What was the most defining genre of the 2010s?
I spent too much time looking for movies made in this decade, there are too many great titles! New Blade Runner was fantastic and the visuals were stunning. Paterson showed how to build a stake without any stake. La La Land had one of the most satysfying endings for me. Shutter Island, Departed, Inside Out, Inglorious Basterds. Too many.
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When You look at letterboxd, the best movie of the decade is Parasite. The highest impact had the Marvel-series (moneywise).
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Thanks for the suggestion, the rundown of their methodology is really interesting=) I can see how Parasite topped that chart, though I think it has bloated ratings as the most recent movie, especially as #2 on the overall list is also from 2019, topping the titles that won their own years.
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That's only non-English films that had a US theatrical release.
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You only have to filter their top 250 list by decade:
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Completely agree... Not my favourite either, but they caused a great impact and it almost made people forget about all the awful previous tries of comic adaptations (with still a few decent).
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I have no clue what would be the most defining genre of the 2010s, probably the super-hero sub-genre within action movies.
What I can definitely tell you is what movie had the biggest impact on me and that felt like a breath of fresh air in the industry as a whole at the same time. "Mad Max: Fury Road". Especially as someone with an academic background in film making, that movie is almost perfect in every aspect for me. I've watched it so many times and every time I do I love it more and more. Just watching any of its trailers still gives me goosebumps.
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I enjoyed Mad Max and have seen it several times. But I really disliked the scenes that were sped up. Why was everyone so hyped about it? I understand it was used in the previous movie, but to me that seems like something thats limited by technology.. And just because director wanted to shoot the whole scene in one take doesnt really weigh out sped up scenes that made it look cheap for me..
Aside from that I actually thought it was rather generic action flick and nothing more. But I would genuinely love to hear your opinion on why you think its so great. I mean - I like it, but I suppose I might be missing some point here
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to me, it belongs to that class of movies that's not great, but you'll enjoy watching every time. The kind that you might not choose on-demand, but if you were flicking through channels and saw it was on, would keep watching and thoroughly enjoy yourself.
I've seen it referred to as the perfect 7/10 movie - they're not trying to be great, but for what they are, they're perfect. as opposed to movies that are trying to be great, but fail
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The movies I've enjoyed most, that I can think of at the moment are....
Blade Runner 2049
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Dark Knight Rises
Baby Driver
Ex Machina
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Oh my.. Looking back at movies made in this decade - it seems a long ass time
Just a little glance at some of my favorites :
Conjuring - Being a fan of horror movies I think I would put this up there with my favorite movies from this decade. Started a whole new thing - conjuring series, annabelle movies and other spinoffs (the nun for example). I think it really made an impression on horror movie scene.
Joker - I suppose most everyone loved this one and I dont doubt it will show in "best of decade" list all around the internet. But I genuinely enjoyed the movie
Interstellar - I love space themed movies, and this one takes the cake for me. Beautiful visuals and magnificent story
Alita : Battle Angle - I suppose I could trow this one in here as well. Saw it for the second time several days ago and enjoyed it just as much as first time
Maybe I would switch up something after giving a bit more thought or if I'd remember some great movie I've seen, bu for now I would stick with these
PS. I thinkg horror was most defining genre in this decade. As I mentioned starting with Conjuring, a lot of good horror movies came out that where totally different from horror movies from 2000s where 90% of all of them was the same old stuff - bunch of teens go into woods and they get killed. I think 2010s really grew and changed in the horror genre to the best
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Conjuring hmm yeah, I would not have thought about it, especially as the spinoffs were letdowns for me, but the original indeed was exciting to watch (I still remember the foreshadow and payoff of the clap scene)
The rest are fine choices as well, I would list Interstellar on my top as well. As for Alita, I wish they can scrap enough revenue to make a sequel to it!!
Also I think it is funny that your rundown also fits Cabin in the woods perfectly, which I think was a terrific horror in 2011! In case you missed out on it I would recommend
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hm, thanks for reminding about Cabin in the woods.
