
4 years ago*

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not sure if that is a good decision as most people that dont have many games just try to win some more games and not do giveaways all that often. Of course I am only talking in general and there are exceptions. People that already have a lot of games will most likely also giveaway more cause they dont really need/want many games anymore. But good luck with your group anyway

4 years ago

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From what i can see, it is the exact opposite. People who have thousands of games still enter a thousand giveaways because they are aiming for +1.

4 years ago

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i just ran around the forums real quick checking peoples gives vrs games owned and i saw a direct correlation between games owned and gives made. just looking at the five people posted here is great example. as far as i can tell the more games you have the more you give and its probably because of bundles, every time i buy a bundle i keep what i want and give what i dont.

so it seems to me like its a really bad group theme if this person is interested in making an active give community.

4 years ago

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Yeah, you might be right.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I wish steamgifts its self had a cap on how many games you could own

Seriously? How is it of any concern to you how many games anybody owns?

4 years ago

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I don't understand either.
Steamgifts is not about giving games to people who can't afford them/don't want to spend money on them, it's about just giving them away, to anyone.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Excuse me?
I never said anything about your group.
I just think it would be dumb to add a cap on how many games you can own on steamgifts. #FreeWillSmith

4 years ago

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^^ yeah, this.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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If that were true (it definitely isn't), we'd all have to make level 0 public giveaways.

4 years ago

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Alright, you got a point there. That wasn't a well thought-out argument.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I wish steamgifts its self had a cap on how many games you could own

Please. Read what you have wrote. Then eeev answer again.

4 years ago

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"I wish steamgifts its self had a cap on how many games you could own"

get bent

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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freedom hater

im mean really
"I wish steamgifts its self had a cap on how many games you could own"

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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at what number of games owned will you stop entering giveaways?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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when it gets a decent community size

How big is "a decent size"? Does this mean you won't do group giveaways if it never gets close to your benchmark?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I'm assuming you wouldn't mind winning from people with bigger libraries though?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The point being, by creating all your giveaways for this group, you're essentially blacklisting everyone who has more than 500 games, but can still enter their giveaways unlike you can with the actual blacklist feature. Weird concept, especially the part where it's your concern how many games the winners of your giveaways have.

4 years ago

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How is that different from any other group, whitelist, or levelled giveaways?

He (or you, or I, or anyone) could simply whitelist those with fewer than 500 games, and that would be perfectly acceptable. He could also use SGTools to make invite-only giveaways for those with fewer than 500 games. Again, perfectly acceptable. You use particular methods to allow/disallow particular groups of people to enter your giveaways, and he is doing the same.

To be honest, I'm not seeing the issue with his requirements, and IMHO they're more fitting than others I've seen.

4 years ago

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All that is true and there are indeed even groups for people who own above a certain amount of games. What put me off is the 'stop posting all my giveaways public and they would only be for group members' part, while still being perfectly ok with entering and winning non exclusive GAs. I generally don't like the idea of only doing giveaways for a certain group of people while winning from all types of giveaways.

4 years ago

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I generally don't like the idea of only doing giveaways for a certain group of people while winning from all types of giveaways.

I agree whole-heartedly (I am myself fond of blacklisting those who make only group giveaways), but with all the people on this site who only make group/whitelist giveaways (and make up whatever reason they want for doing so) and spam entries in public giveaways, it just seems odd to pick this guy out of a crowd of thousands, particularly given that his intentions seem to go beyond "winning more games."

4 years ago

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I guess most of those thousands don't make a discussion where people can argue about it so we can't pick them out as easily.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Maybe, if I spend the time to filter through their giveaways and winnings. But most don't just say in the comments they will make all their giveaways exclusive but still win public ones. Oh well, I agree this thread is a bit more aggressive towards OP than it should have been. He can do what he wants with the games he gives away, and so can anyone else who chooses not to include him.

4 years ago

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But most don't just say in the comments they will make all their giveaways exclusive

OP said "most of" (which is still better than a lot of people, sadly).

He can do what he wants with the games he gives away, and so can everyone else who chooses not to include him.

Again, I agree 100%.

4 years ago

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well wondering about all those people like me which bought shit ton of 1$ bundles in the past and now 50%> of thier inv is like super cheap bad games, are we allowed in? maybe a better test is how much high value games you have and not just total games?
anyway good luck

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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finally, my selective and picky nature came useful! I am in!

4 years ago

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i would like to join if you dont mind.i own 235 games on steam.
Request sent

4 years ago

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Sent in a request for the sheer hell of it because I'm sure I qualify.

Too bad your original GA was locked because of this though. That should have come with the forethought of restricting the GA to that group instead of wasting time policing and blacklisting those who don't qualify and announcing about it.

