9 years ago

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i always make little pieces of paper with the cheats on it, but never use them, just having them... idk helps me.

9 years ago

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Time to break the chain, I cheated whenever I could ;D

Funny actually how everyone in this forum seems to be a very ethical non-cheater, almost like the 2% has gathered here. Also, cheating doesn't mean to learn nothing and risk everything on one card. I studied for every exam, and what didn't stuck in the end I made a cheat sheet, which in the end I either used or not, depending on how much I already knew, how much the teacher was on a lookout. There were times I didn't need it, no two exams were the same.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No, it's just what I hear around myself, that "2%" is just a figure of speech.

Without further ado, I've spent a year volunteering in other european countries, and when this topic came up, pretty much everyone admitted they cheat if they can/have to. Maybe it was just big speech, but based on what I recall most of them would have gone with the "I only cheat if the teacher is not fair and exams are unnecessarily hard" option.
Either way, this was quite a time ago, don't take it for granted, just my 2 cents :)

9 years ago

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Well there's different scales of cheating. I had a friend pay a guy that looked like him to attend one of his math classes that he knew he'd fail. The guy passed the class but my friend has no math skills. That's pretty extreme compared to having a group member do all the work on a group project so you can slack off or sneak in a math formula for a math test.

9 years ago

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When I was doing one of my mathematical analysis exams, a guy got caught "spying" his neighbor test and the professor said the best thing ever:
«Given the fact that only ~15% of you will pass the exam, that you can at most "spy" from the 2 guys near you, and that you clearly don't know the answer, you'd have really little chances of getting a correct answer.
But well, since there still was a chance that some dumb cheater like you would get a correct answer there are 2 sets of tests, and everyone near you has a slightly different one».

And I'll always remember a guy who tried to cheat (pro-way) on rational mechanics (or whatever is called in english) that got himself in some serious troubles, costed him a year.

9 years ago

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I rarely cheated for myself (I've only recently [I mean last 2-3 years] learnt how to cheat, earlier I probably wouldn't even think about it, but at some point I snapped because of the amount of useless stuff we were forced to learn), but it more often happened that I'd "help" someone else during an exam.

9 years ago

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I usually don't cheat but sometimes I try to take a quick peek at others D:

9 years ago

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I cheated once because the teacher wanted us to memorize 100% of the theory/facts from the whole course. A lot of the stuff was outdated or wasn't being used anymore but we still had to know it for an exam. He also had a far too strict scoring system, awarding anywhere from 0.1 to 1 point per answer.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't cheat because i don't give importance to marks. On my first year in university when i was in informatics engineer i studied and was one of the best in my school during practical works but we had to have positive at the exams in the end of semester. The exams didn't have anything to do with what you learn so i just fail. Was fun because was doing what i wanted, already had one video game and knew how to do websites, but scared since people in average took 7 years to do those 3 i just quitted and changed course. What was the point of studying during years and years the same and couldn't pass the first time unless you go talk in private with teachers or study every single book they recommend although they never talk about that matter during classes? I don't do that so went to another but didn't enjoy the new one because the rules were also the same than before and was a bad course choice. In engineer know girls that passed thanks to blowj... cof...cof... and in some disciplines some guys just passed because they were every week with the teacher in private, and were the only that could pass even while not being the brightest. Is so stupid how everything works in many universities and if people knew how much marks really matter for their future they wouldn't care 20% of what they care when entering in university.

I studied in 5 universities in the last 6 years in countries like Portugal (living all the time with people from psychology so can see where you are going), Poland and Germany and can say without any problem that people cheat a lot to pass and is incredible how teachers let them go. If i cared about marks would be pissed off since i study and others just have everything in smarthphones/papers and share between them during evaluations, having sometimes incredible marks. Also what helps a lot is know people that studied before you with those teachers to have acess to the exams and understand what they care in evaluation. If you are social you won't have a big problem that's for sure.

I still defend there shouldn't be exams in high school because people should go to what they really want. The problem starts in high school where they don't prepare students for what university is. They have this industrial educational system since 300 years ago but they need to change so people can do stuff in high school to see if they really want that course before going to university. In my country is like that although i'm seeing getting better in the last couple of years in this matter, with the creation of many courses in 10th grade.

9 years ago

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Cheating is for the weak people, I learn for test and don't need to cheat at any way

9 years ago

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I don't cheat because I have no reason to cheat. If a person is allowed a page of notes or has a generally decent memory, why cheat when you can remember the stuff? Never plagiarized an essay; never needed to because I can write a perfectly good A-grade essay no problem.

9 years ago

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I only cheat, sometimes, with solo mode of some games :) To stick to the topic: I didn't cheat at school.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Personally, I try not to cheat, but in reality it's really hard not to. I think all people have probably cheated at one point in their lives.
I don't think cheating is cool in anyway, so I wouldn't advertise that to others.
For example, if you think an assignment is not worth the time or you forget to do it, copying someone's assignment is easy and you can often get away with it.

If people try to cheat off of me though, I will probably oblige if they're trustworthy friends. Not worth creating conflict between friends in my opinion.

9 years ago

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I don't cheat because I get the good grades anyway.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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