I think I saw it in cinema when it came out - I mostly remember the ending scene with everything and everyone. To me it actually was like an ending to an era of those types of horror movies. Conjuring came out in 2013, just a bit after Cabin in the woods, and I cant really recall similar type of horror movie that has come out after that and become huge.. After that for the big name horror movies it was a lot about trying to keep suspense and going more for psychological horror instead of gore
The hereditary, Haunting of hill house, A Quite Place, The Witch, Pet Sematary, Insidious (maybe you could even say that this was the series that started it all as it came out in 2010), The Autopsy of Jane Doe (this one creeps me down to my bones).. And I wanted to name the movie where two girls get kidnapped, dressed as dolls and.. well, leave the rest to imagination. Its a recent movie (a year or two old but I cant remember the name).. Everyone just left the cinema with completely shocked faces, but no one really said they didnt like it..
Who knows maybe I am just concentrating on such movies and somehow have zoned out the "classical" horror movies..
All in all, I hope the new Conjuring movie that comes out next year will be even better and even scarier (and wont fall back to cheap tricks with jump scares but actually keep the atmosphere flowing and keeping everyone on edge)
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I believe you are talking about Ghostland
I think Cabin in the woods is a bit of a cheat, but there are plenty gory horrors still.
Thinking of the Evil Dead remake (which left the comedic tones behind), Don't Breathe (amazing), Neon demon (kinda), Aterrados, The Wailing, Raw, Green Room,.. maybe even some aspects of It and Life..
And lets not sleep on It follows :0
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Oh yea, Incident in Ghostland. Doesnt have very good rating, but the way the movie made me feel threatened was unforgettable.
Hm, Evil Dead - looks like I have it rated on imdb, which means I have seen it, but cant really remember. Dont Breath was cool as well, we anticipated it for some time before it came out and it lived up to our hype when we saw it..
Thanks for suggesting others - I dont think Ive seen other mentioned movies.
As for It Follows - As far as horror goes it was interesting, I liked it. But the whole time we couldnt stop joking about how thats one hell of an STD to catch and bunch of other lame jokes that leveled the scary aspect of the movie
This gave me an idea to create a list of my favorite horror movies on IMDB, because it seems its easy to lose count how many I have seen and to keep up with those that have come out
EDIT : oh damn how could I forget Grave encounters - I loved this movie. shone light back onto the "found footage" genre and bunch of similar movies came out after this. But I still enjoy this the most
As a note - I remembered REC - its not from this decade, but not being American made movie, this might have slipped the radar of regular movie goer. Just remembering the ending gives me chills.
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I use imdb to rate things I've seen together with a chrome addon that shows those scores on actor's and filmmakers' pages, makes it somewhat easier to keep track:P
Saw those in the edit too, I think REC is the best found footage horror there is and while the sequel is lacking it is still alright (the 3rd and 4th however.. I don't even know why I watched those). Grave encounters was flawed, but fun in my opinion (I'm okay with the premise of setting up cameras all over the abandoned building and weird shit happening:D), again the sequel was really not good...
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I didnt even watch 3rd and 4th part of REC. Second one actually made me irritated. The whole concept of sending in a swat team that is comically incompetent and stupid really ruined the movie for me.. Aside from that I suppose it could have been considered an OK movie, but it just annoyed me too much :D
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I agree that horror movies really changed this decade.
Although, looking back, horror movies do have very clearly defined eras, such as the gothic horror of the '30s & '40s, the monster movies of the '50s, the psychological horror from the '60s and 70's, the slasher flicks of the '80s, the meta-horror of the late 90's early 2000s, the new breed of supernatural horrors of the past decade, etc.
I think part of it is that after a while people get bored of the same kind of movies, but I also think part of it is also a few phenomenal directors that become hugely influential, like Wes Craven and James Wan, who individually cause a gigantic shift in the horror landscape, and who everyone else tries to copy.
As a side note, have you ever seen Babadook?
