11 years ago*

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If you have friends, the original is fun. Don't have the second myself to talk about that one though.

11 years ago

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It's seems weird to me to take a game so focused on the subtle yet important skills of a sniper and add in zombies, but to each their own, I guess.

11 years ago

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I always feel bad about trashing this game since I won it here, but... it sucks. Basically what Quietus said. Bolt action (mainly) sniping does not mix with hordes of head bobbing and charging zombies. Online forums suggest relying on your SMG but you hold far less ammo for that and after all, it is called SNIPER Elite. That said, perhaps it is better with friends like Delta said.

11 years ago

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Been playing NZA 2 with friends a lot this weekend. Good for shits & giggles. I don't expect playing solo to be any good though. Big part of the fun comes from competing for long-distance shots in the slow parts, and covering eachother's backs when things get hectic.

That said: The games do focus on accuracy, as headshots are the only reliable way to make sure zombies go down quickly and permanently. I found that learning the sniper mechanics and practicing the use of the rifles helped with that.

11 years ago

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Well, I attempted NZA after finishing V2 so I knew a fair amount of the mechanics. I won't claim to be a pro FPS player but my aim isn't horrendous, but I got pretty frustrating missing most of the headshots when their heads would bob out of the way.

11 years ago

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And there in lies my key problem with this game; real marksmen rarely, if ever, aim for there head, unless the is no other option, and I'm saying that as someone who actually does practice sniping at firing ranges. At some of the more extreme distances, your scope can barely even make out the target, so aiming for center mass is the only reliable option to ensure a kill shot using the common 7.62 NATO round. Hit center mass on a zombie and all you do is waste ammo.

11 years ago

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yeah i bought it on sale the atmosphere alone plus the game looks great but the sniping element of the game with was its big draw in the first place just doesnt feel right with a screen full of zombies

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Voidolt.