Depends on your ticket. Some tickets are ignored if they're not important - e.g. reporting users for trivial matters, or wondering why you lost a level. You provide no information to discuss what your actual situation and problem is, and yet you expect us to blindly help you.
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In technical fairness, some are afk. You're completely correct though, this ticket could've been for a severe bot infestation to a request for chocolate chip cookies or something
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You should try, they might have some secret cookie tech that can teleport it straight to you
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The main reason there has probably been no action is because you haven't gotten permission from ALL of the winners to delete the giveaway. SG don't delete giveways just because you didn't provide working keys, there has to be some accountability.
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I'm trying to say it's important. It's about a GA i won before but it is wrong
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There's still at least three that are active at the moment (compared to maybe 8+ when the team is fully staffed), but it's about time for cg to add new faces to the staff roster again, especially given that I've noticed the free/bundle-lists having had several oversights since October. In the meantime, just make sure you're not replying to your ticket [if the ticket type allows for such] as that resets its position in the queue [back to being treated as a new addition]. Beyond that, not much to do but wait for new staff members.
Do note that tickets are never ignored, it's just that certain categories have higher priority than others. [From what staff has informed us previously] reroll requests will always be addressed early on, followed by other ticket types, and ending with user reports. When active staff members are few, less-prioritized categories will be spotty in being addressed (but will still be addressed, eventually). Even if your ticket is deemed to not meet the requirements for staff taking action, I don't doubt that staff will simply close the ticket rather than let it linger.
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There's also a mod that was last seen 3 years ago, so some replacements I could see. Heck, over half of the super mods are afk
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Well, the inactive supermoderators are the older ones, the ones showing as active (regardless of whether they are or not) are the ones who were more recently promoted to the role. I'd definitely like to see some of the older faces active again, though- Ronix, especially, was always someone I found to be thoroughly respectable. [Note: Edited, initially had forgotten about the promotions.]
And yes: As noted, cg regularly adds to the staff roster, but there's often lengthy delays between when those become necessary and when action is taken. We've had like three waves of additions in the past two years? Well, my sense of time is nonexistent, so you'd have to verify the range, but it's definitely something with strong precedence.
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Necessary = ALWAYS
Action is taken = much too rare :o(
Nope not 3 additions in the last 2 years.
I am over 2 years around and seen ONE addition round of a bunch of support members and a few promotions of "long time" staff members.
Let's say the staff is nearly none existent besides the reroll and sometimes the add games tickets.
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There's still at least three that are active at the moment
I counted 5 that I know of active within the past day or two, then I found two more here, and one super mod that has been active for quite some time...except for recently.
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I specifically meant active in the sense of "handling support matters through tickets and/or the forums", though. So checking activity logs doesn't help, for that. I know Zomby, Khalaq, and Kotor have been active in a support capacity within the past two months. I haven't personally seen anyone else engage in support-related matters within the past two months (or at least, not that I'm able to recall at this point), hence my "at least three [are active, in a manner which includes their functioning in a staff capacity]".
If we're talking active in a broader sense then, yes, I've seen several more commenting on the forums in general engagements, including KillingArts just today. Of course, activity of one sort doesn't necessarily correlate to activity of another sort (nor do I feel staff should be obligated to make that association, given their volunteer status).
Well, it was intended as a contrast against the "[all] mods are afk?" indicated by the OP, so the more you can list that are presently resolving support matters, the more it'd emphasize that point. ^.^
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It's easier to just assume a ticket will take 1 year.
If it was important, well, tough luck I guess. That's just how it is here.
Don't expect anything.
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When the contents around here are not concise.
I feel like the ticket is quietly set aside.
Hard to understand content
Contents that look like cultural differences
Emotional content
Baseless content
I feel that tickets that are likely to be interpreted that way are more likely to sleep.
Either way, if the content is easy to read, the better you understand, the more chances of processing it.
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we talked with support before, i just waiting for proccessing for half a year but they dont even reply when i try to contact 1-2 months ago
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just imply a GA is fake on a GA, you will get banned for a week or so in seconds, even if what you implied was a joke..........
not talking from experience or something
Also not totally salty about a GA that in the ended was fake...
totally.......nothing like that
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I am guessing that GA creator got suspended at last?
Feel sorry for you, but there was always a rule about giving the GA creator a chance no matter how fishy GA looks.
Most new users tend to make a mistake because they rarely read the FAQ and guidelines. Just post them links to FAQ and guidelines politely without mentioning its integrity.
Just mark/tag GA creator and create user report if user fails to send the key within 7 days if you like to.
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a brand new account had nothing to loss, and my comment was about how this was a Give Away type of site, not a "Ask for the game" type.........
so yeah....not salty about that
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With a multi-key giveaway, you need to have permission from all winners in order to delete the giveaway.
You posted on the GA, but not all winners will see that.
You may want to contact each winner directly. (You can try posting on one of their old giveaways; messages sent that way show up as a notification on SG).
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That's because of coronavirus, I'm sure. Just have a little patience, people don't have to risk their lives just to answer your ticket.
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Thanks, at least i got replied. :) Let me give an information your last reply was 6 months ago. If I didn't create a discussion about this i don't think i can get any answer. Thanks for your interest again đ
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I've been waiting since 6 months. My ticket is still waiting for a response. This is really boring
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