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Good point, all thats left no is see what comes next and to hope quality of horror movies dont go down.
Yes, I have seen it at some point, but sadly cant remember what happened in the movie as they all are starting to blend into each other after several years :D But thanks for reminding about it - might watch it again
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The rest in no specific order:
Guardians of the Galaxy (and some few other MCU movies)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
The Intouchables
The Invisible Guest
Mr. Church
Life of Pi
Star Trek Into Darkness
5 to 7
Django Unchained
Song of the Sea
Begin Again
The Help
The Lunchbox
I'm surprised that SciFi is considered the defining genre by many. Blader Runner was just a successor,so were the Star Wars movies. There wasn't any real innovation in this genre, Interstellar offered at least something. Or did I miss something?
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I think some Marvel movies might considered SciFi as well...
Thanks for the list Golwar, all really strong contenders indeed. I had 3 titles unknown to me (Song of the sea, 5 to 7, Mr Church) but based on your other recommendations matching my taste they just joined my watchlist:)
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You are welcome, those three are "special".
Song of the Sea is for kids, but really really well made and emotional.
5 to 7 is considered bland or unrealistic by some but I adored several dialogues.
Mr. Church is simply a very heart melting tearjerker. Actually perfect for the holidays. ;)
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Well, it looks like Denis Villeneuve totally owned 2010's. Both Blade Runner and Arrival were awesome.
These would be my top two. If we exclude Marvel movies which are a category of their own I guess, then the third place goes to... Perfect Sense.
I guess I'll go with Passengers and Edge of Tomorrow to complete the top 5, but other than that I can hardly think of anything worthwhile (again, putting aside Marvel stuff).
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My favs -
first reformed
black swan
django unchained
killing of a sacred deer
upstream color
under the skin
mad max fury road
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Twin Peaks: The Return (yep)
Only Lovers Left Alive
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
also some of the second best:
The House That Jack Built
The Lobster
Blade Runner 2049
Call Me by Your Name
You Were Never Really Here
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
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True Grit, Don Quixote are awaiting on my watchlist already and now placed Jiro too, thanks!
Your choices are excellent, happy to see Scott Pilgrim remembered as well, especially as it also fits the comic book theme of the decade so well haha (and while source material was strong as well, Edgar Wright in the director's seat is always a delight)
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More than going for the ones I think caused a major impact, I am going for my personal favourites :D (not in order either), with a few words, but not too many because I am lazy :).
The Witch (2015): Amazing Psychological Horror movie with a great atmosphere and without using jump scares. It made me keep trying with this genre, even with all the disappointments it has given me.
Serbuan Maut (and sequel): Asian action movie that practically made the genre reborn. It mixes military action with martial arts in an awesome way. The most enjoyable movie from this decade for me.
John Wick saga: When I was already avoiding every occidental modern action movie, because I couldn't like them, this came out. Just amazing. Even with a pretty simple starting, it became in a great action gem, mixing the oriental style of action movie (camera included) with the occidental budget.
Prisoners (2013): A really breathtaking thriller movie with great performances on every rol. One of my favorite movies from all time :).
Nightcrawler (2014): A movie with a pretty original plot, yet so effective, like it had a manual for it, particularly for the great work of Jake Gyllenhaal.
Like it was mentioned previously, this decade was great for comic adaptations. And even if I am not a big fan, even I enjoyed some of them, particularly:
-Dredd (2012): Brutal action with slow motion... I can't resist that xD.
-X-Men: First Class (2011): I think it is my favorite from that saga. I got a particular liking for the character of Magneto and his relationship with Magneto.
-Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014): My favorite from the Avengers saga (I haven't watched the last one tho). This movie achieved something similar to John Wick for me... I could like the non-cgi action scenes from an occidental movie (not as much as in Mr. Wick tho). Still with a couple of annoying Hollywood cliches xD.
