gaming must be taken into consideration. So we can't just base it on personal experience.
In theory it would be possible that the ratio would be opposite to this of online gaming and you'd get 50-50 percentage in general population. I'm not saying that's the case, 'cause I do not have data. I'm just trying to point out that just because some gamers are less visible than others doesn't mean that they do not exist.
Sometimes people claim there are no female gamers, but that just means "there are no female gamers I know of".

9 years ago

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You have 5 unactivated games :

Adventures of Shuggy
Dungeons - The Dark Lord
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3
Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Editio
Galactic Arms Race

You must activate every game you win on the Steam account linked to SG.

9 years ago*

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Did you just randomly check this?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I know how to I'm wondering why. Do people check the original poster of all threads or something?

9 years ago

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good catch

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Gamer girls is myth..

9 years ago

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Ah hello statistic nerds.

I once dated a girl who played WoW and turned out to be really bad in bed.
So I set out to see if the hypothesis 'all WoW-playing-girls are bad in bed' istrue.

According to my current sample size(p=2), the hypothesis is true.
Actually I need 2 more volunteers for a 95% confidence level at interval 50.
Volunteers are welcome.

Fror now, just to be sure: Don't date a girl who plays WoW.

protip: date Iranian girls.

9 years ago

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lol post of the day



people, you heard it here first so please dont try to steal my POTD™ because i already claimed it.

©Turtlesaur 2015 POTD™

9 years ago

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I don't really care what statistics are.
I'd refrain for saying one way or another, 'cause simply we can't really know. I know more female gamers than male, but my statistic sample is really small and is biased because I spent more time with women. The other thing is that I don't ask everyone I know if they play games, I usually find out by accident. There are probably plenty of people who play games (I intentionally don't use word gamer now), but I know nothing about it, let alone know their preferences and gaming habits. For example, I was really shocked when I found out that my 15-year old sister and her friends (female friends) spend free time playing CoD and other shooters. She watches a lot of other games on youtube (she loves The Forest for example), but her stupid parents won't buy her new pc (with the current one she can play flash games at most :<). The twist is that she is a person who I'd never expect to have any interest in games (let alone games like e.g. Outlast) - she is sociable, in the way that usually annoys me, you know, instagram, facebook, being "in love" with members of some boysbands.
Another thing is that there is no firm definition of gamer.

9 years ago*

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I don't think there's a single country in the entire world where the gamer population is predominantly female. It's just not possible. Video games are more beloved by men. It's just a fact of life.

9 years ago

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i've lately decided that everyone here on SG is a lady (not a girl mind you). so, my country is 1% of the users here... and i have not idea how many people play games where i'm from.

9 years ago

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Female in game world???? They do not exist !!!
Jokes aside , when i was playing wow out of 30 people raiding there was only 5 girls. Well in mine guild at least :)

9 years ago

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My new female coworker knows a surprising amount of games and played most of them. Plus, she is hot, single and isn't dumb. I'm not sure how to react in a situation like this.

9 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Kryzee.