*IMO there is not a shred of difference between those who have under 500 games, and those with more. The odds are really about how many people join the GA, and GAs can be more or less restricted depending on the parameters set for them to limit key pools. But generally, the bias of the quantity of games does not factor in. You have to have at least a $100+ valued account just to get in here in the first place, so it is already by nature more exclusive even for those with less than 500 games and even most of them get left out.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Dude, I'm already one of those people who barely pays a cent for my games and have never put a cent in my Steam wallet - leaving my account grandfathered in a time with benefits that newer accounts can't have. Especially those exclusive badges, which you'd need for certain Steam benefits. SG is secondary in this respect. All that matters for getting here in SG is essentially having a $100+ valued account. SG doesn't track how much you spent, so my actual purchases are irrelevant. I've been here for a while and it took me a while to get here, so I know a thing or two.

Your GA was likely shut down because at some point you set up rules which can't really be enforceable for SG to hold any liability, among whatever else they deemed didn't satisfy how the GAs work. So, setting up a group restricted GA is really a better way to go without having to complain about blacklisting people (and its limitations). After that, there's not much of a debate. I don't think anyone was really upset about the terms you set in itself, but your GA you had was misleading in the beginning because it was an open GA listed on SG that anyone could technically get in before one even gets to click the GA page and blindly enter it (and when you blacklist people like that for not following your rules, the powers that be on SG may hear complaints about that). Your GA didn't actually work the way you wanted it set up. The only way to really put such restrictions is to make it a group GA, and that among the level restricted GAs is what SG allows and streamlines for its members.

Again, as I said, it's fine to have a group-based GA with those parameters, but essentially, the whole rationale of your restrictions is irrelevant to the way GAs work here anyway. No one has any advantage/disadvantage with winning a GA unless the creator changes the winner, or the winner doesn't take the win. Wins in GA are by nature based on the number of people who enter, and that can be further restricted in a number of ways like those GAs you mentioned. It's basically a glorified raffle, but everyone only puts in one ticket at a time for each GA. By saying that it's "unfair" people who have less games than others who have more, it actually isn't the case here at all.

4 years ago

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Requested to join. This looks like a cool idea! Thanks! (I have 265 games btw)

4 years ago

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I would like to join. Request sent

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Requested to join, with my 389 games. Although I can't help but wonder if actually playing games can help give future flexibility to this (eg: if you have 100 completed games, then you can own under 600 games)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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And it's your right and everything but for the sake of argument, what makes you think that people who have more than 500 games in their library "abuse this site" that you've just joined int?
There are people who have been buying bundles for years and do not trade so yes they would have a large library, which has nothing to do with this site.
There are also people who have been members here for years before you joined, and have won hundreds of giveaways and have made hundred of giveaways. How are they abusing the site?
You have been here a month and you already won 7 games. Times 12 that's 84 games in a year. In three years that's over 250 games already. You already own 258 games on Steam so in 3 years, you will belong to the abusers, and that's only if you don't ever buy another game in the meantime. Isn't that a little silly when you put it that way?

I believe what people object to are your conclusions, not your group.

Anyway good luck with the group and with the people who join it.

4 years ago*

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if he spent less money on pot he would have just as many games as the rest of us. this whole group idea is born from salt. he is just a bent basement dweller who is salty we have more games then him. like you said he has only been on this site for a month and judging from his library and give's this dude doesnt even know what humble bundle is.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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so you activly block people with a bunch of games even though you know that they have all those games because they donate to charities.
trust me your not fooling any1, your group is born of salt.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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your as transparent as as the glass im swigging mead from

4 years ago

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oh and to be clear. i had no problem with your group untill you said the words
"I wish steamgifts its self had a cap on how many games you could own"
that when your true colors shown

4 years ago

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would you please get on my pretzel.

"I wish steamgifts its self had a cap on how many games you could own"

fuck you and your little dog too

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Oh there is a leech problem on the site for sure. I don't make a lot of low level public GAs anymore because I grew tired of people winning, not even saying thanks. Just like we're game vending machines or something.
But it doesn't necessarily reflect on steam libraries. Most people on my WL have made more GAs than they won, some even more than they entered, and a lot of them have huge Steam libraries. And play their games.
I only had about the same amount of games you have now when I joined SG 3 years ago. I started getting more bundles once I was on SG because it felt silly before to buy a bundle and have keys left untouched and now I know they'll find a good home. I also get more freebies because people spread the word. So between that and my wins here, I have about 1K games in my library now.
I am playing maybe 8 games a month on average so yeah a lot of them are still untouched but they'll get played eventually and I don't enter as much as I used to.

Anyway just to say mileage varies and I get your point. If you don't want to make your own group, you can also check out groups like Unlucky 7 which allows people who haven't had 8 wins on SG to enter GAs with better odds (you can join as a gifter) or Playing Appreciated and Playing Matters, which have check systems to make sure people play their wins.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Good luck with your group. I tried to be gifter in unlucky-7 but it ended in disappointment - hope you will have better experience with your group
Also reminder, since I just discovered why I have new message icon but no message to read - and that means that you have deleted your public giveaway. Please remember that you lost one GA slot for every deleted GA.
You start with 3 lots and then gain one new slot for each 3 created and finished GAs. Too much giveaways deleted like this and you won't be able to create new.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by IronLungOutlaw.