Late 2000's and the beginning of the 2010's was great for korean thrillers too, and I am a big fan of them. So I can't avoid to mention my favourites from this decade (even if almost noone is going to know them):
-I Saw the Devil (2010). A really great mix between the serial killer and the vigilante genre. A constant duel between the main character and the antagonist, where the leading would be in constant change. A really amazing and brutal movie, that sadly had two little big details, keys to the development of the movie, that I didn't like. Really raw movie, just like koreans know to do their cinema.
-The Man from Nowhere (2010): A movie with a pretty cliche start, but that went developed to the korean way. An action/thriller movie with a lot of dark scenes, great action sequences, and some charming moments between the main characters :3.
-Snowpiercer (2013): A collaboration between USA and South Korea... Great Dystopian thriller, where I liked a lot the "world" created there and the way they showed it. Not a fan of the ending though.
-New World (2013): This is like a korean version of Infernal Affairs (the chinese movie). A thriller about gangsters, police investigation, infiltrates and all that stuff that I love. Even if I say that it seems another version of an already existing movie, I liked this even more... The characters, the development, and that outstanding ending... Magnificent. It is actually one of my favorite movies (I should have mentioned it earlier xD).
I am actually a fan of Nordic cinema too, so I will mention my favorites from the decade too :D.
-Department Q saga: 4 movies up to now (2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018). Every movie came is a different case... Old cases that were not solved previously, and our main characters try to find the culprit. Some of them have a lot of controversial material (like religion, corruption and old "common" practices). Anyway, great stuff.
I will stay with just that... Because I have an almost equal liking for all the rest, so I wouldn't stop naming if I add something more xD.
Spanish thriller movies like La Isla Mínima (2014), El Reino (2018), Que Dios Nos Perdone (2016) and Contratiempo (2016) were a great contribution for the cinema of that country (I have been watching a lot recently).
Aterrados (2017) and El Otro Hermano (2017) were two great movies from Argentina, but they are not too well considered internationally :(.
Some Special mentions of great movies that I think stood out between the most of the movies of this decade (I should have dedicated more words for them, but I already wrote too much):
-Sicario (2015).
-The Revenant (2015).
-Seven Psychopaths (2012).
-Hardcore Henry (2015): Really entertaining action flick.
-Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017).
-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011): I prefer the original, but that one is from the previous decade, so I stay with this one here :D.
I probably forgot a couple of movies (for example, chinese movies... I liked them a lot too), but I think this is a pretty good list of what I consider great movies from the decade.
There are also a lot of movies that I would proably add here, but I haven't watched them yet, like Hereditary, The House that Jack Built, Blade Runner 2049 and probably a couple more, so... sorry about that :(. If you read this testament and think about something that I could have missed (or think in some recommendation) I would appreciate the comment :D.
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Nice. Actually, The Witch was also the first thing that came to my head when I read the title of this thread, I had to see my movie list again to check the others xD.
Agree, the kids and every performance are great. And that... grey looking ambient is awesome for the atmosphere.
I still gotta watch The Lighthouse (same director as The Witch), but Idk if I would do it soon enough to post it here :(.
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Wow really solid list, I really enjoyed all these movies as well. VVitch with the amazing creepy atmosphere (spoiler when the damn goat started to talk I was out of my mind), The Raid was a masterpiece of martial arts movies with brutal close up action (and while the sequel was way less focused, it pulled off goofiness really well), John Wick...... yeah (haven't seen 3rd yet), Prisoners is amazing like every other Denis Villeneuve and I can still have goosebumps over the lack of human empathy showcased in Nightcrawler.
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The Witch has a lot of really great horror scenes. To mention some of them, I liked too the last breath of the boy (with the prayer) and the crow/baby hallucination.
And The Raid 2 added some pretty awesome gangster material to that action.
Yeah, I know about John Wick xD. It is still too far away from my favorite movies, but it is way too better than the average action occidental movie (since Terminator 2 I wouldn't like one, I think). It reminded me a lot to the chinese action cinema with some of the hollywood cliches (I haven't watched the 3rd either).
