After going through a recent event where someone very close to me was feeling depressed and suicidal, thought I'd make some GA's to get a point across. If you are feeling this way, there is help, and people out there want to help. You're not alone and you are cared about. If you are not of this state of mind, realize that you could be the difference between them getting help, or doing the unthinkable. You will most likely never know how, who, or how many you helped, but that should make no difference. It just matters that you were there. Go and be the best you that you can be. If anyone out there needs someone, i accept all steam friend requests and will reply as soon as i see your message.

Try and keep the thread alive for a while so that more can see it. May i suggest pictures of cats? Anything really.

I'm going to attempt to update this thread once again once a week, between Friday and Sundays.
Link to last page

Change log;

EDIT: If you choose to bump with a GA, especially a higher level, and wish for it to be featured on the active GA portion, I suggest a week or longer running length. It can sometimes be a number of days before I can edit this to add new GA's. It's also super helpful if it's in

`[Your Name Here](Profile URL)` | `[Your GA Here](Link to GA here)` | Date Ending

formatI'm switching to a table format. Not required, but it would let me update the main post more, as it currently takes a while, which means less updates.

EDIT: Total number of GA's added to thread as of last update- 1687+
Note that this is likely much higher. From pages 54-94, I assume all trains to contain only 3 games, while they are likely much higher in number.
GA log of past record

I'm no longer going to keep a detailed log of past GA's. It was simply too much work.

The following, continuously updated, users are the real VIP's of this thread. They have contributed to the development of this ever growing thread, either through exceptional giveaways, an exceptional amount of giveaways, or relentlessly bumping the topic, even when it is/was in a period of disarray, and I wanted to thank them for it, not to cheapen anybody else that has contributed, but to celebrate them for it. Treat them kindly.



This thread has reached it's limit and has been moved to a reboot

9 years ago*

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It's a hard thing depression, and something like this thread, these giveaways, these kind words, can go a long way. Good on all who did so.

It's not much of a giveaway, but hopefully it helps put a few more eyes on this thread's thought and desire to help.

9 years ago

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Bumping with a white list giveaway:
Not on my whitelist? Here's your chance! Post a link to something that cheers you up; a cat picture, a story, really anything that makes you happy, and I'll add you as soon as possible. It runs until 5:00 PM US Eastern time on Friday, so I should be able to get back to you in time!

9 years ago

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Cat is sure nice to rub !!! \o/

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wooot ! Thank you so much !!


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9 years ago

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I don't require the whitelisting but I just gotta post post post
Rest in peace, Hero

9 years ago

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Whitelisted anyway!

9 years ago

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What cheers me up? A shot of Michael Scott :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The most motivating picture on the internet ;)

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm even whitelisting you for that

9 years ago

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Those goats... Keep doing the push-ups!

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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videos like this one make my day :D

9 years ago

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A cat picture? A story? Something that makes me happy? I have all three in just one link!
The Adventures of Business Cat

9 years ago

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Feels good

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9 years ago

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Who don't like small, cuddly animals? :D

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That cat cheers me up. But to be honest, no. I'm not a good person, so nothing can cheer me up.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm already on your whitelist, but if this cat gif can help cheer someone up, then I am happy (My cat, Velvet)

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9 years ago

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I don't think I'm worth for your white list
But if this could help someone become happy
Why not?
Also this is maybe not "the normal kind" of cat
But still cute xD

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9 years ago

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I just love cats (and cat gifs) so much.

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9 years ago

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D'awwwwww. Whitelisted, along with everyone above but I'm too lazy to post every time.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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When I feel down I usually listen to the Pokémon Theme song that played back then on TV, everytime I heard that music as a kid I would run towards the TV and just sit there watching Pokémon
Here's the link, you won't understand much other than the rythm, since it's in portuguese, but the lyrics translate the same way from the English version :) (Portuguese version (2nd version)) (English version)

Fun Fact: The Portuguese season 1 has 2 different theme songs, the first is sang by the guy who voices Timon in Lion King, and the second is sang by the guy who voices Goku.

9 years ago

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Party like it's 1999!

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bump. <3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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B U M P !

9 years ago

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A Titan Souls for the thread.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bumping this because it needs attention.

9 years ago

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Thank you all and this is a little bump.

Tomorrow holds such better days!

9 years ago

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Bump with a song with name with the thread
And another song with same artist

Hope you guys have wonderful days from now on :)

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9 years ago

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First: No GA in this post. I don't have anything worthy of this thread so if you're after some sweet games feel free to stop reading here.

