After going through a recent event where someone very close to me was feeling depressed and suicidal, thought I'd make some GA's to get a point across. If you are feeling this way, there is help, and people out there want to help. You're not alone and you are cared about. If you are not of this state of mind, realize that you could be the difference between them getting help, or doing the unthinkable. You will most likely never know how, who, or how many you helped, but that should make no difference. It just matters that you were there. Go and be the best you that you can be. If anyone out there needs someone, i accept all steam friend requests and will reply as soon as i see your message.

Try and keep the thread alive for a while so that more can see it. May i suggest pictures of cats? Anything really.

I'm going to attempt to update this thread once again once a week, between Friday and Sundays.
Link to last page

Change log;

EDIT: If you choose to bump with a GA, especially a higher level, and wish for it to be featured on the active GA portion, I suggest a week or longer running length. It can sometimes be a number of days before I can edit this to add new GA's. It's also super helpful if it's in

`[Your Name Here](Profile URL)` | `[Your GA Here](Link to GA here)` | Date Ending

formatI'm switching to a table format. Not required, but it would let me update the main post more, as it currently takes a while, which means less updates.

EDIT: Total number of GA's added to thread as of last update- 1687+
Note that this is likely much higher. From pages 54-94, I assume all trains to contain only 3 games, while they are likely much higher in number.
GA log of past record

I'm no longer going to keep a detailed log of past GA's. It was simply too much work.

The following, continuously updated, users are the real VIP's of this thread. They have contributed to the development of this ever growing thread, either through exceptional giveaways, an exceptional amount of giveaways, or relentlessly bumping the topic, even when it is/was in a period of disarray, and I wanted to thank them for it, not to cheapen anybody else that has contributed, but to celebrate them for it. Treat them kindly.



This thread has reached it's limit and has been moved to a reboot

9 years ago*

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Back to the top with you

9 years ago

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Bumping again! No new giveaways this time though, sorry.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bump bump bump

9 years ago

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BUMP! I need to stop buying bundles.

9 years ago

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My first giveaway for this great thread. Enjoy!

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9 years ago

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This thread and the sentiment behind it is beautiful.

Here's a small contribution to keep it alive. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thanks so much u kind hearted Man :) me too i had a phase of my life while i was depressive but finally i made it through, thanks to a friend just as kind as u r :) Thank YOU

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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OsakaMilkBar´s giveaway ended.Thanks!

9 years ago

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Bump. Thanks. :)

9 years ago

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Bump :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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:) Aww, it's a wonderful idea and a great theme. Bump and some Giveaway for all.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That is why i like this community.. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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bump x2
^^ You wrote a very charming description of the giveaway inside (thanks for this).

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9 years ago

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Why have you done this Annie, I wanna know (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Don't mind me, I'm just bumping the thread :D But seriously, why? ; _ ;

9 years ago

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Do you read the manga of Attack on Titan?
There is a small reference about this (but the mystery is still not completely disclosed). ^^

9 years ago

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Well I don't even want to know how many bad things can happen when they will try to retake wall Maria (esp with my favourite titan shifters lurking at Eren and rest of the squad). So yeah, you can say that I'm reading manga xD

Besides you can say that Annie is a real gem :D

9 years ago

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х) Wow, I even didn't expect this answer. Well, if you want to discuss some 'spoilers', with pleasure. :З

About Annie, yep, the Crystal Gem (hehe). This is my second favorite female character ^^ (of course, after Zoe).

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9 years ago

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Zoe is this one character that you think is reckless, mad scientist who acts kinda cute around Eren but in fact she's total badass (well she woudn't become commander of survey corps if she woudn't be the best :D). I'm waiting (around one year : < ) on any new info about Ymir tho. I want to know why this titan one time called her "Ymir-sama"

I wanted to get every achievment in KOTOR 2 (hue hue) so I was willing to force myself to play for the first time as 100% DS sith. But they added new, so I will have to play at least one time as LS to get them all - which is something good after this DS trauma for me xD. And overall it's really nice, Asphyr asked fans for new achievments ideas and they picked up 20. They will unlock them with new patch

Also I don't know if there is another reference, but oh well. I will just leave random image under my post :P

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9 years ago

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Oh, right, I almost forgot about that. Despite the fact that I watched it several times. I was very pleasantly surprised and touched that part with 'reasonable' Titan and the name Ymir (the lost girl scout was actually looks like our Ymir, even with the same freckles). By the way, a curious fact that in Norse mythology was a giant who called Ymir and from which the world was created(!). Maybe is a reference to this? Or as options, it can be the name of the first Titan 'King/Queen' or it really indeed to our Ymir (what if she's someone more than they/she think) (especially if you remember her special relationship to Historia Christa). Anyway, it's really very interesting. I hope that they continue this idea and will not lose among the other stories. :)

About Zoe, I love her not as a madness (although it is charming for me), :D but namely, the ambiguity and versatility of this character (same reason I love Annie and other similar characters).

I like the achievement in the re-release of Fable. :З There the player is given the choice of which way they can be granted the achievement. Something like: Reach maximum points in your Side of power. So on my taste it's the horrible achievements, which will make you do a certain style (like for example in Dishonored or KotOR). This somewhat limits the freedom of choice and passage (when you want to do exactly this choice, and not some other .. it's problematic if you're a hunter achievements). x)

And yes, this is the right reference (hehe).