Yes, Sicario is amazing too (I was going to mention it in my second list xD). Not a big fan of The Arrival nor Enemy, and I haven't watched the new Blade Runner... Because I haven't seen the first one (sorry about that... it is one of my eternal plan to watch).
Yeah, the main character in Nightcrawler was so amazingly interpreted...
Btw, like I mentioned, I plan to add more movies to my list. Should I edit my original message, reply to my original message or create a new one with these movies?
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Depends on you, I will check later on if you just edit 8)
BTW, if you enjoyed Sicario, I would recommend other works related to writer Taylor Sheridan as well!! (especially Hell or High Water and Wind River). And yeah seeing the original Blade Runner makes the sequel a better experience, so go in order if possible.
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I have watched those two movies. They are both good, but I didn't find them too good. Wind River probably because of the main actor (I just can't like the acting roles of Jeremy Renner) and Hell or High Water... Maybe I am just not a big fan of Heist films.
I will edit later or tomorrow then :D.
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After the edits: Wow I've seen and liked a lot of these, and most of the ones I havent are already on watchlist, so thanks for recommendations!:))) For the record: winter soldier is my favorite of all the avenger movies as well.
On spanish movies, in case you missed it for some reason, El cuerpo is amazing..
Nordic, I have not yet started the department Q movies, but I had the first one on my list forever now:P I would just name Force Majeure which I haven't seen mentioned in this thread, truly fascinating.
Aterrados I just recommended too to ChrisKutcher haha, small world. El Otro Hermano I didn't know about until now.
ON your special mentions: if you liked brawl in cell block I would recommend the other Craig Zahler movies as well, especially Dragged Across Concrete which even shares some of the cast.
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Wow, nice to see a guy with similar taste over here.
I watched El Cuerpo. Great movie for me too, but I prefer Contratiempo (same director, if I remember well), because of some details I didn't like or found pretty obvious on the first mentioned (probably because I watched Contratiempo first, so I could somehow understand the way the director would proceed).
I have watched a lot of nordic movies, but, even if I have liked most of them, there is still a spot available for "a best" or "a favourite". Meanwhile, that saga has been the one I have liked the most.
I had a tough time searching for that Force Majeure, because of the french movie of the same name. I will point the title, but I don't know if it is my type of movie (where I found it, it says that it is a family drama... not a good relationship with that genre xD).
For some reason Aterrados hasn't had a really good reception on internet (watching sites with scores), so I didn't watch it with too much expectation, but it really surprised me. I can't believe it didn't have a major impact (I mean, it is not The Witch, but for me it was better than The Conjuring).
El Otro Hermano almost seems like a nordic movie (for the plot and the rhythm). Something similar to Brawl in Cell Block 99, but avoiding the racial side.
I actually didn't like Dragged Across Concrete. It was the disappointment from last year for me. You could say that is pretty similar to his other stuff (slow cooked thriller movies), but this exceed the boredom for me. I had to check the time sometimes xD.
Taking the chance of this chat, I will mention two other movies to you, considering what you have told. Maybe you will like them (but I think you have seen them already).
Blue Ruin (2013) and Green Room (2015). Both of the same director (Jeremy Saulnier). Two "short" thriller movies (1 hour and a half) with a pretty realistic and not so hurry development (I don't know how to explain it xD). They are not as great as to call them part of the best of the decade (they are pretty good tho), but it is clearly a director to take in account for future releases. Sadly, his later movie wasn't too successfull (Hold in the Dark), but I still haven't seen that one.
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Just to make sure, I was talking about this one seems like you found it, don't discard it on the family drama tagline (though it is not untrue either hehe, hard to describe it that way). I know the director's next movie (The Square) got even more recognition (and a Palme d'Or), but would actually rank this higher.
Thanks fro the further recommendations, already seen them both (saw Green Room and the naturalistic violence really surprised me... I've seen the Zahler stuff later, somewhat rarity in movies these days), but was holding back on Hold in the Dark as well due to the bad reviews...
