Firstly, this giveaway is only for people who will play this game within 30 days. If you do not agree with this, please do not enter. By play, I mean at least 20hrs of playtime into the game (your achievements will need to reflect this), you don't necessarily have to complete it, as I know that would be unreasonable.This is a level 3 giveaway, if you're not at that level, you have about 6 days to change that.

Borderlands 3 Giveaway via SGTools
Not Borderlands 3 Giveaway via Not SGTools

If you were one of the people who couldn't join (and left message in previous thread), and still can't enter please feel free to leave a comment.
For those of you who can't enter (and feel you should be able to, based on rules and your ratio), you can also leave a message.
I am running this giveaway based on considerations of how things ran last time (removed the jigidi, and made rules public), but I think the rules are still roughly the same.

Please try to keep all comments civil, and I'll try not to lose my cool this time.
I can't promise to reply to all comments, so please don't be offended if it looks like I ignored you.

I would have preferred to run this as a whitelist giveaway rather than a SGTools restricted one, but I don't have a very big whitelist, and so that would not have worked very well. If you get randomly whitelisted, yay, you might be in for a surprise later!

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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Thanks once again.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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Bump! Thanks for the chance in an amazing giveaway.

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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I want the game, but I'm not sure I'll be able to play it that much within 30 days, so I won't enter. Here's a bump anyway! And thanks for the awesome giveaway!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Passed but no time to play it, so here's my bump!

4 years ago

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I have friends who are playing this nearly daily. I'm certain I can get 20 hours in a month. Thanks a lot!

4 years ago

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I fell short on Quantity (0.18). XD

4 years ago

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Thanks, here's a bump :)

4 years ago

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Great GA! And honest rules. I mean, great games should be played, right?
I won't be entering as I am very very sure my current computer situation wouldn't allow me to play (seriously, I've been playing Evil Within 2 on my sister's laptop and it's running so slow, It took me 20+ hours to get halfway through the game. The game literally runs in slo-mo) but good luck to everyone entering and thanks for the cool GAs

4 years ago

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Bump, because why not.

View attached image.
4 years ago

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(That was the only gif I use, so just imagine there's something else cute here too.)

4 years ago

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Bump again.
Here's a joke I used to keep telling everyone when I was a kid:

Two lumberjacks were taking a break. One of them said:
-Ah, isn't nature beautiful?
And the other replied:
-What nature? I can't see anything from all these trees!

4 years ago

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Didn't join, because I tried 2 and it wasn't my kind of game. rpgs are fun, but the story here is weak and I don't like not being able to relate to the characters.

anyway Bump

4 years ago

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"Your account must never been VAC banned."

Why this is a req?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Ty (: bump

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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A civil bump

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Thanks and Bump !!!

4 years ago

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Bump for the last hours!

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Mayanaise.