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9 years ago

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Well stuff with Ymir is even more interesting when Christa is literally queen of all mankind (well at least inside the walls we know, maybe there are other enclaves with humans inside walls as well? :D) and I think it was confirmed that it's cannon that they both have feelings for eatch other. Plus there is this gorilla shifter who can easily beat up armoured titan... things will be interesting in near future :D

At some point I wanted to play as dark jedi in KOTOR 1. I managed to kill my disobedient crew, pursue Bastila and so on... but I wasn't able to kill this jedi master that attempts to stop you right before you want to fly away to destroy Republic... I turned LS in the end and save it, I don't have really strong will xD

And there is new season of Steven Universe! I want to know more about gems history plus dorky Peridot is cute :D

9 years ago*

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Now me too much interested in this story with Ymir, now when you reminded me of her. x) Do you read manga in English or wait for native translation?

In my fight of Side, for me the hardest was the "betrayal" of Kreia, it was something like: "no, Kreia, for what, why are you telling me all these words, nooooo". (hehe)

About the new season of Steven Universe, thanks, this is great news! ^^ I'm still humming some of the songs from this. :З

9 years ago

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In english, I think it's better than read japanese => english => polish one. One additional translation adds up more mistakes to it

I always like to defeat Sion and Kreia on LS, showing them right patch and so on. Telling Sion "Just Die muahaha, I'm stronger, she choosed me" will be big-no for me xD Same with treating my crew badly. But well, I won't get achievments in any other way

I think that they released just 1 or 2 ep so far. And my favourite song is Stronger than you by Garnet :D (And ep when Ruby and Sapphire were arguing was great. It showed that this always confident and strong gem has constant fight inside her :D)

9 years ago

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My apologies for the long answer and thanks for this talk. :)

Yep, it was a gorgeous song. ^^ And I found the story of Ruby/Sapphire very, hmm, touching (in some sense). Also like these thwo, on my taste.

8 years ago

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Yeah, it shows really well how much Pearl cared for Rose :D And it's interesting that on Gems homeworld eatch gem type has got special purpose. Just like castes in some societies.

I read latest chapter of SnK. I don't think that we will see Ymir any time soon.

What's the best reason to fuse?

8 years ago*

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By the way, in KotOR 2 added achievements!? How did I missed it. D: Please don't tell me that I haven't noticed it early.
This is great news.

9 years ago

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Last time I answered to my own post >_<

And new KOTOR 2 achievments are up and running :D Didn't play it though.

8 years ago

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I still don't find time to read new chapters of "Attack of Titan". T_T Sorry. OK, I'll do it now ..
It was funny when Armin found cup with coffee .. and was somewhat surprised what is that. Something tells me that in the future he will be replacement for the captain Erwin.
Can't believe how Reiner and Berthold were friends for other, all this time. Too cruel. Meanwhile, Levi pierced Reiner's neck, how ... I understand "regenerating talent and all that", but still.
Heh, it was too short chapter.
P.S. Thanks for the news about KotOR 2. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, Armin is smart one :D But this huge gorilla titan is smart as well and can "command" dozens of titans shifters... that will be tough fight.

Well I was more suprised that he didn't chop out his head completely.... and this wound had to be really serious that Reiner had to shift into titan form to regenerate himself. That'd be interesting if they'd find Eren basement during fight and find out way of giving him more strenght or decreasing strenght of other titans

8 years ago

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Oh, I dread that these titans, under the leadership of gorilla (I want to call him "Darwin", for his ability and appearance, hehe) also from among the peace inhabitants (as Connie's mother).
Yes, I also expected that he will have his head cut off completely. But just remember, how changed the eyes Rainer. Apparently, Levi simply did not have time to do it or Rainer managed to strengthen their spine, like Annie. Besides, it happened in a split second, I was also very surprised about the condition of gravitation of Rainer at that moment (he literally stood on the wall) (but I think this is a mistake of the Illustrator, I can't imagine how he was able to fly off from cover, kill the scout and make a u-turn in the direction of Armin).
Hope that they will not continue to delay the moment with a basement, this becomes a little too slow.

8 years ago

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OMG it's once again me who forgot about reply. I'm so terrible at this ; _ ;

I know that I was thinking about writing here, but it looks like I didn't start to do this. And about Rainer - he's able to make this shell like armour on his body, it don't have to be the same ability as Annies or Eren have

8 years ago

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Don't worry on that case. I have the same 'problem', for one good person I can't collect the answer alredy a few weeks
(to my shame).

Yes, but it's possible that his ability can be disseminated separately on specific parts of the body, such as the cervical spine. At least, in my opinion, this is the only one reason to justify the 'mistake' with his survivability.


8 years ago

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Another thing is that - does all those titan shifters which are with "Darwin" are self-aware? Just like Annie, Eren, Rainer? That'd means that there can be lots of humans out there and outside walls aren't that bad. But we will have to wait at least 2 - 3 chapters to know more. They will show us fighting sequences xD

8 years ago

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Reiner survival had nothing to do with strenghten his neck / spine :D There is one new info about titans abilities :D

8 years ago

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Thank you, that really means something to me :)

Great gif, if I would be younger she would be my animu crush :P But seriously, great character. I only saw anime so far, but I want to read manga. First books will be probably little boring since, from what I saw, they show the very same story as tv series but I don't want to miss anything.

9 years ago

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Yes, she is wonderful. :) Love such complex and ambiguous characters.

About the manga, they really almost completely repeat each other (and it's great, in my opinion). It's good to refresh the memory and easy to continue reading. Further the plot is incredible and will not slow down the number of unexpected plot twists. I hope you will enjoy it (before that, for me, the best manga was 'All You Need Is Kill', but now not so sure). :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ninja BUMP. :)

9 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by DesertMouse1.