Oh and while we are at the topic of lesser known but interesting movies Lords of Chaos was a british / nordic co-production based on real events of a Norwegian black metal band, some heavy stuff in it.
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I liked a little more the realistic vigilante action that took place on Blue Ruin. Because the main character wasn't a well trained person, so he had to think pretty much the way to proceed. And even then, not everything went like he wanted (still... kinda succeeded). Still, they are both pretty brutal, but I am not a fan of Green Room's ending (probably you already noticed that endings are my main problem xD).
Oh, yeah, I know Lord of Chaos. And know the actual story too (Black metal listener here xD). So... at first was kinda interested on that, but the trailer just put me off. Even if was that well known story, it seemed to have some hollywood teenagers cliches that I despise so much. I will keep that in mind tho... Maybe some day.
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I avoid trailers most of the time too, but I already knew the story behind, so... why not?
Well, I could give it a chance someday :).
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Oh, I forgot to mention The Yellow Sea (2010), because I thought it was from 2009. Awesome and brutal korean thriller.
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Very nice list. Dredd is really cool despite the rumour that the original idea was taken from asian film The raid. Can't confirm that but Dredd is way better.
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Can't call it my personal top five or best movies I ever seen. Just list of movies from this decade, which I enjoyed.
Not like I wach a lot of movies anyway..
The Cabin in the Woods. - An intersting look on the horror genre.
Inception. - Nolan's latest film, which I really liked.
What We Do in the Shadows. - Just best and funniest vampire movie.
The House That Jack Built. - Lars von Trier is great. As always.
Gisaengchung. - Korean movies are really good this century.
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Great list thanks a lot! In the slim chance that you missed it (you probably didn't) there is a show on FX based on What we do in the shadows movie (same title), which is also really good (maybe a slow start in the first episode but as it goes on I believe it reached the same heights as the movie)
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I'll be honest - to me, this is a very difficult question - I've seen tons of movies (metric tons) and so few, if any, have remained until now as something worthy of being remembered or recommended. I mostly enjoy comedies and action/thriller movies, sometimes I can also enjoy a good horror, though they're not my favorites. Reading the posts above mine I do remember seeing some of those movies, but they are not ones I would put on my list. So, here you go, my most memorable movies of the decade, in no particular order:
As Above So Below (2014)
The Conspiracy (2012)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Get Out (2017)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
As you can see most of them are in the first half of the decade - I feel like there's a real lack of ideas recently, that fewer and fewer movies are good - whether that is because of mass production or as mentioned above, lack of ideas, or both, I can't say - but I do feel like that.
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I never heared about the first two horror movies you recommended, but I will most definitely watch them, thanks!
Based on your other recommendations I would suggest to look at the list of PossiblePsycho for some titles you might enjoy (also european and asian cinema!).
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Thanks for the recommendation, some of those I've seen, and some I've yet to see (though most are on my to-watch list). I hope you enjoy the ones you haven't seen before! :)
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Considering the movies of the last 9 years (since this decade started in 2011 :P), I think my favorite movies of the decade are probably released in 2020. I hope so anyway because so far, meh.
And no I'm not counting Inception and Scott Pilgrim cause... see paragraph 1.
But ok, sure, I entered some GAs so I'll play. From 2011 to 2019, 5 top picks off the top of my head in no particular order
Baby Driver
Sound of my Voice
The Book Thief
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
And from 2010
Scott Pilgrim
Four Lions
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Thanks for playing:P
Interesting that IMDb showed Triangle as top suggestion on the page of Coherence as I wanted to say how much those two movies were alike in my opinion anyhow (though that is a 2009 one), in case you missed it, I'd recommend:)
Also Four Lions is a rollercoaster of emotions.
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I watched Triangle after Coherence but I must say I found it more predictable and less profound in its implications whereas Coherence kept me guessing and scratching my head throughout the whole ride. Still, two underrated movies, who manage to do on a super low budget what a lot of movies fail to do on hundreds of millions of dollars.
Also Four Lions is a rollercoaster of emotions.