This is an important thread, so if nothing else at least this post will bump it. This is probably the first and last of my posts that's entirely serious, and also the longest.
I came home from my appointment with my psychiatrist less than hour ago so if there's a time to share it's now.
I actually never told anyone outside of my family and the doctors this much, not even people I'd like to consider as my friends. Maybe especially them, because I like them and wouldn't want anything to change between us. But hey, y'all are strangers to me and a single person finds anything that might help them in this then it's a success.
Anyway, the most important part happened sometimes between ages 18 and 19.(I'll be 27 this month) Until then I always thought about depression in terms of "being depressed about x" or "being depressed because x". I did go through several of these depressions, hell every teenager does I guess. Few years earlier I switched highschool because I was really unhappy in the old one (economics focused) and basically didn't have a single person there I'd consider a friend. The new school was focused on economics and IT, me being in the more IT related class. That probably helped because suddenly I was in a class full of people with the same interests. Anywaay, by the second year I was in a situation where I'd not hesitate to call every single classmate my friend. I had a great and supportive family. For the first time in my life a girl has shown interest in me. Now we're getting to the previously mentioned age 18-19. Much later I learned that it's very often this age when an mental illness might manifest. Well, that's exactly what happened to me. I fell into a depression of the kind I never thought about, the one that had no cause known to me. Lot of events from those years are a blur to me so hopefully this will make sense. I got myself kicked out of the school, I haven't talked to a single one of my friends since then and actively evaded any communication attempts. Through all this my family was very supportive, but I refused any offer of help. That was the time I started thinking about suicide in serious terms for the first time. I held out quite a long because I didn't want to cause my family any pain but in time convinced myself that any short term pain I might cause them will be offset by the long term relieve of the burden I'd be to them. This might sound strange, but the last time I felt genuinely good was during the pre-suicide euphoria that kicked in the moment I decided I'd do it, and how I'd do it. Like all the weight of the world fell off my chest, because soon it would finally be over. Well, the very night when I planned to slip out of the house and finish it, it was like 3 a.m. or so and I was trying to type this sorta last letter thingie to my family but kept erasing it and starting over. Anyway my mom woke up and came to my room and asked like many times before about how I feel and that moment I decided that I might as well tell her because if it goes badly they won't be able to stop me from killing myself later. So I finally accepted help, went to a psychiatrist ASAP, got put on antidepressants which really helped me. By that I really mean that I haven't seriously considered suicide since then and started to feel somewhat less bad, but I'm afraid the depression and the whole other part of my problems (abnormal thought patterns/processes) are with me to the very end. So well, I managed that and kept on truckin', now going for 7-8 years. The point is, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And that's both in a sense that there's someone that cares about you and would be hurt if you went through it, and in the sense that there are other people like you. You will probably feel your situation is unique and nobody would understand. I did, too. What sort of helps me to cope is the knowledge that one day I'll inevitably die and as the brain activity ceases for good, I'll be gone and with me all the memories of suffering or the depressions and other stuff. So I keep going because in the end it won't matter, and I still keep a small hope that one day I'll wake up and be like before. Chance is microscopic, but human brain is a weird machine and stranger stuff happened.

Okay, now I struggle with a very strong impulse to delete this whole thing because I'm afraid it will be seen like fishing for sympathies or pity. I assure you it's neither, and I don't need any of those. If I keep posting here (and I really like this community from the short time I'm active here) and you happened to read this whole thing I'd be glad if you sorta disregarded any of this and treated me like you would anyone else, so like don't even think about policing your words around me if you would be so inclined because I won't be offended. By anything, really.

Thanks DesertMouse for this important thread, and I wish all you others that you can get help if you're depressed. If you're not then take a moment to appreciate the stuff you have that you take for granted. I didn't even think of the possibility of any of this happening to me, and welp, here I am.

my apologies for this unsightly wall of text

tl;dr: you are not alone

9 years ago

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Thank you!
7-8 years is a long time.
don't delete it. people need other stories to help them...

9 years ago

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That's a rather long and honest way to bump a topic, others usually just write a "bump" :)
Nowadays I feel quite well, but still, the last 1 and upcoming 1 year won't be easy nor nice. "had" to go a university where while the classes are intresting, they are brand new - people already knowing eachother but I'm without friends (and who wants a friend IRL who's into boardgames, computer games, tactics, news and gimmicks of the gaming world and industry) and I'm still having serious troubles with the university - long essays about issues they don't teach and I don't know, alibi-classes where the teacher can't teach, and let's everyone cheat through the tests (I panick if I feel I don't know enough about the topic,) I couldn't even gather enough courage to attend these unsolvable wihthout cheating tests. I feel much more introverted because my friends already finished the university, and I feel studid, left-behing when it comes to the topic. Sadly my base mood, outgoingness and many other things changed about me in the last 2-3 years - while I really enjoy the things I get to know, I have trouble with socialization on my own, not to mention the unfortunate events of failing lessons, therefore not finishing on time. Thank god I don't feel suicidal, but I honestly do not feel happy about the next semesters :\

9 years ago

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I understand that. Getting into a school collective where people already know each other, without the benefit of everyone starting fresh, used to be one of my nightmares even when I was a kinda social person.
Hold on, man.


9 years ago

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that's very honest and in its own way, cool. you have to be pretty brave to share something like that, something i can't do.

9 years ago

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That word you're used to read.

9 years ago

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I already felt depressive and suicidal. Jovem Nerd and Felipe Neto saved my life. :p

9 years ago

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Gentle BUMP.

I heard there are some active GAs between recent comments ;)

9 years ago

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Bump. :)

9 years ago

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bump :-)

9 years ago

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Bumping :) Im glad to see this thread is still alive

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's a bump. Yes.

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9 years ago

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Bumpity bump.

9 years ago

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Had same problem for a while when I was younger cause of life monotony and I felt helpless to change it. Bump

9 years ago

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Sometimes, it can be hard for a person to distinguish between suffering from depression and just being in a depressing situation. Or it can even be both (the latter exacerbating the former). I think that's the way it was for me. When you're not happy, and you know you're not happy, and you feel powerless to change the situation that makes you unhappy, it becomes kind of a mental feedback loop. And it becomes critical to break that loop, however you can.

9 years ago

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Depression is that vicious enemy that makes you think the future is your enemy while it is just trying to hide its true nature, cowering in your past.
Good luck to anyone dealing with it still, and if it is the case and you are reading this, let me tell you, how futile it might sound, that others might help. Really.

9 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by DesertMouse1.