I was so apprehensive about that movie that I put off watching it for years after many many friends recommended it. It just felt like a train wreck waiting to happen, considering the topic. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. It's rare to see a comedy hit the nail on the head so hard while managing to make quite a few points on such an important and unfunny topic.
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The movie may not be a masterpiece in the artistic sense, but Avengers: Endgame has to be top of my list.
The culmination of a 22-movie journey that gave a satisfying conclusion to a lot of character arcs without feeling forced or unoriginal.
I think the sheer ambition of the movie and the fact that they pulled it off makes it an accomplishment in itself.
Went to see it 7 in theatres during the first two weeks just to live the experience of being with people seeing it for the first time.
The emotional response to that movie was insane. It's crazy how invested we can be in those fictional characters and their stories.
Otherwise I'd mention Spiderman - Into the Spiderverse because it really played with the medium of animation in ways we almost never see big-budget action flicks do. Plus the visuals, soundtrack, voice acting, story and characters were really great overall.
I would venture to say that Wreck-It Ralph, Lego Movie and Spiderverse all have redefined the genre of animation and medium self-awareness.
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I see what you mean on Avengers though I felt it was a bit muddy, especially after Infinity War which I think was overall better experience to watch, overall it was a nice (and not messed up) end to the era of comic movies, lets see what is next!
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Well technically speaking there can pretty much be as many versions of the characters as there are comic series, so I wouldn't say that the MCU needs to stay faithful to the written/drawn material per se. Only a movie like Spiderverse can really touch all those threads (pun intended).
For instance Thanos in the comics had much more simplistic motivations (pleasing Death) to his world "halfening" plan, and Miles Morales was not a fan favorite character before Spiderverse.
Things can always be done better (like Vulture's Homecoming costume) or worse (The Mandarin in Iron Man 3) but it's precisely what makes the MCU feel fresh. We are not watching a story that we've entirely seen before.
I personally think the Russos (and the other directors) have crafted, from Winter Soldier to Endgame, a quite cohesive storyline that respected the core aspects of the characters as we learned about and loved them through the MCU.
Had this whole storyline (and I mean the whole 22 movies) been word-for-word in the comics before as a series and just been basically remade as a movie series, do you think the same criticism would have applied to that comics series (like the general disdain for Hydra Cap in "What If?"), or might it have gotten a pass from the readers?
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O'migosh... YES!!! I was racking my brain trying to remember this amazing, yet sadly underrated movie's title as I was posting! (Dummy me didn't think of looking up the actress on IMDB and just noticed she co-wrote both films alongside their directors.) Thank you so much... and here's some 💙 for ya!
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I know, right? Such a blow when Netflix did that, especially after such an amazing season 2. And they publicized it so little, it was the best kept secret on streaming tv lol but they were expecting it to win awards anyway I guess?
I'm still glad we had it and I look forward to seeing what Marling and Batmanglij do next but I really would have liked another season.
Netflix keeps picking shows in the trash of others, but who's to pick up their shows when they give them the axe?
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91 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by pivotalHarry
144 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by Reidor
1,325 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by FranckCastle
27 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by doomofdoom
931 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by InSpec
105 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by DaveFerret
1,129 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Formidolosus
85 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by jams1
405 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by zeleX7
2,911 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by CultofPersonalitea
205 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by AceBerg42
14 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Masafor
249 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by lav29
462 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by lav29
It is time for yet another obligatory (?) birthday train, this year I hide it in a movie discussion thread, let's see where it gets me.
As we are closing down the 2010s, I am interested in what the members of SG think were the best movies coming out of this decade, be it highest overall impact, or your guilty pleasures, or anything inbetween. If you have the time to create a list of 5 (be it a short list or a few words for each), it would be much appreciated=)
Did I mention a train? Oh so I want to get your responses without offering up anything as sacrafice to the elder gods? Fear not, the station starts right here (SG tools protected for some basic stuff, all train carts have a minimum requirement of LVL2)
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